VS2017 message: publishing to the selected azure virtual machine has not been enabled - visual-studio-2017

I am looking for help on how to resolve the following informational message when creating a publish profile in visual studio 2017: "publishing to the selected azure virtual machine has not been enabled".
I'm trying to set up a new publish profile for my production server. I have already successfully set one up for my development server. Both servers are Azure VMs. They use different network security groups.
I get this message when selecting New Profile->Azure Virtual Machines (click browse), selecting my production server and clicking OK.
VS2017 Production Azure VM Selected
I have already triple checked my firewall settings on both the VMs and Azure Portal. I don't think these are the cause though because I do not get this message when I choose my db server which doesn't even have IIS set up. My db and production server share an Azure network security resource group.
I'm using VS Community 2017 15.9.2 with an Azure VM and WebDeploy 3.5
C:\inetpub\logs\wmsvc has no logs on my production server but DOES have logs on my development server which makes sense since it's working there.
I tried the "Import Profile" button which seemed promising but get the following message when I click the, "Validate Connection" button:
"Could not connect to the remote computer......ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE".
I've tried the following references:

The issue was that the production server is behind a load balancer. The request to port 8172 was stopped there. The solution was to add an inbound NAT rule (LoadBalancer - Inbound NAT rules) so that any attempt at the load balancer IP on 8172 gets forwarded to the production server.


Not able to connect to bolt in Neo4j through browser (deployed on AWS EC2)

I am not able to connect to Database through bolt in Neo4j browser when opening my domain on HTTPS. We are using Neo4j Enterprise version 4.4.4 and its deployed on AWS EC2. All the ports are opened in Security Group ( 7474, 7473, 7687, 22).
SSL has been applied through ACM and that is attached with Application Load Balancer.
Below is the error-
ServiceUnavailable: WebSocket connection failure. Due to security constraints in your web browser, the reason for the failure is not available to this Neo4j Driver. Please use your browsers development console to determine the root cause of the failure. Common reasons include the database being unavailable, using the wrong connection URL or temporary network problems. If you have enabled encryption, ensure your browser is configured to trust the certificate Neo4j is configured to use.
Use "bolt+s://" or "neo4j+s://" for the connection
The '+s' variants of URI schemes for encrypted sessions with full certificates
Refer to the Neo4j Driver manual for more details on the connection URI.
I had the same issue after deploying to EC2 using an AWS image (not from neo4j) to install neo4j community edition.
In my case, the neo4j browser was initially using this "Connect URL": neo4j://, which the browser then automatically changed to bolt:// After that, I saw the same error message that you did.
If you experience that scenario, you need to change the portion of the URL to the appropriate public IP address or public DNS hostname for your EC2 instance.

IIS 10 server hosted on AWS will not serve aspx

Have an app that has been running for years using on-premise and virtual systems. It's an ASP.NET application. Stood up a VM on AWS running server 2019 configured identical to another VM running on different provider. The instance of IIS running on AWS VM will not serve up the site. The non AWS server was running server 2016 so i created a new VM on AWS using server 2016. Get the same identical problem.
If i load a dummy html page (typical hello world) the page comes up fine, so i know it's not a DNS issue or anything like that.
when I looked at the logs in IIS i see a 302 status code. for the life of me I can't figure out why this thing won't serve up the site. I check all the extensibility, etc. I have configured the IIS on both systems identically. AWS says it's an IIS issue. How is that possible if it is configured exactly the same?
If it was an application issue wouldn't we see a 500 error?
Looking for any ideas.
thanks.. FYI this is critical at this point. Trying to migrate a customer on AWS.
Turns out that AWS has https turned off by default, so you have to add a rule to the lightsail firewall to allow https traffic to get through. who would have thunk it?

VPN connection to Amazon RDS with openvpn suddenly fails

I set AWS Client VPN Endpoint, and downloaded opvn file, configured it to refer to cert/key files and connected to AWS RDS.
It used to success connecting yesterday, but today, after re-installing ESET security app
It shows the following error when I trying connecting with MySQL client app:
ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'myrds.something.ap-northeast-1.rds.amazonaws.com' (0)
I am not sure how to detect the cause of the error. If I configured RDS settings to pubilc, the error above not shown and just waiting for minutes...
(maybe I guess some DNS settings overriden by ESET? )
You can easily debug the problem:
AWS Client VPN Endpoint, You can see the active connection. See if you are connected to it or not.
Do you restarted or reinstall RDS also, Because it will change the URL to connect.
Is username/password of DB is changed.
If RDS is in public setting you don't even need a VPN connection.
Also as suggested above check VPN to RDS VPC Route.
here are some troubleshooting steps.
When you connect your VPN:
Check if it's pushing the DNS server address via DHCP configuration
Check if new routes are added to your route table. you can do "route print" in the windows command line
Hope this helps.

Windows 2012 R2 RDS Black Blank Screen on login by admin or users in GCP

I am a Windows Sysadmin running a set of Windows 2012 R2 servers on GCP that were deployed via Itopia which is a Google Cloud partner that orchestrates the deployment of Windows 2012 R2 servers on Google cloud for the sole purpose of running IAAS Windows RDS servers on GCP.
Sporadically when users or myself (domain admin) logs into the RDS session host the login appears as normal and seems to pass user login stage but then the desktop experience shows up as a blank black screen with no start menu or explorer as you would normally see logging into a windows desktop experience on RDS.
Has anyone else experienced this issue on Windows RDS or Windows RDS on GCP? I know that GCP does not install display adapters into their servers so it is impossible to get to a graphical UI as an administrator to see what is going on with this server.
I'm not very familiar with the Google Cloud Shell but I understand there might be some commands there to check on services or other parts of the O/S health.
In my case I believe it is a RDS service that is failing and needs to be restarted but is stuck for some reason. With the lack of a console it is difficult to troubleshoot.
Any suggestion on how to best tackle this?
You might have install the Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Core instead of the Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter one. the difference between these, there is no desktop in Server Core, by design. you can review the windows document for more details.
Also posting as answer as I don't have rep, sorry.
GCP vms do have a console you can access, will be CLI only but very handy for trouble shooting. From the instances page, click edit, right below the remote access options check "Enable connecting to serial ports" and then save. Then you should have the option to Connect to serial console at the top under Remote access. for windows I believe it's serial port 2. When you connect you'll enter "CMD" enter, then shift+esc, then enter, and you'll be prompted for your creds. no delete/backspace so type it in correctly or start over. Once authenticated you should be at the Windows CLI prompt

Bitnami Parse Server install is incomplete on Amazon Web services

I've launched a new EC2 instance, Parse Server powered by Bitnami (HVM)
After installation, The "Analytics" and "App Settings" are missing.
Also, there is no login screen. Anyone who has the IP address can just access the console and change everything.
What have I done wrong? It is a new App, so I don't have the need to migrate an old Parse DB.
You have 2 options here.
Either setup a server side password protection from apache side check this guide. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-password-authentication-with-apache-on-ubuntu-14-04
Second option is in security group for your EC2 instance for just set this below rule so only you can check the dashboard from your local machine with your IP address also make sure HTTP is not having a rule in the security group.
For setting Analytics and App Setting check this guide https://wiki.bitnami.com/Applications/Bitnami_Parse_Server