Retrieve IIS Express - visual-studio-2017

I have Visual Studio 2017 installed on Windows 10 64 bit. It was all working fine but something has happened to IIS Express 10. Now if I try creating an ASP.NET web project it states Unspecified error (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL)). IIS Express no longer appears to be in the list of programs but the folders are in the "Program Files" location. I tried downloading IIS Express but it is a x86 version and will not install.
How do I retrieve this please?

Found a version 8 of IIS Express called iisexpress_8_0_RTM_x64_en-US.msi which allowed me to install over and appears to run okay

Thanks to user Lex Li who alerted me to the fact that IIS 8 will not work with Visual Studio 2017 I investigated this again. The link Lex Li provided ( had download options for 64 bit but I was unsure about these because they initially appear to be for machines running AMD processors but I found the additional links below that advises that AMD were the first to develop a 64 bit version and Microsoft simply uses this. I downloaded and installed the 64 bit and appears to work okay with VS2017 so far


chilkatdotnet45.dll not found in Windows10 Pro

I've done a VS application which doesn't install onto a Windows 10 Pro laptop due to 'chilkatdotnet45.dll not found, other dependencies not found' etc. although it is there in the correct folder. The laptop already has NET Framework 3.5 installed and also vcredist_x64 for 2013 and 2019 have been installed on the laptop. The problem does NOT occur on my W10 development machine, nor on the customer's previous W10 computer.
Any ideas as to what I can do to overcome the problem? Thanks in advance.
You are probably using the Chilkat .NET assembly built with VS2012. (There are two options for the 4.5 Framework. One is built with VS2012, the other with VS2013.)
I installed Visual Studio 2017 Community on the client's computer, which did in fact allow the app to run, whereas installing vcredist_whatever did not. I've told the client not to set up as a software-developer competitor to me, but I'm not sure he heard me.

How set C/C++ compiler for matlab?

i've read several topics on this issue... but i'm not still able to figure out.
I've matlab 2013 and "MS Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable" both x86/x64 installed in Windows 8.
When i run "mex -setup" in matlab the following message appear:
Please choose your compiler for building MEX-files:
Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y
No supported SDK or compiler was found on this computer.
For a list of supported compilers, see
but the suggested file is for installing .NET 4 for windows 7, and i've windows 8. However, although i install this framework the mex -setup command still doesn't works.
It seems to still be an issue with no straightforward solution. It took me a lot of searching, reading and trial and error to get a compiler to be recognized by mex.
In a nutshell, matlab 2013 doesn't support windows 8 SDK, but windows 7 SDK does not (easily) install on windows 8.
What worked for me:
The win7 SDK doesn't install on windows 8 because more recent versions of the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable are already installed by default on Windows 8. You have to manually (from the control panel/programs/uninstal ...) uninstall all flavors of VC++2010 redistributable (x86 and x64).
See this Microsoft article for details on how to do that.
After that I could install the SDK for win7 and got the compiler to be recognized by mex.
I run on win8 32 bits, so what worked for me may not be perfect for everybody. During my searches on the subject i also noticed that many people often stumbled on 2 other setbacks:
During the setup of win 7 SDK, .NET 4 doesn't install. => This is because .net4.5 is already shipped in windows 8. Again, uninstall .net4.5, then reinstall win7 SDK. (you can even reinstall .net4.5 if necessary after everything is done).
Once everything is installed and mex happily found the compiler, error are raised during compilation tentative about a missing ammintrin.h. You may have to install MS Visual Studio C++ 2010 express then upgrade it to SP1. In this case follow the nicely detailed instructions in this Matlab central article.
This last article linked seem to offer a complete solution, i didn't refer to it first in my answer because in some case (my case for example), only part of the setup described was necessary, so there was no point uninstalling/reinstalling a bunch of stuff. But be prepared that you may have to go though all of it ...

VSU 2012 - Relase Project error on other computer (SQLCE)

Recently, i finished my large application project. I used database : SQL Compact, because i was reading and i read, that it's a local database, so i was very happy :). Troubles coming soon when I finally finished my application. The first thing, which i did, is try to open it on other computer, without difference software (visual studios etc.).
But it's error with SQL CE.
I searched solution for it for one week, but all, which i found it's for older versions of Visual Studio.
I'm have Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate Edition (i'm writting in C++) and i don't know what i can do now.
System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeException (0x80004005): Unable to load
the native components of SQL Server Compact corresponding to the
ADO.NET provider version 8876. Install the correct version of SQL
Server Compact. See article 974247 in the Knowledge Base for more
Please help me ;X
SQL Server Compact is included on the Visual Studio 2012 DVD. You can start the installation using the following steps
Insert your Visual Studio 2012 DVD
Open the DVD in Windows Explorer
Navigate to the packages folder
Navigate to the SSCE40 folder
Run SSCERuntime_x64-???.exe for 64bit and SSCERuntime_x86-???.exe for 32bit where ??? indicates the language. For instance the 64 bit English language version is named SSCERuntime_x64-enu.exe
Choose the installation options that meet your requirements and start the installation.
If you do not have your Visual Studio 2012 DVD handy you can download SQL Server Compact from the MSDN website.

How to uninstall/remove Visual Studio SP1

I have Windows 7 64-bit with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and subsequent installation of SP1.
If I open up Control Panels | Programs and Features, I see 3 entries for Visual Studio 2010, the third being one ADO.Net.
I tried to uninstall SP1 first and somehow that failed. It asked for the Visual Studio 2010 setup disk, which I put in. Sadly, after the completion, SP1 stayed in the Programs and Features list.
I tried uninstalling VS2010, which uninstalled nicely, but left the entry for SP1. I tried uninstalling SP1, but got a message that I had to have VS2010 installed, so I bit my lip, shoveled down my irritation, and reinstalled VS2010. I received only one option to install SP1, which I did. I guess you can consider that a reapply.
A refresh of Programs and Features showed once again 3 entries. I was able to uninstall SP1, at least the option was there and I was able to complete the uninstall. I kept the VS2010 disk in the CD tray. Sadly, closing Control Panel Programs and Features (CPPF subsequently) and reopening it, nicely showed Microsoft's bug invested SP1. Selecting to uninstall/change the entry results in a dialog to install SP1.
It appears that SP1 might be gone in part, but obviously not entirely. The entry, the executable/DLL tied to that entry is nicely there.
How do I remove/cleanup/delete/nuke VS2010 SP1 inclusive of CPPF and any other trash that it installed?
I just ran the web installer for VS2010 SP 1 with the following parameters. That forced it to uninstall and got me past the blocking issue:
VS10sp1-KB983509.exe /uninstall /force
I tried James solution above but it still didn't work and kept requiring the installation CD.
After further search I found this solution that worked for me:
Microsoft tool to remove Visual Studio 2010
As life moves on, I chose a chose maybe not the best solution, but it is a solution, so here is what I did.
I found an article, which talked about removing the entry from Control Panel | Programs and Features. I then did other steps.
First from the link as I have a Windows 7 64-bit system, I went to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
in the registry. There were two locations, one the obvious with the name completely spelled out and the other with the DisplayName property set to the product name as part of a GUIID. I deleted both entries. The main entry with the nice name as the key was the one that deletes the program ID entry from the list.
I noticed that several products share the same InstallSource. That is bizarro (Smallville rocks and sadly ended), all in the C:\Windows\TEMP folder. As the actual setup program is under ProgramData folder, I am not sure what the TEMP folder entries do.
I deleted the ProgramData portion but left the C:\Windows\TEMP, although I am still thinking of cleaning that up, just am cautious.
I then deleted all other VS2010 components leaving the runtime. By the way, do not forget to delete Premptive's expensive and end user install based pricing product. That is further up (name sort ascending) under Dotfuscator...
That more or less cleaned things up. I am not sure what uses the VS2010 runtime, so I am leaving that. I assume that is what is installed at the VS2010 folder.
A side comment: I still find it strange that Microsoft in the registry follows a ...\Software\Microsoft\ entry. They do not follow that anywhere else. Why there?
In the registry, the information was:
Uninstall String: MsiExec.exe /X{5AB7D739-1735-3A9E-BE73-C43507CB4E6F}
Install Source: C:\Windows\TEMP\Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1_10.0.40219\
InstallLocation: C:\ProgramData\VS\vs10sp1\SetupCache\
Uninstall Path: C:\ProgramData\VS\vs10sp1\SetupCache\
Uinstall String: C:\ProgramData\VS\vs10sp1\SetupCache\Setup.exe
Shared products using C:\Windows\TEMP...40219 folder:
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Framework
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Data-Tier Application Project
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Objects
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Transact-SQL Language Service
Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Runtime - 10.0.40219
Microsoft Visual F# 2.0 Runtime
Paths used by other products:
C:\Windows\TEMP\Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1_10.0.40219\
C:\Windows\TEMP\Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1_10.0.40219\Dotfuscator\
2 of several keys that share the same C:\Windows\TEMP folder entry (InstallSource):
This answer on the MSDN forum explains a sequence for manual removal, but more importantly it also links to a Microsoft FixIt VS2010 Uninstall Utility which was the only way I was able to get rid of SP1.
None of the solutions here worked for me to remove VS 2010 SP1.
The visual stiduio 2010 uninstall utility worked nicely to remove everything but VS 2010 SP1.
to remove SP1 I went to the setup cache and ran setup as follows:
C:\ProgramData\VS\vs10sp1\SetupCache>setup /uninstall /force

Visual Studio 2008 sp1 vc++ project works in 32 bit mode, but not 64 bit

I have a project that runs perfectly well under windows 7, x86 installation. On the same machine, but in a different drive, I've installed windows 7, x64, and visual studio 2008 sp1 on both.
The project compiles and runs under win32. When I try to compile the project under x64, I get nothing, and everything gets 'skipped'. Furthermore, when I try to get the properties of anything under the 64 bit version, the operation fails with an 'unspecified error'. On the 64 bit side, I can switch to the win32 build target, watch it work, and then try to switch to the x64 bit side, and then clench my teeth in frustration. If I try to do a batch build for every configuration, again, total failure unless I just do win32 projects.
I've seen this project work on someone else's machine, so I know that it works in 64 bits, but for some strange reason, this project just doesn't work for me.
I've tried to run
devenv /resetskippkgs
as per this suggestion here, but there's no love.
Any help is appreciated...
EDIT from Pavel's suggestion, I tried to run using
vcbuild /platform:x64
and I get the error:
vcbuild.exe : warning VCBLG6001: Project 'project.proj' does not support platform
'x64', or the platform support DLL for this platform is not installed.
That help? Does visual studio not automatically Do The Right thing when installed?
The solution! Posted because I lost so much time to this, and I'd hope that someone else does not similarly lose time (otherwise, I'd just delete the question).
Apparently, the visual studio 2008 installer declined to install the x64 compiler tools by default on my machine. I don't know if that's because I'm on an AMD machine and there's some question about running on that processor, or just someone made a mistake, or what, but once I checked what had been installed by visual studio, I found the glaring red 'x' indicating that the x64 compiler was not installed. ARM, yes, x64, the processor I'm using, no.
So, adding that processor option back seems to have restored the universe to its rightful place.
I was using internet based setup (everything downloaded from internet). There is also the same issue here. Everything for x64 seems to be installed but I cannot compile or check properties while I select x64 release or debug solution.
This was because .NET framework 3.5 x64 is not available for Windows XP and it will not install on your Windows XP x64. And apparently you cannot compile any x64 code if you don't have this framework.