Power BI-Communication between Power BI embedded and host page - powerbi

Right now we are trying to implement Power BI embedded as a solution. I am wondering if there is a way to send a token, parameter, variable, etc. from Power BI to our host page. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance


Power BI Web Service - Comma's and cards

I'm having trouble with Power BI Web Service.
I designed some cards on Power BI Desktop :
But when I publish it to my web workspace Power BI Web Service won't read numbers with commas or points correctly.
I have tried the "data type" option and "Change type with local" option on edit query but none of these seem to work.
also, Power BI service is deleting some "data labels" and "totals" on my graphics that are showing ok on desktop.
Any idea what is going on?
This is likely related to the localization settings in the service.
One option is to explicitly format your measures using FORMAT rather than relying on Power BI to make its best guess.
For example,
Porcentaje = FORMAT ( ..., "0.0%" )

Why OData api called multiple times in power bi desktop

I have a Power BI Desktop application that accesses one Data Source which is an OData feed. When refreshing the data in Power BI Desktop it takes much longer . After clicking on Refresh in the popup it shows "Evaluating" and "Loading 2 KB..." for a very long time. From logs of OData API,I can see that the OData feed is called twice and each request is taking same amount of time.
Why does Power BI desktop call the OData feed multiple times? Is there a way to reduce the number of calls?
I have gone through Referenced Queries And Caching In Power BI And
Power Query Blog But in my case my not using any transformation.
Just loading OData feed.
I have gone through the post for same
issue at Power BI community and try the suggested approach but
still issue persists.
Case is similar to "why-is-power-bi-running-my-sql-query-twice"
Power BI wants to know the schema of the table before the query actually runs, so it asks Power Query to return the top 0 rows. Probably its also true for OData.
Using M function Table.View should help.

Connect Power BI Desktop to insightly

It doesn't seem possible to connect Power BI Desktop to Insightly although there's a content pack for Power BI Service.
Is there a workaround, if we need to build a data model and/or add calculated measures? E.g. use the content pack for the service and then connect Desktop to Power BI service?
Or any better suggestion? Thank you for helping with this!
You could always connect by finding the URL being passed in the Power BI service and use that as a Web data source from Power BI desktop. That way you'd be able to create your data model.
There are additional details here which guide you through the insightly portal.
There is a section within the above named "Finding Parameters" here it goes through how you can access the insightly portal. Additionally there is information around how to access the insightly API. Please note there is daily limit on the number of calls to this API.
select User Settings from the Insightly profile menu and scroll down.
This string of characters will be used to connect your data to Power BI.
Insightly API documentation can be found here:
An example of an API call using the Power BI Web data source is as follows:
Using the key which can be found under the "Finding Parameters" tab you're able to populate the below:

How to change table name in power bi programmatically

I want to change the table name of a particular detaset in Power BI programmatically. There are set of REST APIs provided by Power BI, I tried using of update_table_schema APIs but with no success. I'm not able to change the table name.
Can anyone help me with this, thanks in advance.

useing microsoft power bi with offline maps or with arcgis

i think to start use power bi as an visualization platform of BI,
i use alots of map and i got an esri server on my company, there is an option to connect the power bi desktop to this server?
or to use power bi with offline maps?
Not currently. This is a good idea to post to our idea.powerbi.com page.
ArcGIS Maps for Power BI is now available.