case-insensitive regular expression in a Google form: is it allowed? - regex

I am using GAS to set some restriction to the string i receive from a textItem added to a form
initialy i have wrote it like that:
var form = FormApp.getActiveForm();
var textItem = form.addTextItem().setTitle('put some integer
followed by A, B or C');
var textValidation = FormApp.createTextValidation()
The idea was to get an integer followed by a,b or c and be case-insensitive.
It does not work and if i check the form editor i see that :look at the screenshot
just changing the pattern,I make it do the drill but with something I don't feel great about
witch give in the form editor: this screenshot
My question is Why does it work ?
Witch rules to follow using:requireTextContainsPattern()?
how to do a case-insensitive pattern ?
Thank to Wiktor Stribiżew here is an other brick added to the questionement.
If i use
the editor accept the regular expression as correct,but when you try to submit the form, the answer is not submitted, the button 'SUBMIT' become grey and nothing happen.


Google Apps Script Form textValidationBuilder does not recognize regex pattern

I am trying to create a Form with apps script and for some reason it will not allow the simplest phone number validation in a TextItem input field. I only need the user to enter their 10 digit number with no spaces, dashes, dots, with area code included. I know this isn't the technical "best" way to validate phone numbers but for our purposes it works. This is section of code I have to generate the field. (edited to make a more reproducible example)
function CreateForm() {
var form = FormApp.create('Test');
var tenantNum = form.addTextItem()
.setTitle("Tenant Phone #");
var phoneValid = FormApp.createTextValidation()
.setHelpText("Please enter valid phone number, 10-digits, no symbols or spaces.")
I have also tried other things like:
(No capture group or global tag, both individually)
Entering the regex as a string literal.
Even dumdum stuff like.
Just to see if it works. I have also tried .requireTextContainsPattern() as well.
Whenever you enter in the form however i get this response:
Please enter valid phone number, 10-digits, no symbols or spaces.
My only thought is that there might be some confusion with whether or not the user is entering a string vs. number and this method only works on strings. But this validation
and regex work fine when you enter it into the form creation manually so I'm completely lost. Any help is appreciated!
Just a guess... Try this:
It works fine for me:
function CreateForm() {
var form = FormApp.create('Test');
var tenantNum = form.addTextItem()
.setTitle("Tenant Phone #");
var phoneValid = FormApp.createTextValidation()
.setHelpText("Please enter valid phone number, 10-digits, no symbols or spaces.")
And the "not existed" method setHelpText() works fine as well, as you can tell from the screenshots.

Extract Hyperlinks Google Apps Script

For a long time the following code did work perfectly to extract hyperlinks from a text using regex-expression:
var text = "this is a link!";
var link = text.match("(?:(?:https?|ftp|file):\/\/|www\.|ftp\.)(?:\([-A-Z0-9+üäö&##/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-A-Z0-9+üäö&##/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-A-Z0-9+üäö&##/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[A-Z0-9+üäö&##/%=~_|$])", "gi");
The result should be "" for the variable link. But it doesn't work anymore. I deem Google has changed something in GAS!?
Can you please tell me, which expression I can use to extract hyperlinks from a string?

RegEx to normalize XML syntax

I have an XML-code where some tags generate xml parse errors (Error #1090). The problem is in attributes that need to be quoted:
<div class=treeview>
Help me please to write a regular expression to make them as following:
<div class="treeview">
this one will be correct:
var pattern:RegExp = /(\w+)(=)(\w+)/g;
trace('regexTest:', pString.replace(pattern, '$1$2"$3"'));
because, there must be 3 groups: attribute_name, = (equals), attribute_value
Please, could you try the next code:
var regExp:RegExp = /(class\=)(\w+)/g;
var sourceText:String = "<div class=treeview>";
var replacedText:String = sourceText.replace(regExp, '$1"$2"');
In a nutshell, this RegExp means:
Find 2 groups: (class=) and (any-word-after-it)
Add before and after the group 2 quotes.
You should try the following regex>
regex = /(<div[^>]*class=)(\S+)([^>]*>)/g;
sourceString.replace(regex, '$1"$2"$3');
Try using a general purpose markup repair tool such as John Cowan's TagSoup. This is likely to be much more robust than anything you attempt yourself (for example, most of the suggested regular expressions don't even check that the keyword=value construct is within a start tag).

How do I get a number in a link out of HTML code with preg_match?

I need to find out, whether in an array there is a specific HTML code. The array contains HTML codes and I need to get a number, that is included in a link.
This would be what I am searching for (the number 10 ist the number I want):
class = "active" href = "
So I tried the following using preg_match:
if(preg_match('/class = "active" href = "*)/',$array["crawler"],$arr)) { print_r($arr,true); }
Unfortunately this will give me nothing as result. So I guess, something is wrong with my preg_match. I allready checked all the manuals, but I still dont get what I am doing wrong.
Could someone help me with this? Thank you!
Aside from advising you to not parse HTML using regular expressions, your particular regular expression needs different delimiters:
preg_match('~class = "active" href = "http://www\.example\.com/something-(\d+)~', ...)
Alternatively, you could have escaped the slashes within the regex, but that leads to LSS (leaning slash syndrome):
preg_match('/class = "active" href = "http:\/\/www\.example\.com\/something-(.*)/', ...)
And that's just ugly.
You should have gotten an error, if your error_reporting is turned on.

How to use regular expression in WatiN

I'm working on WatiN automation tool. I'm having problem in regular expression. I've situation where i have to enter some text and click on a button in the popup window. I'm using AttachToIE method and URL attribute("") of the popup to attach to the popup.
The problem is each time the popup appears the ID value in the URL changes. So i'm not able to access the popup. can anyone plz help with this by giving me Regular Expression for the changing value of ID in the below URL
thanking you
It appears that you have a URL with 2 query string parameters Type and ID and your pattern is:
"{some id}"
You can use the Find.ByUrl() attribute constraint method and pass it to AttachToIE() as shown below with the regex for matching that pattern.
string url = ""
Regex regex = new Regex(url + "[a-z0-9]+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
IE ie = IE.AttachToIE(Find.ByUrl(regex));
string baseUrl =""
Regex urlIE= new Regex(baseUrl + "[\\wd]+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
IE ie = IE.AttachToIE(Find.ByUrl(urlIE);
I'm not familiar with WatiN but it looks like it's runs on .Net so perhaps this might help?
var desiredId = "000000000000-0000-0000-000000000000";
var url = "";
var pattern = #"(?i)(?<=FeedBackId=)[-a-z0-9]+";
var result = Regex.Replace(url, pattern, desiredId);
The following pattern should have the same affect but is more defensive. It should only match stuff in the query string, it requires the id to be 35 characters and won't match similar parameter names like "PreviousFeedBackId".
var pattern = #"(?i)(?<=\?.*\bFeedBackId=)[-a-z0-9]{35,35}\b";
If you just want to extract the id:
var id = Regex.Match(url, pattern).Value;
//output: ef5ad7ef5490-4656-9669-32464aeba7cd
WatiN has a feature where in we can use the url by neglecting the query string. Below is the code which is working fine for me.
string baseUrl = "";
IE ie = IE.AttachToIE(Find.ByUrl(baseUrl,true));