Updating The name of already existing field to something else in NiFi - regex

Is there a way I can update the name of existing field in the CSV file to a new name. I know we can use updaterecord processor. But can someone tell me what config to set?
Current i am using CSVreader and CSVSetWritter with Recordpath value and adding a new property:
Property Value
/oldname ${field.name:replace('oldname','newname')}
It is not changing the name of the field. Can anyone help me here? thank you!

Keep your csv reader controller service with old name and csv Writer controller service with new name for the field.
Then swap the data from old name -> new name
UpdateRecord configs:
As Replacement Value Strategy
Record Path Value
Add new property as
/newname value as
For more details refer to this article as i have swapped the data from id field to rename_id field.


Set default values when creating contact from lead

I added a few custom string fields using NameValuePair in the Lead form (CR301000). Using the an Action, I create a contact from the lead. I added the same custom fields to my Contact form (CR302000). How can I get the custom values from my lead to my new contact? I tried using the following:
[PXFormula(typeof(Selector<CRLead.contactID, ContactExtNV.usrCROnline>))]
I'm going to have the same issue when I create an account from the lead. Is there a better way to do this instead of using PXFormula?
The Selector parameter for the PXFormula attribute looks like this:
Selector –> Selector<KeyField, ForeignOperand>
KeyField-> The key field to which the PXSelector attribute should be attached.
ForeignOperand-> The expression that is calculated for the data record currently referenced by PXSelector.
That is, in your case it turns out like this:
[PXFormula(typeof(Selector<Contact.contactID, CRLeadExt.usrCROnline>))]
public string UsrCROnline { get; set; }
Adding namespace in the source code using Customization Project Editor

How to peek a record using name rather then using id in ember

So in rails we could find a record by name, id etc, similarly i want to do in ember without making a server request
I have a model called person{id, name}. If i want to peek a record by id i do this:
this.get('store').peekRecord('person', id)
which gives me the record based on id, but now i want to peek a record with a particular name, i tried something like this:
this.get('store').peekRecord('person', {name: "testname"})
which dose not seem to work.
i need a way peek a record using just the name
You can only peekRecord using the unique identifier for the model, which is id property. If you do want to make a request then queryRecord is what you want. but you don't want to make a request so the only choice is peekAll and filter the result,
let allRecord = this.get('store').peekAll('person');
let filteredResult = allRecord.filterBy('name','testname');
//filteredResult is an array of matching records

How to correctly insert managed metadata term id using spservices updatelistitems

I have a sharepoint 2013 site that uses a managed metadata term set for navigation. Documents can be tagged with the managed metadata so they appear in whatever category or categories is appropriate for the document. I need to allow documents to be saved as favorites. I created a custom list that saves the file name and path but I can't get the managed metadata settings to save correctly. I am using spservices.UpdateListItems via javascript and pass the ids and terms in the valuepairs property of the call like so ;#. Although the method saves the record, it either does not save the term or it saves one completely unrelated. Does anyone have any further advice on how to do this?
operation: "UpdateListItems",
async: true,
batchCmd: "New",
listName: "UserFavorites",
valuepairs: [["Title", title], ["DocumentId", itemid],["AssetCategory", assetCategoriesString]],
completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
alert(Status + " -- " + xData.responseText);
Example of the assetCategoriesString variable contents:
"fc8d083a-fc5e-4525-8fef-04ba982d1633;#Print Publications"

Updating and creating a new instance at the same time

When a user updates an invoice form, i want to create a new invoice record with the updated attributes, but also change one or two fields of the old record and save it, too.
How would the outline of a controller action look like which could accomplish this?
Instead of a controller action i put the code in the model, using callbacks:
before_save do |rec|
if !rec.new_record?
attrb = rec.attributes.delete_if{|k, v| ["id"].include? k }
rec.year = rec.year + 2 # some custom change
I keep all attributes unless the 'id' (otherwise i get an error) for create a new record with the new attributes.
Then i restore the attributes of the existing record. I do some custom change before saving.
I am rather new with Rails but this seems pretty straightforward. As you mention the user is 'updating" an invoice, your controller view has probably been passed all the data available to the user for further change.
When submitting the form, your update action can easily update the current record data, as well as creating a new one on top of this
Though as it is automated, you need to make clear:
if a new invoice record is created each time an invoice record is
updated (thi can create a lot of copies of the same invoice)
how you make the old record an archive to avoid duplicates
can the 'additional" amendments be automated and easily processed through an algorithm...
Nested attributes made things a bit tricky. So in order to create new instances I had to use the dup method for both the resource and its nested items.
Generally, it is advisable to keep the controllers slim and make the models fat. Nevertheless, I have decided to include this code into my Invoices controller:
def revise_save
#contact = Contact.find(params[:contact_id])
#invoice = #contact.invoices.find(params[:invoice_id])
#invoice_old = #invoice.dup
#invoice.invoice_items.each do |item|
#invoice_old.invoice_items << item.dup
#invoice.datum = DateTime.now.to_date
# archive old invoice
# #invoice_old. ...
# make old new invoice
#invoice.datum = Time.now
# ...
redirect_to invoices_path
Note that in this solution the currently edited (original) invoice becomes the new invoice, the old one is paradoxically created anew.
Thanks to #iwan-b for pointing me in the right direction.

Django, Tastypie and retrieving the new object data

Im playing a little bit with heavy-client app.
Imagine I have this model:
class Category(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
color = models.CharField(max_length=9)
Im using knockoutjs (but I guess this is not important). I have a list (observableArray) with categories and I want to create a new category.
I create a new object and I push it to the list. So far so good.
What about saving it on my db? Because I'm using tastypie I can make a POST to '/api/v1/category/' and voilà, the new category is on the DB.
Ok, but... I haven't refresh the page, so... if I want to update the new category, how I do it?
I mean, when I retrieve the categories, I can save the ID so I can make a put to '/api/v1/category/id' and save the changes, but... when I create a new category, the DB assign a id to it, but my javascript doesn't know that id yet.
in other words, the workflow is something like:
make a get > push the existing objects (with their ids) on a list > create a new category > push it on the list > save the existing category (the category doesnt have the id on the javacript) > edit the category > How I save the changes?
So, my question is, what's the common path? I thought about sending the category and retrieving the id somehow and assign it to my object on js to be able to modify it later. The problem is that making a POST to the server doesn't return anything.
In the past I did something like that, send the object via post, save it, retrieve it and send it back, on the success method retrieve the id and assign it to the js object.
Tastypie comes with an always_return_data option for Resources.
When always_return_data=True for your Resource, the API always returns the full object event on POST/PUT, so that when you create a new object you can get the created ID on the same request.
You can then just read the response from your AJAX and decode the JSON (i dont know about knockout yet).
see the doc : http://readthedocs.org/docs/django-tastypie/en/latest/resources.html?highlight=always_return_data#always-return-data
Hope this helps