How do I fix opening terminal error with c++ ncurses - c++

I'm using CLion 2018.2.6 on MacOS. I'm trying to use ncurses but getting the error "Error opening terminal: unknown." I'm not sure how to fix this. Any help appreciated. Code below.
#include <iostream>
#include <ncurses.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
printw("Seems legit!");

The initscr manual page mentions this:
Unset TERM Variable
If the TERM variable is missing or empty, initscr uses the value "unknown", which normally corresponds to a terminal entry with the generic
(gn) capability. Generic entries are detected by setupterm (see
curs_terminfo(3x)) and cannot be used for full-screen operation. Other
implementations may handle a missing/empty TERM variable differently.
Also, depending on how your system is configured, ncurses may not even find the terminal database, e.g., if it is installed in a different location than the compiled-in default location. Like TERM, that can be fixed using the TERMINFO or TERMINFO_DIRS environments. As an additional complication, MacOS by default uses case-insensitive filesystems, and ncurses uses a different directory organization for that. The term(5) manual page mentions that:
A small number of terminal descriptions use uppercase characters in
their names. If the underlying filesystem ignores the difference
between uppercase and lowercase, ncurses represents the "first character" of the terminal name used as the intermediate level of a directory
tree in (two-character) hexadecimal form.

Check the path of terminfo folder in the application running system and the same path in your application like this,
Ex:- setenv("TERMINFO","/usr/share/terminfo", 1);
It working.


Why does my c++ program output garbled code

I use MinGW64 to compile c++ programs. But since I upgraded to Windows 10, I found my c program output Chinese will be garbled code.
I follow the online method, adding a code in the program header: SetConsoleOutputCP(65001);, then it fixes. but I think it's so troublesome to do this for each c++ program. What should I do?
I think this is my system's problem, the same code in Windows 7 is not a problem, I just want to find a more convenient solution instead of adding the same code to every file
There's the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "文本" ; //Output will be garbled code if there's no line above
return 0;
The console in most operating systems only expects ASCII character input. In order to show some other char set you have to specify that in your code. The SetConsoleOutputCP command sets the "code page" windows should read from. By the way not all versions of windows have the same code for this command.
Please refer to the documentation found here.
The documentation suggests using EnumSystemCodePages to make sure the code for that language exists on that system.
Your English is very good :)
I tested your code on my computer with Visual Studio 2019 and got the following
Warning C4566 character represented by universal-character-name '\u6587' cannot be represented in the current code page (1255)
even with the SetConsoleOutputCP command you added. I assume you need to have chines installed for this to work. The problem is that I don't have the relevant code page for the windows console to look in for the char set. see this answer and this answer.

System() function, and calling internet explorer from it, DevC++

I tried making a program that'd take website info, then feed it to system() to start website. I'm aware that characters like (\, ",') don't get fed to the output directly, so I used escape sequences.
I wrote this program, but the command prompt just refuses to go past C:\ path. But if I copy paste the command displayed by my program, internet explorer gets launched. But the case isn't so for my program. Can anybody tell me where is the error?
Here is my code:
using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"Please enter the website you wish to visit: ";
string website,web;
web= " " + web;
website = "\"%ProgramFiles%\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore\""+web;
return 0;
You are using an environment variable, %ProgramFiles%, in your system command-line; these are specific to the MS-DOS prompt environment, and generally not available in system implementations.
I suggest replacing that with the full path, such as \"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore\", and see if that works.
If that works, then your implementation doesn't implicitly replace environment variables the way a full Command Prompt does, so you will need to query the environment variable separately and construct the path before you run system. See getenv for one possible way (I'm not sure what mingw32 supports, so you may have other options as well).
If that doesn't remedy the problem, I suggest checking if you can launch something simpler, like notepad.exe, to verify that there is nothing interfering with launching an application in general, such as your environment path or permissions.
Pass it in double double quotes:
website = "\"\"%ProgramFiles%\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore\"\""+web;
The system("something") call actually runs the command interpreter cmd in a way similar (but probably not identical) to cmd /c something. This has implications when there are spaces in the command name, see e.g this. I cannot tell exactly why single double quotes work when there's no environment variable involved, and do not work otherwise, but the fact is, double double quotes do work.
If you want to launch the user's preferred browser, consider calling
system("start http://" + websitename);
Get that environment variable value first.
#include <iostream>
#include <ShlObj.h>
int main() {
char pathToPf[MAX_PATH];
if (S_OK == SHGetFolderPathA(NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES, NULL, 0, pathToPf))
std::cout << pathToPf << std::endl;
return 0;
See SHGetFolderPath documentation...
Note that I was lazy and using the ASCII version of this function. Use it without the A postfix and deal with the conversation ;)

How to get the window id of a window using c++ program in ubuntu?

I am using ubuntu. The command to get window id of a window by its name in terminal is
xdotool search --name "name of the window"
But i want to get the same using c++ program.
Sending Keystrokes to a X Window
I cannot compile myself and check, but I think this is the minimal code to search for a window by name.
#include <xdo.h>
Window *list;
xdo_search_t search;
unsigned int nwindows;
memset(&search, 0, sizeof(xdo_search_t));
search.max_depth = -1;
search.require = xdo_search::SEARCH_ANY;
search.searchmask |= SEARCH_NAME;
search.winname = "enter name here";
// the context
xdo_t* p_xdo = xdo_new(NULL);
int id = xdo_window_search(p_xdo, &search, &list, &nwindows);
I've had the same proble for xdo_window_search. Check the function's name in xdo.h, because of changing names.
I've had the same problem with (xdo_window_search changed to xdo_search_windows as ewen said)
undefined reference to xdo_new'
undefined reference to xdo_search_windows'
it was fixed using in terminal
sudo apt-get install libxdo-dev
in addition to, in cpp file,
#include <xdotool-master/xdo.h>
in my particular case, was used for a qt application. For it, I've had to add the line below in .pro file too
LIBS += -lxdo
but the last variable 'id' always returns zero (0).
To get the window ID definitively, I used code in link below, using xdotool command too. In this case, the use should be carefully, because a program can generate more than one ID until fully open and the code runs faster than the ID is available to read. So a timer or a another strategy is necessary.
How do I execute a command and get the output of the command within C++ using POSIX?

Get proper case working directory?

To better familiarize myself with C++, I'm redoing an old college OS assignment: program your own shell. I'm using all sorts of Windows.h that I've never known existed. So far I've made good progress but I've noticed something about my cd implementation and my working directory I get back from getcwd.
My cd command does some error checking but ultimately it comes down to chdir(path). Say I'm at C:\ and there exists a folder FOLDER. If I use chdir("folder") then later when I call getcwd(dir, FILENAME_MAX) then I'll get the string C:\folder instead of the case correct string C:\FOLDER. How can I retrieve the working directory with every folder having the proper case?
Note: When I first start my shell and run my pwd command (that solely prints dir from my getcwd call), I get a path that is properly cased. As soon as I start changing the working directory then the casing always matches my strings instead of the actual folder casing.
I think the Windows command prompt just uses GetLongPathName, which returns the path with appropriate casing (however, it doesn't change the drive letter's casing).
If you want an uppercase drive letter, the GetShortPathName function returns the short path with the driver letter capitalized. You can then pass this short path to GetLongPathName, which will turn it into a properly cased long path, but this isn't what cmd does.
You can also use SHGetFileInfo, but it's not the easiest approach.
You can use the GetFullPathName API function to return the proper (case correct) path of the current directory, as in the following example:
GetFullPathName(TEXT("."), MAX_PATH, tchPath, NULL);

C++: Unable to resolve identifier cout, Netbeans, Ubuntu

I am using C++ on Netbeans 7.1 on Ubuntu 11.04. For some reason, the following code results in the error message "Unable to resolve identifier cout".
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
std::cout << "Hello,world!\n";
return 0;
Any help resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
The solution for your problem is at least strange ;)
Once iostream header is added, one has to reparse code. Click right on a project, go to code assistance and click to reparse project. Worked for me.
I was using netbeans for mac.
check whether iostream is really getting included;
i have tried your code on my machine using eclipse cdt it worked, please check the
What sort of file is this in? Is it a .h file, or .hpp file? I had this same issue. Netbeans can be ridiculous sometimes with C++. For me, I changed #include <iostream> to #include<iostream.h>
This may seem too simple, but...
In my NetBeans installation, when I go to create a new project, specify C/C++, it brings up a dialog box prompting for "Project Name:", location, folder, makefile name, and then...
a check box for "Create Main File", an edit box with "main" filled in, and to the right of that is a drop down list that reads "C". If you hit Finish, this will create "main.c" (C, but NOT a C++ file). Instead, in the drop down list, select "C++". Then the IDE creates main.cpp, which will be compiled with g++ and will find those includes and functions.
There is a difference between std::cout and cout. You don't currently have std::cout defined in your file. std::cout is a c standard out. In C++ we only need cout to work with iostream.
If you must use a standard c out then do the following:
Add this to the top under iostream
#include <iostream> //Input output stream in C++
#include <cstdlib> //Stands for c standard library
using namespace std;
Your code will now work because:
This change defines std::cout and std::cin among other things. (standard in, standard out respectively.)
However, I'd recommend this alternative if you don't need standard in outs:
Replace std::cout with cout, because cout is defined in iostream in C++. Your program would have worked without the std:: portion of your cin cout commands because you originally included iostream.
Try taking out the using namespace std; - it's generally considered bad form anyway :-)
I'm not sure that will fix the problem but most people either use the namespace or fully qualify things like std::cout. I've never seen code that does both.
The other thing to check is that the iostream header actually is being bought in. In other words, are there any errors on that line. A lot of problems (at least in the Windows world, so it may not necessarily apply to you) seem to be due to faulty path setup in NetBeans.
Hey look at your Output Debug. You may see "no permission". After I changed the file permission of "/YourProjekt/dist/Debug/GNU-Linux/file" to runable and everyone can read and write the error disappeared. (BTW: I had the bug because I was on a NTFS System with my Projekt, it have to be ext partition)
Hope I can help you with that.
Try taking out the std:: next to cout