Django missed slash in url - django

I created a url like 'api/personal/'. Everything went right when I did local test using './ runserver'. But when I used factoryboy to create a client and try to get the detail by 'self.user_client.get('api/personal/')', the response showed 404 NOTFOUND because the url had changed to apipersonal/. Does anyone know why did it happen?

Use named urls for avoiding this kind of confusions. Define the url like this:
path('api/personal/', your_view, name='api_personal') # added keyword argument name
and use it in the tests with reverse like this:


Django, catch and return arbitrary subpath in a url

I have a url path defined like this:
path("/media/private/<path>", PrivateDocumentView.as_view()),
Expecting this to catch urls of the form:
But it doesn't.
I've tried this:
re_path(r"^/media/private/(?P<path>.*)$", PrivateDocumentView.as_view()),
But that also doesn't work. Just a 404 error, as the url is not matching.
I know it looks like I'm trying to serve static files from django itself, which is a sacking offence, but I'm not, honestly!
You don't need the leading /, maybe that's the reason?
re_path(r"^media/private/(?P<path>.*)$" ...

Prevent URL encoding that is removing equals signs from URL

Working on a Django/React app. I have some verification emails links that look like the following:
In dev env this works fine, but now that I am getting it ready for production, it isn't working. When I click on it, it converts it to:
This prevents react-router-dom from matching the correct URL, so a portion of the web application does not load properly.
The link is constructed using the following.
link = '%s/auth/security_questions/f=%s&i=%s&k=%s' % \
('', 'ru',, user.key)
Also, here is the url() that is catching the route:
url(r'^(?:.*)/$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name='index.html')),
These variables are supposed to be query parameters in a GET request. When you construct the link, you'll need to have a question mark in there somewhere separating the URL from the query string:
|___ here
The conversion of = to url-encoded %3D etc is correct, and equivalent. Sometimes variables are part of the URL directly, but webapps don't use &-separated key/value pairs in that case.

Mapping urls in

I am using web2py and builing a REST api and have one of my URLs set up like this:
routes_in (
('/myapp/something/{?P<id>.*)/myfunction', /myapp/default/myfunction/\g<id>')
routes_out = (
('/myapp/default/myfunction/\g<id>', '/myapp/something/{?P<id>.*)/myfunction')
If my app is setup this way my function is not even entered into and I get an invalid request if I remove the id argument from the url that my url is being mapped to i.e. remove g<id> from above, I enter my function but the argument is not being captured.
I cannot change the structure of the URL as per my requirements and I am not sure how to go about this.
I would appreciate any pointers.
The above does work in web2py I found that some other area of my code was breaking.

Django: Permanent redirect of URL with regex parameters

I've been looking all over and can't find what I'm looking for.
I've found a way to redirect urls without parameters and keywords - but how to do it with parameters?
I want to redirect this:
(r'^andelsboligforeninger/(?P<page>[\d]*?)/$', 'cooperatives'),
to this:
(r'^liste-over-andelsboligforeninger/(?P<page>[\d]*?)/$', 'cooperatives'),
It should be a permanent redirect. This will be good for the SEO, and I get so many debug mails because of googlebot.
It seems I've found my answer in the django docs - I didn't look hard enought after all!
urlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.simple',
('^foo/(?P<id>\d+)/$', 'redirect_to', {'url': '/bar/%(id)s/'}),
First of all you need to do some changes in the url. Use url function and then give a name to the url. You have some issues in your url, for example you have used ?P but did'nt give a name to the capturing group. Second [\d]*? there is no need for ? because * means there can be a digit or not at all. So after considering all the above mentioned bugs and techniques in the end your url should look like this:
url(r'^liste-over-andelsboligforeninger/(?P<cooperative_id>\d*)/$', 'cooperatives', name="cooperatives")
Then in the view you can use reverse url resolution as:
redirect(reverse('cooperatives', kwargs={'cooperative_id': some_id}))

Django: How can I make a part of the URL optional

I have a url in which I would like to make the status token optional. If the status token is not provided in the url I give a default value in the view method argument. I tried replacing the token with this (?:/(?P<status>\d+))?$ but doesn't seems to work well. Thanks
url(r'^(?P<status>\d+)/$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list"),
def request_list(request, status=1):
This was the pattern I was trying:
url(r'^(?:/(?P<status>\d+))?$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list"),
So, if I try localhost/features/ works well
But if I do localhost/features/1/ it fails
Just create a second url entry that calls the same view:
url(r'^features/$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list_default"),
url(r'^features/(?P<status>\d+)/$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list"),
I use single url optional captures in some of my projects, and they work fine. You might want to adjust your pattern to make the trailing / optional. I think that is what is causing your url to not match. Django does have an "APPEND_SLASH" settings bool that will add that on to your urls if they are missing it and don't match:
url(r'^features(?:/(?P<status>\d+))?/?$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list")
The optional / could probably also be written like this:
url(r'^features/?(?:(?P<status>\d+)/?)?$', frequest_list, name="frequest_list")