How to remove null rows from MDX query results - powerbi

How can I remove the null row from my MDX query results?
Here is the query I'm currently working with
non empty
[Measures].[Average Trips Per Day]
,[Measures].[Calories Burned]
,[Measures].[Carbon Offset]
,[Measures].[Median Distance]
,[Measures].[Median Duration]
,[Measures].[Rider Trips]
,[Measures].[Rides Per Bike Per Day]
,[Measures].[Total Distance]
,[Measures].[Total Riders]
,[Measures].[Total Trip Duration in Minutes]
,[Measures].[Total Members]
} on columns
non empty
[Promotion].[Promotion Code Name].children
} on rows
from [BCycle]
where ([Program].[Program Name].&[Madison B-cycle])

This is not a null value however it is one of the children of [Promotion].[Promotion Code Name].Children.
You can exclude that particular value from children using the EXCEPT keyword of MDx.
Example query:
//This query shows the number of orders for all products,
//with the exception of Components, which are not
[Date].[Month of Year].Children ON COLUMNS,
([Product].[Product Categories].[All].Children ,
{[Product].[Product Categories].[Components]}
[Adventure Works]
([Measures].[Order Quantity])
Reference ->


Power Bi Compare two tables and get values that do not matched criteria

i have 2 tables and, i would like to check if table 1 (Type_Sorting) == (CCSClassCode_Type) is matched with table 2 (_Type Sorting) == (_CCS Class Type):
for example, you can see vi got the wrong value in table 1 (CCSClassCode_Type)
and, the right value is XLBas you can see in table 2 (_CCS Class Type) not ULM,
the idea of table 2 to check if people type the right values, Please not that table 2 (_CCS Class Type) have duplicate values
thank you in advance :)
You can calculate this like that:
Table 2 =
Var trt =
, COMBINEVALUES(",",Table_2[_CCS Class Type],Table_2[_Type Sorting]))
, Table_1[CCSClassCode_Type]
, Table_1[Type_Sorting]
, FILTER(ALL(Table_1[CCSClassCode_Type],Table_1[Type_Sorting]), not( COMBINEVALUES(",",Table_1[CCSClassCode_Type],Table_1[Type_Sorting])
in trt )

Return top value ordered by another column

Suppose I have a table as follows:
TableA =
"Year", INTEGER,
"Group", STRING,
"Value", DOUBLE,
{ 2015, "A", 2 },
{ 2015, "B", 8 },
{ 2016, "A", 9 },
{ 2016, "B", 3 },
{ 2016, "C", 7 },
{ 2017, "B", 5 },
{ 2018, "B", 6 },
{ 2018, "D", 7 }
I want a measure that returns the top Group based on its Value that work inside or outside a Year filter context. That is, it can be used in a matrix visual like this (including the Total row):
It's not hard to find the maximal value using DAX:
MaxValue = MAX(TableA[Value])
MaxValue = MAXX(TableA, TableA[Value])
But what is the best way to look up the Group that corresponds to that value?
I've tried this:
Top Group = LOOKUPVALUE(TableA[Group],
TableA[Year], MAX(TableA[Year]),
TableA[Value], MAX(TableA[Value]))
However, this doesn't work for the Total row and I'd rather not have to use the Year in the measure if possible (there are likely other columns to worry about in a real scenario).
Note: I am providing a couple solutions in the answers below, but I'd love to see any other approaches as well.
Ideally, it would be nice if there were an extra argument in the MAXX function that would specify which column to return after finding the maximum, much like the MAXIFS Excel function has.
Another way to do this is through the use of the TOPN function.
The TOPN function returns entire row(s) instead of a single value. For example, the code
TOPN(1, TableA, TableA[Value])
returns the top 1 row of TableA ordered by TableA[Value]. The Group value associated with that top Value is in the row, but we need to be able to access it. There are a couple of possibilities.
Top Group = MAXX(TOPN(1, TableA, TableA[Value]), TableA[Group])
This finds the maximum Group from the TOPN table in the first argument. (There is only one Group value, but this allows us to covert a table into a single value.)
Top Group = SELECTCOLUMNS(TOPN(1, TableA, TableA[Value]), "Group", TableA[Group])
This function usually returns a table (with the columns that are specified), but in this case, it is a table with a single row and a single column, which means the DAX interprets it as just a regular value.
One way to do this is to store the maximum value and use that as a filter condition.
For example,
Top Group =
VAR MaxValue = MAX(TableA[Value])
RETURN MAXX(FILTER(TableA, TableA[Value] = MaxValue), TableA[Group])
or similarly,
Top Group =
VAR MaxValue = MAX(TableA[Value])
RETURN CALCULATE(MAX(TableA[Group]), TableA[Value] = MaxValue)
If there are multiple groups with the same maximum value the measures above will pick the first one alphabetically. If there are multiple and you want to show all of them, you could use a concatenate iterator function:
Top Group =
VAR MaxValue = MAX(TableA[Value])
TableA[Value] = MaxValue
", "
If you changed the 9 in TableA to an 8, this last measure would return A, B rather than A.

Access the previous record to compare the value in DAX POWER BI

I need to access the previous record of the DTH_REFER_PEDID column to make the IF comparison (DTH_REFER_PEDID-1 <> "A").
That is, I'm reading the index X, I need to compare with the index X-1
Addition_Stats = VAR Atendido_OV = PR_HIST_MOVIM_PEDID[OVITEM_Hist]
&& linha_anterior2 <>"A"
The error displayed is: A circular dependency has been detected: PR_HIST_MOVIM_PEDID [Addition_Stats].
How do I compare DTH_REFER_PEDID-1 <> "A"?
An easy way to work with previous or next records is:
Make sure your data is in a table with a primary key (=ID)
Make a query with all the fields as in your table and add one colum with ID+1. (or ID-1)
Make another query with the table and the query mentioned above and make a join between ID and ID+1 (or ID-1). Place all the fields of the table and the 1st query and you end up with all the values in 1 record. This way you can work with the previous or next values.

What GROUPBY aggregator can I use to test if grouped values are equal to a constant?

Situation: I have table Bob where each row has a bunch of columns, including a Result, SessionID1, SessionID2.
Goal: I want to GroupBy SessionID1 and SessionID2 and see if any Results in the group are 0; I expect multiple rows to have the same ID1 and ID2 values. I then want to divide the count of groups with 0 results / the count of all groups.
Questions: I think I want something like:
"Has at least 1 success",
But what aggregator can I use for ??? to get a boolean indicating if any result in the group equals 0?
Also, if I want a count of groups with successes, do I just wrap the GROUPBY in a COUNT?
Consider this sample table:
You can try the following DAX to create a new summary table:
Summary = GROUPBY(Bob, Bob[SessionID1], Bob[SessionID2],
"Number of rows", COUNTX(CURRENTGROUP(), Bob[Result]),
"Number of successes", SUMX(CURRENTGROUP(), IF(Bob[Result] = 0, 1, 0)))
Then you can add a calculated column for the success ratio:
Success ratio = Summary[Number of successes] / Summary[Number of rows]
If what you want to calculate is something like Any success, then SUMMARIZE may be a better option to use than GROUPBY due to their function nature.
Summary2 = SUMMARIZE(Bob, Bob[SessionID1], Bob[SessionID2],
"Any success", IF(COUNTROWS(FILTER(Bob, Bob[Result] = 0)) > 0, 1, 0),
"Number of rows", COUNTROWS(Bob))

Doctrine2 Limit the rows to sum in a query

I have a query that return a sum, but I want to limit the number of rows to query, but is not working.
This is my query:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('result')
->select('SUM(result.generalPoints) AS generalPoints, SUM(result.coefficient) AS coefficient')
->join('result.inscription', 'inscription', Join::WITH, 'inscription.user = :user')
->join('inscription.race', 'race')
->join('inscription.category', 'category', Join::WITH, 'category.generalRanking = true')
->join('race.event', 'event')
->join('event.competitionSeason', 'competitionSeason', Join::WITH, 'competitionSeason = :competitionSeason')
->orderBy('generalPoints', 'DESC')
->addOrderBy('coefficient', 'DESC')
->setParameter('competitionSeason', $competitionSeason)
->setParameter('user', $user);
if (isset($limit)) {
return $qb->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult();
Some idea ?
As sum is an aggregation function its result is one row, the limit statement is applied afterwards. You need create subquery producing multiple rows with generalPoints and coefficient, limit number of rows in this subquery and use the aggregation function in the wrapping query.