Hosting a Chatbot Program in AWS Lambda - amazon-web-services

I am a developer and new to the system engineering part, so still getting my concept clear.
I need to deploy my chatbot in Lambda and host it using API Gateway, but following conceptual problem is arising.
I have a chatbot built using simple AIML. I created it on python and its working properly.
For those who don't know of AIML, here I create an image of the AIML kernel : k = aiml.Kernel() and then as the conversation flow happens this kernel image is important for the conversation.
In my system, at an instance I just have one image of the kernel and things are good. But when I host this python program to Lambda and deploy it using API Gateway, for each request I will have a new image of the kernel, and my program will not function properly.
In a chatbot the conversation is happening at runtime, and and past conversation data is important, but if I am using API Gateway to trigger the Lambda function each time the user writes a new line, then every time a new image will be created of the kernel.
One option which I found was storing the user's session and conversation in a database. But in runtime if I am chatting, then the retrieval of past conversation and have the past conversation in the new image of kernel doesn't sounds a good way to go.
Or, even if we store the past conversation and send to the Lambda function using some JSON payload, then also since a new image of Kernel will be created by API Gateway, I have to run all the past conversation first and then only get the response for the new dialogue in the chat.
IN SHORT : How can I have one image of the kernel in the Lambda function, and get output using API Gateway, where the API is called multiple time for the same image of lambda function.
Or even if you know the general idea, how most online chatbots process and give responses, then that will also be very helpful.

To answer your actual question, yes. You can create your kernel image outside of the lambda handler function. This means that the image will only be created at the point a new lambda container is spun up and won't be recreated at every invocation.
If prior conversation is important, then I feel I should warn you about some of the pitfalls of this approach though.
Lambda containers will die if no new requests are received (approx. half hour, but AWS doesn't specify this and can change it at any time).
Lambda containers will be recycled periodically, even if they are being used.
If you have multiple conversations, you can't assign a specific lambda container to a particular user.

The best way could be to use inbuilt data structures to maintain such conversations.
You need to run the whole thing essentially. However, appropriate mapping to reach quickly to the desired o/p may enhance/optimize your result.


Can a Google Cloud Function communicate through a WebSocket?

Our many end users will, through a web browser, read and write in partly overlapping data.
When a user makes a change, a related change should be broadcasted to relevant other users.
Example use case: Several end users, each on their own device, look at a calendar with available time blocks to make an appointment. One of them creates an appointment, causing that a time block is not available for others anymore. The calendar on the screens of those others is updated accordingly and immediately.
Technically this would mean:
Browser sends 'create appointment' event through WebSocket
This event spins up a Cloud Function, which does the following (and then terminates):
Reserve the required capacity in the database
If this causes that the used time block is not available anymore for other users: Broadcast a 'not available anymore' event through the WebSockets of those other users that are viewing this time block.
In Google Cloud this is possible using an Apigee Java callout, where the Java (if needed) calls a Cloud Function, as described on However, Apigee runs in Kubernetes (, causing the overhead of containers being up at moments when they are not or sparsely used.
Google Clouds API Gateway doesn't support WebSockets:
Is there a way to accomplish our goal through a Cloud Function, without any container?

AWS Lambda best practices for Real Time Tracking

We currently run an AWS Lambda function that primarily simply redirects the user to a different URL. The function is invoked via API-Gateway.
For tracking purposes, we would like to create a widget on our dashboard that provides real-time insights into how many redirects are performed each second. The creation of the widget itself is not the problem.
My main question currently is which AWS Services is best suited for telling our other services that an invocation took place. We plan to register the invocation in our database.
Some additional things:
low latency (< 5 seconds) in order to be real-time data
nearly no increased time wait for the user. We aim to redirect the user as fast as possible
Many thanks in advance!
Best Regards
I understand that your goal is to simply persist the information that an invocation happened somewhere with minimal impact on the response time of the Lambda.
For that purpose I'd probably use an SQS standard queue and just send a message to the queue that the invocation happened.
You can then have an asynchronous process (Lambda, Docker, EC2) process the messages from the queue and update your Dashboard.
Depending on the scalability requirements looking into Kinesis Data Analytics might also be worth it.
It's a fully managed streaming data solution and the analytics part allows you to do sliding window analyses using SQL on data in the Stream.
In that case you'd write the info that something happened to the stream, which also has a low latency.

Display real time data on website that scales?

I am starting a project where I want to create a website which will display LIVE flight information and status. We all have seen this at airport. An example is given here - As you can see this information changes continuously. The website will talk to a backend api and the this backend api will talk to database. Now the important part is that the flight information in the database will be updated by the airline itself. There could be several airlines and they will update their data respectively. I have drawn a diagram and uploaded here -
Now those airlines will obviously have an interface (website talking to some backend API) through which they will update the database.
Now here is my attempt to solve it. We need to have some sort of trigger such that if any airline updates a flight detail in the database between current time - 1 hour to current + 4 hours (website will only display few hours of flights), we need to call the web api and then send the update to the website in the real time. The user must not refresh the page at all. At the same time the website needs to scale well i.e. if 1 million users are on the website, and there is an update in the database in the correct time range, all 1 million user's website should get updated within a decent amount of time.
I did some research and it looks like we need to have an event based approach. For example - we need to create a function (AWS lambda or Azure function) that should be called whenever there is an update in the database (Dynamo DB for example) within the correct time range. This function then should call an API which should then update the website through web socket technology for example.
I am not looking for any code but just some alternative suggestions on how this can be solved in a scalable way. Also how do we test scalability?
Dont use serverless functions(Lambda/Azure functions)
Although I am a huge fan of serverless functions, and currently running a full web app in Lambda, I don't think its needed for your use case and doesn't make sense economically. As you've answered in the comments, each airline will not write directly to the database, they'll push to an API, meaning you are explicitly told when flights have changed. When an airline has sent you new data you can simply propagate this to all the browser endpoints via websockets. This keeps the design very simple. There is no need to artificially create a database event that then triggers a function that will then tell you a flight has been updated. Thats like removing your doorbell and replacing it with a motion detector that triggers a doorbell :)
Money always deserves its own section. Lambda is more of an economic break through than a technological one. You have to know when its cost effective. You pay per request so if your dealing with a process that handles 10,000 operations a month, or something that only fires 1,000 times a day, than lambda is dirt cheap and practically free. You also pay for the length of time the function is executing and the memory consumed while executing. Generally, it makes sense to use lambda functions where a dedicated server would be sitting idle for most of the time. So instead of a whole EC2 instance, AWS provides you with a container on demand. There are points at which high requests rates and constantly running processes makes lambda more expensive than EC2. This article discusses how generally its cheaper to use lambda up to a point -> The same applies to Azure functions and googles equivalent. They are all just containers offered on demand.
If you're dealing with flight information I would imagine you will have thousands of flights being updated every minute so your lambda functions will be firing constantly as if you were running an EC2 instance. You will end up paying a lot more than EC2. When you have a service that needs to stay up 24/7 and run 24/7 with high activity that is most certainly a valid use case for a dedicated server or servers.
Proposed Solution
These are the components I would use below:
Message Queue of some sort (RabbitMQ or AWS SQS with SNS perhaps)
Web Socket Backend (The choice will depend on programming language)
Airline input API (REST,GraphQL, or maybe AWS Kinesis Data Firehose)
The airlines publish their data to a back-end api. The updates are stored on a message queue and the web applicaton that actually displays the results to users, via websockets, reads from the queue.
For scalability you can run the websocket application on multiple EC2 instances (all reading from the same queuing service) in an autoscaling group, so with extra load more instances will be created automatically hence the name "autoscaling". And those instances can sit behind an elastic load balancer. Lots of AWS documentation on how to do this and its their flagship design pattern. If you use AWS SQS you don't have to manage the scalability details yourself, aws handles that. The only real components to scale are your websocket application and the flight data input endpoint. You can run the flight api in an autoscaling group as well but AWS does offer an additional tool for high traffic data processing. I detail that below.
Testing Scalability
It would be fairly easy to have a mock airline blast your service with thousands and thousands of fake updates and on the other end you can easily run multiple threads of selenium tests simulating browser clicks and validating that the UI is still operational.
Additional tools
If it ends up being large amounts of data, rather than using a conventional REST api for your flight update service you could consider a service AWS offers specifically for dealing with large amounts of real time updates (Kinessis Data Firehose) But I've never used it.
First, please don't over think this. This is a trivial problem to solve and doesn't require any special techniques, technologies or trendy patterns & frameworks.
You actually have three functional areas you can address almost separately.
Ingestion - Collection and normalization of the data from the various sources. For this, you'll need a process and transformation engine, LogicApps or such.
Your databases. You'll quickly learn that not all flights are the same ;). While it might seem so, the amount of data isn't that much. Instances of MySQL/SQL Server tuned for a particular function will work just fine. Hint, you don't need to have data for every movement ready to present all the time.
Presentation. The data API and UIs. This, really, is the easy part. I would suggest you use basic polling at first. For reasons you will never have any control over, the SLA for flight data is ~5 minutes so a real-time client notification system is time you should spend elsewhere at first.

Suitability of app with long running tasks for AWS Lambda or AWS Step Functions

I have an application on an AWS EC2 instance that runs once daily. The application fetches some files from a web service, parses the files line by line, updates a database, updates S3 files based on changes in the database, sends notification emails to customers as well as a few other tasks.
This is a series of logical tasks that must take place in sequence, although some of the tasks can be thought of as sub-tasks that can be executed in parallel. All tasks are a combination of Perl scripts and Java programs, with a single Perl script acting as the manager that executes each in turn. Some tasks can take as long as 45 minutes to complete, and the whole process can take up to 3 hours in total.
I'd like to make this whole process serverless. My initial idea was to use AWS Lambda, whereby each task would execute as a Lambda function, until I discovered Lambda functions impose a 5 minute execution timeout. It seems like the AWS Step Functions service is actually a better fit for my use case, but my understanding is that this service is backed by Lambda, so the tasks will still have the 5 min execution limitation.
(I'm also aware that I would have to re-write my Perl scripts to a language supported by Lambda).
I assume that I can work around the execution time limit by refactoring my code into smaller functions that will guarantee to complete in under 5 minutes. In my particular situation though, this seems inefficient.
Currently the database update task processes lines from a file one at a time. For this to work with Lambda, a Lambda function would need to handle only a single line from the file (or a very small number of lines) in order to guarantee not spilling over 5 minutes execution time. This would involve opening and closing a connection with the database on every invocation of the Lambda function. Also, each line processed should result in an entry written to a file, to be stored in S3. Right now, I just keep a file handle in memory and write the file to S3 when all lines are processed, but with Lambda I would need to keep reading the file, updating it and writing it back to S3.
What I'm asking is:
Is my use case a bad fit for AWS Lambda and/or AWS Step Functions?
Have I misunderstood how these services work?
Is there another AWS service that would be a better fit for my use case?
After further research, I think AWS Batch might be a good idea.
What you want are called Activity Workers. Tl;dr: You register "activities" and each gets an ARN. Then you can put that ARN in the resource field of Task states and then you run some code (the "worker") somewhere (in a Lambda, on EC2, in your basement, wherever) that polls for tasks identified by that ARN, then calls back to report success or failure. Activity Workers can run for up to a year.
Step-by-step details at the AWS docs
In response to RTF's comment, here's a deeper dive: Suppose you have code to color turtles in So what you do is call the CreateActivity API - see - giving the name "ColorTurtles" and it'll give you back an ARN, a string beginning arn:aws... Then in your state machine you make a Task state with that ARN as the value of the resource field. Then you add code to to poll the service with - whenever a machine you're running gets to that task, it'll go look for activity workers polling. It'll give your polling worker the input for the task, then you process the input and generate some output, and call SendTaskSuccess or SendTaskFailure. All these are just REST HTTP calls, so you can run them anywhere and I mean anywhere; in a Lambda, on an EC2 instance, or on some computer anywhere on the Internet.
So to answer your questions:
1) Yeah, if you've got something that'll run for around 45 minutes, whilst you could engineer it with Lambda/Step functions you're probably better off getting a EC2 micro instance.
2)Nope you've pretty much got it.
3) As above you want to go with EC2 for this, there's a good article on using Data Pipelines to start / stop an EC2 instance here that way by starting instance only when you need it the cost(if any) is negligible.
I have jobs that run in this fashion normally you can get away with with a t2.micro instance which is free tier eligible.
You can also run your perl scripts on an EC2 instance so no need to rewrite them!
I will start with that it seems you are looking for workflow solutions on AWS. SWF and Step functions are the two most popular ones. Steps function is more recent offering and encouraged by AWS more than SWF.
SWF has native capability to handle long-running tasks, the downside is that you have to provide your own execution environment for deciders (can't use lambda).
With step functions, you can do this in two different ways. One of the approaches is suggested by Tim in his answer. There is an alternative way to achieve the same which is using job poller in step functions. Job pollers have the ability to call (poll) your resource and find out if the task is done and if not you can send execution in wait mode for the specified time. As mentioned above maximum execution time allowed currently for any workflow is 1 year. In case you have tasks which may take longer than 1 year, you can't use step functions in its current form.

AWS Lambda as a social media post scheduler? Single function with unique data per scheduled event trigger?

I would like to use AWS Lambda as a social media post scheduler, but I can't find an elegant way to do so. In our app, users create social media posts and set a time. We then post them via the social network's API at the time specified.
I need to be able to schedule a Lambda to run once at a scheduled time and with unique data (being the user's token and the body of the post) in order to accomplish it. Here's an example:
John wants to post to Twitter next Thursday at 2pm. He's scheduled a
post with the body "Hello world!" for that time via our web app. The
app will talk to AWS Lambda via the API and set a Lambda function to
fire one time next Thursday at 2pm. That function would fire a request
to the Twitter API with John's token and the body ("Hello world!").
Would love to be able to do this serverless with Lambda, but I can't find a great way. If you could pair a Cloudwatch scheduled event trigger with a unique payload, that might work, but I don't see that it's possible. Otherwise, it seems this would require creating a new Lambda function for each post with the data hard-coded or having the Lambda hit the database to look for the scheduled post. Creating potentially hundreds of bespoke Lambda functions seems like a huge mess, and hitting the database at Lambda runtime seems like undue stress on the database since we have all the data we need in-hand at the time we schedule.
Any suggestions for how I might accomplish this with Lambda? Is there another AWS service that is better suited to the task? Should I give up on serverless and just set up another EC2 instance to handle the scheduler?
You definitely don't want to be creating a function + event per scheduled task.
The scalable way to do this would be to schedule a single function to run regularly (e.g. hourly) and check a database to see if any posts where scheduled for the last hour (i.e. since the last run), and perform them if so.
The reason I am suggesting a database is because you need to manage your state (that is, the post payload/details) somewhere, and relying on CloudWatch Events for this is not the right way, for all the reasons you've listed in your question.
An alternative to a database would be to put the payload in S3, and have the scheduled function check a specific location/bucket for the payloads that need processing. Lambda to S3 communication is very fast, and you don't need to worry about load or network transfers.
You could use AWS Step Functions for this task. With these you can model a state machine which waits for the exact timestamp to trigger.
The only drawback of those is, that documentation is still pretty scarce, but if you log into the AWS console, they provide some samples how to implement those wait processes.