CMake: Platform independent binary stripping for release builds - c++

How can you add binary stripping to CMake for gcc and clang as a post-processing step but only in release builds? MSVC strips by default so it does not have to be handled.
One of the problems is that clang does not have a -s compilation flag but gcc does so doing it this way does not work.
Another idea is to use the strip command. The -s switch again exists on Linux but not on XCode (this is Apple's development toolchain).
So the final choice is to use the strip command without any arguments besides the binary itself which appears to be a decent generic solution. How can this be used in CMake?

In CMake add_custom_command can execute post build commands such as strip. The PROJECT_NAME variable is defined as your target binary e.g.
# Set the project name
set(PROJECT_NAME "MyProject")
Place the following code after add_executable of your CMakeLists.txt:
# Strip binary for release builds
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD
CMAKE_STRIP is the file path to the platform's strip utility (e.g. /usr/bin/strip on Linux). The $<$<CONFIG:cfg>:str> generator expression will expand to str when building the configuration cfg, and to an empty string otherwise. In this scenario, this directly means "call strip when building in Release, and do nothing otherwise". Note that the CONFIG generator is case insensitive on your build type, and will work when using multi-config generators.

While using add_custom_command, I was having issues with the COMMAND generator expression containing spaces. The ARGS option can be used while still toggling the inclusion of the custom command through a generator expression for the COMMAND option:
ARGS --strip-all $<TARGET_FILE:${TARGET}>
This results in strip --strip-all myapp being called when config is release, but no command being called when it's not, despite the args being specified in a separate option.


Create CMake target that copies files/dirs but excludes some items

I am trying to generate a CMake target for a C++ project using add_custom_target that copies the contents of the directory in which the CMakeLists.txt resides into ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}, but excludes a given list of files.
While it looks like a quite easy task, I'm facing problems here. My attempts so far:
1) Generate a list of all files/dirs, remove the items to be excluded and use the CMake copy command:
file(GLOB files_to_copy LIST_DIRECTORIES TRUE *)
list(REMOVE_ITEM files_to_copy
# ...
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${files_to_copy} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}
Removing items this way works on a string comparison level, which could lead to problems when using symbolic links, for example
The copy command line tool apparently supports copying directories, however it doesn't seem to work on my machine, therefore directories do not get copied.
2) Use the file command to copy the files, excluding some files
PATTERN "file_to_exclude.txt" EXCLUDE
PATTERN "dir_to_exclude" EXCLUDE
This does exactly what I want, except that the command is not bound to a target and therefore is always executed. But I only need the copy operation to be a target.
Is there any possibility to bind the file(COPY ...) command to a target? Or any other straightforward solution to achieve what I want?
Please note that I only want to use CMake built-in tools and not execute any OS-specific shell commands (working on a cross-platform project).
CMake scripting commands work only in CMake context and are executed immediately.
But a COMMAND in add_custom_command (or add_custom_target) is executed in the context of a build tool (e.g. Makefile), not in CMake context.
However, you may put CMake scripting commands into separate CMake script, and call this script from the COMMAND. This solution has the same platform-independent properties as CMakeLists.txt itself.
You may parameterize separate script either:
With configure_file CMake command.
By passing -D parameters to CMake when call the script.
The first approach is quite simple: you write the script as would you write CMakeLists.txt itself. But it generates additional files for every parametrization set.
The second approach is useful for multi-purpose (or multi-usable) scripts, as it doesn't create additional copy of the script for every usage. But it requires some design of the parameters.
Using 'configure_file' (as if commands are written in CMakeLists.txt):
PATTERN "file_to_exclude.txt" EXCLUDE
PATTERN "dir_to_exclude" EXCLUDE
# Instantiate the parameterized script in the binary directory.
configure_file( copy_sources.cmake)
Using '-D' parameters
# Expect the script to be called from the source directory.
# This saves one parameter.
# DEST_DIR denotes the directory for copy to.
PATTERN "file_to_exclude.txt" EXCLUDE
PATTERN "dir_to_exclude" EXCLUDE
-DDEST_DIR=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} # all '-D' options should preceed '-P' one
-P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/copy_sources.cmake
WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} # The script assumes proper current directory

Cmake generator expressions

I'm trying for long time to understand the benefit of generator expressions such as $<xxx:yy> in CMake, when and how to use them.
Can anybody explain it clearly with some examples.
Many thank in advance
CMake does first parse the CMakeLists.txt files in your project - named "Configuration Phase" - and then it generates your build environment - named "Generation Phase".
So basically the generator expressions are for everything only the generator could know:
The name and path of target outputs (mainly when cross-compiling and in multi-configuration environments)
Or more generally any target property that the generator evaluates to mingle together the compiler/linker calls
Here are examples where I use generator expressions in my project:
Copying files next to the executable (in multi-configuration environments you can't just use variables like CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR)
TARGET library1
CMake post-build-event: copy compiled libraries
TARGET myBinary
how do I add external test files to a cmake project
Differentiate e.g. DEBUG or RELEASE configurations
For Cmake, can you modify the release/debug compiler flags with `add_compiler_flags()` command?
Modern way to set compiler flags in cross-platform cmake project
With the TARGET_PROPERTY generator expression you could do a lot of things e.g.
OUTPUT "includes.txt"
CMake doesn't pick up INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES of linked library

How to get current configuration (Release/Debug) in CMake for Visual Studio

I am on Visual Studio 2013, CMake 3.5.1, Windows 10. I am trying to copy some files via CMake like below:
Is it possible to replace "Release" with a variable that represents the configuration like:
I attempted
but CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is an empty string when I use message to print it out, I also attempted
but for some reason file command cannot decipher $<CONFIGURATION> whereas command like
add_custom_target(run COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/$<CONFIGURATION>/Test.exe)
can. What is the right way to extract whether visual studio is currently built in Release or Debug in CMake?
The file command is executed during CMake runtime, not during build time (i.e. VS runtime).
This also means, that the generator expressions (e.g. $<CONFIG>) can not be used, as these are evaluated during build time.
(Hint: As long as there is no explicit reference to the use of generator expressions for a particular command in the CMake docu, they are not supported by that command).
The reason, why ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} is empty, is due to the reason that you probably haven't specified it on the invocation of CMake:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
However, using that, would mean that the build files are only generated for the Debug configuration. That's obviously not what you want.
To solve your problem: Using generator expressions is the right way, as you've already figured out with the use of add_custom_target (or add_custom_command).
You can use custom commands as dependencies for other "real" targets and you can specify post-/pre-build and pre-link commands for a specific target via add_custom_command.
As the docu states for the COMMAND argument of add_custom_command:
Arguments to COMMAND may use generator expressions. References to target names in generator expressions imply target-level dependencies, but NOT file-level dependencies. List target names with the DEPENDS option to add file-level dependencies.
To copy a file after a successful build of a target:
add_custom_command(TARGET myTarget POST_BUILD
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${IMAGE1}" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/$<CONFIG>/"
COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${IMAGE2}" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/$<CONFIG>/"

Generator expressions cmake: copying works in debug but not release mode

I am trying to figure out how to copy some libs depending on the config in cmake.
I tried this:
add_custom_command(TARGET Myapp
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
It copies libs in Debug but not in release:
Is this supposed to be legal and should work?
If it is not legal (I do not get error), how can I achieve the same effect?
Turning my comments into an answer
What I normally do to debug those case is to add another COMMAND before the actual line in question that just echos the command line. In your case:
I've run this a few tests and you will see that the $<1:...> and $<0:...> expressions are not evaluated.
So seeing this I was searching CMake's bug tracker database and this is a known issue and yet (as for CMake 3.5.2) unresolved: 0009974: CMake should support custom commands that can vary by configuration.
There are several ways proposed in this ticket that do work with existing versions of CMake.
In your case - until this issue is resolved and if you want to have it shell independent - I would do it the "old way" and call a CMake script:
configure_file( CopyLibsByConfig.cmake #ONLY)
add_custom_command(TARGET MyApp
-P "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CopyLibsByConfig.cmake"
But the solution can very much depend on the files you want to copy to your binary output folder. And there are a lot of way doing it, like using install():
Obviously that's not the way install() is meant to be used, so consider using the INSTALL or PACKAGE targets properly to distribute your application and all its dependencies.
And if we are talking about Visual Studio runtime DLLs you most likely want to take a look at the InstallRequiredSystemLibraries CMake module.
Other solution is to use generator expression.
For example I have cppzmq (shared library) and cppzmq-static (static library with static dependencies). I would like to have faster debug builds so I use cppzmq in Debug build and in (other) e.g. release I want one big fat exec.
target_link_libraries(CommunicationCommonLib PUBLIC

Using compiler prefix command(s) with CMake (distcc, ccache)

There are utilities which use an existing compiler by adding a command as a prefix (so instead of calling cc -c file.c you could call distcc cc -c file.c).
When using CMake the compiler command can be changed, however I ran into problems trying to use distcc, though this would likely apply to any command prefix to the compiler (ccache too).
CMake expects the compiler to be an absolute path,so setting CMAKE_C_COMPILER to /usr/bin/distcc /usr/bin/cc, gives an error:
/usr/bin/distcc /usr/bin/cc
is not a full path to an existing compiler tool.
Setting the compiler to /usr/bin/distcc andCMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1 or CMAKE_C_FLAGS to begin with /usr/bin/cc works in some cases, but fails with CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES(checked if there was some way to support this, even prefixing CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS didn't work).
The only way I found to do this is to wrap the commands in a shell script.
exec /usr/bin/distcc /usr/bin/cc "$#"
While this works, It would be nice to be able to use compiler helpers with CMake, without having to go though shell scripts (giving some small overhead when the build system could just use a command prefix).
So my question is:
Can CMake use compiler prefix commands (such as distcc) directly?, without shell script wrappers?
Since CMake 3.4.0 there has been a CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER variable and corresponding target property <LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER. So if your project is C-only you would do something like:
cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache /path/to/source
CCACHE_PREFIX=distcc make -j`distcc -j`
If you have a C++ project, use -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache.
Or, make your CMakeLists.txt smart and use ccache automatically if it can be found:
# Enable ccache if not already enabled by symlink masquerading and if no other
# CMake compiler launchers are already defined
find_program(CCACHE_EXECUTABLE ccache)
foreach(LANG C CXX)
message(STATUS "Enabling ccache for ${LANG}")
Just as a hint: never use <LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER to cross compile. If <LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER is used together with distcc the absolute compiler path is sent to distcc and the host is not using the cross comping toolchain!
Instead you should use the old school method, just overwrite the compiler path:
export PATH=/usr/lib/distcc:$PATH
It took me hours to find out...