Insecure website error when connecting to AWS Console w/Account Alias - amazon-web-services

When I try to access my AWS console using my account name in the URL, I get this error (in Firefox):
Your connection is not secure
The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
This site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to specify that Firefox may only connect to it securely. As a result, it is not possible to add an exception for this certificate.
Why is this happening and what can I do about it?

Short answer: the problem is that there is a period in the company name/alias ( I modified this to remove the period and the error no longer occurred.
Longer answer: I guess the way the wildcard security certificate works is that it only applies to names with 1 subdomain level (before, and with the period, it broke it up into 2 ['mycompanyname', 'tech'].


How to Solve " Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1022 "(null)" Error

I have added AppTransportSecurity key in info.plist , and
added a Subkey called AllowsArbitraryLoads as boolean and set its value to YES as like following image.
But still showing this error:
{Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1022 "(null)"},
NSLocalizedDescription=The resource could not be loaded because the
App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure
Can anybody help?
Can you add "Exception Domains" under App Transport Security and specify the domains.
The best solution is to use a secure connection (https instead of http) as Apple will begin to reject apps that do not support this in the future, if they haven't begun already. WWDC 2015 session 703, “Privacy and Your App” is a great session to watch if you haven't already.
The good news is that the website you are requesting natively supports https so all you have to do is add an s to the link.


I created this question earlier but was told that it is a DNS issue as apposed to an issue with HSTS. Regardless, here is what I need help troubleshooting:
A single site (one that I own), is showing server DNS address could not be found. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN when I try to connect to it via chrome, firefox, or safari. I can however connect to it via Tor Browser. I can also verify that the address resolves correctly using mxtoolbox. I also am not able to connect via two other computers and two other phones. I also am not able to connect via a different WIFI connection or personal hotspot via my phone. Curl and Host via the command line are also not able to get a response.
What I've tried:
As I said above, I've tried different internet connections and computers. I've also tried flushing my DNS cache and pointing to another DNS server.
Having said that, I am not sure how else to trouble shoot this. The only change I made to the web app was to add HSTS headers, hence why I created the earlier posing. Please let me know what other information I can provide. Otherwise, here are some details about the site itself:
Other information about my stack:
Django web app
Gunicorn / WSGI server
Hosted on Heroku - Cedar-14 stack
DNS setup with AWS route53
domain name registered through AWS
Possibly related:
I had the similar issue and was not able to open Facebook. Rest all sites were working fine. Initially, I thought Facebook blocked me as I never faced this crappy issue earlier. Later when I searched in Google, I found an article which described the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN issue on Chrome.
I just changed my DNS server address as (preferred) and (alternate) and I never faced that issue again.
Reference -
So from our discussion regarding the NS server records always make sure that the local NS records matches the Parent NS records.
In your case there there were 2 extra NS records associated with your domain that was the reason why your domains and sub domains were acting unhealthy. once you deleted those records the domains and sub domains were back to normal.
you can also try to open an anon window
access the url
use it in anon mode
close it and it will load ok

Google: Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain NOT on localhost

I am trying to create a Google sign-in and getting the error:
Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain
Before you mark this a duplicate, this is not the same as the question asked at Google sign in website Error : Permission denied to generate login hint for target domain because in that case the questioner was on localhost, whereas I am getting this error on the server.
Specifically, I have included the url of the server in the Authorized Javascript Origins, as in the following image:
and when I get the error, the request shows that the same url was sent, as in the following image:
Is there something else I should be putting in my Restrictions page? Is there any way to figure out what is going on here? Is there a log at the developer console that can tell me what is happening?
Okay, I figured this out. I was using an IP address (as in "") for the redirect uri, as this was a test site on the live server, and Google only accepts actual urls (as in "" or "http://localhost") as redirect uris.
I know this is an old question, but it's the first result when you look for the problem via Google, so I'll share my solution with you guys.
When deploying Google OAuth service in a private network, namely some IP that can't be accessed via the Internet, you should use a magic DNS service, like that will give you an URL that your browser will resolve to your internal IP. You see, Google needs to be able to reach your authorized origin via your browser, that's why setting localhost works if you're serving it on your computer, but it won't work when you're deploying outside the Internet, as in a VPN, intranet, or with a tunnel.
So, the steps:
get your IP address, the one you're deploying at and it's not a public domain, let's say it's as an example.
add to your Authorized Javascript Origins on the Google Developer Console.
open your site by visiting
clear your cache for the site, if necessary.
Log in with Google, and voilà.
I got to this solution using this answer in another question.
If you are using, change it into http://localhost/projects/testplateform, it will work just fine.
If you testing in your machine (locally). then dont use the IP address (i.e. in the Client ID configuration , but use the local host instead and it should work
Example: http://localhost:8888
To allow ip address to be used as valid javascript origin, first add an entry in your /etc/hosts file
and then add this domain in Authorized Javascript Origins. If you are using some nonstandard port, then specify it with your domain in Authorized Javascript Origins.
Note: Remove your cache and it will work.
Just ran across this same issue on an external test server, without a DNS entry yet. If you have permission on your local machine just edit your /etc/hosts file:
And use use as an authorized domain.
I have a server in private net, ip 172.16.X.X
The problem was solved with app port ssh-forwarding to my localhost port.
Now I am able to use deployed app with google oauth browsing to localhost.
ssh -N -L8081:localhost:8080 ${user}#${host}
I also add localhost:8081 to "Authorized URI redirect" and "Authorized JavaScript sources" in
google developers console
After battling with it for a few hours, I found out that my config in the Google Cloud console was all correct and similar to the answers provided. Due to caching issues or something, I had to recreate a OAuth Client ID and then it suddenly started working.
Its a pretty old issue, but I encountered it and there wasn't any helpful resource, as such I am posting my solution.
For me the issue was when I hosted my web-app locally, a using google-auth for logging in.
The URL I was trying to hit was :-
I just changed from IP to http://localhost:8000/master/
And it worked. I was able to log in to the website using Google Auth.
Hope this helps someone someday.
install xampp and run apache server,
put your files (index and co) in a folder in the xampp dir (c:\xampp\htdocs\yourfolder).
Type this in your browser url - http://localhost/yourfolder/index.html

API Console Issue

I've been using WSO2 API Manager 1.9.1 for the past month on a static IP and we liked it enough to put it on Azure behind a full qualified domain name. As we are still only using for internal purposes, we shut the VM down during off hours to save money. Our Azure setup does not guarantee the same IP address each time the VM restarts. The FQDN allows us to always reach regardless of what happens with the VM IP.
I updated the appropriate config files to the FQDN and everything seems to be working well. However! The one issue I have and cannot seem to resolve is calling APIs from the API consoloe. No matter what I do, I get a response as below
Response Body
no content
Response Code
Response Headers
"error": "no response from server"
Mysteriously, I can successfully make the same calls from command line or SOAPUI. So it's something unique about the API Console. I can't seem to find anything useful in the logs or googling. I do see a recurring error but it's not very clear or even complete (seems to cut off).
[2015-11-17 21:33:21,768] ERROR - AsyncDataPublisher Reconnection failed for
Happy to provide further inputs / info. Any suggestions on root cause or where to look is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit#1 - adding screenshots from chrome
The API Console may not be giving you response due to following issues
If you are using https, you have to type the gateway url in browser and accept it before invoke the API from the API Console (This case there is no signed certificate in the gateway)
CORS issue which may due to your domain is not in access allow origins response of Options call
If you create a API which having https backend. You have to import endpoint SSL certificate to client-trustore.jks

Using Meteor browser-policy package allowOriginForAll for AWS works on http site but not https

So we are using the Meteor browser-policy package, and using Amazon S3 to store content.
On the server we have setup the browser policy as follows:
This works fine in local dev and in production when visiting our http:// site. However when using the https:// address to our site the AWS content no longer passes this policy.
The following error is put on the console
Refused to load the image '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src data: 'self' * * * * * *".
As you can see we have some other origins allowed in the browser policy, these all seem to work fine in both http and https. AWS S3 is the only one that is failing.
I've tried Chrome, Firefox, and Safari and they all have the same issue.
Whats going on?
I may not have the exact answer to this question but I have some information which the community may find helpful.
First, you should avoid serving mixed content. I'm unclear if that would set off the browser policy alerts but you just shouldn't do it anyway. The easiest solution is to use a protocol-relative-url or just explicitly specify https in your url.
Second, I too assumed that the wildcard worked like a glob. However, I've been told that it works the same way as an ssl certificate rule - i.e. for all subdomains or for a specific subdomain. In other words, * and, are valid but *, isn't meaningful. I think you want to explicitly add your bucket like so:
unless you literally want to trust all of