OpenCL: how lightweight are GPU threads? - c++

I keep reading that GPU threads are lightweight and you can throw many tasks at them to complete in parallel....but how lightweight are they, exactly?
Let's say I have a million-member float3 array, and I want to calculate the length of each float3 value.
Does it make sense to send essentially 1 million tasks to the GPU (so the kernel calculates a single float3 length of the global array and returns)? Or something more like 1000 tasks, and each kernel execution loops through 1000 members of the array? If there is a benefit to grouping tasks like that, is there a way to calculate the optimal size of each grouping?

If we're talking about GPUs only, the answer is - very lightweight.
Does it make sense to send essentially 1 million tasks to the GPU
You're not "sending a million tasks" to the GPU. You're sending a single request, which is a few dozen bytes, which essentially says "please launch a million copies of this code with the grid coordinates i give you here". Those "copies" are created on the fly by hardware inside the GPU, and yes it's very efficient.
1000 tasks, and each kernel execution loops through 1000 members of the array
On a GPU, you almost certainly don't want to do this. A modern high-end GPU has easily 4000+ processing units, so you need at minimum that amount of concurrency. But usually much higher. There is a scheduler which picks one hardware thread to run on each of those processing units, and usually there are several dozen hardware threads per processing unit. So it's not unusual to see a GPU with 100K+ hardware threads. This is required to hide memory latencies.
So if you launch a kernel with 1000x1 grid size, easily 3/4 of your GPU could be unused, and the used part will spend 90% of it's time waiting for memory. Go ahead and try it out. The GPU has been designed to handle ridiculous amounts of threads - don't be afraid to use them.
Now, if you're talking about CPU, that's a slightly different matter. CPUs obviously don't have 1000s of hardware threads. Here, it depends on the OpenCL implementation - but i think most reasonable CPU OpenCL implementations today will handle this for you, by processing work in loops, in just enough hardware threads for your CPU.
TL;DR: use the "1 million tasks" solution, and perhaps try tuning the local work size.


OpenCL - multiple threads on a gpu

After having parallelized a C++ code via OpenMP, I am now considering to use the GPU (a Radeon Pro Vega II) to speed up specific parts of my code. Being an OpenCL neophyte,I am currently searching for examples that can show me how to implement a multicore CPU - GPU interaction.
Here is what I want to achieve. Suppose to have a fixed short length array, say {1,2,3,4,5}, and that as an exercise, you want to compute all of the possible "right shifts" of this array, i.e.,
The relative OpenCL code is quite straightforward.
Now, suppose that your CPU has many cores, say 56, that each core has a different starting array and that at any random instant of time each CPU core may ask the GPU to compute the right shifts of its own array. This core, say core 21, should copy its own array into the GPU memory, run the kernel, and wait for the result. My question is "during this operation, could the others CPU cores submit a similar request, without waiting for the completion of the task submitted by core 21?"
Also, can core 21 perform in parallel another task while waiting for the completion of the GPU task?
Would you feel like suggesting some examples to look at?
The GPU works with a queue of kernel calls and (PCIe-) memory transfers. Within this queue, it can work on non-blocking memory transfers and a kernel at the same time, but not on two consecutive kernels. You could do several queues (one per CPU core), then the kernels from different queues can be executed in parallel, provided that each kernel only takes up a fraction of the GPU resources. The CPU core can, while the queue is being executed on the GPU, perform a different task, and with the command queue.finish() the CPU will wait until the GPU is done.
However letting multiple CPUs send tasks to a single GPU is bad practice and will not give you any performance advantage while making your code over-complicated. Each small PCIe memory transfer has a large latency overhead and small kernels that do not sufficiently saturate the GPU have bad performance.
The multi-CPU approach is only useful if each CPU sends tasks to its own dedicated GPU, and even then I would only recommend this if your VRAM of a single GPU is not enough or if you want to have more parallel troughput than a single GPU allows.
A better strategy is to feed the GPU with a single CPU core and - if there is some processing to do on the CPU side - only then parallelize across multiple CPU cores. By combining small data packets into a single large PCIe memory transfer and large kernel, you will saturate the hardware and get the best possible performance.
For more details on how the parallelization on the GPU works, see

Hard disk contention using multiple threads

I have not performed any profile testing of this yet, but what would the general consensus be on the advantages/disadvantages of resource loading from the hard disk using multiple threads vs one thread? Note. I am not talking about the main thread.
I would have thought that using more than one "other" thread to do the loading to be pointless because the HD cannot do 2 things at once, and therefore would surely only cause disk contention.
Not sure which way to go architecturally, appreciate any advice.
EDIT: Apologies, I meant to mean an SSD drive not a magnetic drive. Both are HD's to me, but I am more interested in the case of a system with a single SSD drive.
As pointed out in the comments one advantage of using multiple threads is that a large file load will not delay the presentation of a smaller for to the receiver of the thread loader. In my case, this is a big advantage, and so even if it costs a little perf to do it, having multiple threads is desirable.
I know there are no simple answers, but the real question I am asking is, what kind of performance % penalty would there be for making the parallel disk writes sequential (in the OS layer) as opposed to allowing only 1 resource loader thread? And what are the factors that drive this? I don't mean like platform, manufacturer etc. I mean technically, what aspects of the OS/HD interaction influence this penalty? (in theory).
My exact use case are texture loading threads which only exist to load from HD and then "pass" them on to opengl, so there is minimal "computation in the threads (maybe some type conversion etc). In this case, the thread would spend most of its time waiting for the HD (I would of thought), and therefore how the OS-HD interaction is managed is important to understand. My OS is Windows 10.
Note. I am not talking about the main thread.
Main vs non-main thread makes zero difference to the speed of reading a disk.
I would have thought that using more than one "other" thread to do the loading to be pointless because the HD cannot do 2 things at once, and therefore would surely only cause disk contention.
Indeed. Not only are the attempted parallel reads forced to wait for each other (and thus not actually be parallel), but they will also make access pattern of the disk random as opposed to sequential, which is much much slower due to disk head seek time.
Of course, if you were to deal with multiple hard disks, then one thread dedicated for each drive would probably be optimal.
Now, if you were using a solid state drive instead of a hard drive, the situation isn't quite so clear cut. Multiple threads may be faster, slower, or comparable. There are probably many factors involved such as firmware, file system, operating system, speed of the drive relative to some other bottle neck, etc.
In either case, RAID might invalidate assumptions made here.
It depends on how much processing of the data you're going to do. This will determine whether the application is I/O you bound or compute bound.
For example, if all you are going to do to the data is some simple arithmetic, e.g. add 1, then you will end up being I/O bound. The CPU can add 1 to data far quicker than any I/O system can deliver flows of data.
However, if you're going to do a large amount of work on each batch of data, e.g. a FFT, then a filter, then a convolution (I'm picking random DSP routine names here), then it's likely that you will end up being compute bound; the CPU cannot keep up with the data being delivered by the I/O subsystem which owns your SSD.
It is quite an art to judge just how an algorithm should be structured to match the underlying capabilities of the underlying machine, and vice versa. There's profiling tools like FTRACE/Kernelshark, Intel's VTune, which are both useful in analysing exactly what is going on. Google does a lot to measure how many searches-per-Watt their hardware accomplishes, power being their biggest cost.
In general I/O of any sort, even a big array of SSDs, is painfully slow. Even the main memory in a PC (DDR4) is painfully slow in comparison to what the CPU can consume. Even the L3 and L2 caches are sluggards in comparison to the CPU cores. It's hard to design and multi-threadify an algorithm just right so that the right amount of work is done on each data item whilst it is in L1 cache so that the L2, L3 caches, DDR4 and I/O subsystems can deliver the next data item to the L1 caches just in time to keep the CPU cores busy. And the ideal software design for one machine is likely hopeless on another with a different CPU, or SSD, or memory SIMMs. Intel design for good general purpose computer performance, and actually extracting peak performance from a single program is a real challenge. Libraries like Intel's MKL and IPP are very big helps in doing this.
General Guidance
In general one should look at it in terms of data bandwidth required by any particular arrangement of threads and work those threads are doing.
This means benchmarking your program's inner processing loop and measuring how much data it processed and how quickly it managed to do it in, choosing an number of data items that makes sense but much more than the size of L3 cache. A single 'data item' is an amount of input data, the amount of corresponding output data, and any variables used processing the input to the output, the total size of which fits in L1 cache (with some room to spare). And no cheating - use the CPUs SSE/AVX instructions where appropriate, don't forego them by writing plain C or not using something like Intel's IPP/MKL. [Though if one is using IPP/MKL, it kinda does all this for you to the best of its ability.]
These days DDR4 memory is going to be good for anything between 20 to 100GByte/second (depending on what CPU, number of SIMMs, etc), so long as your not making random, scattered accesses to the data. By saturating the L3 your are forcing yourself into being bound by the DDR4 speed. Then you can start changing your code, increasing the work done by each thread on a single data item. Keep increasing the work per item and the speed will eventually start increasing; you've reached the point where you are no longer limited by the speed of DDR4, then L3, then L2.
If after this you can still see ways of increasing the work per data item, then keep going. You eventually get to a data bandwidth somewhere near that of the IO subsystems, and only then will you be getting the absolute most out of the machine.
It's an iterative process, and experience allows one to short cut it.
Of course, if one runs out of ideas for things to increase the work done per data item then that's the end of the design process. More performance can be achieved only by improving the bandwidth of whatever has ended up being the bottleneck (almost certainly the SSD).
For those of us who like doing this software of thing, the PS3's Cell processor was a dream. No need to second guess the cache, there was none. One had complete control over what data and code was where and when it was there.
A lot people will tell you that an HD can't do more than one thing at once. This isn't quite true because modern IO systems have a lot of indirection. Saturating them is difficult to do with one thread.
Here are three scenarios that I have experienced where multi-threading the IO helps.
Sometimes the IO reading library has a non-trivial amount of computation, think about reading compressed videos, or parity checking after the transfer has happened. One example is using robocopy with multiple threads. Its not unusual to launch robocopy with 128 threads!
Many operating systems are designed so that a single process can't saturate the IO, because this would lead to system unresponsiveness. In one case I got a 3% percent read speed improvement because I came closer to saturating the IO. This is doubly true if some system policy exists to stripe the data to different drives, as might be set on a Lustre drive in a HPC cluster. For my application, the optimal number of threads was two.
More complicated IO, like a RAID card, contains a substantial cache that keep the HD head constantly reading and writing. To get optimal throughput you need to be sure that whenever the head is spinning its constantly reading/writing and not just moving. The only way to do this is, in practice, is to saturate the card's on-board RAM.
So, many times you can overlap some minor amount of computation by using multiple threads, and stuff starts getting tricky with larger disk arrays.
Not sure which way to go architecturally, appreciate any advice.
Determining the amount of work per thread is the most common architectural optimization. Write code so that its easy to increase the IO worker count. You're going to need to benchmark.

Running a single block with multiple threads, CUDA

I know that you should generally have at least 32 threads running per block on CUDA since threads are executed in groups of 32. However I was wondering if it is considered an acceptable practice to have only one block with a bunch of threads (I know there is a limit on the number of threads). I am asking this because I have some problems which require the shared memory of threads and synchronization across every element of the computation. I want to launch my kernel like
computeSomething<<< 1, 256 >>>(...)
and just used the threads to do the computation.
Is this efficient to just have one block, or would I be better off just doing the computation on the cpu?
If you care about performance, it's a bad idea.
The principal reason is that a given threadblock can only occupy the resources of a single SM on a GPU. Since most GPUs have 2 or more SMs, this means you're leaving somewhere between 50% to over 90% of the GPU performance untouched.
For performance, both of these kernel configurations are bad:
kernel<<<1, N>>>(...);
kernel<<<N, 1>>>(...);
The first is the case you're asking about. The second is the case of a single thread per threadblock; this leaves about 97% of the GPU horsepower untouched.
In addition to the above considerations, GPUs are latency hiding machines and like to have a lot of threads, warps, and threadblocks available, to select work from, to hide latency. Having lots of available threads helps the GPU to hide latency, which generally will result in higher efficiency (work accomplished per unit time.)
It's impossible to tell if it would be faster on the CPU. You would have to benchmark and compare. If all of the data is already on the GPU, and you would have to move it back to the CPU to do the work, and then move the results back to the GPU, then it might still be faster to use the GPU in a relatively inefficient way, in order to avoid the overhead of moving data around.

Cuda Stream Processing for multiple kernels Disambiguation

Hi a few questions regarding Cuda stream processing for multiple kernels.
Assume s streams and a kernels in a 3.5 capable kepler device, where s <= 32.
kernel uses a dev_input array of size n and a dev output array of size s*n.
kernel reads data from input array, stores its value in a register, manipulates it and writes its result back to dev_output at the position s*n + tid.
We aim to run the same kernel s times using one of the n streams each time. Similar to the simpleHyperQ example. Can you comment if and how any of the following affects concurrency please?
dev_input and dev_output are not pinned;
dev_input as it is vs dev_input size s*n, where each kernel reads unique data (no read conflicts)
kernels read data from constant memory
10kb of shared memory are allocated per block.
kernel uses 60 registers
Any good comments will be appreciated...!!!
thanks a lot for your detailed answer. It has been very helpful. I edited 4, it is 10kb per block. So in my situation, i launch grids of 61 blocks and 256 threads. The kernels are rather computationally bound. I launch 8 streams of the same kernel. Profile them and then i see a very good overlap between the first two and then it gets worse and worse. The kernel execution time is around 6ms. After the first two streams execute almost perfectly concurrent the rest have a 3ms distance between them. Regarding 5, i use a K20 which has a 255 register file. So i would not expect drawbacks from there. I really cannot understand why i do not achieve concurrency equivalent to what is specified for gk110s..
Please take a look at the following link. There is an image called kF.png .It shows the profiler output for the streams..!!!
Concurrency amongst kernels depends upon a number of factors, but one that many people overlook is simply the size of the kernel (i.e. number of blocks in the grid.) Kernels that are of a size that can effectively utilize the GPU by themselves will not generally run concurrently to a large degree, and there would be little throughput advantage even if they did. The work distributor inside the GPU will generally begin distributing blocks as soon as a kernel is launched, so if one kernel is launched before another, and both have a large number of blocks, then the first kernel will generally occupy the GPU until it is nearly complete, at which point blocks of the second kernel will then get scheduled and executed, perhaps with a small amount of "concurrent overlap".
The main point is that kernels that have enough blocks to "fill up the GPU" will prevent other kernels from actually executing, and apart from scheduling, this isn't any different on a compute 3.5 device. In addition, rather than just specifying a few parameters for the kernel as a whole, also specifying launch parameters and statistics (such as register usage, shared mem usage, etc.) at the block level are helpful for providing crisp answers. The benefits of the compute 3.5 architecture in this area will still mainly come from "small" kernels of "few" blocks, attempting to execute together. Compute 3.5 has some advantages there.
You should also review the answer to this question.
When global memory used by the kernel is not pinned, it affects the speed of data transfer, and also the ability to overlap copy and compute but does not affect the ability of two kernels to execute concurrently. Nevertheless, the limitation on copy and compute overlap may skew the behavior of your application.
There shouldn't be "read conflicts", I'm not sure what you mean by that. Two independent threads/blocks/grids are allowed to read the same location in global memory. Generally this will get sorted out at the L2 cache level. As long as we are talking about just reads there should be no conflict, and no particular effect on concurrency.
Constant memory is a limited resource, shared amongst all kernels executing on the device (try running deviceQuery). If you have not exceeded the total device limit, then the only issue will be one of utilization of the constant cache, and things like cache thrashing. Apart from this secondary relationship, there is no direct effect on concurrency.
It would be more instructive to identify the amount of shared memory per block rather than per kernel. This will directly affect how many blocks can be scheduled on a SM. But answering this question would be much crisper also if you specified the launch configuration of each kernel, as well as the relative timing of the launch invocations. If shared memory happened to be the limiting factor in scheduling, then you can divide the total available shared memory per SM by the amount used by each kernel, to get an idea of the possible concurrency based on this. My own opinion is that number of blocks in each grid is likely to be a bigger issue, unless you have kernels that use 10k per grid but only have a few blocks in the whole grid.
My comments here would be nearly the same as my response to 4. Take a look at deviceQuery for your device, and if registers became a limiting factor in scheduling blocks on each SM, then you could divide available registers per SM by the register usage per kernel (again, it makes a lot more sense to talk about register usage per block and the number of blocks in the kernel) to discover what the limit might be.
Again, if you have reasonable sized kernels (hundreds or thousands of blocks, or more) then the scheduling of blocks by the work distributor is most likely going to be the dominant factor in the amount of concurrency between kernels.
EDIT: in response to new information posted in the question. I've looked at the kF.png
First let's analyze from a blocks per SM perspective. CC 3.5 allows 16 "open" or currently scheduled blocks per SM. If you are launching 2 kernels of 61 blocks each, that may well be enough to fill the "ready-to-go" queue on the CC 3.5 device. Stated another way, the GPU can handle 2 of these kernels at a time. As the blocks of one of those kernels "drains" then another kernel is scheduled by the work distributor. The blocks of the first kernel "drain" sufficiently in about half the total time, so that the next kernel gets scheduled about halfway through the completion of the first 2 kernels, so at any given point (draw a vertical line on the timeline) you have either 2 or 3 kernels executing simultaneously. (The 3rd kernel launched overlaps the first 2 by about 50% according to the graph, I don't agree with your statement that there is a 3ms distance between each successive kernel launch). If we say that at peak we have 3 kernels scheduled (there are plenty of vertical lines that will intersect 3 kernel timelines) and each kernel has ~60 blocks, then that is about 180 blocks. Your K20 has 13 SMs and each SM can have at most 16 blocks scheduled on it. This means at peak you have about 180 blocks scheduled (perhaps) vs. a theoretical peak of 16*13 = 208. So you're pretty close to max here, and there's not much more that you could possibly get. But maybe you think you're only getting 120/208, I don't know.
Now let's take a look from a shared memory perspective. A key question is what is the setting of your L1/shared split? I believe it defaults to 48KB of shared memory per SM, but if you've changed this setting that will be pretty important. Regardless, according to your statement each block scheduled will use 10KB of shared memory. This means we would max out around 4 blocks scheduled per SM, or 4*13 total blocks = 52 blocks max that can be scheduled at any given time. You're clearly exceeding this number, so probably I don't have enough information about the shared memory usage by your kernels. If you're really using 10kb/block, this would more or less preclude you from having more than one kernel's worth of threadblocks executing at a time. There could still be some overlap, and I believe this is likely to be the actual limiting factor in your application. The first kernel of 60 blocks gets scheduled. After a few blocks drain (or perhaps because the 2 kernels were launched close enough together) the second kernel begins to get scheduled, so nearly simultaneously. Then we have to wait a while for about a kernel's worth of blocks to drain before the 3rd kernel can get scheduled, this may well be at the 50% point as indicated in the timeline.
Anyway I think the analyses 1 and 2 above clearly suggest you're getting most of the capability out of the device, based on the limitations inherent in your kernel structure. (We could do a similar analysis based on registers to discover if that is a significant limiting factor.) Regarding this statement: "I really cannot understand why i do not achieve concurrency equivalent to what is specified for gk110s.." I hope you see that the concurrency spec (e.g. 32 kernels) is a maximum spec, and in most cases you are going to run into some other kind of machine limit before you hit the limit on the maximum number of kernels that can execute simultaneously.
EDIT: regarding documentation and resources, the answer I linked to above from Greg Smith provides some resource links. Here are a few more:
The C programming guide has a section on Asynchronous Concurrent Execution.
GPU Concurrency and Streams presentation by Dr. Steve Rennich at NVIDIA is on the NVIDIA webinar page
My experience with HyperQ so far is 2-3 (3.5) times parallellization of my kernels, as the kernels usually are larger for a little more complex calculations. With small kernels its a different story, but usually the kernels are more complicated.
This is also answered by Nvidia in their cuda 5.0 documentation that more complex kernels will take down the amount of parallellization.
But still, GK110 has a great advantage just allowing this.

How can I measure how my multithreaded code scales (speedup)?

What would be the best way to measure the speedup of my program assuming I only have 4 cores? Obviously I could measure it up to 4, however it would be nice to know for 8, 16, and so on.
Ideally I'd like to know the amount of speedup per number of thread, similar to this graph:
Is there any way I can do this? Perhaps a method of simulating multiple cores?
I'm sorry, but in my opinion, the only reliable measurement is to actually get an 8, 16 or more cores machine and test on that.
Memory bandwidth saturation, number of CPU functional units and other hardware bottlenecks can have a huge impact on scalability. I know from personal experience that if a program scales on 2 cores and on 4 cores, it might dramatically slow down when run on 8 cores, simply because it's not enough to have 8 cores to be able to scale 8x.
You could try to predict what will happen, but there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into account:
caches - size, number of layers, shared / non-shared
memory bandwidth
number of cores vs. number of processors i.e. is it an 8-core machine or a dual-quad-core machine
interconnection between cores - a lower number of cores (2, 4) can still work reasonably well with a bus, but for 8 or more cores a more sophisticated interconnection is needed.
memory access - again, a lower number of cores work well with the SMP (symmetrical multiprocessing) model, while a higher number of core need a NUMA (non-uniform memory access) model.
I do neither think that there is a real way to do this, but one thing which comes to my mind is that you could use a virtual machine to simulate more cores. In VirtualBox for example you can select up to 16 cores out of the standard menu, but I am very confident that there are some hacks, which can make more of that and other VirtualMachines like VMware might even support more out of the Box.
bamboon and and doron are correct that many variables are at play, but if you have a tunable input size n, you can figure out the strong scaling and weak scaling of your code.
Strong scaling refers to fixing the problem size (e.g. n = 1M) and varying the number of threads available for computation. Weak scaling refers to fixing the problem size per thread (n = 10k/thread) and varying the number of threads available for computation.
It's true there's a lot of variables at work in any program -- however if you have some basic input size n, it's possible to get some semblance of scaling. On a n-body simulator I developed a few years back, I varied the threads for fixed size and the input size per thread and was able to reasonably calculate a rough measure of how well the multithreaded code scaled.
Since you only have 4 cores, you can only feasibly compute the scaling up to 4 threads. This severely limits your ability to see how well it scales to largely threaded loads. But this may not be an issue if your application is only used on machines where there are small core counts.
You really need to ask yourself the question: Is this going to be used on 10, 20, 40+ threads? If it is, the only way to accurately determine scaling to those regimes is to actually benchmark it on a platform where you have that hardware available.
Side note: Depending on your application, it may not matter that you only have 4 cores. Some workloads scale with increasing threads regardless of the real number of cores available, if many of those threads spend time "waiting" for something to happen (e.g. web servers). If you're doing pure computation though, this won't be the case
I don't believe this is possible since there are too many variables to be able to accurately extrapolate performace. Even assuming you are 100% parallel. There are other factors like bus speed and cache misses that might limit your performance, not to mention periferal performace. How all of these factors affect your code can only be done though measuring on your specific hardware platform.
I take it you are asking about measurement, so I won't address the issue of predicting the effect on higher numbers of cores.
This question can be viewed another way: how busy can you keep each thread, and what do they total up to? So for six threads, running at say 50% utilization each, means you have 3 equivalent processors running. Dividing that by say four processors, means that your methods are achieving 75% utilization. Comparing that utilization, against the clock-time of actual speedup, tells you how much of your utilization is new overhead, and how much is real speed up. Isn't that what you are really interested in?
The processor utilization can be computed in real-time a couple different ways. Threads can independently ask the system for their thread times, compute ratios and maintain global totals. If you have total control over your blocking states, you don't even need the system calls, because you can just keep track of the ratio of blocking to nonblocking machine cycles, for computing utilization. A real-time multithreading instrumentation package I developed uses such methods and they work well. The cpu clock counter in newer cpus reads on the inside of 20 machine cycles.