Save command line output to variable in Fortran - fortran

Is there a way to store the output of a command line utility to a variable in Fortran?
I have a BASH based utility which gives me a number which needs to be used in a Fortran program. I want to call the utility through the program itself, and avoid writing the output to a file if possible.
Something like this maybe?
integer a
write(a,*) call execute_command_line('echo 5')
Or like this maybe?
read(call execute_command_line('echo 5'),*) a
I don't think either of these is right though. I would like to know if there is actually a method to do this. I read the docs for execute_command_line but I don't think there is an output argument for the subroutine which does this.

Since you're using BASH, lets assume you're working on some kind of unix-like system. So you could use a FIFO. Something like
program readfifo
implicit none
integer :: u, i
logical :: ex
inquire(exist=ex, file='foo')
if (.not. ex) then
call execute_command_line ("mkfifo foo")
end if
call execute_command_line ("echo 5 > foo&")
open(newunit=u, file='foo', action='read')
read(u, *) i
write(*, *) 'Managed to read the value ', i
end program readfifo
Note that the semantics of FIFO's wrt blocking can be a bit tricky (that's why there is the '&' after the echo command, you might want to read up on it a bit and experiment (particularly make sure you haven't got a zillion bash processes hanging around when you do this multiple times).


`Unexpected element ‘\’ in format string` in code written for MS Fortran [duplicate]

I have a project written in VS2010 with Intel Visual Fortran. I have a dump subroutine to write a 2D matrix into file:
subroutine Dump2D(Name,Nx,Ny,Res)
implicit none
integer i,j,Nx,Ny
real(8) :: Res(Nx,Ny)
character(len=30) name,Filename
logical alive
write(filename,*) trim(Name),".dat"
Write(*,*) "Saving ",trim(Name)," Please wait..."
open (10,file=filename)
do i=1,Ny
Write(10,FMt="(D21.13\)") (Res(j,i),j=1,Nx)
end do
Write(*,*) "Save ",trim(Name),"Complete!"
end subroutine Dump2D
It is ok to compile and run. But when I compile in emacs using gfortran it gives me the error:
I think it's because the gfortran doesn't recognize \ in a format for a write command. How do I fix this problem?
Write(10,FMt="(D21.13\)") (Res(j,i),j=1,Nx)
Error: Unexpected element '\' in format string at (1)
The edit descriptor \ relates to backslash editing. This is a non-standard extension provided by the Intel compiler (and perhaps others). It is not supported by gfortran.
Such backslash editing is intended to affect carriage control. Much as in this answer such an effect can be handled with the (standard) non-advancing output.1
As you simply want to output each column of a matrix to a record/line you needn't bother with this effort.2 Instead (as you'll see in many other questions):
do i=1,Ny
write(10,fmt="(*(D21.13))") Res(:,i)
end do
There are also other approaches which a more general search will find.
1 The Intel compiler treats \ and $ in the same way.
2 There are subtle aspects of \, but I'll assume you don't care about those.
Another approach (although francescalus answer is better in your case) would be to build a format string that contains the number of elements to include in your row. One way of doing this is to use the following to build the format string (which uses an explicit space character to separate elements within a line in the file):
WRITE(fmtString, '(A,I0,A)') '(', Nx, '(D21.13,:,1X))' *
Then use the format string variable in your WRITE statement as so:
do i=1,Ny
Write(10,FMt=fmtString) (Res(j,i),j=1,Nx)
end do
This approach can also be very useful if you want to use something other than spaces to separate elements (e.g. commas or semicolons).
*As that's a little difficult to read, I will provide an example. For Nx = 3, this would be equivalent to:
fmtString = '(3(D21.13,:,1X))'
Which is 2 numbers formatted using D21.13, each followed by a space, and a final number formatted using D21.13, but without a space after it (as the ":" stops at the final item).
The backslash is not valid in Fortran 77 FORMAT statements. Gfortran will not compile it, unless you fix the code. There is no flag that will change that AFAIK (-fbackslash should not help here).
If I understand the intention correctly (and I may be wrong), the backslash does the same as the dollar sign in some other compilers and prevents terminating a record (line). In that case the advance="no" put in the write statement should help. It is Fortran 90, but you should not avoid it just for that reason.

Fortran :: Syntax error in OPEN statement at (1)

I was trying to test my cryptography algorithm by [diehard tests] (, that I realized my input file must be an unformatted and direct access file.
So I tried to write a simple program in Fortran to read from a file and write it to another.
First of all, is it the only way to make an unformatted or direct access file ?
If it is so, I've got this Error
open(unit=2, file='unf.BIN',RECL=rl , form='UNFORMATTED', access='direct')
Error: Syntax error in OPEN statement at (1)
I use RECL because of some missing RECL parameter in Open statement errors.(Fortran 90, Compiling program: Error messages)
Here is my Fortran code:
program BinaryWriter
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: p
open(unit=2, file='unf.BIN',RECL=rl , form='UNFORMATTED', access='direct')
do i=1 ,256
read (8,'(i1)') p
write(*,*) p
end do
end program BinaryWriter
Two things:
1) Please stop using unit numbers less than 10. Virtually all modern Fortran compilers do now have the newunit identifier, which, instead of the old unit actually picks an unused value, so always use a variable there. But even if you want to use unit, set it to a value of 10 or more.
2) For direct access, the program needs the record length. So if you have access="direct", you also need an recl=<some integer value> to tell the compiler where a new record starts.
Now in your case, you have a RECL=rl entry in the open statement, but I can't see what rl is. It needs to be a positive integer.
Edit to add: As #IanH pointed out in a comment below your question, it is possible that you are using fixed form fortran. This might be caused by the file extension of your source code file being .f or .f77. In that case, you'd have to wrap your lines manually:
program dir
implicit none
integer :: rl
open(unit=20, file='delme.bin', recl=<the record length>,
& form='unformatted', access='direct')
end program dir
Note that the & is in the 6th position of the line. Fortran 77 code usually uses a + there, but & is also compatible with newer Fortran versions, that's why I prefer it. F77 standard is just any character in that 6th spot.

Fortran and gnuplot: parameter passing and returning a value

I would like to call a gnuplot script from a program in Fortran. The program is supposed to perform a linear fit, to obtain the linear parameters and to send them back to the main program. I know that gnuplot can be called from Fortran using the command
call system ('gnuplot script.gnu')
what I don't know is how to send parameters to gnuplot in this call (let's say a real variable called t) and to return back to the main program the values of the fitted parameters (two real values a and b).
Note: I would like to avoid the use of files to communicate between the programs: I don't want gnuplot to write a file that it is then read by the Fortran program.
My script for the linear fitting:
fit [t:*] f(x) "data.txt" u 1:2 via a,b;
You can use the -e command line argument of gnuplot
call system (`gnuplot -e "t=1" script.gnu')
to pass a parameter to gnuplot. I am not aware of any way to return a value though.
(To make it really useful you will have to get the numbers into the string, see
Convert integers to strings to create output filenames at run time and many related question in the "Linked" tab about how you can do that.)
It should be very easy to do your linear fit in Fortran, the formula is very simple and there are also libraries available, and avoid all these complications.

FORTRAN WRITE in one line only (prevent newline or carriage returns) [duplicate]

I have noticed the results of list-directed output write(*,*) in Fortran is compiler dependent.
Indeed, with the code:
program one
real(8), dimension(5):: r1
do i=1,5
end do
write(*,*) (r1(i), i =1,5)
end program one
intel compiler ifort gives standard output broken by a newline:
3.16227769851685 4.47213602066040 5.47722530364990
6.32455539703369 7.07106781005859
while gfortran gives the equivalent one line result:
3.1622776601683795 4.4721359549995796 5.4772255750516612 6.3245553203367590 7.0710678118654755
I think that ifort is writing maximum 3 items per line (when floating real numbers).
Is there any way to make the ifort output be like gfrotran, i.e. avoid the newline?
Ideally, I would like to keep list-directed output (*,*) instructions, so I am looking for something like a compiler option or so, if any.
Since verson 14, intel fortran compiler has the wrap-margin function. By default, the record is wrapped after 80 characters. For disabling this restriction, you should specify:
on Linux: -no-wrap-margin
on WIndows: /wrap-margin-
See more on Intel Fortran's reference guide
No. List-directed (free-format) output provides convenience, but you give up control. Various aspects of the output are unspecified and allowed to be chosen to the compiler. If you want full control, you have to use formatted output.
Look into edit descriptors in your favorite Fortran book or online documentation. You can use fmt specifier in the write statement to specify edit descriptors. For example:
write(*,fmt='(5(F6.4,3X))') (r1(i), i =1,5)
should output something similar to:
3.1623 4.4721 5.4772 6.3246 7.0711
Specify FORT_FMT_RECL or use
write (,"(G0,1X))"

End of Record error when saving a variable

I'm having a runtime error when I run a code that works without problems using a different computer.
I'm wondering if the problem is the Fortran compiler of this machine (GCC 4.9.2) since the former computer used a previous version.
The issue comes when defining a variable like this:
In a module I define
character(30),allocatable,save :: sceneclass(:)
Then in the subroutine sceneclass is defined according to
character(30) surf, frac, scene
do i=1,10
write(sceneclass(i),*) trim(scene)//trim(surf)//'_'//trim(frac)
In the first iteration I get the "End of record". But I don't know where is the problem. It seems to work fine in other computers.
You are probably writing a string to sceneclass(i) that is longer then the 30 chars you specified.
I can reproduce this with
program test
implicit none
character(10),allocatable :: sceneclass(:)
integer :: i
allocate( sceneclass(10) )
do i=1,10
write(sceneclass(i),*) 10**i
print *, ( trim(sceneclass(i)), i=1,10 )
end program
gfortran fails with
Fortran runtime error: End of record
while ifort reports the error correctly:
output statement overflows record, unit -5, file Internal List-Directed Write
Increasing the string length to 12 solves the issue in this case. You can (and should) use iostat within the write statement to capture this.
One thing to be aware of, when you specify a list directed * write of a character string, the compiler always(?) adds an extra lead blank, so the effective length of the string you can write is one less than you might expect.
To remedy that (and of course assuming you don't want the lead blank anyway ) use a string edit descriptor:
Interestingly ifort (linux 11.1) actually allows you to overrun by one character:
character*5 c
write(c,*)'12345' ! result: " 1234"
which I would consider a bug. It seems they forgot to count the blank too.. ( gfortran throws the above error on this, and ifort balks if you add one more character )
see here if you wonder why the blank.. Are Fortran control characters (carriage control) still implemented in compilers?
and now I'm curious if some compiler somewhere didn't do that for an internal list write, or maybe your code was previously compiled with a flag to disable the "printer control" code