Convert SDT data to BC in Genexus - dataprovider

I populated a SDT with data in Genexus 15 and need to save it on a transaction. The SDT has a two level structure with header information and detail items.
I tried with this DataProvider but something is wrong, because I get an foreign key violation error when tring to execute it:
parm(in: &NewInvoice); // SDT variable
StampId = &NewInvoice.StampId
InvoiceNumber = &NewInvoice.InvoiceNumber
CustomerId = &NewInvoice.CustomerId
ProductId = &NewInvoice.Concept.CurrentItem.ProductId
ConceptQty = &NewInvoice.Concept.CurrentItem.ConceptQty
The Event triggering the DP in the webpanel:
&Invoice = DPInvoice(&NewInvoice)
This is the transaction structure
This is the SDT Structure
Please help me!

You have to iterate over the second level of &NewInvoice.
Define a variable &NewInvoiceItem of type SDTInvoiceCopy1.ConceptItem in the DataProvider and use the following Source code:
StampId = &NewInvoice.StampId
InvoiceNumber = &NewInvoice.InvoiceNumber
CustomerId = &NewInvoice.CustomerId
Concept Input &NewInvoiceItem in &NewInvoice.Concept
ProductId = &NewInvoiceItem.ProductId
ConceptQty = &NewInvoiceItem.ConceptQty


Poco c++ How to read "text" data type from PostgreSQL DB?

I am executing a database (PostgreSQL) query.
Сomment column has "text" data type.
SELECT Comment FROM table WHERE id = 1;
RecordSet result = query->execute("");
bool more = result .moveFirst();
while (more)
std::string comment = result["Comment"].convert<std::string>());
std::string comment = result["Comment"].extract<std::string>());
more = result.moveNext();
I get an exception
How can I read a field without changing the database data type?
I figured out
Poco::SQL::MetaColumn::ColumnDataType type = result.columnType("Comment");
type is Poco::SQL::MetaColumn::ColumnDataType::FDT_CLOB
Poco::SQL::CLOB comment = response["Comment"].extract<Poco::SQL::CLOB>();
Look the same if POCO version < 1.9.1

Save Expression on Encrypted attribute in DynamoDB

I'm using save expression on an encrypted attribute named transactionAmount while updating data in dynamo DB. However the update query is failing with ConditionalCheckFailedException. The data is encrypted on client side during initial persistence in dynamodb in way same as described here. Following is the code:
Data Transfer Object:
public final class SampleDTO {
#DynamoDBHashKey(attributeName = CommonDynamoDBSchemaConstants.UNIQUE_KEY)
#Getter(onMethod = #__({ #DoNotTouch }))
private String uniqueKey;
#DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = CommonDynamoDBSchemaConstants.EVENT_RUNNING_TIME_EPOCH)
#Getter(onMethod = #__({ #DoNotTouch }))
private Long eventRunningTimeInEpoch;
#DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = CommonDynamoDBSchemaConstants.INSTRUMENT_TYPE)
#DynamoDBTypeConverted(converter = InstrumentTypeConverter.class)
#Getter(onMethod = #__({ #DoNotTouch }))
private InstrumentType instrumentType;
#DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = CommonDynamoDBSchemaConstants.TRANSACTION_AMOUNT)
private String transactionAmount;
Data Access Code:
// fetches data from dynamoDB based on unique key passed to it.
SampleDTO sampleDTO = getSampleDTO("testLedgerUniqueKey");
DynamoDBSaveExpression saveExpression = new DynamoDBSaveExpression();
Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> expressionAttributeValues =
new HashMap<String, ExpectedAttributeValue>();
new ExpectedAttributeValue(true)
.withValue(new AttributeValue(sampleDTO.getLedgerUniqueKey())));
new ExpectedAttributeValue(true).withValue(
new AttributeValue(sampleDTO.getTransactionAmount())));
saveExpression.setConditionalOperator(ConditionalOperator.AND);, saveExpression, null /*dynamoDBMapperConfig*/);
You are trying to update a record that does not exist with your query condition. Please verify your query condition to make sure your query returns a record.
You specified a condition that evaluated to false. For example, you
might have tried to perform a conditional update on an item, but the
actual value of the attribute did not match the expected value in the
Hope it helps.

How to update item by Composite Primary Key in Dynamodb

I have a table called friends:
Friend 1 | Friend 2 | Status
Friend 1 is my HASH attribute and Friend 2 is my range attribute.
I would like to update an item's staus attribute where friend 1 = 'Bob' and friend 2 = 'Joe'. Reading through the documentation on I can only see how to update an item by 1 key, how do I include the other key?
Here you go:
DynamoDBQueryExpression<Reply> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<Reply>()
.withKeyConditionExpression("Id = :val1 and ReplyDateTime > :val2")
where Id is the Hash Key and ReplyDateTime is the Range Key.
I'm writing example where you can make update of multiple item in single table. I have primary key as id and range key as Datetime.
Actually there is no feature available in dynamodb so what i'm doing here is first query all the variable with hash key and range key of which i want to make update. Once all data are stored in List then loading data with it's hash key and rangekey and changing or updating field using set and save it.
Since I'm editing in hash key so, hash key original will be there we need to delete it. If you need to update in next attribute no need. I haven't added deleting code write yourself. You can query if you have confusion your entry with hash key will be still and new entry with new hash key will be added.
Code is below:
public static void main(String[] args) {
AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
DynamoDBMapper mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(client);
String fromDate = "2016-01-13";
String toDate = "2016-02-05";
User user = new User();
LocalDate frmdate = LocalDate.parse(fromDate, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
LocalDate todate = LocalDate.parse(toDate, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE);
LocalDateTime startfrm = frmdate.atStartOfDay();
LocalDateTime endto = todate.atTime(23, 59, 59);
Condition rangeCondition = new Condition().withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.BETWEEN.toString()).withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS(startfrm.toString()), new AttributeValue().withS(endto.toString()));
DynamoDBQueryExpression<User> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<User>().withHashKeyValues(user).withRangeKeyCondition("DATETIME", rangeCondition);
List<User> latestReplies = mapper.query(User.class, queryExpression);
for (User in : latestReplies) {
System.out.println(" Hashid: " + in.getId() + " DateTime: " + in.getDATETIME() + "location:" + in.getLOCID());
User ma = mapper.load(User.class, in.getId(), in.getDATETIME());

List of instances with minimal date of their group

I'm working on a Java project, using Hibernate to administrate data on a SQL database.
I try to fetch a list of instances from the Database, that have a minimal timestamp of the group they share. The group is modeled by a container.
Here is a minimal model sketch:
#Table(name = "object")
public class Object implements Serializable{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.Auto)
long obj_id;
#Column(name = "time_stamp", nullable = false)
Date timestamp;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinColumn(name = "container_id", nullable = false)
Container con;
#Table(name = "container")
public class Container{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
long con_id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "container")
List<object> obj_list;
So there are some objects with a timestamp and containers that group these objects.
For example, there are two containers, con_a and con_b:
Container con_a:
con_id = 1
obj_list = {obj_a, obj_b}
Container con_b:
con_id = 2
obj_list = {obj_c}
And three objects, obj_a, obj_b, obj_c:
Object obj_a
obj_id = 1
timestamp = 10
con = con_a
Object obj_b
obj_id = 2
timestamp = 20
con = con_a
Object obj_c
obj_id = 3
timestamp = 30
con = con_b
The desired List in this example would look like:
List<Object> = {obj_a, obj_c}
I seem to move in a circle, as I do not even know where to "start" the query:
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Container.class). ...
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Object.class). ...
It seems both possible for me, but i just have no idea how to go on from any of those 2 possibilities.
Update [2014.07.11, 14:19]:
I tried and started the query with the Object class and used a Subquery:
Session session = getSession();
Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
DetachedCriteria IdListOfGroupMinimum = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Object.class, "obj")
IdListOfGroupMinimum.createAlias("", "containerId")
Criteria objects = session.createCriteria(object.class, "obj")
objects.add("", IdListOfGroupMinimum));
List<Object> = objects.list();
But I received the following error:
javax.servlet.ServletException: org.hibernate.QueryException: not an association: id
I tried to do this:
SELECT * from Object
FROM Object obj
SELECT obj.containerID, MIN(obj.timestamp) AS minimum
FROM Object obj
GROUP BY obj.containerID) subquery
ON obj.containerID = subquery.containerID
WHERE obj.timestamp = subquery.minimum
I found a solution for my problem which is probably not the most elegant one, but it works.
Mainly I used the SQL-Query that I already posted above:
Session session = getSession();
Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
//This query fetches the IDs of the smallest objects in each group with
//regard to the timestamp
Query q = session.createSQLQuery(
"SELECT FROM Object obj "
+ "SELECT obj.containerID, MIN(obj.timestamp) AS minimum "
+ "FROM Object obj "
+ "GROUP BY obj.containerID) subquery "
+ "ON obj.containerID = subquery.containerID "
+ "WHERE obj.timestamp = subquery.minimum "
//This tells Hibernate that the result are values of type Long
q.addScalar("id", LongType.INSTANCE)
//Creates a list of the found IDs
List<Long> ids = q.list();
//Fetches all object with those IDs...
Criteria smallestOfEachGroup = session.createCriteria(Object.class)
.add("id", ids);
//...and saves them in a list.
List<Object> desiredList = smallestOfEachGroup.list()
} catch(HibernateException e) {
As all my sketches are not the real code, so there might be still naming errors.
Anyway, I hope this helps someone.
I still would be pleased by any more elegant solution.
Update [2014.07.20, 18:50]:
I found a solution that uses Hibernate Criteria exclusively :)
Session session = getSession();
Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
//This subquery fetches the minimal timestamp of a container.
DetachedCriteria minOfGroup = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Object.class);
minOfGroup.add(Restrictions.eqProperty("con.con_id", "outerObject.con.con_id")
//This subquery fetches the IDs of all Objects, whose timestamp is minimal
//in their container.
DetachedCriteria groupwiseMin = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Object.class, "outerObject");
groupwiseMin.add(Subqueries.propertyEq("timestamp", minOfGroup));
//This subquery fetches all Objects whose IDs are fetched by the groupwiseMin
Criteria groupwiseMinObjects = session.createCriteria(Object.class);
groupwiseMinObjects.add(Subqueries.propertyIn("obj_id", groupwiseMin));
List<Object> desiredObjects = groupwiseMinObjects.list();
} catch(HibernateException e) {
I think you can make this query even shorter, if you remove the groupwiseMinObjects query above replace the groupwiseMin query by:
Criteria anotherGroupWiseMinObjects = session.createCriteria(Object.class, "outerObject");
anotherGroupwiseMinObjects.add(Subqueries.propertyEq("timestamp", minOfGroup));
But I did not test that.
In my original project I use several subqueries that converge in a single query.
That means after some subqueries, there is a final query like:
Criteria finalQuery = session.createCriteria(Object.class);
finalQuery.add(Subqueries. (...) )
.add(Subqueries. (...) );

Hide UltragridRow that has no visible child rows after applying RowFilter

So, I am setting the DataSource of my BindingSource to the DefaultViewManager of a DataSet that has a DataRelation. I then set my BindingSource as the UltraGrid's DataSource before applying a RowFilter to the the "SalesOrderSublines" DataView.
public void RefreshData()
var dataset = DataService.GetMillWorkOrders()
bindingSource1.DataSource = dataset.DefaultViewManager;
ultraGridSequences.SetDataBinding(bindingSource1, "", true, true);
var dvm = bindingSource1.DataSource as DataViewManager;
dvm.DataViewSettings["SalesOrderSublines"].RowFilter = "LINE_NO = 2;
public static DataSet GetMillWorkOrders()
DataSet ds = OracleHelper.ExecuteDataset(_connectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, SQL.GET_WORK_ORDERS);
ds.Tables[0].TableName = "WorkOrders";
ds.Tables[1].TableName = "SalesOrderSublines";
var dr = new DataRelation("WorkOrderSublines", ds.Tables["WorkOrders"].Columns["WORK_ORDER"], ds.Tables["SalesOrderSublines"].Columns["WORK_ORDER"]);
return ds;
Then, as the UltraGridRows are initializing I want to hide any parent row ("WorkOrders") that has no visible child rows ("WorkOrderSublines") because of my RowFilter.
private void ultraGridSequences_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.Band.Key != "WorkOrders") return;
e.Row.Hidden = e.Row.ChildBands["WorkOrderSublines"].Rows.VisibleRowCount == 0;
Although the RowFilter does work properly on the rows in the "WorkOrderSublines" band the VisibleRowCount of the band is still greater than zero and so the parent row is never hidden. My guess is that I want to look for something other than the VisibleRowCount of the ChildBand to determine if the top-level row should be hidden, but I'm stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.
Instead of relying on VisibleRowCount you could simply compare the count of child row filtered vs total count.
void ultraGridSequences_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.Band.Key != "WorkOrders") return;
var sublinesBand = e.Row.ChildBands["WorkOrderSublines"]
e.Row.Hidden = sublinesBand.Rows.Count(row => row.IsFilteredOut) ==
Should be fine performance-wise so long as we're not talking huge amounts of records?
Using the Filtering within the Grid may be an option rather than using the filtering in the DataSource. The following resources have more details on implementing this: