How to send ascii characters through serial in python? - python-2.7

I want to send 3 numbers (integers) through serial port in ascii format. I use putty terminal to see the receiving data on the other end. The problem is that putty doesn't shows anything except strings. I tried to use the ord() function to get the ascii format but I cannot see anything on putty. Is it just a putty problem with ascii format, or I don't send data at all? How can I be sure that I send the data in the correct format (ascii)?
I am new to python, so sorry if this sounds trivial.
I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Python 2.7.12.
Thank you in advance!
import serial
import time
camera = [0, 0, 0]
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600)
print (
print ("Port Open")
while ser.isOpen():
for i in range(1):
camera[1] = camera[1] + 1


How to use regular expressions to pull something from a terminal output?

I'm attempting to use the re module to look through some terminal output. When I ping a server through terminal using ping -n 1 host (I'm using Windows), it gives me much more information than I want. I want just the amount of time that it takes to get a reply from the server, which in this case is always denoted by an integer and then the letters 'ms'. The error I get explains that the output from the terminal is not a string, so I cannot use regular expressions on it.
from os import system as system_call
import re
def ping(host):
return system_call("ping -n 1 " + host) == 0
host = input("Select a host to ping: ")
regex = re.compile(r"\w\wms")
final_ping =
system returns 0, not anything too useful. However, if we were to do subprocess, we can get teh output, and store it to a variable, out, then we can regex search that.
import subprocess
import re
def ping(host):
ping = subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-n", "1", host], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, error = ping.communicate()
return str(out)
host = input("Select a host to ping: ")
final_ping = re.findall("\d+ms",ping(host))[0]
There are two problems with your code:
Your ping function doesn't return the terminal output. It only returns a bool that reports if the ping succeeded. The ping output is directly forwarded to the terminal that runs the Python script.
Python 3 differentiates between strings (for text, consisting of Unicode codepoints) and bytes (for any data, consisting of bytes). As Python cannot know that ping only outputs ASCII text, you will get a bytes object if you don't specify which text encoding is in use.
It would be the best to use the subprocess module instead of os.system. This is also suggested by the Python documentation.
One possible way is to use subprocess.check_output with the encoding parameter to get a string instead of bytes:
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
def ping(host):
return check_output(
"ping -n 1 " + host,
EDIT: The encoding parameter is only supported since Python 3.6. If you are using an older version, try this:
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
def ping(host):
return check_output(
"ping -n 1 " + host,

Python on Raspberry Pi: results are only integers

I am using the following python code on the Raspberry Pi to collect an audio signal and output the volume. I can't understand why my output is only integer.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import alsaaudio as aa
import audioop
# Set up audio
data_in = aa.PCM(aa.PCM_CAPTURE, aa.PCM_NONBLOCK, 'hw:1')
while True:
# Read data from device
l,data =
if l:
# catch frame error
scaled_vol = max_vol/4680
if scaled_vol==0:
print "vol 0"
print scaled_vol
except audioop.error, e:
if e.message !="not a whole number of frames":
raise e
Also, I don't understand the syntax in this line:
l,data =
It's likely that it's reading in a byte. This line l,data = reads in a tuple (composed of l and data). Run the type() builtin function on those variables and see what you've got to work with.
Otherwise, look into the documentation for PCM Terminology and Concepts located within the documentation for the pyalsaaudio package, located here.

decoding DHCP Giaddr, Yiaddr, Ciaddr, siaddr fields with dpkt - python issue

Whenever I try to load Giaddr (or YIADDR Ciaddr, siaddr ) for any DHCP packet it prints random string of numbers. ( this happens for each n every packet I load)
Am I doing something wrong or it's a bug in code?
dh = dpkt.dhcp.DHCP(
print dh.giaddr
output :
I am pretty sure that my giaddr(relay ip) is - confirmed in wireshark for this packet.
Your output is correct. You have a the integer value of the address.
To print the dotted-decimal version, you can do this:
>>> import struct
>>> socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack(">L",x))

How can I use Python to decode a rs 232 capture (trace)

I'm attempting to use Python (2.7) to decode a trace I captured with a FrontLine-ComProbe USB rs232 device. I tried:
import binascii
my_file = open('c:\\', 'r')
aString =
comp = binascii.b2a_qp(aString)
I'm not getting the ascii I was expecting; it's non-human readable text. Can someone please give me direction .... Thanks!

Character Encoding: Why my email receiving code cannot run in PyQt4?

I am recently finishing a spam classification application as my final project and now I meet a problem.
The problem came from a module to receive emails. I wrote the test code in a single .py file and it worked really well. Here is the code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import poplib
from email import parser
host = ''
username = ''
password = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
pop_conn = poplib.POP3_SSL(host)
messages = [pop_conn.retr(i) for i in range(1, len(pop_conn.list()[1]) + 1)]
# Concat message pieces:
messages = ["\n".join(mssg[1]) for mssg in messages]
#print messages
messages = [parser.Parser().parsestr(mssg) for mssg in messages]
i = 0
for message in messages:
i = i + 1
mailName = "mail"+str(i)
f = open(mailName + '.log', 'w');
print >> f, "Date: ", message["Date"]
print >> f, "From: ", message["From"]
print >> f, "To: ", message["To"]
print >> f, "Subject: ", message["Subject"]
print >> f, "Data: "
for part in message.walk():
contentType = part.get_content_type()
if contentType == 'text/plain' :
data = part.get_payload(decode=True)
print >> f, data
But when I tried to transplant exactly the same code to my PyQt4 application, the problem came out in this line:
messages = ["\n".join(mssg[1]) for mssg in messages]
and this is the problem:
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe5 in position 4:ordinal not in range(128)
mssg[1] is a list that contains every line of the mail. I guess this is because the text from the mail was encoded by "utf-8" or "gbk" which can't be decoded by the default "ascii". So I tried to write the code like this:
messages = ["\n".join([m.decode("utf-8") for m in mssg[1]]) for mssg in messages]
The problem became like this:
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xcc in position 7
I used Python chardet module to detect the encoding of the text of the email, and it turned out to be "ascii". Now I am really confused. Why the same code can't run on my small application? What is the real problem, and how I can fix it? I will be very appreciated for your help.
I finally solved this problem by receiving the email in a .py file and using my application to import that file. This may not be useful in other situations because I actually didn't solve the character encoding problem. When I was implementing my application, I met lots of encoding problems, and it's quite annoying. For this, I guess it is caused by some irregular text from my mail(maybe some pictures) which is shown in the following picture:
This was shown when I tried to print some of my email data on the screen. However, I still don't know why this cannot run in my application, though it worked well in a simple file. The character encoding problem is very annoying, and maybe I still have a long way to go.:-D