Asm inserion in naked function - c++

I have ubuntu 16.04, x86_64 arch, 4.15.0-39-generic kernel version.
GCC 8.1.0
I tried to rewrite this functions(from first post!topic/comp.lang.c++.moderated/qHDCU73cEFc) from Intel dialect to AT&T. And I did not succeed.
namespace atomic {
static void*
ldptr_acq(void* volatile*) {
_asm {
MOV EAX, [ESP + 4]
static void*
stptr_rel(void* volatile*, void* const) {
_asm {
MOV ECX, [ESP + 4]
MOV EAX, [ESP + 8]
Then I wrote a simple program, to get the same pointer, which I pass inside. I installed GCC version 8.1 with supported naked attributes( "The x86 port now supports the naked function attribute") for fuctions.
As far as I remember, this attribute tells the compiler not to create the prologue and epilog of the function, and I can take the parameters from the stack myself and return them.
Code:(don't work with segfault)
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
__attribute__ ((naked))
int *get_num(int*) {
__asm__ (
"movl 4(%esp), %eax\n\t"
"movl (%eax), %eax\n\t"
int main() {
int *i =(int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
*i = 5;
int *j = get_num(i);
printf("%d\n", *j);
return 0;
then I tried using 64bit registers:(don't work with segfault)
__asm__ (
"movq 4(%rsp), %rax\n\t"
"movq (%rax), %rax\n\t"
And only after I took the value out of rdi register - it all worked.
__asm__ (
"movq %rdi, %rax\n\t"
Why did I fail to make the transfer through the stack register? I probably made a mistake. Please tell me where is my fail?

Because the x86-64 System V calling convention passes args in registers, not on the stack, unlike the old inefficient i386 System V calling convention.
You always have to write asm that matches the calling convention, if you're writing the whole function in asm, like with a naked function or a stand-along .S file.
GNU C extended asm allows you to use operands to specify the inputs to an asm statement, and the compiler will generate instructions to make that happen. (I wouldn't recommend using it until you understand asm and how compilers turn C into asm with optimization enabled, though.)
Also note that movq %rdi, %rax implements long *foo(long*p){return p;} not return *p. Perhaps you meant mov (%rdi), %rax to dereference the pointer arg?
And BTW, you definitely don't need and shouldn't use inline asm for this., and see
In GNU C, you can cast a pointer to volatile uint64_t*. Or you can use __atomic_load_n (ptr, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) to get basically everything you were getting from that asm, without the overhead of a function call or any of the cost for the optimizer at the call-site of having all the call-clobbered registers be clobbered.
You can use them on any object: Unlike C++11 where you can only do atomic ops on a std::atomic<T>.


Error : Invalid Character '(' in mnemonic

Hi I am trying to compile the below assembly code on Linux using gcc 7.5 version but somehow getting the error
Error : Invalid Character '(' in mnemonic
bool InterlockedCompareAndStore128(int *dest,int *newVal,int *oldVal)
"push %rbx\n"
"push %rdi\n"
"mov %rcx, %rdi\n" // ptr to dest -> RDI
"mov 8(%rdx), %rcx\n" // newVal -> RCX:RBX
"mov (%rdx), %rbx\n"
"mov 8(%r8), %rdx\n" // oldVal -> RDX:RAX
"mov (%r8), %rax\n"
"lock (%rdi), cmpxchg16b\n"
"mov $0, %rax\n"
"jnz exit\n"
"inc1 %rax\n"
"pop %rdi\n"
"pop %rbx\n"
Can anyone suggest how to resolve this . Checked many online links and tutorials for Assembly code but could not relate the exact issue.
Thanks for the help in advance.
In Windows I could see the implementation of the above function as:
function InterlockedCompareExchange128;
MOV RDX,[R9+8]
MOV [R9+8],RDX
For PUSHNV , I could not found anything related to this on Linux. So , basically I am trying to implement same functionality in c++ on Linux.
The question here was about Invalid Character '(' in mnemonic which the other answer addresses.
However, OP's code has a number of issues beyond that problem. Here's (what I think are) two better approaches to this problem. Note that I've changed the order of the parameters and turned them const.
This one continues to use inline asm, but uses Extended asm instead of Basic. While I'm of the don't use inline asm school of thought, this might be useful or at least educational.
bool InterlockedCompareAndStore128B(__int64 *dest, const __int64 *oldVal, const __int64 *newVal)
bool result;
__int64 ovl = oldVal[0];
__int64 ovh = oldVal[1];
asm volatile ("lock cmpxchg16b %[ptr]"
: "=#ccz" (result), [ptr] "+m" (*dest),
"+d" (ovh), "+a" (ovl)
: "c" (newVal[1]), "b" (newVal[0])
: "cc", "memory");
// cmpxchg16b changes rdx:rax to the current value in dest. Useful if you need
// to loop until you succeed, but OP's code doesn't save the values, so I'm
// just following that spec.
//oldVal[0] = ovl;
//oldVal[1] = ovh;
return result;
In addition to solving the problems with the original code, it's also inlineable and shorter. The constraints likely make it harder to read, but the fact that there's only 1 line of asm might help offset that. If you want to understand what the constraints mean, check out this page (scroll down to x86 family) and the description of flag output constraints (again, scroll down for x86 family).
As an alternative, this code uses a gcc builtin and allows the compiler to generate the appropriate asm instructions. Note that this must be built with -mcx16 for best results.
bool InterlockedCompareAndStore128C(__int128 *dest, const __int128 *oldVal, const __int128 *newVal)
// While a sensible person would use __atomic_compare_exchange_n and let gcc generate
// cmpxchg16b, gcc decided they needed to turn this into a big hairy function call:
// In short, if someone wants to compare/exchange against readonly memory, you can't just
// use cmpxchg16b cuz it would crash. Why would anyone try to exchange memory that can't
// be written to? Apparently because it's expected to *not* crash if the compare fails
// and nothing gets written. So no one gets to use that 1 line instruction and everyone
// gets an entire routine (that uses MUTEX instead of lockfree) to support this absurd
// border case. Sounds dumb to me, but that's where things stand as of 2021-05-07.
// Use the legacy function instead.
bool b = __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(dest, *oldVal, *newVal);
return b;
For the kibizters in the crowd, here's the code generated by -m64 -O3 -mcx16 for that last one:
InterlockedCompareAndStore128C(__int128*, __int128 const*, __int128 const*):
mov rcx, rdx
push rbx
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsi]
mov rbx, QWORD PTR [rcx]
mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rsi+8]
mov rcx, QWORD PTR [rcx+8]
lock cmpxchg16b XMMWORD PTR [rdi]
pop rbx
sete al
If someone wants to fiddle, here's the godbolt link.
There are a number of problems with this code, and I'm not convinced I'm doing you any favors by telling you how to fix the specific problem.
But the short answer is that
"lock (%rdi), cmpxchg16b\n"
should be
"lock cmpxchg16b (%rdi)\n"
Tada, now it compiles. Well, it would if inc1 was a real instruction.
But I can't help but notice that the pointers here are int *, which is 4 bytes, not 16. And that this function is not declared as naked. And using Extended asm would save you from having to push all these registers around by hand, making this code a lot slower than it needs to be.
But most of all, you should really use the builtins, like __atomic_compare_exchange because inline asm is error prone, not portable, and really hard to maintain.

c++ gcc inline assembly does not seem to work

I am trying to figure out gcc inline assembly on c++. The following code works on visual c++ without % and other operands but i could not make it work with gcc
void function(const char* text) {
DWORD addr = (DWORD)text;
DWORD fncAddr = 0x004169E0;
"push %0" "\n"
"call %1" "\n"
"add esp, 04" "\n"
: "=r" (addr) : "d" (fncAddr)
I am injecting a dll to a process on runtime and fncAddr is an address of a function. It never changes. As I said it works with Visual C++
VC++ equivalent of that function:
void function(const char* text) {
DWORD addr = (DWORD)text;
DWORD fncAddr = 0x004169E0;
__asm {
push addr
call fncAddr
add esp, 04
I changed my function to this: now it crashes
void sendPacket(const char* msg) {
DWORD addr = (DWORD)msg;
DWORD fncAddr = 0x004169E0;
".intel_syntax noprefix" "\n"
"pusha" "\n"
"push %0" "\n"
"call %1" "\n"
"add esp, 04" "\n"
"popa" "\n"
: "r" (addr) , "d"(fncAddr) : "memory"
004169E0 /$ 8B0D B4D38100 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[81D3B4]
004169E6 |. 85C9 TEST ECX,ECX
004169E8 |. 74 0A JE SHORT client_6.004169F4
004169EA |. 8B4424 04 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4]
004169EE |. 50 PUSH EAX
004169EF |. E8 7C3F0000 CALL client_6.0041A970
004169F4 \> C3 RETN
the function im calling is above. I changed it to function pointer cast
char_func_t func = (char_func_t)0x004169E0;
like this and it crashed too but surprisingly somethimes it works. I attacted a debugger and it gave access violation at some address it does not exist
on callstack the last call is this:
004169EF |. E8 7C3F0000 CALL client_6.0041A970
I gave up inline assembly, instead i wrote instructions i wanted byte by byte and it works like a charm
void function(const char* text) {
DWORD fncAddr = 0x004169E0;
char *buff = new char[50]; //extra bytes for no reason
memset((void*)buff, 0x90, 50);
*((BYTE*)buff) = 0x68; // push
*((DWORD*)(buff + 1)) = ((DWORD)text);
*((BYTE*)buff+5) = 0xE8; //call
*((DWORD*)(buff + 6)) = ((DWORD)fncAddr) - ((DWORD)&(buff[5]) + 5);
*((BYTE*)(buff + 10)) = 0x83; // add esp, 04
*((BYTE*)(buff + 11)) = 0xC4;
*((BYTE*)(buff + 12)) = 0x04;
*((BYTE*)(buff + 13)) = 0xC3; // ret
typedef void(*char_func_t)(void);
char_func_t func = (char_func_t)buff;
delete[] buff;
Thank you all
Your current version with pusha / popa looks correct (slow but safe), unless your calling convention depends on maintaing 16-byte stack alignment.
If it's crashing, your real problem is somewhere else, so you should use a debugger and find out where it crashes.
Declaring clobbers on eax / ecx / edx, or asking for the pointers in two of those registers and clobbering the third, would let you avoid pusha / popa. (Or whatever the call-clobbered regs are for the calling convention you're using.)
You should remove the .intel_syntax noprefix. You already depend on compiling with -masm=intel, because you don't restore the previous mode in case it was AT&T. (I don't think there is a way to save/restore the old mode, unfortunately, but there is a dialect-alternatves mechanism for using different templates for different syntax modes.)
You don't need and shouldn't use inline asm for this
compilers know how to make function calls already, when you're using a standard calling convention (in this case: stack args in 32-bit mode which is normally the default).
It's valid C++ to cast an integer to a function pointer, and it's not even undefined behaviour if there really is a function there at that address.
void function(const char* text) {
typedef void (*char_func_t)(const char *);
char_func_t func = (char_func_t)0x004169E0;
As a bonus, this compiles more efficiently with MSVC than your asm version, too.
You can use GCC function attributes on function pointers to specify the calling convention explicitly, in case you compile with a different default. For example __attribute__((cdecl)) to explicitly specify stack args and caller-pops for calls using that function pointer. The MSVC equivalent is just __cdecl.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define CDECL __attribute__((cdecl))
#define STDCALL __attribute__((stdcall))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define CDECL __cdecl
#define STDCALL __stdcall
#define CDECL /*empty*/
#define STDCALL /*empty*/
// With STDCALL instead of CDECL, this function has to translate from one calling convention to another
// so it can't compile to just a jmp tailcall
void function(const char* text) {
typedef void (CDECL *char_func_t)(const char *);
char_func_t func = (char_func_t)0x004169E0;
To see the compiler's asm output, I put this on the Godbolt compiler explorer. I used the "intel-syntax" option, so gcc output comes from gcc -S -masm=intel
# gcc8.1 -O3 -m32 (the 32-bit Linux calling convention is close enough to Windows)
# except it requires maintaing 16-byte stack alignment.
function(char const*):
mov eax, 4286944
jmp eax # tail-call with the args still where we got them
This test caller makes the compiler set up args and not just a tail-call, but function can inline into it.
int caller() {
function("hello world");
return 0;
.string "hello world"
sub esp, 24 # reserve way more stack than it needs to reach 16-byte alignment, IDK why.
mov eax, 4286944 # your function pointer
push OFFSET FLAT:.LC0 # addr becomes an immediate
call eax
xor eax, eax # return 0
add esp, 28 # add esp, 4 folded into this
MSVC's -Ox output for caller is essentially the same:
caller PROC
push OFFSET $SG2661
mov eax, 4286944 ; 004169e0H
call eax
add esp, 4
xor eax, eax
ret 0
But a version using your inline asm is much worse:
;; MSVC -Ox on a caller() that uses your asm implementation of function()
caller_asm PROC
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 8
; store inline asm inputs to the stack
mov DWORD PTR _addr$2[ebp], OFFSET $SG2671
mov DWORD PTR _fncAddr$1[ebp], 4286944 ; 004169e0H
push DWORD PTR _addr$2[ebp] ; then reload as memory operands
call DWORD PTR _fncAddr$1[ebp]
add esp, 4
xor eax, eax
mov esp, ebp ; makes the add esp,4 redundant in this case
pop ebp
ret 0
MSVC inline asm syntax basically sucks, because unlike GNU C asm syntax the inputs always have to be in memory, not registers or immediates. So you could do better with GNU C, but not as good as you can do by avoiding inline asm altogether.
Making function calls from inline asm is generally to be avoided; it's much safer and more efficient when the compiler knows what's happening.
Here's an example of inline assembly with gcc.
Routine "vazio" hosts assembly code for routine "rotina" (vazio and rotina are simply labels). Note the use of Intel syntax by means of a directive; gcc defaults to AT&T .
I recovered this code from an old sub-directory; variables in assembly code were prefixed with "_" , as "_str" - that's standard C convention. I confess that, here and now, I have no idea as why the compiler is accepting "str" instead... Anyway:
compiled correctly with gcc/g++ versions 5 and 7! Hope this helps. Simply call "gcc main.c", or "gcc -S main.c" if you want to see the asm result, and "gcc -S masm=intel main.c" for Intel output.
#include <stdio.h>
char str[] = "abcdefg";
// C routine, acts as a container for "rotina"
void vazio (void) {
asm(".intel_syntax noprefix");
asm("inc eax");
// EBX = address of str
asm("lea ebx, str");
// ++str[0]
asm("inc byte ptr [ebx]");
asm(".att_syntax noprefix");
// global variables make things simpler
int a;
int main(void) {
a = -7;
puts ("antes");
puts (str);
printf("a = %d\n\n", a);
asm(".intel_syntax noprefix");
asm("mov eax, 0");
asm("call rotina");
// modify variable a
asm("mov a, eax");
asm(".att_syntax noprefix");
printf("depois: \n a = %d\n", a);
puts (str);
return 0;

Understanding volatile asm vs volatile variable

We consider the following program, that is just timing a loop:
#include <cstdlib>
std::size_t count(std::size_t n)
volatile std::size_t i = 0;
std::size_t i = 0;
while (i < n) {
asm volatile("": : :"memory");
return i;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return count(argc > 1 ? std::atoll(argv[1]) : 1);
For readability, the version with both volatile variable and volatile asm reads as follow:
#include <cstdlib>
std::size_t count(std::size_t n)
volatile std::size_t i = 0;
while (i < n) {
asm volatile("": : :"memory");
return i;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return count(argc > 1 ? std::atoll(argv[1]) : 1);
Compilation under g++ 8 with g++ -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c++11 -O3 loop.cpp -o loop gives roughly the following timings:
default: 0m0.001s
The question I have is: why is that? The default version is normal since the loop is optimized away by the compiler. But I have harder time understanding why -DVOLATILEVAR is way longer than -DVOLATILEASM since both should force the loop to run.
Compiler explorer gives the following count function for -DVOLATILEASM:
count(unsigned long):
mov rax, rdi
test rdi, rdi
je .L2
xor edx, edx
add rdx, 1
cmp rax, rdx
jne .L3
count(unsigned long):
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], 0
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsp-8]
cmp rdi, rax
jbe .L2
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsp-8]
add rax, 1
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsp-8]
cmp rax, rdi
jb .L3
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsp-8]
Why is the exact reason of that? Why does the volatile qualification of the variable prevents the compiler from doing the same loop as the one with asm volatile?
When you make i volatile you tell the compiler that something that it doesn't know about can change its value. That means it is forced to load it's value every time you use it and it has to store it every time you write to it. When i is not volatile the compiler can optimize that synchronization away.
-DVOLATILEVAR forces the compiler to keep the loop counter in memory, so the loop bottlenecks on the latency of store/reload (store forwarding), ~5 cycles + the latency of an add 1 cycle.
Every assignment to and read from volatile int i is considered an observable side-effect of the program that the optimizer has to make happen in memory, not just a register. This is what volatile means.
There's also a reload for the compare, but that's only a throughput issue, not latency. The ~6 cycle loop carried data dependency means your CPU doesn't bottleneck on any throughput limits.
This is similar to what you'd get from -O0 compiler output, so have a look at my answer on Adding a redundant assignment speeds up code when compiled without optimization for more about loops like that, and x86 store-forwarding.
With only VOLATILEASM, the empty asm template (""), has to run the right number of times. Being empty, it doesn't add any instructions to the loop, so you're left with a 2-uop add / cmp+jne loop that can run at 1 iteration per clock on modern x86 CPUs.
Critically, the loop counter can stay in a register, despite the compiler memory barrier. A "memory" clobber is treated like a call to a non-inline function: it might read or modify any object that it might possibly have a reference to, but that does not include local variables that have never had their address escape the function. (i.e. we never called sscanf("0", "%d", &i) or posix_memalign(&i, 64, 1234). But if we did, then the "memory" barrier would have to spill / reload it, because an external function could have saved a pointer to the object.
i.e. a "memory" clobber is only a full compiler barrier for objects that could possibly be visible outside the current function. This is really only an issue when messing around and looking at compiler output to see what barriers do what, because a barrier can only matter for multi-threading correctness for variables that other threads could possible have a pointer to.
And BTW, your asm statement is already implicitly volatile because it has no output operands. (See Extended-Asm#Volatile in the gcc manual).
You can add a dummy output to make a non-volatile asm statement the compiler can optimize away, but unfortunately gcc still keep the empty loop after eliminating a non-volatile asm statement from it. If i's address has escaped the function, removing the asm statement entirely turns the loop into a single compare jump over a store, right before the function returns. I think it would be legal to simply return without ever storing to that local, because there's no a correct program can know that it managed to read i from another thread before i went out of scope.
But anyway, here's the source I used. As I said, note that there's always an asm statement here, and I'm controlling whether it's volatile or not.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef VOLATILEVAR // compile with -DVOLATILEVAR=volatile to apply that
#ifndef VOLATILEASM // Different from your def; yours drops the whole asm statement
// note I ported this to also be valid C, but I didn't try -xc to compile as C.
size_t count(size_t n)
int dummy; // asm with no outputs is implicitly volatile
VOLATILEVAR size_t i = 0;
sscanf("0", "%zd", &i);
while (i < n) {
asm VOLATILEASM ("nop # operand = %0": "=r"(dummy) : :"memory");
return i;
compiles (with gcc4.9 and newer -O3, neither VOLATILE enabled) to this weird asm.
(Godbolt compiler explorer with gcc and clang):
# gcc8.1 -O3 with sscanf(.., &i) but non-volatile asm
# the asm nop doesn't appear anywhere, but gcc is making clunky code.
mov rdx, rax # i, <retval>
.L3: # first iter entry point
lea rax, [rdx+1] # <retval>,
cmp rax, rbx # <retval>, n
jb .L8 #,
Nice job, gcc.... gcc4.8 -O3 avoids pulling an extra mov inside the loop:
# gcc4.8 -O3 with sscanf(.., &i) but non-volatile asm
add rdx, 1 # i,
cmp rbx, rdx # n, i
ja .L3 #,
mov rax, rdx # i.0, i # outside the loop
Anyway, without the dummy output operand, or with volatile, gcc8.1 gives us:
# gcc8.1 with sscanf(&i) and asm volatile("nop" ::: "memory")
nop # operand = eax # dummy
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsp+8] # tmp96, i
add rax, 1 # <retval>,
mov QWORD PTR [rsp+8], rax # i, <retval>
cmp rax, rbx # <retval>, n
jb .L3 #,
So we see the same store/reload of the loop counter, only difference from volatile i being the cmp doesn't need to reload it.
I used nop instead of just a comment because Godbolt hides comment-only lines by default, and I wanted to see it. For gcc, it's purely a text substitution: we're looking at the compiler's asm output with operands substituted into the template before it's sent to the assembler. For clang, there might be some effect because the asm has to be valid (i.e. actually assemble correctly).
If we comment out the scanf and remove the dummy output operand, we get a register-only loop with the nop in it. But keep the dummy output operand and the nop doesn't appear anywhere.

Intel DRNG giving only giving 4 bytes of data instead of 8

I am trying to implement Intel DRNG in c++.
According to its guide to generate a 64 bit unsigned long long the code should be:
int rdrand64_step (unsigned long long *rand)
unsigned char ok;
asm volatile ("rdrand %0; setc %1"
: "=r" (*rand), "=qm" (ok));
return (int) ok;
However the output of this function rand is only giving me an output of only 32 bits as shown.
any reason why this is happening?
more info: the IDE I'm using is codeblocks
Use int _rdrand64_step (unsigned __int64* val) from immintrin.h instead of writing inline asm. You don't need it, and there are many reasons (including this one) to avoid it:
In this case, the problem is that you're probably compiling 32-bit code, so of course 64-bit rdrand is not encodeable. But the way you used inline-asm ended up giving you a 32-bit rdrand, and storing garbage from another register for the high half.
gcc -Wall -O3 -m32 -march=ivybridge (and similar for clang) produces (on Godbolt):
In function 'rdrand64_step':
7 : <source>:7:1: warning: unsupported size for integer register
push ebx
rdrand ecx; setc al
mov edx, DWORD PTR [esp+8] # load the pointer arg
movzx eax, al
mov DWORD PTR [edx], ecx
mov DWORD PTR [edx+4], ebx # store garbage in the high half of *rand
pop ebx
I guess you called this function with a caller that happened to have ebx=0. Or else you used a different compiler that did something different. Maybe something else happens after inlining. If you looked at disassembly of what you actually compiled, you could explain exactly what's going on.
If you'd used the intrinsic, you would have gotten error: '_rdrand64_step' was not declared in this scope, because immintrin.h only declares it in 64-bit mode (and with a -march setting that implies rdrand support. Or [-mrdrnd]3. Best option: use -march=native if you're building on the target machine).
You'd also get significantly more efficient code for a retry loop, at least with clang:
unsigned long long use_intrinsic(void) {
unsigned long long rand;
while(!_rdrand64_step(&rand)); // TODO: retry limit in case RNG is broken.
return rand;
use_intrinsic: # #use_intrinsic
.LBB2_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
rdrand rax
jae .LBB2_1
That avoids setcc and then testing that, which is of course redundant. gcc6 has syntax for returning flag results from inline asm. You can also use asm goto and put a jcc inside the asm, jumping to a label: return 1; target or falling through to a return 0. (The inline-asm docs have an example of doing this. See also the inline-assembly tag wiki.)
Using your inline-asm, clang (in 64-bit mode) compiles it to:
rdrand rax
setb byte ptr [rsp - 1]
cmp byte ptr [rsp - 1], 0
je .LBB1_1
(clang makes bad decisions for constraints with multiple options that include memory.)
gcc7.2 and ICC17 actually end up with better code from the asm than from the intrinsic. They use cmovc to get a 0 or 1 and then test that. It's pretty dumb. But that's a gcc/ICC missed optimization that will hopefully be.

Inline with containing complex function

Let's take this for example:
Class TestClass {
int functionInline();
int functionComplex();
inline int TestClas::functionInline()
// a single instruction
return functionComplex();
int TestClas::functionComplex()
/* many complex
void myFunc()
TestClass testVar;
Suposing that all coments are in fact lines of code that are single line or many and complex lines of code. The equivalent code would be (after compilation):
void myFunc()
TestClass testVar;
// a single instruction
return functionComplex();
or would be:
void myFunc()
TestClass testVar;
// a single instruction
/* many complex
In other words, would a normal function be inserted inline if called inside an inline function or not?
If the compiler can see that the function is not called anywhere else (e.g. it is static in the case of a free function), then at least gcc has inlined it for a long time.
Of course, this also assumes the compiler can actually "see" the source code of the function - only if you use "whole program optimisation" (available in at least MS and GCC compilers), does it inline functions that aren't either in the source file or headers included in the source.
Obviously, inlining a "large" function has very little benefit (because the overhead of making the call is such a small portion of the total runtime), and if the function gets called more than once (or "may be called more than once" by not being static), the compiler will almost certainly not inline a "large" function.
In summary: maybe the large function is inline, but quite likely not.
Please check the assembly code that I generated both for VC++ 2010 and g++.
Both the compilers dont actually treat any of the function as inline in this example.
class TestClass {
int functionInline();
int functionComplex();
inline int TestClass::functionInline()
// a single instruction
return functionComplex();
int TestClass::functionComplex()
/* many complex
return 0;
int main(){
TestClass t;
return 0;
VC++ 2010:
int main(){
01372E50 push ebp
01372E51 mov ebp,esp
01372E53 sub esp,0CCh
01372E59 push ebx
01372E5A push esi
01372E5B push edi
01372E5C lea edi,[ebp-0CCh]
01372E62 mov ecx,33h
01372E67 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
01372E6C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
TestClass t;
01372E6E lea ecx,[t]
01372E71 call TestClass::functionInline (1371677h)
return 0;
01372E76 xor eax,eax
Linux G++:
.cfi_personality 0x3,__gxx_personality_v0
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_offset 6, -16
.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
subq $16, %rsp
leaq -1(%rbp), %rax
movq %rax, %rdi
call _ZN9TestClass14functionInlineEv
movl $0, %eax
Both the lines
01372E71 call TestClass::functionInline (1371677h)
call _ZN9TestClass14functionInlineEv
indicate that the function functionInline is not inline.
Now have a look at functionInline assembly:
inline int TestClass::functionInline()
01372E00 push ebp
01372E01 mov ebp,esp
01372E03 sub esp,0CCh
01372E09 push ebx
01372E0A push esi
01372E0B push edi
01372E0C push ecx
01372E0D lea edi,[ebp-0CCh]
01372E13 mov ecx,33h
01372E18 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
01372E1D rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
01372E1F pop ecx
01372E20 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],ecx
// a single instruction
return functionComplex();
01372E23 mov ecx,dword ptr [this]
01372E26 call TestClass::functionComplex (1371627h)
Hence, functionComplex is not also inline.
No it would not be inlined. It is impossible beacause the compiler does not have available the body definition of a non-inlined function that could be located in another translation unit. I suppose normal function is a non-inlined function.
No, if you want your complex function be inserted inline, you must specify the inline keyword too.
In practice, use __forceinline keyword (on windows, __always_inline on linux) otherwise the compiler will ignore the keyword if there is a lot of instructions.
First of all inline function is just a directive to the compiler. It is not guaranteed that compiler will do the inlining.
Secondly, when you specify a function as inline, it tells compiler two things
1) Function might be a candidate for inlining. Whether it is going to be inlined is not guaranteed
2) This function has internal linkage. That is, function will be visible only in the translation unit it is compiled. This internal linkage is guaranteed irrespective of whether the function is actually inlined or not.
In you case, functionInline is specified as inline but functionComplex is not. functionComplex has external linkage. Compiler will never do the inlining of function with external linkage.
So, a plain answer to your question is "No" a normal (function without inline keyword and defined outside class)function will never be inlined