How to add custom fields in customer list? (opencart) - opencart

How can I get custom fields into getList function and add they to customer list in backend of opencart?
the following code is form getForm function
// Custom Fields
$data['custom_fields'] = array();
$custom_fields = $this->model_customer_custom_field->getCustomFields();
$confirmation_info = $this->model_sale_confirmation->getConfirmation($confirmation_id);
foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_field) {
$data['custom_fields'][] = array(
'custom_field_id' => $custom_field['custom_field_id'],
'custom_field_value' => $this->model_customer_custom_field->getCustomFieldValues($custom_field['custom_field_id']),
'name' => $custom_field['name'],
'value' => $custom_field['value'],
'type' => $custom_field['type'],
'location' => $custom_field['location'],
'sort_order' => $custom_field['sort_order']
$data['download'] = $this->url->link('tool/upload/download', 'user_token=' . $this->session->data['user_token'], true);
if (isset($this->request->post['custom_field'])) {
$data['confirmation_custom_field'] = $this->request->post['custom_field'];
} elseif (!empty($confirmation_info)) {
$data['confirmation_custom_field'] = json_decode($confirmation_info['custom_field'], true);
} else {
$data['confirmation_custom_field'] = array();

Custom field values are stored in Json format in oc_customer table custom_field column.
So you can get these values in getList() function and pass them in customers array like this
$data['customers'][] = array(
'account_custom_field'=>json_decode($result['custom_field'], true),
Now you need to get the name of the custom fields for displaying in customer list as columns of the table.
// Custom Fields
$data['custom_fields'] = array();
$custom_fields = $this->model_customer_custom_field->getCustomFields();
$confirmation_info = $this->model_sale_confirmation->getConfirmation($confirmation_id);
foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_field) {
$data['custom_fields'][] = array(
'custom_field_id' => $custom_field['custom_field_id'],
'custom_field_value' => $this->model_customer_custom_field->getCustomFieldValues($custom_field['custom_field_id']),
'name' => $custom_field['name'],
'value' => $custom_field['value'],
'type' => $custom_field['type'],
'location' => $custom_field['location'],
'sort_order' => $custom_field['sort_order']
You can create more columns in the table
{% for custom_field in custom_fields %}
{% endfor %}
In the each customer row you can find the custom_field in customer's custom field data by matching id of custom field and then displaying the data in that particular column
These array will provide you the column names and then by matching custom_value_id from customer JSON Decode custom values you can display ..
{% for custom_field in custom__fields %}
{% if customer.account_custom_field[custom_field.custom_field_id] %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
There is some more effort required to display the column matching custom value in the right column so use the hint.


using Cakephp Restful WS with primary key different from default 'id'

I want to create a Webservice in cakephp but the primary key is not id_supp but taken the default value id
this is the modal:
App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
class Supplier extends AppModel {
var $primaryKey = 'id_supp';
this is the route
and this is the view action
public function view($id) {
$supplier = $this->Supplier->findById($id);
'supplier' => $supplier,
'_serialize' => array('supplier')
The result when accessing the following url via GET
"code": 500,
"url": "\/TN\/Back_rest\/suppliers\/54f4dc83-0bd0-4fdd-ab8b-0a08ba3b5702.json",
"name": "SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'where clause'",
"error": {
"errorInfo": [
"Unknown column '' in 'where clause'"
"queryString": "SELECT `Supplier`.`id_supp`, `Supplier`.`company_name`, `Supplier`.`contact_name`, `Supplier`.`contact_title`, `Supplier`.`address`, `Supplier`.`postcode`, `Supplier`.`phone`, `Supplier`.`fax`, `Supplier`.`www`, `Supplier`.`active`, `Supplier`.`created`, `Supplier`.`modified` FROM `tn`.`suppliers` AS `Supplier` WHERE `Supplier`.`id` = '54f4dc83-0bd0-4fdd-ab8b-0a08ba3b5702' LIMIT 1"
Because cakephp uses convention over configuration you should use id for your table primary id field. In your example you could find what you are looking for like this:
public function view($id = null) {
$supplier = $this->Supplier->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Supplier.id_supp' => $id
'supplier' => $supplier,
'_serialize' => array('supplier')
or like this:
public function view($id = null) {
$this->Supplier->primaryKey = $id;
$supplier = $this->Supplier->find('first');
'supplier' => $supplier,
'_serialize' => array('supplier')
or like this:
public function view($id = null) {
$supplier = $this->Supplier->findByIdSupp($id);
'supplier' => $supplier,
'_serialize' => array('supplier')
Choose what ever pleases you the most.

Coupon Magento API Soap

I’ve a problem with the Coupon API when i make :
$couponCode = "test";
$resultCartCoupon = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_coupon.add", array($shoppingCartId, $couponCode));
I always got : Uncaught SoapFault exception: [1083] Coupon is not valid if i try the coupon code in the front end there is no problem. Is there anyone who have ever used this API part with success ?
This error comes from Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart_Coupon_Api::_applyCoupon()
if ($couponCode) {
if (!$couponCode == $quote->getCouponCode()) {
This looks like it could be a bug, instead it should be if ($couponCode != $quote->getCouponCode()) { but I'm not certain.
It could be that the cart (quote) you're trying to apply the coupon to isn't valid, i.e. doesn't have the qualifying items it needs to receive the coupon. Are you sure $shoppingCartId correctly matches the expected quote in Magento's sales_flat_quote table?
I noticed that the error is in this excerpt:
try {
$quote->setCouponCode(strlen($couponCode) ? $couponCode : '')
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->_fault("cannot_apply_coupon_code", $e->getMessage());
In this specific line: ->collectTotals() By removing this stretch , not of error , but not applied the coupon.
After debugging 2-3 hour on API, I have solved this error at my-end. Check below code which i have used in Coupon API.
$mage_url = 'http://yoursiteurl/api/soap?wsdl';
$mage_user= "API_User"; //webservice user login
$mage_api_key = "API_PASSWORD"; //webservice user pass
$client = new SoapClient($mage_url);
$couponCode = 'couponCode'; // a coupon to be apply
$shoppingCartId = '35'; // a cart Id which i have put test id
$sessionId = $client->login($mage_user, $mage_api_key);
$result = $client->call($sessionId,'cart_coupon.add',array($shoppingCartId,$couponCode));
The above code gives error that "Uncaught SoapFault exception: [1083] Coupon is not valid". When i debugg the core code i came to know that magento cart.create API insert wrong store id in sales_flat_quote table. I have changed the store id value in sales_flat_quote table manually and again run the Coupon API and after that it works perfectly. So here is the my solution. When you create cart id just run the below update query to change the store id.
$shoppingCartId = $soap->call( $sessionId, 'cart.create');
$mageFilename = '../app/Mage.php';
require_once $mageFilename;
$db_write1 = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
$updateQue = "update sales_flat_quote set store_id='1' where entity_id ='".$shoppingCartId."'";
// Now run the Coupon API here
Code taken from here :
You do not need to write direct SQL to resolve this issue. Just specify store ID parameter in the API call. Example is below is the demo script to apply discount code using Magento SOAP APIs V2 :
/* Set Discount Code */
$result = $client->shoppingCartCouponAdd($session, $quoteId, 'test123',$storeId);
echo "<br>Apply discount code: ";
catch(Exception $ex)
echo "<br>Discount code Failed: " . $ex->getMessage();
To apply discount code, perform following steps :
$quoteId = $client->shoppingCartCreate($session,$storeId);
/* Set cart customer */
$guest = true;
if ($guest)
$customerData = array(
"firstname" => "testFirstname",
"lastname" => "testLastName",
"email" => "",
"mode" => "guest",
"website_id" => "1"
$customer = array(
"customer_id" => '69301',
"website_id" => "1",
"group_id" => "1",
"store_id" => "1",
"mode" => "customer",
//Set cart customer (assign customer to quote)
$resultCustomerSet = $client->shoppingCartCustomerSet($session, $quoteId, $customerData,$storeId);
/* Set customer addresses Shipping and Billing */
$addresses = array(
"mode" => "shipping",
"firstname" => "Ahsan",
"lastname" => "testLastname",
"company" => "testCompany",
"street" => "testStreet",
"city" => "Karachi",
"region" => "Sindh",
"postcode" => "7502",
"country_id" => "PK",
"telephone" => "0123456789",
"fax" => "0123456789",
"is_default_shipping" => 0,
"is_default_billing" => 0
"mode" => "billing",
"firstname" => "Ahsan",
"lastname" => "testLastname",
"company" => "testCompany",
"street" => "testStreet",
"city" => "Karachi",
"region" => "Sindh",
"postcode" => "7502",
"country_id" => "PK",
"telephone" => "0123456789",
"fax" => "0123456789",
"is_default_shipping" => 0,
"is_default_billing" => 0
//Set cart customer address
$resultCustomerAddress = $client->shoppingCartCustomerAddresses($session, $quoteId, $addresses,$storeId);
/* Set payment method */
$responsePayment = $client->shoppingCartPaymentMethod($session, $quoteId, array(
'method' => 'cashondelivery',
/* Set shipping method */
$setShipping = $client->shoppingCartShippingMethod($session, $quoteId, 'flatrate_flatrate',$storeId);
After all above apply discount code,
$result = $client->shoppingCartCouponAdd($session, $quoteId, 'test123',$storeId);
echo "<br>Apply discount code: ";
catch(Exception $ex)
echo "<br>Discount code Failed: " . $ex->getMessage();

ZF2 - set selected value on Select Element

I've a problem with dropdown list with Zend Framework 2 & Doctrine.
I would put the "selected" attribute on my dropdown list but all options pass to selected
My code :
Controller :
public function editAction()
// get error message during addAction
$this->layout()->setVariable("messageError", $this->flashMessenger()->getErrorMessages());
$auth = $this->getAuthService();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()){
$builder = new AnnotationBuilder();
// Get id of StaticContent
$id = (int)$this->getEvent()->getRouteMatch()->getParam('id');
if (!$id) {
$this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage("Aucun plan choisi !");
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('admin/plans');
$plan = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository("Admin\Entity\Plan")->find((int)$id);
$form = $builder->createForm($plan);
// Find options for Localite list (<select>)
$localites = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository("Admin\Entity\Localite")->getArrayOfAll();
// Find options for TypePlan list (<select>)
$typesPlan = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository("Admin\Entity\TypePlan")->getArrayOfAll();
// Options for Statut list (<select>)
$form->get('statut')->setValueOptions(array('projet'=>'Projet', 'valide'=>'Validé'));
'name' => 'submit',
'attributes' => array(
'type' => 'submit',
'value' => 'Modifier',
'id' => 'submitbutton',
'class' => "btn btn-primary"
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
$localites = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository("Admin\Entity\Localite")->getArrayOfAll();
i populate my dropdown correctly, normally with
just set "selected" on option defined by :
So why all options are selected in my dropdown ?!
Information : It's the same for typeId but no Statut
It's probably not working because of the curly braces. According to the PHP documentation
Using single curly braces ({}) will not work for accessing the return values of functions or methods or the values of class constants or static class variables.
This is also unnecessary when using setValue. ZF2 will convert it to a string when formatting it in the view.
When you create the arrays to pass to setValueOptions() you should make it an associative array of arrays with the following values:
'field' => array(
'value' => 'value_of_the_option',
'label' => 'what is displayed',
'selected' => true,
Which ever of the fields has the selected option set to true will be the default selection in the form element.
Personally i don't know if getArrayOfAll() such function exists, i assume that you are correctly passing array to FORM,
I think you should be doing something like this to set value.
But Since you are populating DROP down i guess this approach will not work best with Drop Down. You need to do something like this
I've found a bug ?!
$plan = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository("Admin\Entity\Plan")->find((int)$id);
$idLocalite = 18;//(int)$plan->getLocaliteid()->getId();
$idTypePlan = 2;//(int)$plan->getTypeid()->getId();
When i'm using $plan->getLocaliteid()->getId(); or $plan->getTypeid()->getId() to pass parameter into Repository method getArrayOfAll($idLocalite)
LocaliteRepository.php :
class LocaliteRepository extends EntityRepository {
public function getArrayOfAll($currentLocaliteId) {
$result = $this->_em->createQuery("SELECT l.nom, l.localiteid FROM Admin\Entity\Localite l ORDER BY l.nom")->getArrayResult();
$localite = array();
foreach($result as $loc) {
if ($currentLocaliteId == $loc['localiteid']) {
$localite[$loc['localiteid']] = array(
'value' => $loc['localiteid'],
'label' => $loc['nom'],
'selected' => true,
} else {
$localite[$loc['localiteid']] = array(
'value' => $loc['localiteid'],
'label' => $loc['nom'],
'selected' => false
//$localite[$loc['localiteid']] = $loc['nom'];
return $localite;
So, if i'm using $idLocalite = 18 instead of $idLocalite = (int)$plan->getLocaliteid()->getId() only wanted option are selected. Why ?!

Kendo Grid DetailTemplate, condition expression of accessing SubGrid value

I have a Master/Child grid structure like so:
Parent Grid:
.Columns(cols =>
cols.Bound(e => e.EleNum)
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Read(read => read.Action("GetElements", "Rating", pi))
Child Grid as DetailTemplate:
<script id="tempSubEle" type="text/kendo-tmpl">
.Columns(cols =>
cols.Bound(e => e.Rating)
.ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox' value='1' " +
"#if(Rating==1){#checked='checked'#}# />" );
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Read(read => read.Action("GetSubElementsByElementID", "Rating", new {eID = "#=EleID#" }))
The Problem:
I have a #if{# ... #}# statement in the column ClientTemplate, however the Rating value is from the Parent Grid not the current Child Grid (Parent Grid happen has a column also named 'Rating'), to prove that it is from Parent Grid, if I change Rating to a column that only exists in the Child grid, i.e. SubEleID, it gives error at browser, saying that SubEleID is not found.
The Question:
so what is the syntax for Rating gets the Child Grid value?
just for the sake of trying, I even tried: data.Rating, or $(this).Rating, none worked.
Please advise,
Thank you
# in some kendo template is used for parent property (like you use for the name : gridSubEle_#=EleID#, but for some child property, you have to escape the # with \\ :
cols.Bound(e => e.Rating)
.ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox' value='1' " +
"\\#if(Rating==1){\\#checked='checked'\\#}\\# />" );

using zend test dbadapter with zend db table abstract

Has anyone been able to to use Zend_Test_DbAdapter with Zend_Db_Table_Abstract?
I'm trying to test a Model I created that extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract and I get an exception regarding the primary key not being set if I use a Zend_Test_DbAdapter (other adapters like mysql or sqlite) work fine.
class Model_Category extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'categories';
protected $_dependentTables = array('Model_Video');
public function getMap()
$map = array();
$rows = $this->fetchAll();
foreach($rows as $row)
$map[$row->id] = $row->name;
return $map;
Snippet from a PHPUnit test class:
protected function setUp()
$adapter = new Zend_Test_DbAdapter();
$stmt = Zend_Test_DbStatement::createSelectStatement(array(
array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'pranks'),
array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'physical_feats'),
array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'art'),
array('id' => 4, 'name' => 'cute'),
array('id' => 5, 'name' => 'philanthropy')
$this->fixture = new Model_Category($adapter);
Exceptions are thrown when exercising the Model's methods:
public function testGetMap()
$expected = array(
'1' => 'pranks',
'2' => 'physical_feats',
'3' => 'art',
'4' => 'cute',
'5' => 'philanthropy'
$actual = $this->fixture->getMap();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
Results in:
Zend_Db_Table_Exception: A table must have a primary key, but none was found
Forcing a primary key does not work either:
protected function setUp()
$adapter = new Zend_Test_DbAdapter();
$stmt = Zend_Test_DbStatement::createSelectStatement(array(
array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'pranks'),
array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'physical_feats'),
array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'art'),
array('id' => 4, 'name' => 'cute'),
array('id' => 5, 'name' => 'philanthropy')
$this->fixture = new Model_Category(array(
'db' => $adapter,
'primary' => 'id'
Executing the same unit test, from above results in:
Zend_Db_Table_Exception: Primary key column(s) (id) are not columns in this table ()
You can define the primary key by doing the following on your Zend_Test_DbAdapter instance:
$adapter = new Zend_Test_DbAdapter();
$adapter->setDescribeTable('table_name', array('column_name' =>
'SCHEMA_NAME' => 'schema_name',
'TABLE_NAME' => 'table_name'
'COLUMN_NAME' => 'column_name',
'PRIMARY' => true
And then transposing table_name, column_name and schema_name with the values from your implementation. You would need to do this for every table you are interacting with in the class under test.
The reason you are getting the exception Zend_Db_Table_Exception: A table must have a primary key, but none was found is because all tables that use Zend_Db_Table must have a primary key defined. When you go to use the table, since a primary key was not defined in your DbTable class, Zend_Db attempts to determine the table's primary key by examining the table's properties from the information schema. It sees your table doesn't have a primary key and fails.
From the manual:
If you don't specify the primary key, Zend_Db_Table_Abstract tries to
discover the primary key based on the information provided by the
describeTable() method.
Note: Every table class must know which columns can be used to address
rows uniquely. If no primary key columns are specified in the table
class definition or the table constructor arguments, or discovered in
the table metadata provided by **describeTable(), then the table cannot
be used with Zend_Db_Table.
Trying to force the primary key isn't working because it looks like your table doesn't have a column called id which you are specifying as the primary key.
The solution would be to add a primary key to the table you are trying to use.
In your model class that extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract you can specify a primary key that isn't ID using protected $_primary = 'primary_column';