Construct lists from existing lists at compile time - d

I have a global list of items (each with a few properties) in a module of my program. It's immutable and statically defined in the code, so no worries there.
For instance let's say I have vegetables, which are just an alias defining them to an immutable tuple with name (string), code (ubyte) and price (ushort).
I'd like to be able to access those either by name or by code ; so I thought since the list of vegetables is known at compile-time, I could probably construct associative arrays with references to these vegetables (so string=>vegetable and ubyte=>vegetable)
Here's the kind of thing I am trying to achieve :
static struct instructions
// list of Veggies
immutable instr[] list = [
Veggie("Potato" , 0xD0, 2),
Veggie("Carrot" , 0xFE, 5),
// genByCode and genByName being pure functions that get CTFE'd
// and return the desired associative array
immutable instr[ubyte] byCode = genByCode(list);
immutable instr[string] byName = genByName(list);
// overloaded function returns the right Veggie
instr get(string name) const
{ return byName[name]; }
instr get(ubyte code) const
{ return byCode[code]; }
With those generator functions (separated for clarity) of the form
pure instr[ubyte] genByCode(immutable Veggie[] list)
instr[ubyte] res;
foreach (i ; list)
res[i.code] = i;
return res;
I spent quite some time messing around but I couldn't it to work. Of course it would be trivial to construct at runtime, but clearly it should be possible to do it at compile time.
At first I thought it was an issue of mutability, so I tried marking everything (vegetables and vegetable lists) as immutable (as they should be anyway), but then I ran into issues which I think regard immutable tuples, and feel too lost to keep going.
Could I get help from someone with a clearer overview of the mechanisms at play here ? Thanks !

The data is already there, no need to construct a compile-time associative array.
Just iterate over it statically:
static auto get(int code)(){
static foreach(veggie; list)
static if(veggie.code == code)
return veggie;
void main(){
It may be slower than access through a hash map, but that's the life of CTFE.
To make sure it evaluates at compile time, you can use this:
template get(int code){
static foreach(veggie; list)
static if(veggie.code == code)
alias get = veggie;


Tuples: No matching function for call to 'get'

I have 3 structs : Student, Citizen, Employee. I want user to be able to choose what struct they want to work with (std::vector of structs, actually). Since there's no way to define type at runtime, I created all 3 vectors, but will use only one of them (depending on the user's choice), others will stay empty:
std::vector<Student> container_student;
std::vector<Citizen> container_citizen;
std::vector<Employee> container_employee;
auto containers = make_tuple(container_student, container_citizen, container_employee);
std::cout << "Enter:\n0 to operate \"Student\" struct\n1 to operate \"Citizen\" struct\n2 to operate \"Employee\" struct\n";
std::cin >> container_type;
auto container = std::get<container_type>(containers);
But I get No matching function for call to 'get', even though container_type is an int and containers is a tuple.
Edit: understandable, auto can't make magic and I still try to make container's type to depend on runtime. But even if I try to use std::get<container_type>(containers) (probably define would help) instead of container in functions etc., I get the same error, which is not understandable.
Unfortunately, what you're proposing isn't possible in C++. The C++ typing and template system works at compile-time, where information read in from the user isn't available. As a result, anything passed into a template's angle braces needs to be determinable at compile-time. In your case, the number the user enters, indicating which option they want to select, is only knowable at runtime.
There are some routes you could take to achieve the same result, though. For example, one option would be to do something like this:
if (container_type == 0) {
auto container = std::get<0>(containers);
/* ... */
} else if (container_type == 1) {
auto container = std::get<1>(containers);
/* ... */
} /* etc */
Here, all the template angle braces are worked out at compile-time. (Then again, if this is what you're going to be doing, you wouldn't need the tuple at all. ^_^)
Another option would be to use templates, like this:
template <typename T> void doSomething(std::vector<T>& container) {
/* Put your code here */
/* Then, back in main... */
if (container_type == 0) {
} else if (container_type == 1) {
} /* etc */
This still requires you to insert some code to map from integer types to the functions you want to call, but it leaves you the freedom to have a container variable (the one in doSomething) that you can treat generically at that point.
It's basically the Fundamental Theorem of Software Engineering in action - all problems can be solved by adding another layer of indirection. :-)
Hope this helps!

How can I calculate a hash/checksum/fingerprint of an object in c++?

How can I calculate a hash/checksum/fingerprint of an object in c++?
The function must be 'injective'(*). In other words, there should be no two different input objects, that return the same hash/checksum/fingerprint.
I am trying to come up with a simple pattern for checking whether or not an entity object has been changed since it was constructed. (In order to know which objects need to be updated in the database).
Note that I specifically do not want to mark the object as changed in my setters or anywhere else.
I am considering the following pattern: In short, every entity object that should be persisted, has a member function "bool is_changed()". Changed, in this context, means changed since the objects' constructor was called.
Note: My motivation for all this is to avoid the boilerplate code that comes with marking objects as clean/dirty or doing a member by member comparison. In other words, reduce risk of human error.
(Warning: psudo c++ code ahead. I have not tried compiling it).
class Foo {
std::string my_string;
// Assume the "fingerprint" is of type long.
long original_fingerprint;
long current_fingerprint()
// *** Suggestions on which algorithm to use here? ***
Foo(const std::string& my_string) :
original_fingerprint = current_fingerprint();
bool is_changed() const
// If new calculation of fingerprint is different from the one
// calculated in the constructor, then the object has
// been changed in some way.
return current_fingerprint() != original_fingerprint;
void set_my_string(const std::string& new_string)
my_string = new_string;
void client_code()
auto foo = Foo("Initial string");
// should now return **false** because
// the object has not yet been changed:
foo.set_my_string("Changed string");
// should now return **true** because
// the object has been changed:
(*) In practice, not necessarily in theory (like uuids are not unique in theory).
You can use the CRC32 algorithm from Boost. Feed it with the memory locations of the data you want to checksum. You could use a hash for this, but hashes are cryptographic functions intended to guard against intentional data corruption and are slower. A CRC performs better.
For this example, I've added another data member to Foo:
int my_integer;
And this is how you would checksum both my_string and my_integer:
#include <boost/crc.hpp>
// ...
long current_fingerprint()
boost::crc_32_type crc32;
crc32.process_bytes(, my_string.length());
crc32.process_bytes(&my_integer, sizeof(my_integer));
return crc32.checksum();
However, now we're left with the issue of two objects having the same fingerprint if my_string and my_integer are equal. To fix this, we should include the address of the object in the CRC, since C++ guarantees that different objects will have different addresses.
One would think we can use:
process_bytes(&this, sizeof(this));
to do it, but we can't since this is an rvalue and thus we can't take its address. So we need to store the address in a variable instead:
long current_fingerprint()
boost::crc_32_type crc32;
void* this_ptr = this;
crc32.process_bytes(&this_ptr, sizeof(this_ptr));
crc32.process_bytes(, my_string.length());
crc32.process_bytes(&my_integer, sizeof(my_integer));
return crc32.checksum();
Such a function does not exist, at least not in the context that you are requesting.
The STL provides hash functions for basic types (std::hash), and you could use these to implement a hash function for your objects using any reasonable hashing algorithm.
However, you seem to be looking for an injective function, which causes a problem. Essentially, to have an injective function, it would be necessary to have an output of size greater or equal to that of the object you are considering, since otherwise (from the pigeon hole principle) there would be two inputs that give the same output. Given that, the most sensible option would be to just do a straight-up comparison of the object to some sort of reference object.

Return a pointer from a function to an object initialized in main()

I have been struggling with this problem for a few hours now and I've searched for every term that made sense to me. I might even have already read through a relevant answer but didn't recognize it as such because I'm a little confused by pointers.
So, I have a struct that is part of an object which is part of a chain of objects that is "anchored" (if you can call it that) in another object, which is itself part of a chain which is "anchored" in an anchor object initialized in main.
struct values
double val, ues;
class small
values vals;
class big
small *small_anchor;
values &getPointerToStruct(big *con)
values *return_vals;
return (&return_vals);
int main()
values *main_values=NULL;//This is supposed to be pointing to the "vals" struct contained inside the "small" object.
big *big_anchor;
big_anchor = new big;
big_anchor->small_anchor = new small;
main_values = getPointerToStruct(&big_anchor);//now main_values should be pointing to the "vals" struct
//I want to manipulate the value INSIDE the object itself
I have tried every combination of &, * and no prefix I could come up with, but nothing would give the result I was hoping for. "Closest" I got was copying "vals" (from inside the object) into "main_values" so that I could manipulate the values there, which isn't of any use to me, as I want to manipulate the SOURCE of the variables.
Also please note that I left out the process of scrolling down the chains to get to the object I was trying to reach and that "return_vals" seems arbitrary, but it happens that there are two possible candidates that could be the struct my program is looking for and the "return_vals" contains the best candidate found so far and is overwritten when a better one is found, or returned when the routine ends.
You wrote
values &getPointerToStruct(big *con)
values *return_vals;
return (&return_vals);
where I think you wanted
values *getPointerToStruct(big *con)
values *return_vals = 0;
return (return_vals);
But the . in main_values.val++; is wrong anyway. You need to be consistent about whether you wanted to work with a values* or a values&. You could make all this work with a values& if you like, but then main_values should be a values& and not declared until you are ready to initialize it. return_vals would not be practical as a values& because of the stated requirement that the full code gives it a tentative address that is conditionally modified later. But even with return_vals as a values* you could still return a values& if that is what you preferred.

Sorting wxListCtrl alphabetically without using SetItemData

I've implemented a wxListCtrl and would like to sort the list alphabetically. Although this sounds similar as the question here, it is different with one major difference: I'm using SetItemData() and GetItemData() to store the index of a vector.
The code supplied here works nicely, but requires GetItemData(). Even though the comparison function does not refer to any of the item data, if I omit it, the sorting is not complete.
static int wxCALLBACK MyCompareFunction(long item1, long item2, long sortData) {
wxSortedListCtrl *ctrl = (wxSortedListCtrl*) sortData;
wxString a, b;
a = ctrl->GetItemText(item1, ctrl->GetSortedColumn());
b = ctrl->GetItemText(item2, ctrl->GetSortedColumn());
if( ctrl->IsSortedAscending() )
return a.CmpNoCase(b);
return b.CmpNoCase(a);
bool wxSortedListCtrl::SortItems(void) {
long item = -1;
for ( ;; ) {
item = GetNextItem(item);
if ( item == -1 )
SetItemData(item, item);
//this is needed even though MyCompareFunction doesn't use it AT ALL.
//however it overwrites the data that I use myself...
return wxListCtrl::SortItems(MyCompareFunction, (long)this);
How would I use this sort function while maintaining the item data I've set myself with SetItemData()?
If you want to rely on the control to do the sorting (as opposed to resorting the items internally and just reinserting them into it in the correct order), you must be able to access the sort key (i.e. text in your case) via the item data. So, instead of just associating your own data with each item, associate some struct containing both the item text and your custom data with it.
Alternatively, use wxLC_VIRTUAL and just override OnGetItemXXX() to return the items in the correct order. This may sometimes be simpler than dealing with sorting the items manually and is definitely much more efficient for any non-trivial number of items.

luabind: cannot retrieve values from table indexed by non-built-in classes‏

I'm using luabind 0.9.1 from Ryan Pavlik's master distribution with Lua 5.1, cygwin on Win XP SP3 + latest patches x86, boost 1.48, gcc 4.3.4. Lua and boost are cygwin pre-compiled versions.
I've successfully built luabind in both static and shared versions.
Both versions pass all the tests EXCEPT for the test_object_identity.cpp test which fails in both versions.
I've tracked down the problem to the following issue:
If an entry in a table is created for NON built-in class (i.e., not int, string, etc), the value CANNOT be retrieved.
Here's a code piece that demonstrates this:
#include "test.hpp"
#include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
#include <luabind/detail/debug.hpp>
using namespace luabind;
struct test_param
int obj;
void test_main(lua_State* L)
using namespace luabind;
.def_readwrite("obj", &test_param::obj)
test_param temp_object;
object tabc = newtable(L);
tabc[1] = 10;
tabc[temp_object] = 30;
TEST_CHECK( tabc[1] == 10 ); // passes
TEST_CHECK( tabc[temp_object] == 30 ); // FAILS!!!
tabc[1] is indeed 10 while tabc[temp_object] is NOT 30! (actually, it seems to be nil)
However, if I use iterate to go over tabc entries, there're the two entries with the CORRECT key/value pairs.
Any ideas?
BTW, overloading the == operator like this:
#include <luabind/operator.hpp>
struct test_param
int obj;
bool operator==(test_param const& rhs) const
return obj == rhs.obj;
.def_readwrite("obj", &test_param::obj)
.def(const_self == const_self)
Doesn't change the result.
I also tried switching to settable() and gettable() from the [] operator. The result is the same. I can see with the debugger that default conversion of the key is invoked, so I guess the error arises from somewhere therein, but it's beyond me to figure out what exactly the problem is.
As the following simple test case show, there're definitely a bug in Luabind's conversion for complex types:
struct test_param : wrap_base
int obj;
bool operator==(test_param const& rhs) const
{ return obj == rhs.obj ; }
void test_main(lua_State* L)
using namespace luabind;
.def_readwrite("obj", &test_param::obj)
.def(const_self == const_self)
object tabc, zzk, zzv;
test_param tp, tp1;
tp.obj = 123456;
// create new table
tabc = newtable(L);
// set tabc[tp] = 5;
// o k v
settable( tabc, tp, 5);
// get access to entry through iterator() API
iterator zzi(tabc);
// get the key object
zzk = zzi.key();
// read back the value through gettable() API
// o k
zzv = gettable(tabc, zzk);
// check the entry has the same value
// irrespective of access method
TEST_CHECK ( *zzi == 5 &&
object_cast<int>(zzv) == 5 );
// convert key to its REAL type (test_param)
tp1 = object_cast<test_param>(zzk);
// check two keys are the same
TEST_CHECK( tp == tp1 );
// read the value back from table using REAL key type
zzv = gettable(tabc, tp1);
// check the value
TEST_CHECK( object_cast<int>(zzv) == 5 );
// the previous call FAILS with
// Terminated with exception: "unable to make cast"
// this is because gettable() doesn't return
// a TRUE value, but nil instead
Hopefully, someone smarter than me can figure this out,
I've traced the problem to the fact that Luabind creates a NEW DISTINCT object EVERY time you use a complex value as key (but it does NOT if you use a primitive one or an object).
Here's a small test case that demonstrates this:
struct test_param : wrap_base
int obj;
bool operator==(test_param const& rhs) const
{ return obj == rhs.obj ; }
void test_main(lua_State* L)
using namespace luabind;
.def_readwrite("obj", &test_param::obj)
.def(const_self == const_self)
object tabc, zzk, zzv;
test_param tp;
tp.obj = 123456;
tabc = newtable(L);
// o k v
settable( tabc, tp, 5);
iterator zzi(tabc), end;
std::cerr << "value = " << *zzi << "\n";
zzk = zzi.key();
// o k v
settable( tabc, tp, 6);
settable( tabc, zzk, 7);
for (zzi = iterator(tabc); zzi != end; ++zzi)
std::cerr << "value = " << *zzi << "\n";
Notice how tabc[tp] first has the value 5 and then is overwritten with 7 when accessed through the key object. However, when accessed AGAIN through tp, a new entry gets created. This is why gettable() fails subsequently.
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on luabind. It's entirely possible I've missed something about luabind's capabilities.
First of all, what is luabind doing when converting test_param to a Lua key? The default policy is copy. To quote the luabind documentation:
This will make a copy of the parameter. This is the default behavior when passing parameters by-value. Note that this can only be used when passing from C++ to Lua. This policy requires that the parameter type has an accessible copy constructor.
In pratice, what this means is that luabind will create a new object (called "full userdata") which is owned by the Lua garbage collector and will copy your struct into it. This is a very safe thing to do because it no longer matters what you do with the c++ object; the Lua object will stick around without really any overhead. This is a good way to do bindings for by-value sorts of objects.
Why does luabind create a new object each time you pass it to Lua? Well, what else could it do? It doesn't matter if the address of the passed object is the same, because the original c++ object could have changed or been destroyed since it was first passed to Lua. (Remember, it was copied to Lua by value, not by reference.) So, with only ==, luabind would have to maintain a list of every object of that type which had ever been passed to Lua (possibly weakly) and compare your object against each one to see if it matches. luabind doesn't do this (nor do I think should it).
Now, let's look at the Lua side. Even though luabind creates two different objects, they're still equal, right? Well, the first problem is that, besides certain built-in types, Lua can only hold objects by reference. Each of those "full userdata" that I mentioned before is actually a pointer. That means that they are not identical.
But they are equal, if we define an __eq meta operation. Unfortunately, Lua itself simply does not support this case. Userdata when used as table keys are always compared by identity, no matter what. This actually isn't special for userdata; it is also true for tables. (Note that to properly support this case, Lua would need to override the hashcode operation on the object in addition to __eq. Lua also does not support overriding the hashcode operation.) I can't speak for the authors of Lua why they did not allow this (and it has been suggested before), but there it is.
So, what are the options?
The simplest thing would be to convert test_param to an object once (explicitly), and then use that object to index the table both times. However, I suspect that while this fixes your toy example, it isn't very helpful in practice.
Another option is simply not to use such types as keys. Actually, I think this is a very good suggestion, since this kind of light-weight binding is quite useful, and the only other option is to discard it.
It looks like you can define a custom conversion on your type. In your example, it might be reasonable to convert your type to a Lua number which will behave well as a table index.
Use a different kind of binding. There will be some overhead, but if you want identity, you'll have to live with it. It sounds like luabind has some support for wrappers, which you may need to use to preserve identity:
When a pointer or reference to a registered class with a wrapper is passed to Lua, luabind will query for it's dynamic type. If the dynamic type inherits from wrap_base, object identity is preserved.