DynamoDB schema updates with AWS Amplify - amazon-web-services

According to the AWS Amplify documentation:
"objects annotated with #model are stored in Amazon DynamoDB";
"a single #model directive configures ... an Amazon DynamoDB table"; and
one can "push updated changes with amplify push".
It seems clear that amplify push creates a DynamoDB table for each #model.
My questions relate to schema updates:
I imagine that adding/removing a model or adding/removing a field in a model works by updating the schema document and then running amplify push. Is that right?
How does one rename a model or a field? How would amplify push know to rename vs. drop the old and add the new?
How does one implement a migration that requires some business logic, e.g., to update the contents of existing rows? Doing this without Amplify has already been addressed but it is unclear whether that would conflict with something that amplify push might try to do.

DynamoDB is schema-less, and doesn't care about your application schema as long as you don't try to change its hash key or range key
Therefore, nothing really happens on the datastore side. If you drop a key and add a new one in your schema, then your application will start to search and write data to the new key. Old key will simply be ignored from now on, but existing data will be kept in the datastore.
If you want to rename a key, then you would have to migrate the data by yourself through mass update on the table. There are many ways to do it, the simpliest one being scaning the table and performing updates on found items.

Have you tried compiling the schema with this:
amplify api gql-compile

Try running
amplify codegen models
before doing the
amplify push


aws amplify insert data on creation

i have the following question.
I have in my app an Table called Networkoperator
This table should be filled on creation. I have an JSON file with the data in it that i need to insert.
How is this achievable?
I was thinking of using an CDK that triggers an lambda only on creation
The Amplify documentation has a plugins page that lists a bunch of 3rd party plugins. There are two plugins that help seed DB data, but they both appear a bit out of date.
I'd be inclined to make a custom category (amplify add custom) and make it a dependency of the database table (ideally created and managed by Amplify). Then you can do anything you like in the 'build' step of the custom category's package.json. The aws-cdk-dynamodb-seeder package looks like it would do the trick (but was also published 2 years ago). Within the custom category, you can pull in the DB table name, etc, to avoid hardcoding.

Automating dynamodb scripts

Like we used to do with rdbms sql scripts. I wanted to do a similar thing with my dynamodb table.
Currently its very difficult to track changes from environment to environment(dev - qa -prod). We are directly making changes via the console.
What I want to do is, Keep the table data/json in the git version control and whenever any dev makes a change, we should be able to just run a script that will be able migrate the respective changes to on the dynamodb table eg. update/create/delete the tables, add/remove/update the records.
But I am not able to find a proper way/guide to achieve this currently. I am using javascript/nodejs as our base language.
Any help regarding this scenario will be appriciable.
ref : https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=342538
As far as I can tell you described to separate issues:
Changing the tables "structure"
Updating records after the update
Before I go into my answer, remember that DynamoDB is a NoSQL database and your previous RDBMS was a relational database. Operational tasks can differ very much for both types of databases.
1. Automating changes to the "structure" of the table
For this you can check out Infrastructure as Code tools like Terraform, CloudFormation or Pulumi.
But since DynamoDB is a NoSQL database, you only can do a few things like setting your hash and sort key etc and defining indices. Adding "fields" to the DynamoDB is not done with those tools, because except for the hash and sort key, there are no fields. Everything else does not follow a explicit (sql) schema.
2. Updating records after an update
If you do not have a lot of records, you could write yourself a simple tool or script to do the relevant work using the AWS SDK and run that during your CI/CD pipeline. A simple approach would be to have a "migrations" folder and if there is a file in it, the pipeline will execute it. So after the migration is done, just remove the file again. Not great, but pragmatic.
If you have a lot of records this won't work that great anymore, at least if you want to have a downtime-less deployment. In that case you will have update your software to be able to work with the old and new versions of the records structure, while you gradually update all records in the background (using a script etc.). Once all the records are updated, you can remove the code paths that handle the old structure.

Single table db architecture with AWS Amplify

By default AWS Amplify transformers creating tables per each graphql type.
But according DynamoDB documentation it's best practice to
Keep tables few as possible
Keep often queried together entries within a same table
I have an impression Amplify way of doing things stays in contradiction with the statement above.
I am new to both NoSQL and Amplify
Can someone suggest ways to address those issues?
I think we're in a bit of a transition or gray area here. I'm very new to Amplify and have been investigating moving to a single-table design as there are sources (below) that indicate that it's always be there but you'd have to write everything in VTL templates. But in 2020 they released direct lambda resolver support: https://youtu.be/EOQqi6Yun7g?t=960 (clip)
However, it seems like you lose access to the #auth directive (and probably others because you're no longer going to use #model) along with a lot of the nice out-of-the-box functionality that's available with Amplify's multi-table approach.
At this point, being that I'm developing a new app, I'm going to stick with the default multi-table design to hasten the process of getting the app functional.
Trying to implement the single-table design seems to go against what the Amplify team recommends and requires more manual work. You'd have to manually create custom lambda functions (AppSync) and code queries to DynamoDb for each data access element and manage authorization through some other means which I'm not aware of at this time. Maybe someone can chime in here...
Single table vs multi table info
Using Amplify with single table:
Single vs Multi Clip:
https://youtu.be/1WF_wped808?t=1251 (clip)
https://www.alexdebrie.com/posts/dynamodb-single-table/ (towards bottom)
https://youtu.be/EOQqi6Yun7g?t=1288 (clip)
Example single table design by Alex Debrie:
More Discussion:
Basic Setup steps
I setup a single table by following the below instructions. Again, you don't use #models for this. Also, I think you have to include a type query {} in your schema for it to compile, but I could be wrong here.
So the basic steps are:
Create a single table (amplify add storage)
amplify push
Create your schema in the schema.graphql file.
Create supporting lambda function (amplify add function)
Note: if you look at the example here, I believe you can create an entry point to routes to all other methods: https://gist.github.com/dabit3/96dc51e688b18a7d40fc534331758c56#lambda
Add the DynamoDb query code in the function.
amplify push
Complete steps for Setting up a single Table:
https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/53b10bf8-2271-4ab4-bfd2-39e878a90dc8/en-US/lab2/1-vtl (both "Connecting to an existing DynamoDB table" and "Direct Lambda Resolver" steps)
Not trying to be negative about Amplify, it is awesome, I love what they are doing with this product. I just think it's very new to everyone and I'm hoping this post is no longer valid next year and we continue to see great progress from the team.

Is there a way to change schema with AWS Amplify?

I have an existing AWS Amplify schema with data deployed to DynamoDB tables.
I want to change the AWS Amplify schema.
When I change the schema, how do I include the data in my old tables and migrate them to the new tables created by AWS Amplify?
The answer to this depends on how much you are changing your schema. If you are just adding new attributes to your models or taking away attributes then you won't need to do anything. If you are renaming or creating new models this will get trickier. My advice would be to add all new schema models you want without removing the old ones. Then write a few migration scripts using the dynamodb directly to migrate your data. and then once all of the old data is migrated you can delete your old models.

Using an exisiting AppSync API w/ Amplify

AppSync, DynamoDB, and Lambda
So I am a bit stuck on how to integrate AppSync within Amplify in React Native. I have an existing API within AWS AppSync that I created on the console. This API has several different models like: Users, Videos, VideoComments, etc. Some of the objects within these models have custom mapping templates and resolvers that are really important for the application.
For Example, this is a quick look at what we have schema wise.
type User {
userId: Id!
name: String
uploadedVideos(limit: Int, nextToken: String): VideoConnection
etc etc
type Video {
videoID: Id!
object: S3Object
userId: Id!
uploadedBy: User
We have a resolver that runs with a simple getVideo query that will retrieve the uploadedBy attribute by using the userId, and retrieves all the necessary information of that user.
Additionally, the data sources (dynamoDb tables) we created for the models have primary keys, and some have sort keys. Like a VideoLikes table keeps track of who liked a video and to avoid duplicates the primary key is the VideoID and the sort key is UserID. This is just a minor example, we have other places where we do this to also have access to LSIs.
When I started using Amplify, I tried recreating the AppSync API because I liked how powerful the CloudFormation capabilities were with the different staging environments. However, I noticed the DynamoDB for models were automatically defined and were automatically set to an id as a primary key. We use the LSIs to help sort by certain values, like for a video if we wanted to sort by the number of likes, or comments, so unfortunately this would not work for us. So when I noticed this, I used the "Codegen" command from my original AppSync API and ran into the issue where my resolvers and mapping templates were not copied down with the schema, queries, mutations, and subscriptions making most of the queries fail because those data sources were missing.
So my question is:
Is there a way to integrate/use EVERYTHING from my exiting AppSync API within my React Native application? This includes the custom resolvers and mapping templates.
Is there a way to set a primary and sort key for the DynamoDB of the Models when creating an API directly within the Amplify CLI?
Is there another way to have data sorted efficiently within DynamoDB without using LSIs and GSIs? If the models automatically generate tables with GSIs, this can be problematic because I know GSIs are a bit more expensive so I would like to avoid those as much as possible. Is there another service that will sort the data that can be used within AppSync from DynamoDB?
Any help will be appreciated, thank you.
Is there a way to integrate/use EVERYTHING from my exiting AppSync API within my React Native application?
Yes, you can deploy your API however you want and then use it using amplify client tools. You can always use the Ampify CLI's codegen features without deploying the API via the amplify api category. You can use custom stacks to define custom resolvers that are not generated by #model but this will deploy a new API with the same structure as your existing API.
Is there a way to set a primary and sort key for the DynamoDB of the Models when creating an API directly within the Amplify CLI?
Soon. There is an RFC here https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-cli/issues/1062 and implementation is in PR here https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-cli/pull/1463.
Is there another way to have data sorted efficiently within DynamoDB without using LSIs and GSIs?
No but you can use index overloading to make 1 index store and sort multiple different conceptual object types. TBH this is a complex subject but here is a good place to start https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/bp-gsi-overloading.html.