How can I copy an SSAS cube from one project to another? - visual-studio-2017

I have two Analysis Services projects. I want to copy a cube from project A to project B. How can I copy an SSAS cube from one project to another?

According to your description, it seems that you want to move cube to another project, you could refer to this post for details.
In addition, if you want to deploy cube to another server, you also could refer to Deploy a Created Cube to a Different SSAS Server for details.


GKE usage metering template requests only one data source although the documents says three data sources are required

I'm trying to visualize GKE usage metering data using a Data Studio dashboard following the official document.
It says
We created a dashboard you can copy into your project. When you copy the dashboard, you are prompted to select three data sources you just created.
I guess the three data sources means a data source created from the cost breakdown table, gke_cluster_resource_consumption and gke_cluster_resource_usage.
However, when creating a copy from the data studio template, I can choose only one data source.
Am I missing something?
I think the Google documentation is outdated.
However, if you follow the documentation, at the point where you clone the dashboard, it just asks you to create one DataSource (=cost breakdown table). What happens when you select this source? Maybe the error is only in the word "three".
The other two DataSources you mentioned are cited in other part of the document, so I guess they're for other purpose. The Google's dashboard have other linked DataSources, but they're not used.
So, apparently, you need only one DataSource to make this dashboard work.
If this doesn't work, I would say you're out of lucky. Try to ask Google in some community forum to fix their documentation.

Google Built CentOS Image - Anyone have a download for this?

I've looked for this across the web a few times, and I feel like this hasn't been asked exactly, or I may just be getting bogged down with the wrong syntax. Hoping to get an easy answer here (yes, you can't get this, is an acceptable answer).
The variations from the base CentOS image are listed here: Link to GCP
However, they don't actually provide a download for this image. I'm trying to get a local VM running in VMWare with this image.
I feel as though they'd provide this to their clients to make it easier to prepare for use of their product, but I'm not finding it anywhere.
If anyone could toss me a link to a pre-configured CentOS ISO with the minor changes, I'd definitely take that as an alternative. I'm just not confident in my skills with Linux enough to configure the firewall properly :)
GCP doesn't support Google-provied images for exporting. However, they support exporting images for custom images.
I don't have any experience about image exporting, but I think this works.
Create custom images
You can create custom images based on your GCE VM instance.
Go navigation -> Compute engine -> images page.
You can create custom image via disk or snapshot in this page.
Select one and create a custom image.
Export your image
After creating custom image successfully, Go custom image page and click "export" on upper side.
Select export format and GCS destination. then click export.
Now you have an image in the Google Cloud storage.
Download image file and import to your local VM machine.

Duplicating GCP Network and VPN Configuration

I have two GCP projects communicating with each over over a Classic VPN, I'd like to duplicate this entire configuration to another GCP account with two projects. So in addition to the tunnels and gateways, I have one network in each project to duplicate, some firewall rules, and a custom routing rule on one project.
I've found how I can largely dump these using various
gcloud compute [networks | vpn-tunnels | target-vpn-gateways] describe
commands, but looking at the create commands they don't seem setup to be piped to, nor use this output data as a file, not to mention there are some items that won't be applicable in the new projects.
I'm not just trying to save time, I'm trying to make sure I don't miss anything and I also want a hard copy of sorts, of my current configuration.
Is there any way to do this? thank you!
As clarified in other similar cases - like here and here - it's not possible to clone or duplicate entire projects in Google Cloud Platform. As explained in these other cases, you can use Terraformer as to generate Terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform) and then, recreate the files in your new instance as explained here.
To summarize, you can try this CLI as a possible alternative to copy part of your structure, but as emphasized in this answer here, there is no automatic way or magic tool that will copy everything, so even your VMs configuration, your app contents, your data content, won't be duplicated.

Can I copy my AutoML models from one project to another?

I have my trained AutoML models in my current GCP project, but I want to copy some of them into another project. Is that possible in GCP, or do I have to create a new AutoML model in my new project with the same dataset and train it again, so I get a copy of the one I have in the other project?
Unfortunately it is not possible to transfer between projects as per the offical documentation..
"Unless otherwise specified in applicable terms of service or documentation, custom models created in Cloud AutoML products cannot be exported"
You can review the documentation here 1

create instance template from private repo

I'm trying to create a GCP instance template which has the most recent version of my repo on it. My repository is private and I cant figure out how to clone it in the instance groups. I don't think I can use SSH because the machines will be randomly destroyed and created and therefore the generated keys will be inconsistent. Whats the best way to do this?
An Instance Template is based on an Image. This image can be a clean Ubuntu/Windows/Debian copy or a custom image created by you.
Saying that, I can think of 2 ways for you to get your repository inside there.
Using a custom image.
In essence, A snapshot of an instance with your latest code and dependencies installed on it.
There are two paths you can go with here.
a. Create a custom image when you clone the repository to the instance. You might need to that for every update in the code.
b. An alternative is to use some sort of Network File System (NFS/SMB). This will usually require more resources like another server that is always available.
If you want to avoid creating images, or as a solution to the issue mentioned in 1a you can set up a Startup Script to run on the server at boot(creation) time to clone/pull the latest copy.
There are Pros and Cons for both. I guess only you can tell what is best for you. I hope it gets you in the right direction.
Read more about creating an image here.
Read more about startup scripts here.