Spring cloud data flow server cloud foundry config server - cloud-foundry

I deployed spring cloud data flow server cloud foundry to PCF (with cf push SPRING_CLOUD_DATA_FLOW_SERVER_CLOUD_FOUNDRY JAR).When i run it it try to connect to http://localhost:8888 as a config server.
I'm using my own config sever and in manifest file i'am using services: config-service (as a user provided service).But even with this config it will try to connect http://localhost:8888.
This is my manifest file:

It is most likely that you haven't bound your Config server service config-service to the SCDF cf server. You can either edit your SCDF server manifest YAML to add config-service into services or do the binding explicitly as cf bind-service <scdf-cf-server> <config-service>.


Is it worth moving from Spring Config Server with Git to AWS parameter Store?

We are planning to move some springboot (2.1.3) apps to AWS ECS. Currently we are setting application properties in a github repo and serving them through a Spring Cloud Config Server. All of these services are running on premises. I was wondering if we should stick to the cloud config server and the github repo as the back or maybe move to something else, like AWS parameter store.

AzureDevOps Pipeline fails on creating database in Djano test

I have been trying to build an Azure DevOps Pipeline for CI/CD for my Django project. The code is being pulled from a github repo (and is actually deployed already on Azure app service). However, when I run the test on the Pipeline I get the following error when it runs python manage.py test:
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
pyodbc.OperationalError: ('HYT00', '[HYT00] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server]Login timeout expired (0) (SQLDriverConnect)')
##[error]Bash exited with code '1'.
I tried extensively to whitelist Azure DevOps but the error has persisted. How can I resolve this so that the Pipeline can run tests for CI/CD?
Which agent are you using? Hosted agent or self-hosted agent?
If you are using hosted agent, since we are running the code in the pipeline via hosted agent, we should add hosted agent IP addresses to the whitelist instead of Azure DevOps Services IPs. The whitelist Azure DevOps you used is Azure DevOps Service IP. About hosted agent IP, we publish a weekly JSON file listing IP ranges for Azure data centers, broken out by region. To obtain the complete list of possible IP ranges for your agent, you must use the IP ranges from all of the regions that are contained in your geography.
If you are using self-hosted agent. Please check your local agent server IP and then add it.

WSO2 WSB restart service background data is refreshed,How to modify?

Every time the esb service is restarted, the logs previously running are refreshed. How do you keep the history?thank you
When we deploy the ESB in a VM it will not clear the wso2carbon logs with a server restart. Could you please elaborate on the server deployment. If you are using a container-based deployment you will need to mount the logs to an external directory to avoid this.

Is there a way to use a PCF spring cloud config server from a client outside the PCF?

We have a few spring-boot micro-services running on PCF for which we have the PCF cloud config server for serving the configurations for various profile/environments. These micro-services are bound to the config server and all are managed by the PCF infrastructure. We have a few services running on Virtual Machines which are not managed by PCF. Is it possible to serve the resources from the same PCF config server to the services running on the VM which is not managed by PCF?
Atlast, this is what I had to do to connect an external service from VM to connect to the PCF managed Config Server.
When the profile property was not set to 'dev' in the bootstrap.yml, the profile was set to 'default' which triggered a login prompt even though I had a relaxed security config in place. I still don't know if this is a best practice. But, once I set the profile property as 'dev', I was able to consume the resouces seamlessly.

Spring Cloud Config Server requires restart on AWS

I am running a spring cloud config server through AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Everything seems to work fine, but after some time (around 2 weeks) I encounter problems accessing the configurations. I get the error
Loading configuration failed
without further details on the "Whitelabel error" page of spring boot (when accessing the configuration through the browser; access through client just times out).
When I restart the config server instance on Elastic Beanstalk I can access the configuration normally again (no repository/code changes, just restart).
I suppose this is not expected behavior - I don't believe there is a "timeout" on the config server after which a restart is required.
Could it have something to do with AWS?