An not handle exception: Read rights conflict, Pointer value out of limit - c++

void TableInsert(SLinkListType &L, RedType d[], int n)
/* 由数组D建立n个元素的表插入排序的静态链表L */
int i, p, q;
L.r[0].rc.key = INT_MAX;
L.r[0].next = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
L.r[i + 1].rc = d[i];
q = 0;
p = L.r[0].next;
while (L.r[p].rc.key <= L.r[i + 1].rc.key)
q = p;
p = L.r[p].next;
L.r[i + 1].next = p;
L.r[q].next = i + 1;
L.length = n;
void Arrange(SLinkListType &L)
int i, p, q;
SLNode t;
p = L.r[0].next;
for (i = 1; i < L.length; i++)
while (p < i)
p = L.r[p].next;
q = L.r[p].next;
if (p != i)
t = L.r[p]; /* 交换记录,使第i个记录到位 */
L.r[p] = L.r[i];
L.r[i] = t;
L.r[i].next = p;
p = q; /* p指示尚未调整的表尾,为找第i+1个记录作准备 */
void Sort(SLinkListType L, int adr[])
/* 求得adr[1..L.length],adr[i]为静态链表L的第i个最小记录的序号 */
int i = 1, p = L.r[0].next;
while (p)
p = L.r[p].next;
void ReArrange(SLinkListType &L, int adr[])
/* adr给出静态链表L的有序次序,即L.r[adr[i]]是第i小的记录。 */
int i, j, k = 0;
for (i = 1; i < L.length; i++)
if (adr[i] != i)
j = i;
L.r[0] = L.r[i];
while (adr[j] != i)
/* 调整(*L).r[adr[j]]的记录到位直到adr[j]=i为止 */
k = adr[j];
printf("%d", k);
/* 如:adr[1] = 6,则 K = 6,将 r[6] 赋值到 r[1], 同时同步adr[], 然后将 adr[1] 移动 adr[6]*/
L.r[j] = L.r[k]; /* L.r[j] = L.r[adr[j]] */
adr[j] = j;
j = k; /* 记录按序到位 */
L.r[j] = L.r[0]; /* L.r[6] = L.r[0] */
adr[j] = j; /* 同步 adr[] */
void Print(SLinkListType L)
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= L.length; i++)
printf("key=%d ord=%d next=%d\n", L.r[i].rc.key, L.r[i].rc.otherinfo, L.r[i].next);
#define N 8
void main()
RedType d[N] = { {49,1},{38,2},{65,3},{97,4},{76,5},{13,6},{27,7},{49,8} };
SLinkListType a, b;
int *adr = NULL, i = 0; /* 内存分配有误,adr 的值超出范围 */
TableInsert(a, d, N);
b = a; /* 复制静态链表l2与l1相同 */
adr = (int *)malloc((b.length + 1) * sizeof(int));
Sort(b, adr);
for (i = 1; i <= b.length; ++i)
printf("adr[%d] = %d", i, adr[i]);
ReArrange(b, adr);
why when i defined int *adr = NULL i already let it equal NULL, but the value of adr out of the limit, and get an error: the Read rights conflict, how to define a pointer variable, so that the system don`t distribution a unknown pointer value. if define a NULL pointer, what is the pointer value , is my initialization was wrong? how to initialization a pointer

If I understand you correctly, you're stepping through the code in a debugger, and stopped at the line
int *adr = NULL, i = 0;
and wonder why adr is not a null pointer?
Then that's because the initialization haven't happened yet. If you take one more step then the initialization will happen and adr should become NULL.

Instead of " int *adr = NULL; , try to use
int *adr
adr = new int;
If you use int *adr = NULL , it will cause to create an insufficient memory .
adr = new int; - creates new dynamic memory. NULL is used to after deleting pointer !!!


How to call ** var in C/C++ 10.5 chapter numerical recipes

I have a problem with calling this function:
void powell(float p[], float **xi, int n,
float ftol, int *iter, float *fret,
float (*func)(float []))
I don't know which argument must be under **xi to run my code.
Whole function below:
void powell(float p[], float** xi, int n, float ftol, int* iter, float* fret, float (*func)(float[]))
void linmin(float p[], float xi[], int n, float* fret, float (*func)(float[]));
int i, ibig, j;
float del, fp, fptt, t, *pt, *ptt, *xit;
pt = vector(1, n);
ptt = vector(1, n);
xit = vector(1, n);
*fret = (*func)(p);
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
pt[j] = p[j];
for (*iter = 1;; ++(*iter)) {
fp = (*fret);
ibig = 0;
del = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
xit[j] = xi[j][i];
fptt = (*fret);
linmin(p, xit, n, fret, func);
if (fptt - (*fret) > del) {
del = fptt - (*fret);
ibig = i;
if (2.0 * (fp - (*fret)) <= ftol * (fabs(fp) + fabs(*fret)) + TINY) {
free_vector(xit, 1, n);
free_vector(ptt, 1, n);
free_vector(pt, 1, n);
if (*iter == ITMAX)
nrerror("powell exceeding maximum iterations.");
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
ptt[j] = 2.0 * p[j] - pt[j];
xit[j] = p[j] - pt[j];
pt[j] = p[j];
fptt = (*func)(ptt);
if (fptt < fp) {
t = 2.0 * (fp - 2.0 * (*fret) + fptt) * SQR(fp - (*fret) - del) - del * SQR(fp - fptt);
if (t < 0.0) {
linmin(p, xit, n, fret, func);
for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
xi[j][ibig] = xi[j][n];
xi[j][n] = xit[j];
Thanks in advance.
A double pointer means that the function wants the address of a pointer.
void my_function(int **p_pointer)
*p_pointer = new int[42];
int main(void)
int * pointer = nullptr;
return 0;
In C++, the double pointer can be avoided by using reference:
void another_function(int *& pointer)
pointer = new int [256];
int main(void)
int p = nullptr;
return 0;
One of the primary concerns with pointers is that they can point to anywhere, a defined location or not. Testing a pointer for validity is complex because it depends on the range (or ranges) that are valid for the current platform. With references, the reference is valid, by definition, so no validity checks need to be performed.

Product of all the nodes on the path of a tree

I was learning MO's Algorithm. In that I found a question. In which we have to make a program to take input n for n nodes of a tree then n-1 pairs of u and v denoting the connection between node u and node v. After that giving the n node values.
Then we will ask q queries. For each query we take input of k and l which denote the two nodes of that tree. Now we have to find the product of all the nodes in the path of k and l (including k and l).
I want to use MO's algorithm.
But I am unable to make the code. Can anybody help me out in this.
The basic code for that would be:
int n, q;
int nxt[ N ], to[ N ], hd[ N ];
struct Que{
int u, v, id;
} que[ N ];
void init() {
// read how many nodes and how many queries
cin >> n >> q;
// read the edge of tree
for ( int i = 1 ; i < n ; ++ i ) {
int u, v; cin >> u >> v;
// save the tree using adjacency list
nxt[ i << 1 | 0 ] = hd[ u ];
to[ i << 1 | 0 ] = v;
hd[ u ] = i << 1 | 0;
nxt[ i << 1 | 1 ] = hd[ v ];
to[ i << 1 | 1 ] = u;
hd[ v ] = i << 1 | 1;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < q ; ++ i ) {
// read queries
cin >> que[ i ].u >> que[ i ].v;
que[ i ].id = i;
int dfn[ N ], dfn_, block_id[ N ], block_;
int stk[ N ], stk_;
void dfs( int u, int f ) {
dfn[ u ] = dfn_++;
int saved_rbp = stk_;
for ( int v_ = hd[ u ] ; v_ ; v_ = nxt[ v_ ] ) {
if ( to[ v_ ] == f ) continue;
dfs( to[ v_ ], u );
if ( stk_ - saved_rbp < SQRT_N ) continue;
for ( ++ block_ ; stk_ != saved_rbp ; )
block_id[ stk[ -- stk_ ] ] = block_;
stk[ stk_ ++ ] = u;
bool inPath[ N ];
void SymmetricDifference( int u ) {
if ( inPath[ u ] ) {
// remove this edge
} else {
// add this edge
inPath[ u ] ^= 1;
void traverse( int& origin_u, int u ) {
for ( int g = lca( origin_u, u ) ; origin_u != g ; origin_u = parent_of[ origin_u ] )
SymmetricDifference( origin_u );
for ( int v = u ; v != origin_u ; v = parent_of[ v ] )
SymmetricDifference( v );
origin_u = u;
void solve() {
// construct blocks using dfs
dfs( 1, 1 );
while ( stk_ ) block_id[ stk[ -- stk_ ] ] = block_;
// re-order our queries
sort( que, que + q, [] ( const Que& x, const Que& y ) {
return tie( block_id[ x.u ], dfn[ x.v ] ) < tie( block_id[ y.u ], dfn[ y.v ] );
} );
// apply mo's algorithm on tree
int U = 1, V = 1;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < q ; ++ i ) {
pass( U, que[ i ].u );
pass( V, que[ i ].v );
// we could our answer of que[ i ].id
This problem is a slight modification of the blog that you have shared.
Problem Tags:- MO's Algorithm, Trees, LCA, Binary Lifting, Sieve, Precomputation, Prime Factors
Precomputations:- Just we need to do some precomputations with seiveOfErothenesis to store the highest prime factor of each element possible in input constraints. Then using this we will store all the prime factors and their powers for each element in input array in another matrix.
Observation:- with the constraints you can see the there can be very few such primes possible for each element. For an element (10^6) there can be a maximum of 7 prime factors possible.
Modify MO Algo Given in blog:- Now in our compute method we just need to maintain a map that will store the current count of the prime factor. While adding or subtracting each element in solving the queries we will iterate on the prime factors of that element and divide our result(storing total no. of factors) with the old count of that prime and then update the count of that prime and the multiple our result with the new count.(This will be O(7) max for each addition/subtraction).
Complexity:- O(T * ((N + Q) * sqrt(N) * F)) where F is 7 in our case. F is the complexity of your check method().
T - no of test cases in input file.
N - the size of your input array.
Q - No. of queries.
Below is an implementation of the above approach in JAVA. computePrimePowers() and check() are the methods you would be interested in.
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
static int BLOCK_SIZE;
static int ar[];
static ArrayList<Integer> graph[];
static StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
static boolean notPrime[] = new boolean[1000001];
static int hpf[] = new int[1000001];
static void seive(){
notPrime[0] = true;
notPrime[1] = true;
for(int i = 2; i < 1000001; i++){
hpf[i] = i;
for(int j = 2 * i; j < 1000001; j += i){
notPrime[j] = true;
hpf[j] = i;
static long modI[] = new long[1000001];
static void computeModI() {
for(int i = 1; i < 1000001; i++) {
modI[i] = pow(i, 1000000005);
static long pow(long x, long y) {
if (y == 0)
return 1;
long p = pow(x, y / 2);
p = (p >= 1000000007) ? p % 1000000007 : p;
p = p * p;
p = (p >= 1000000007) ? p % 1000000007 : p;
if ((y & 1) == 0)
return p;
else {
long tt = x * p;
return (tt >= 1000000007) ? tt % 1000000007 : tt;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Reader s = new Reader();
int test = s.nextInt();
for(int ii = 0; ii < test; ii++){
int n = s.nextInt();
lcaTable = new int[19][n + 1];
graph = new ArrayList[n + 1];
arrPrimes = new int[n + 1][7][2];
primeCnt = new int[1000001];
visited = new int[n + 1];
ar = new int[n + 1];
for(int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) graph[i] = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){
int u = s.nextInt(), v = s.nextInt();
int ip = 1; while(ip <= n) ar[ip++] = s.nextInt();
int q = s.nextInt();
LVL = new int[n + 1];
dfsTime = 0;
dfs(1, -1);
BLOCK_SIZE = (int) Math.sqrt(dfsTime);
int Q[][] = new int[q][4];
int i = 0;
while(q-- > 0) {
int u = s.nextInt(), v = s.nextInt();
Q[i][0] = lca(u, v);
if (l[u] > l[v]) {
int temp = u; u = v; v = temp;
if (Q[i][0] == u) {
Q[i][1] = l[u];
Q[i][2] = l[v];
else {
Q[i][1] = r[u]; // left at col1 in query
Q[i][2] = l[v]; // right at col2
Q[i][3] = i;
Arrays.sort(Q, new Comparator<int[]>() {
public int compare(int[] x, int[] y) {
int block_x = (x[1] - 1) / (BLOCK_SIZE + 1);
int block_y = (y[1] - 1) / (BLOCK_SIZE + 1);
if(block_x != block_y)
return block_x - block_y;
return x[2] - y[2];
static long res;
private static void solveQueries(int [][] Q) {
int M = Q.length;
long results[] = new long[M];
res = 1;
int curL = Q[0][1], curR = Q[0][1] - 1;
int i = 0;
while(i < M){
while (curL < Q[i][1]) check(ID[curL++]);
while (curL > Q[i][1]) check(ID[--curL]);
while (curR < Q[i][2]) check(ID[++curR]);
while (curR > Q[i][2]) check(ID[curR--]);
int u = ID[curL], v = ID[curR];
if (Q[i][0] != u && Q[i][0] != v) check(Q[i][0]);
results[Q[i][3]] = res;
if (Q[i][0] != u && Q[i][0] != v) check(Q[i][0]);
i = 0;
while(i < M) sb.append(results[i++] + "\n");
static int visited[];
static int primeCnt[];
private static void check(int x) {
if(visited[x] == 1){
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
int c = arrPrimes[x][i][1];
int pp = arrPrimes[x][i][0];
if(pp == 0) break;
long tem = res * modI[primeCnt[pp] + 1];
res = (tem >= 1000000007) ? tem % 1000000007 : tem;
primeCnt[pp] -= c;
tem = res * (primeCnt[pp] + 1);
res = (tem >= 1000000007) ? tem % 1000000007 : tem;
else if(visited[x] == 0){
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
int c = arrPrimes[x][i][1];
int pp = arrPrimes[x][i][0];
if(pp == 0) break;
long tem = res * modI[primeCnt[pp] + 1];
res = (tem >= 1000000007) ? tem % 1000000007 : tem;
primeCnt[pp] += c;
tem = res * (primeCnt[pp] + 1);
res = (tem >= 1000000007) ? tem % 1000000007 : tem;
visited[x] ^= 1;
static int arrPrimes[][][];
static void computePrimePowers() {
int n = arrPrimes.length;
int i = 0;
while(i < n) {
int ele = ar[i];
int k = 0;
while(ele > 1) {
int c = 0;
int pp = hpf[ele];
while(hpf[ele] == pp) {
c++; ele /= pp;
arrPrimes[i][k][0] = pp;
arrPrimes[i][k][1] = c;
static int dfsTime;
static int l[] = new int[1000001], r[] = new int[1000001], ID[] = new int[1000001], LVL[], lcaTable[][];
static void dfs(int u, int p){
l[u] = ++dfsTime;
ID[dfsTime] = u;
int i = 1;
while(i < 19) {
lcaTable[i][u] = lcaTable[i - 1][lcaTable[i - 1][u]];
i = 0;
while(i < graph[u].size()){
int v = graph[u].get(i);
if (v == p) continue;
LVL[v] = LVL[u] + 1;
lcaTable[0][v] = u;
dfs(v, u);
r[u] = ++dfsTime;
ID[dfsTime] = u;
static int lca(int u, int v){
if (LVL[u] > LVL[v]) {
int temp = u;
u = v; v = temp;
int i = 18;
while(i >= 0) {
if (LVL[v] - (1 << i) >= LVL[u]) v = lcaTable[i][v];
if (u == v) return u;
i = 18;
while(i >= 0){
if (lcaTable[i][u] != lcaTable[i][v]){
u = lcaTable[i][u];
v = lcaTable[i][v];
return lcaTable[0][u];
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 40005;
const int MAXM = 100005;
const int LN = 19;
int N, M, K, cur, A[MAXN], LVL[MAXN], DP[LN][MAXN];
int BL[MAXN << 1], ID[MAXN << 1], VAL[MAXN], ANS[MAXM];
int d[MAXN], l[MAXN], r[MAXN];
bool VIS[MAXN];
vector < int > adjList[MAXN];
struct query{
int id, l, r, lc;
bool operator < (const query& rhs){
return (BL[l] == BL[rhs.l]) ? (r < rhs.r) : (BL[l] < BL[rhs.l]);
// Set up Stuff
void dfs(int u, int par){
l[u] = ++cur;
ID[cur] = u;
for (int i = 1; i < LN; i++) DP[i][u] = DP[i - 1][DP[i - 1][u]];
for (int i = 0; i < adjList[u].size(); i++){
int v = adjList[u][i];
if (v == par) continue;
LVL[v] = LVL[u] + 1;
DP[0][v] = u;
dfs(v, u);
r[u] = ++cur; ID[cur] = u;
// Function returns lca of (u) and (v)
inline int lca(int u, int v){
if (LVL[u] > LVL[v]) swap(u, v);
for (int i = LN - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (LVL[v] - (1 << i) >= LVL[u]) v = DP[i][v];
if (u == v) return u;
for (int i = LN - 1; i >= 0; i--){
if (DP[i][u] != DP[i][v]){
u = DP[i][u];
v = DP[i][v];
return DP[0][u];
inline void check(int x, int& res){
// If (x) occurs twice, then don't consider it's value
if ( (VIS[x]) and (--VAL[A[x]] == 0) ) res--;
else if ( (!VIS[x]) and (VAL[A[x]]++ == 0) ) res++;
VIS[x] ^= 1;
void compute(){
// Perform standard Mo's Algorithm
int curL = Q[0].l, curR = Q[0].l - 1, res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++){
while (curL < Q[i].l) check(ID[curL++], res);
while (curL > Q[i].l) check(ID[--curL], res);
while (curR < Q[i].r) check(ID[++curR], res);
while (curR > Q[i].r) check(ID[curR--], res);
int u = ID[curL], v = ID[curR];
// Case 2
if (Q[i].lc != u and Q[i].lc != v) check(Q[i].lc, res);
ANS[Q[i].id] = res;
if (Q[i].lc != u and Q[i].lc != v) check(Q[i].lc, res);
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) printf("%d\n", ANS[i]);
int main(){
int u, v, x;
while (scanf("%d %d", &N, &M) != EOF){
// Cleanup
cur = 0;
memset(VIS, 0, sizeof(VIS));
memset(VAL, 0, sizeof(VAL));
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) adjList[i].clear();
// Inputting Values
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) scanf("%d", &A[i]);
memcpy(d + 1, A + 1, sizeof(int) * N);
// Compressing Coordinates
sort(d + 1, d + N + 1);
K = unique(d + 1, d + N + 1) - d - 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) A[i] = lower_bound(d + 1, d + K + 1, A[i]) - d;
// Inputting Tree
for (int i = 1; i < N; i++){
scanf("%d %d", &u, &v);
// Preprocess
DP[0][1] = 1;
dfs(1, -1);
int size = sqrt(cur);
for (int i = 1; i <= cur; i++) BL[i] = (i - 1) / size + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++){
scanf("%d %d", &u, &v);
Q[i].lc = lca(u, v);
if (l[u] > l[v]) swap(u, v);
if (Q[i].lc == u) Q[i].l = l[u], Q[i].r = l[v];
else Q[i].l = r[u], Q[i].r = l[v];
Q[i].id = i;
sort(Q, Q + M);

Corrupted memory issue when deleting allocated memory

I am trying to store a sparse vector using a bit mask. I allocate a char* to represent the bit mask. However, when I delete [] the mask, I get a memory corruption error. Upon investigation, I'm seeing that it's because I'm freeing memory that I'm not supposed to. This is confusing, since I don't see how this could be the case.
When I run this on my case, it prints out "ALLOCATED" and "DEALLOCATING" but nothing further.
void set_i_bit(char* mask, int i) {
int field_num = floor(i/8);
int bit_num = i %8;
mask[field_num] = (1 << bit_num) | mask[field_num];
int write_sparse_with_bitmask(vector<float> arr, ofstream* fout) {
int mx_sz = arr.size() - 1;
float tol = 0.5;
char* mask = 0;
for(int i = arr.size() -1; i>=0; i-=1) {
if (fabs(arr[i]) > tol) break;
mx_sz = i;
int sprse_cnt = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<=mx_sz; i+=1) {
if (fabs(arr[i]) < tol) sprse_cnt++;
int bitmask_sz = ceil(mx_sz/8);
if (sprse_cnt*sizeof(int16_t) + sizeof(int16_t) > bitmask_sz) {
mask = new char[bitmask_sz];
for (int i =0; i<bitmask_sz; i++) mask[i] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<=mx_sz; i+=1) {
if (fabs(arr[i]) > coef_tol) {
set_i_bit(mask, i);
else {
bitmask_sz = 0;
uint16_t sz = mx_sz + 1;
uint16_t bt_msk = bitmask_sz + 1;
char flag = 0;
if (bitmask_sz > 0) {
flag = flag | 1;
fout->write((char*)&sz, sizeof(uint16_t));
fout->write((char*)&flag, sizeof(char));
int w_size = sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(char);
if (flag & 1) {
fout->write((char*)&bt_msk, sizeof(uint16_t));
fout->write(mask, sizeof(char)*bt_msk);
delete [] mask;
cout<<"THIS DOESN'T PRINT"<<endl;
w_size += sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(char)*bt_msk;
for(int i = 0; i<=mx_sz; i+=1) {
if (fabs(arr[i]) > tol || !(flag & 1)) {
int16_t vl = arr[i];
fout->write((char*) &vl, sizeof(int16_t));
w_size += sizeof(int16_t);
return w_size;

I don't know what is wrong with this MCMF code

I'm studying MCMF(Minimum Cost - Maximum Flow) algorithm.
I finish to code my MCMF code but it continues to occur runtime error.
and I can't find the reasons.
I tried best to find the reason why it happens, but I couldn't find the solution.
I think there is no problem with my input data.
Here is my code.
struct MCMF{
struct edge{
int to, cap, cost, rev;
int size, src, sink;
vector<vector<edge> > G;
vector<int> dist, par, edgeIdx;
MCMF(int size, int src, int sink){
G = vector<vector<edge> >(size);
par = vector<int>(size);
edgeIdx = vector<int>(size);
this->size = size;
this->src = src;
this->sink = sink;
bool spfa(){
dist = vector<int>(size, inf);
vector<bool> inQ = vector<bool>(size, false);
queue<int> q;
inQ[src] = true;
dist[src] = 0;
int here = q.front();
inQ[here] = false;
for(int i = 0 ; i < (int)G[here].size(); i++){
auto e = G[here][i];
if(e.cap > 0 && dist[here] + e.cost < dist[]) {
dist[] = dist[here] + e.cost;
par[] = here;
edgeIdx[] = i;
if(!inQ[]) q.push(, inQ[] = true;
return dist[sink] != inf;
pair<int,int> getMCMF(){
int maxFlow = 0;
int minCost = 0;
if(!spfa()) break;
int minFlow = inf;
int costSum = 0;
for(int p = sink; p != par[p]; p = par[p]){
auto& e = G[par[p]][edgeIdx[p]];
minFlow = min(minFlow, e.cap);
costSum += e.cost;
for(int p = sink; p != par[p]; p = par[p]){
auto& e = G[par[p]][edgeIdx[p]];
e.cap -= minFlow;
G[][e.rev].cap += minFlow;
maxFlow += minFlow;
minCost += costSum * minFlow;
return {maxFlow, minCost};
void addEdge(int from, int to, int cap, int cost){
G[from].push_back({to, cap, cost, (int)G[to].size()});
G[to].push_back({from, 0, -cost, (int)G[from].size()-1});
I think you should add the code
par[src] = src
if you don't want to change
for(int p = sink; p != par[p]; p = par[p])
and I think it's better if you change
p != par[p]
p != src
in your for loop.
because It's more clear to understand the code and you don't have to add 'par[src] = src'
Here is the full code if you correct the parts what I said
struct MCMF{
struct edge{
int to, cap, cost, rev;
int size, src, sink;
vector<vector<edge> > G;
vector<int> dist, par, edgeIdx;
MCMF(int size, int src, int sink){
G = vector<vector<edge> >(size);
par = vector<int>(size);
edgeIdx = vector<int>(size);
this->size = size;
this->src = src;
this->sink = sink;
bool spfa(){
dist = vector<int>(size, inf);
vector<bool> inQ = vector<bool>(size, false);
queue<int> q;
inQ[src] = true;
dist[src] = 0;
int here = q.front();
inQ[here] = false;
for(int i = 0 ; i < (int)G[here].size(); i++){
auto e = G[here][i];
if(e.cap > 0 && dist[here] + e.cost < dist[]) {
dist[] = dist[here] + e.cost;
par[] = here;
edgeIdx[] = i;
if(!inQ[]) q.push(, inQ[] = true;
return dist[sink] != inf;
pair<int,int> getMCMF(){
int maxFlow = 0;
int minCost = 0;
if(!spfa()) break;
int minFlow = inf;
int costSum = 0;
for(int p = sink; p != src; p = par[p]){
auto& e = G[par[p]][edgeIdx[p]];
minFlow = min(minFlow, e.cap);
costSum += e.cost;
for(int p = sink; p != src; p = par[p]){
auto& e = G[par[p]][edgeIdx[p]];
e.cap -= minFlow;
G[][e.rev].cap += minFlow;
maxFlow += minFlow;
minCost += costSum * minFlow;
return {maxFlow, minCost};
void addEdge(int from, int to, int cap, int cost){
G[from].push_back({to, cap, cost, (int)G[to].size()});
G[to].push_back({from, 0, -cost, (int)G[from].size()-1});

Debugging a bad_alloc error c++

When I run my code everything seems to be working fine but after a certain number of timesteps (usually ~100, but a different number each time) I get the error:
"terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' "
Not really sure how to go about debugging this as it doesn't happen at the same point each time the code runs. I will post my code but it's quite long and is admittedly a bit of a mess (this is my first real attempt at writing a program in c++), but I will try and explain the structure and where I would expect the most likely place for the origin of the error to be.
The basic structure is that I have an array of "birds" (a class I define) that choose how to update themselves at every time step by some quite complicated calculation. In doing so it regularly calls the function getVisualState to update a linked list that every bird stores as its "visual state". I believe this is the only time I allocate any memory dynamically during the simulation, so I guess there's a pretty good chance this is the source of the error. The function Bird::resetVisualState() should clear the allocated memory after it's been used (but it doesn't seem like I am running out of memory, at least monitoring it in the task manager).
If anyone can see anything they think may be the source of the problem that would be fantastic, or if not just any suggestions for how I should actually debug this!
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include "birdClasses.h"
using namespace std;
nBirds, nSteps, nF, v, dt, birdRad defined in "birdClasses.h"
//define other parameters.
const int nSensors = 20;
const int nMoves = 3; //no. possible moves at each step.
double dTheta = 15*M_PI/180.0; //angle that birds can change their orientation by in a timestep.
double moves[nMoves] = {-dTheta, 0, dTheta}; //possible moves.
double noise = 0.0;
double initBoxX = 20, initBoxY = 20; //size of initial box particles are placed in.
double sensorFrac[nSensors];
double sensorRef[nSensors];
double sensorRange = 2*M_PI/((double)nSensors);
int counter = 0;
int nps = numStates(nMoves,nF);
int *possibleStates = new int[nps];
//variables to record positions and orientations.
double xPositions[nSteps][nBirds], yPositions[nSteps][nBirds], orientations[nSteps][nBirds];
//array to keep track of which collisions are possible.
int couldCollide[nF][nBirds][nBirds];
//function prototypes
bool checkCollision(int i, int nFut, Bird *birds, double xi, double yi);
unsigned long int getVisualState(Bird *birdList, int nFut, int i, double cX, double cY, double cAng);
void updateTree(double exploreX, double exploreY, double exploreO, Bird *bird, int bn, int nFut);
int main()
sensorRef[0] = sensorRange;
for(int u=1; u<nSensors; u++) sensorRef[u] = sensorRef[u-1] + sensorRange;
//set up GSL random number generator.
const gsl_rng_type * Tr;
gsl_rng * RNG;
Tr = gsl_rng_default;
RNG = gsl_rng_alloc (Tr);
//set up output
ofstream output("output.txt");
//initialize birds in a box randomly, all with the same orientation.
Bird birdList[nBirds];
for(int i=0; i<nBirds; i++) {
int uniqueVisStates[nMoves];
double cX, cY, fX, fY, exploreX, exploreY, exploreO;
//main time step loop
for(int ts=0; ts<nSteps; ts++) {
//save current positions
for(int i=0; i<nBirds; i++) {
xPositions[ts][i] = birdList[i].get_xPos();
yPositions[ts][i] = birdList[i].get_yPos();
orientations[ts][i] = birdList[i].get_orientation();
//update list of possible collisions.
for(int nFut=0; nFut<nF; nFut++) {
for(int i=0; i<nBirds; i++) {
cX = birdList[i].get_xPos(); cY = birdList[i].get_yPos();
counter = 0;
for(int j=0; j<nBirds; j++) {
if(i==j) {
} else {
fX = birdList[j].get_futureX(nFut); fY = birdList[j].get_futureY(nFut);
if((cX-fX)*(cX-fX)+(cY-fY)*(cY-fY) < ((nFut+1)*v*dt+2*birdRad)*((nFut+1)*v*dt+2*birdRad)) {
if(counter < nBirds) couldCollide[nFut][i][counter]=-1;
//loop over birds to choose how they update their orientation.
for(int bn=0; bn<nBirds; bn++) {
//loop over possible moves bird can make NOW.
for(int l=0; l<nMoves; l++) {
for(int mn=0; mn<nMoves; mn++) {
for(int l=0; l<nps; l++) {
counter = 0;
exploreO = birdList[bn].get_orientation() + moves[mn];
exploreX = birdList[bn].get_xPos() + cos(exploreO)*v*dt;
exploreY = birdList[bn].get_yPos() + sin(exploreO)*v*dt;
vector<int> visStates (possibleStates,possibleStates+counter);
vector<int>::iterator it;
sort (visStates.begin(),visStates.end());
it = unique(visStates.begin(),visStates.end());
uniqueVisStates[mn] = distance(visStates.begin(),it);
int maxInd = 0, maxVal = uniqueVisStates[0];
for(int h=1; h<nMoves; h++) {
if(uniqueVisStates[h] > maxVal) {
maxInd = h; maxVal = uniqueVisStates[h];
} else if(uniqueVisStates[h]==maxVal) {
if(abs(moves[h])<abs(moves[maxInd])) {
maxInd = h;
for(int bn=0; bn<nBirds; bn++) birdList[bn].finishUpdate();
cout << ts << "\n";
for(int ts=0; ts<(nSteps-1); ts++) {
for(int bn=0; bn<nBirds; bn++) {
output << xPositions[ts][bn] << " " << yPositions[ts][bn] << " " << orientations[ts][bn] << "\n";
delete[] possibleStates;
return 0;
bool checkCollision(int i, int nFut, Bird *birds, double xi, double yi) {
int cond = 1; int index, counti=0;
while(cond) {
index = couldCollide[nFut][i][counti];
if(index==-1) break;
double xj = birds[index].get_futureX(nFut);
double yj = birds[index].get_futureY(nFut);
if((xi-xj)*(xi-xj)+(yi-yj)*(yi-yj) < 4*birdRad*birdRad) {
return 1;
if(counti==nBirds) break;
return 0;
unsigned long int getVisualState(Bird *birdList, int nFut, int i, double cX, double cY, double cAng) {
//finds the visual state of bird i based on its current "exploring position" and the predicted positions of other birds at timestep nFut.
//visual state is defined by discretizing the bird's field of view into nSensors (relative to current orientation) and creating a vector of
//0s and 1s depending on whether each sensor is < half covered or not. This is then converted to an integer (as we are actually interested only
//in the number of unique visual states.
double relX, relY, relDist, dAng, s, dTheta, ang1, ang2;
//clear current visual state.
for(int j=0; j<nBirds; j++) {
if(i==j) continue;
relX = birdList[j].get_futureX(nFut)-cX;
relY = birdList[j].get_futureY(nFut)-cY;
relDist = sqrt(relX*relX+relY*relY);
dAng = acos((cos(cAng)*relX+sin(cAng)*relY)/relDist);
dTheta = atan(birdRad/relDist);
s = cos(cAng)*relY - sin(cAng)*relX;
if( s<0 ) dAng = 2*M_PI-dAng;
ang1 = dAng - dTheta; ang2 = dAng + dTheta;
if( ang1 < 0 ) {
} else if( ang2 > 2*M_PI ) {
} else {
Node *sI = birdList[i].get_visualState();
int ind1, ind2;
for(int k=0; k<nSensors; k++) sensorFrac[k]=0.0; //initialize.
while(sI->next->next != 0) {
ang1 = sI->value; ang2 = sI->next->value;
ind1 = floor(ang1/sensorRange); ind2 = floor(ang2/sensorRange);
if(ind2==nSensors) ind2--; //this happens if ang2 = 2pi (which can happen a lot).
if(ind1==ind2) {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (ang2-ang1)/sensorRange;
} else if(ind2-ind1==1) {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (sensorRef[ind1]-ang1)/sensorRange;
sensorFrac[ind2] += (ang2-sensorRef[ind1])/sensorRange;
} else {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (sensorRef[ind1]-ang1)/sensorRange;
sensorFrac[ind2] += (ang2-sensorRef[ind2-1])/sensorRange;
for(int y=ind1+1;y<ind2;y++) sensorFrac[y] = 1.0;
//do final interval separately.
ang1 = sI->value; ang2 = sI->next->value;
ind1 = floor(ang1/sensorRange); ind2 = floor(ang2/sensorRange);
if(ind2==nSensors) ind2--; //this happens if ang2 = 2pi (which can happen a lot).
if(ind1==ind2) {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (ang2-ang1)/sensorRange;
} else if(ind2-ind1==1) {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (sensorRef[ind1]-ang1)/sensorRange;
sensorFrac[ind2] += (ang2-sensorRef[ind1])/sensorRange;
} else {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (sensorRef[ind1]-ang1)/sensorRange;
sensorFrac[ind2] += (ang2-sensorRef[ind2-1])/sensorRange;
for(int y=ind1+1;y<ind2;y++) sensorFrac[y] = 1.0;
int output = 0, multiplier = 1;
for(int y=0; y<nSensors; y++) {
if(sensorFrac[y]>0.5) output += multiplier;
multiplier *= 2;
return output;
void updateTree(double exploreX, double exploreY, double exploreO, Bird *bird, int bn, int nFut) {
double o,x,y;
if(checkCollision(bn,nFut,bird,exploreX,exploreY)) return;
int vs = getVisualState(bird,nFut,bn,exploreX,exploreY,exploreO);
possibleStates[counter] = vs;
if(nFut < (nF-1)) {
for(int m=0; m<nMoves; m++) {
o = exploreO + moves[m];
x = exploreX + cos(o)*v*dt;
y = exploreY + sin(o)*v*dt;
} else {
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const int nBirds = 50;
const int nF = 6; //number of future timesteps to consider.
const int nSteps = 200;
const double v = 20, dt = 0.1, birdRad = 0.2;
int numStates(int numMoves, int nFut) {
int num = 1; int multiplier = numMoves;
for(int i=1; i<nFut; i++) {
num += multiplier;
multiplier *= numMoves;
return num;
//Node class is just for a linked list (used in constructing the visual states),
class Node {
int identifier; // 0 is left side of interval, 1 is right side
double value; //angular value.
Node *next; //pointer to the next interval.
void display(Node *start);
//printout linked list if necessary (mainly for debugging purposes).
void Node::display(Node *start) {
if(start != 0) {
double inter = start->value;
cout << inter << " ";
//bird class.
class Bird {
double currX, currY;
double updatedX, updatedY;
double currOrientation;
double futureX[nF], futureY[nF];
Node *visualState;
Bird() {
currOrientation=0.0; currX = 0.0; currY = 0.0;
visualState = new Node;
visualState->value = 0.0;
visualState->next = new Node;
visualState->next->value = 0.0;
visualState->next->next = 0;
Bird(double x, double y, double o) {
currX = x; currY = y; currOrientation = o;
visualState = new Node;
visualState->value = 0.0;
visualState->next = new Node;
visualState->next->value = 0.0;
visualState->next->next = 0;
void set_position(double x, double y) {
currX = x; currY = y;
double get_xPos() {
return currX;
double get_yPos() {
return currY;
double get_orientation() {
return currOrientation;
double get_futureX(int ts) {
return futureX[ts];
double get_futureY(int ts) {
return futureY[ts];
//return pointer to first node.
Node* get_visualState() {
return visualState;
void updateFuture() {
//use current orientation and position to update future positions.
for(int i=0; i<nF; i++) {
futureX[i] = currX + v*(i+1)*cos(currOrientation)*dt;
futureY[i] = currY + v*(i+1)*sin(currOrientation)*dt;
void update_Pos(double x, double y) {
updatedX = x;
updatedY = y;
//run this after all birds have updated positions:
void finishUpdate() {
currX = updatedX;
currY = updatedY;
void update_Orientation(double o) {
currOrientation += o;
//add the interval defined by [l r] to the visual state.
void addInterval(double l, double r) {
int placed = 0; double cL = 0.0; double cR = 0.0;
if(visualState->value==0.0 && visualState->next->value==0.0) { //then this is first interval to place.
visualState->value = l;
visualState->next->value = r;
placed = 1;
Node *curr_L = visualState;
Node *prev_L = visualState;
while(placed==0) {
cL = curr_L->value;
cR = curr_L->next->value;
if(l<cL && r<cL) { //add new interval before this one.
Node *newRoot = new Node;
newRoot->value = l;
newRoot->identifier = 0;
newRoot->next = new Node;
newRoot->next->value = r;
newRoot->next->next = curr_L;
if(curr_L == visualState) {
visualState = newRoot;
} else {
prev_L->next->next = newRoot;
placed = 1;
} else if(l <= cL && r >= cR) {
curr_L->value = l;
curr_L->next->value = r;
placed = 1;
} else if(l <= cL && r <= cR) {
curr_L->value = l;
placed = 1;
} else if(l >= cL && r <= cR) {
placed = 1; //dont need to do anything.
} else if(l >= cL && l<=cR && r >= cR) {
curr_L->next->value = r;
placed = 1;
if(l > cR && r > cR) {
if(curr_L->next->next != 0) {
prev_L = curr_L;
curr_L = curr_L->next->next;
} else {
Node *newEndL = new Node;
newEndL->value = l;
newEndL->identifier = 0;
newEndL->next = new Node;
newEndL->next->value = r;
newEndL->next->identifier = 1;
newEndL->next->next = 0;
curr_L->next->next = newEndL;
placed = 1;
//remove any overlaps.
void cleanUp(Node *start) {
Node *NP, *NNP; NP = start->next->next;
if(NP==0) return;
NNP = start->next->next->next->next;
double cL = start->value, cR = start->next->value, nL = start->next->next->value, nR = start->next->next->next->value;
if(nL < cR) {
if(nR > cR) {
start->next->value = nR;
start->next->next = NNP;
if(NNP!=0) cleanUp(NP);
//reset the visual state.
void resetVisualState() {
Node *cNode = visualState;
Node *nNode = visualState->next;
while(nNode != 0) {
delete cNode;
cNode = nNode;
nNode = nNode->next;
delete cNode;
delete nNode;
visualState = new Node;
visualState->identifier = 0;
visualState->value = 0.0;
visualState->next = new Node;
visualState->next->identifier = 1;
visualState->next->value = 0.0;
visualState->next->next = 0;
or if not just any suggestions for how I should actually debug this!
You can try to set catchpoint in gdb to catch std::bad_alloc exception:
(gdb) catch throw bad_alloc
(See Setting Catchpoints)
If you are able to reproduce this bad_alloc in gdb you can then look at bt to see possible reason of this exception.
I think this is a logic bug and not necessarily memory related.
In void addInterval(double l, double r) you declare
Node *curr_L = visualState;
Node *prev_L = visualState;
These pointers will now point to whatever the member visualState is pointing to.
later on you are changing visualState to point to a newly created Node
Node *newRoot = new Node;
// ....
if(curr_L == visualState) {
visualState = newRoot;
but your pointers curr_L and prev_L will still point to whatever visualState was pointing to before. The only time you change those pointers is at
if(curr_L->next->next != 0) {
prev_L = curr_L;
curr_L = curr_L->next->next;
which is the same as
prev_L = curr_L;
curr_L = curr_L->next->next;
Is this your intention? You can follow the assignment of curr_L by looking for *curr_L = * in your editor.
I would suggest testing your code on a small data sample and make sure your code follows your intentions. Use a debugger or trace outputs. Use
valgrind if you have access to it, I think you will appreciate valgrind.