AWS/SSM/AWS-RunPatchBaseline - amazon-web-services

I'm in the process of exploring AWS SSM to apply Patches on multiple AWS accounts. I was able to implement this successfully using respective AWS documents. During my implementation process, I used AWS-RunPatchBaseline document to update my linux instances.
This completely works fine. Post patch installation the instance reboots. The use case which i'm trying to achieve is:
Instance should not reboot after installing patches.
I tried to alter the document to disable reboot process, which did not help me. Also, checked with Amazon Support, they still in the process getting a fix for my request.
Does one have answer for this, either through using a custom document or by modifying the existing document?

As per amazon we cannot stop or suspend the reboot post patching which is not advisable. However, Amazon is working on a feature request to suspend instance reboot. Wish it happens soon.


How to get the PowerShell version from all EC2 instances running on the aws account?

In our company we have hundreds of instances, some Linux and some Windows. I need to check what instances need to have the latest PowerShell installed, therefore I need a list of PowerShell versions for all the instances.
In order to get the information, I was thinking of somehow using the fleet manager (from system manager) to gather this information about all the instances, but not sure how to do it.
Would appreciate any advice.
For anyone looking for it: run command with systems manager is the answer. Use it with the RunPowerShellScript document, have it ask each instance for their $psversiontable.psversion, and dump it into s3 for easier querying

How to add some new code to an existing EC2 instance

Bear with me, what I am requesting may be impossible. I am a AWS noob.
So I am going to describe to you the situation I am in...
I am doing a freelance gig and was essentially handed the keys to AWS. That is, I was handed the root user login credentials for the AWS account that powers this website.
Now there are 3 EC2 instances. One of the instances is a linux box that, from what I am being told, is running a Django Python backend.
My new "service" if you will must exist within this instance.
How do I introduce new source code into this instance? Is there a way to pull down the existing source code that lives within it?
I am not be helped by any existing/previous developers so I am kind of just handed the AWS credentials and have no idea where to start.
Is this even possible. That is, is it possible to pull the source code from an EC2 instance and/or modify the code? How do I do this?
EC2 instances are just virtual machines. So you can use SSH/SCP/SFTP files to and from. You can use the AWS CLI tools to copy stuff from S3. Dealers choice...
Now to get into this instance... If you look in the web console you can find its IP(s), what the security groups (firewall rules), and the key pair name. Hopefully they gave you the keys. You need these to SSH in.
You'll also want to check to make sure there's a security group applied that has SSH open. Hopefully only to your IP :)
If you don't have the keys you'll have to create an AMI image of the instance so you can create a new one with a key pair you do have.
Amazon has a set of tools for you in Amazon CodeSuite.
The tool used for "deploying" the code is Amazon CodeDeploy. By using this service you install an agent onto your host, then when triggered it will pull down an artifact of a code base and install it matching hosts. You can even specify additional commands through the hook system.
But you also want to trigger this to happen, maybe even automatically? CodeDeploy can be orchestrated using the CodePipeline tool.

AWS EC2 instances with auto scaling staying in sync

I have a Node.js web application currently running on a single EC2 instance on AWS. I am thinking of using auto scaling with 2 or more EC2 instances since the load on the application is increasing.
I have been trying to understand something with AWS Auto Scaling for a couple hours now but I cant seem to find an answer anywhere.
Currently, at many instances I SSH into my Ubuntu EC2 instance to modify some things or to run a deploy command (which grabs latest code from github). How does this work when you have, let's say 4 instances running under the auto scaling?
So if I SSH into a server and change the server.js file, what happens to the other 3 instances?
If that is not possible what are my choices? I have seen many people seeing that using S3 is the way to keep things in Sync but I don't fully get that. So I have to keep all my source code in S3 and do my edits from there?
You won't be able to modify files directly on the server once they are in an auto-scaling group. Changing something on one server won't be reflected on the other servers, and even if you manually updated all the currently running servers, any servers added by auto-scaling actions will not have those changes.
There are many methods to solve this, for example using AWS Code Deploy.
You could also configure something via an EC2 User-Data script in your auto-scaling configuration which will run on each server when they are created. That script could checkout the latest code from Git, or pull the latest build artifact from S3, and then start the app. When you have an update ready to deploy, you would simply flag the current instances as "unhealthy" and wait for the Auto-Scaling group to automatically replace them with new, updated instances.
You could use AWS EFS to host your application code and all web servers will get content from EFS instead of individual server. This way you don't have to worry about modifying individual server content.
One way you can do it is using github. you can update your code and push it to github and then terminate your existing instances and let the auto-scaling group spin up new instances with the updated code. here is a youtube tutorial video that has detailed steps on how to do it:

Capistrano and Auto-Scaling AWS

We're trying to figure out the best way to deploy to an auto-scaling AWS setup using Capistrano, and stuck on the best way to ensure new servers automatically get the latest code, without having to rely on AMIs.
Any ideas?
Using User Data, you can have your EC2 instances pull the latest code each time a new instance is launched.
More info on user data here:
tldr: user data is pretty much a shell script thats executed when your ec2 instance launches. you can get it to pull the latest code and run it
#Moe's answer (or something like it is the right one). But just as another thought, you could write some Ruby which queries AWS on deploy to fetch the list of servers to which Capistrano will deploy. The issue with this approach is that you will have to manually deploy to all servers every time auto-scaling adds a server, which kind of defeats the purpose.

Is s3cmd a safe option for sync EC2 instances?

I have the following problem: we are working on a project on AWS which will use autoscaling, so the EC2 instances will start and die very often. Freeze images, update the launch configurations, auto scalling groups, alarms, etc, takes a while and several things can go wrong.
I just want the new instances to sync the most recent code, so I was just thinking about fetching it from S3 using s3cmd once the instance finishes booting and manually updating it everytime we have new codes to be uploaded. So my doubts are:
Is it too much risky to store the code on s3? How secure are the files in there? Using the s3cmd encryption password it is unlikely someone will be able do decrypt them?
What other ooptions would be good for this? I was thinking about rsync, but then I think I would need to store the private key for the servers inside them, which I don't think its a good idea.
Thanks for any advices
You might be a candidate for Elastic Beanstalk - using a plain vanilla AMI.
Then package your application, use AWS's ebextensions tool to customize the instance when it is spun up. ebextensions will allow you to do anything you like to the image, in place, as it is deploying. change .htaccess, erase a file, place a cron job, whatever.
When you have code updates, package them, upload and do a rolling update.
All instances will use your latest code, including auto-scaled ones.
The key concept here is to never have your real data in the instance, where it might go away if an instance dies or is shut down.
Elastic Beanstalk will allow you to set up the load balancing, auto-scaling, monitoring, etc.