How to search for Shiny Apps - Rstudio - shiny

I'm entering the world of Shiny Rstudio now. So this is a beginner question
One question I came up with is: how do I search for the Shiny Apps available/created? Are all created Apps available? Is there any way that, once I create my app, I prevent it from being viewed? Or during the creation I "block it"?
From so much searching I found this link via Rstudio's website:
Would this be the search platform for all apps made?
But in the case of it seems that it is necessary to send it via "Submit App".

I am not sure if I understand your questions correctly but I might be able to give you some insights.
Are all created Apps available?
No, some shiny Apps are hosted on private servers or/and are embedded in password-protected websites or Wordpress-pages for example. If you dont have those access rights, then you cannot see those Apps.
How do I search for the Shiny Apps available/created?
There is no way of doing that, except on pages like Showmeshiny, the RStudio Shiny Gallery, this gallery of recent Shiny-Apps or pther similar pages. Those Apps are publicly available and you can submit your own App if you like sharing it. is a nice and easy way of deploying your App on a server with a few clicks. But you need at least the standard license to include authentication, otherwise they would be free and open for everyone.
Is there any way that, once I create my app, I prevent it from being
I am not quite sure, what you mean. If it should be blocked from being viewed at all, I dont see the reason of building a ShinyApp. If you just want to access it yourself, then there are ways of doing so. Either password-protect it where only you know the password or host it on a local server that only you can access.
Or during the creation I "block it"?
If you create it on your computer and run it, it will run on your computer and only be accessible to yourself, except you explicitly configure it otherwise. So there is no need of "blocking it".


I can't change the boot disk when I try to create a Google Cloud Instance

When I try to create a new instance for deep learning on Google Cloud Platform, by following various tutorials including, I can't select a zone or boot disk (I'd like to use Ubuntu 16.04. There is no response when I click these features. How can I set them?
I've tried to reproduce this issue with various levels of authorisation in my own project and I've not been able to reproduce this issue. As you have access to the Create Instance page, It looks to like this might be a browser specific issue, rather than and issue with authorisation, or any settings within your project.
Would it be possible for you to try and perform this task from a different browser and see if the result is the same? For example, can you try this in Chrome browser and in an Incognito window?
If you are able to perform the action from a different browser, you probably have an issue with cookies, or a third-party browser add on affecting the functionality with GCP. You could try enabling the cookies for the browser to see if that makes a difference, or disabling/removing third party add ons to see if that makes a difference.

Cloning PyQt app in django framework

I've designed a desktop app using PyQt GUI toolkit and now I need to embed this app on my Django website. Do I need to clone it using django's own logic or is there a way to get it up on website using some interface. Coz I need this to work on my website same way it works as desktop. Do I need to find out packages in django to remake it over the web or is there way to simplify the task?
Please help.
I'm not aware of any libraries to port a PyQT desktop app to a django webapp. Django certainly does nothing to enable this one way or another. I think, you'll find that you have to rewrite it for the web. Django is a great framework and depending on the complexity of your app, it might not be too difficult. If you haven't done much with web development, there is a lot to learn!
If it seemed like common sense to you that you should be able to run a desktop app as a webapp, consider this:
Almost all web communication that you likely encounter is done via HTTP. HTTP is a protocol for passing data between servers and clients (often, browsers). What this means is that any communication that takes place must be resolved into discrete chunks. Consider an example flow:
You go to google in your browser.
Your browser then hits a DNS server (or cache) that resolves the name to some IP address.
Cool, now your browser makes a request to that IP address and says "get me some stuff".
Google decides to send you back a minimal amount of HTML and lots of minified JavaScript in the page.
Your browser realizes that there are some image links in the HTML and so it makes additional requests to google to get each of the images so that it can display them.
Now all the content is loaded on your browser so it starts to execute the JavaScript code, and that code needs some more data from google so it starts sending requests to google too.
This is just a small example of how fundamentally different a web application operates than how a desktop application does. On a desktop app you have the added convenience that any operation doesn't need to be "packaged up" and sent, then have an action taken, etc (unless you're using a messaging architecture, but that's relatively uncommon outside of enterprise apps).

Run Django development server as public website

What are the risks of doing this? I understand the documentation says not to do it, but I have password protected all the pages.
The point is that your "password protection" is useless if a hacker can simply bypass that and read your database directly. We don't know if they can, but - as the docs say - the dev server has undergone no security testing whatsoever, so they might well be able to.
Plus, the server is single-threaded. It will only ever be able to serve one request at a time. That makes for a very slow experience for your users.
Seriously, there is no reason to do this. Setting up Apache + mod_wsgi, or whatever your preferred hosting environment is, is a five-minute process if you follow the very detailed instructions.
If you mean, you want to deploy your Django project, you should use something like NGINX etc.
If you just want to tell, what if a development server is public, you have the same risks with any another project written in any platform.

OpenCart - Can I access data externally?

I have a project in mind for a desktop aplication that interacts with e-shops directly. My goal is to create an application that uses the e-shop´s table and presents it to the shop through this app.
Before I get too into it I want to find a shoping cart software (preferably the oneclick installs that many webhosts offer) that will let me access it´s tables and modify/read/write at will without going throught the website.
Could I do this with OpenCart?
if not which way should I shoot?
Thanks in advance
Normally this is not possible unless You'd stick directly with some DB administration tool that will connect directly to the database server. There are some options though:
write an API for the desktop application - it could be based on web services - that the desktop application will comunicate with (more work has to be done but this should be the best solution)
let the desktop application connect directly to the database server (the same settings as OpenCart uses; requires only the desktop application development)
or as I mentioned, use a desktop DBMS tool for MySQL (or one that is universal), there are plenty of them, many also free... (no development at all but I'm not sure if this would be the desired solution)

Authentication with apache2 php pages and tomcat REST calls

Hello smart people on stackoverflow,
I would be very happy if someone could point me to the right libraries/frameworks to do what I want.
We have the following web architecture set up.
1. We have a tomcat server that offers REST services.
2. We have an apache2 server that serves up php pages to users.
a. Some of these php pages make REST calls to tomcat for data.
b. Other php pages contain javascript that makes REST calls that are routed through apache2 via mod_proxy to tomcat. e.g. All request to would go to tomcat.
Now, I'm asked to add authentication to everything, both the user pages as well as the REST calls. It would obviously be ideal for the user to sign-in once for access to both.
What library can I use for this? I don't think I can use any php-based solution (ie. one that involves adding a ) because the pass-through url's won't have a chance to add this code and check for authentication. I think I need to use something built into apache2 itself.
One minor requirement is that I would like the user credentials stored in a mysql database as opposed to a file.
Am I over-thinking this?
Thanks in advance
Well it's been 5 days, so I guess I'll answer my own question...
I ended up using the new mod_auth_form for authentication because it lets you use a nice stylized webpage to log users in.
I also used mod_dbd to access user credentials in mysql.
I couldn't find a nice tutorial on this so I struggled through the installation and setup a bit, but if anyone cares, I created a set of instructions on my blog in case anyone else tries to do the same thing.