Read from mixed data file add items to string array and two-dimensional int array C++ [closed] - c++

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a text file that looks like this:
January 35 45
February 45 55
I am trying to read through the file and add each month to a string array and then each following integer into a 2-dimensional array.
I have a months[] array and a temps[][] array.
I'm trying something like this
int size = 0;
while(!file.eof()) {
file >> months[size];
I can't figure out how to add the two integers into the int array...
This is for a class, surprise surprise, the requirements are specifically to read the data from the file and insert the month into an array and the two following integers into the two-dimensional array.
We have not gone over structures or vectors yet.

Don't use arrays. Model with a structure.
struct Month_Record
std::string month_name;
int value_1;
int value_2;
Next, add a method to input the structure:
struct Month_Record
//... same as above
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Month_Record& mr);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Month_Record& mr)
input >> mr.month_name;
input >> mr.value_1;
input >> mr.value_2;
return input;
You input becomes:
std::vector<Month_Record> database;
Month_Record mr;
while (input_file >> mr)
You can access the database like an array:
std::cout << database[0].month_name
<< ", " << database[0].value_1
<< ", " << database[0].value_2
<< "\n";
A nice feature to the model is that you can have the record in one cache line. With parallel arrays, the processor may have to reload the data cache to fetch data from the other arrays (because the entire array may have to be loaded into the cache).

int size = 0;
while(size < MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH && // prevent overflow.
// Will stop here if out of space in array
// otherwise && (logical AND) will require the following be true
file >> months[size] // read in month
>> temps[size][0] // read in first temp
>> temps[size][1]) // read in second temp
{ // if the month and both temperatures were successfully read, enter the loop
MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH is a constant defining the maximum number of months that can be placed in the arrays.
>> returns a reference to the stream being read so you can chain the operations together and take advantage of the stream's operator bool when done reading. operator bool will return true if the stream is still in a good state.
The logic looks like
if array has room
read all required data from stream
if all data read
increment size
go to loop.
You may want a test after end of the loop to make sure all of the data was read. If you're reading to the end of the file, something like if (file.eof()) will make sure the whole file was read. If you want a year's worth of data, if (size == ONE_YEAR) where ONE_YEAR is a constant defining the number of months in a year.


Reading from 3 column txt file to different arrays [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to read a three column and N row txt file to three different arrays:
int N=100;
double x[N],
ifstream reading;"reading.txt");
What should I write in the empty region? x[j], y[j], z[j] should be element in j'th row and first, second and third column respectively.
Once you get the input file stream, it will be similar to reading from a standard input.
As a hint I can say, what about reading every integer and then store them appropriately. For example,
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Now you read everything like this
while (redaing>> num) {
// here you would know whether you are reading the first number
// or second number or third.
// x[xi] = num or y[yi]=num or z[zi]=num
Also you need to do something before you start reading from a file using the input file stream.
Have this check to make the program more safe.
if (!reading) {
cerr << "Unable to open file reading.txt";
exit(1); // call system to stop
A solution would be like this:
int xi=0,yi=0,zi=0,iter=0;
while(redaing >>num){
else if(iter%3 ==1)y[yi++]=num;
More succintly as pointed by user4581301
while(redaing >>x[xi++]>>y[yi++]>>z[zi++]){
// some work if you need to.
Also another from comment to limit the 100 line reading is [From comment of user4581301]
int index = 0;
while(index < 100 && redaing >>x[index]>>y[index]>>z[index] ){
A better solution:
vector<int> x,y,z;
int a,b,c;
// some work if you need to.
I'm kind of confused on the wording of your question could you try and reword It? Also if you want to read to the nth row I would use a while loop with the condition being while not end of file. Also you may consider using a vector since you don't know how large of an array you want to create.
A trivial way is
Read the file line by line using getline().
Get the line into an istringstream.
Use istringstream as any istream like cin, it will only contain one line of text.
I would suggest you to search for these terms on some website like if you don't know them.

Store Input from Text File into Arrays or Variables?

My Problem:
I am very new to new to programming and trying to write a program in C++, I have a text file. *In the text file is stored is a Students Name, Grade, and Grade Letter. I want them stored as different types in arrays *
I want to store them individually in an array....
ie text file would look like this:
Jill Hamming A 96
Steven Jenning A 94
Tim Sutton B 89
Dillon Crass C 76
Sammy Salsa D 54
Karen Poulk D 49
I would like to store all the First names in one array, last names in another etc. So on and so on.
These arrays will later be assigned to object for the student. There maybe up to 500 students.
So the question:
How to store input from a text document into an array instead of using 500 variables.
ie. Here is my attempt.
int main()
/// the input is all different types, strings, ints and chars
string my_First_Name[500], my_Last_Name[500];
int my_grade[500];
char my_letter[500];
ifstream myfile("input.txt");
if (myfile.is_open()){
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
myfile >> my_First_Name[i] >> my_Last_Name[i] >> my_grade[i] >> my_letter[i];
// much later and irrelevent part but just showing because this is what I want to do. where Student Class exsists somewhere else. yet to be programmed.
Student myStudent [500];
myStudent[i].Grades = my_grade[i];
myStudent[i].LetterGrade = my_letter[i];
return 0;
When I went to print out what I had. I had all negative and weird numbers which means it was not initialized. Where did I go wrong?
When you have multiple arrays of the same size, it is usually as sign of poor design.
The rule of thumb is to have a record (or line of data) represented by a class or structure:
struct Record
string first_name;
string last_name;
int grade_value; // Can this go negative?
string grade_text;
If you know you are going to have 500, you can create an array for the data:
#define ARRAY_CAPACITY (500)
Record grades[ARRAY_CAPACITY];
This not a great solution, because you waste space if there are less than 500 and perform buffer overrun if you read more than 500.
Thus a better solution is to use std::vector, which allows you to append records as you read them. The std::vector will expand as necessary to contain the records. With an array, you would have to allocate a new array, copy old records to new array, then delete the old array.
Also, a good solution will include methods, inside Record, to read the data members from an input stream. Research "overloading stream extraction operator".
You input loop should look something like:
Record r;
while (input_file >> r)
You can find this information by searching stackoverflow. A good beginning search is "stackoverflow c++ read file space separated" or "comma separated" or "stackoverflow c++ read file structure".
Reading a record
You could expand the loop to something like this:
std::vector<Record> student_grades;
Record r;
while (input >> r.first_name >> r.last_name >> r.grade_value >> r.grade_text)
If you are allergic or limited to arrays, you will need to use a counter with the array.
#define MAXIMUM_RECORDS (500)
Record r;
Record grade_book[MAXIMUM_RECORDS];
unsigned int record_count = 0U;
while (input >> r.first_name >> r.last_name >> r.grade_value >> r.grade_text)
grade_book[record_count] = r;
if (record_count >= MAXIMUM_RECORDS)
A for loop is not used because we don't know how many records are in the file, only a maximum that the program will read. If the file has 600 records, only 500 will be read.

Clarification required regarding Arrays, Vectors and Maps in usage of a C++ Application

I want to know the right algorithm and a container class for my application. I am trying to build one Client-Server communication system where the Server contains group of files (.txt). The file structure (prototype) is like:
A|B|C|D....|Z$(some integer value)#(some integer value). Again the contents of A to Z are a1_a2_a3_a4......aN|b1_b2_b3_b4......bN|......|z1_z2_z3_z4.....zN. So what I wanted to do is when Server application has started, it has to load these files one-by-one and save the contents of each file in a Container class and again the contents of the file into particular variables based on the delimiters i.e.
for (int i=0; i< (Number of files); i++)
1) Load the file[0] in Container class[0];
2) Read the Container class[0] search for occurences of delimiters "_" and "|"
3) Till next "|" occurs, save the value occurred at "_" to an array or variable (save it in a buffer)
4) Do this till the file length completes or reaches EOF
5) Next read the second file, save it in Container class[1] and follow the steps as in 2),3) and 4)
I want to know if Vector or Map suits my requirement? As I need to search for occurrences of delimiters and push_back them and access while necessity comes.
Can I read whole single file as block and manipulate with the buffer or while file read only using seekg I can push the values to stack? One which will be better and easier to implement? What are the possibilities of using regex?
According to the format of input, and its size, I'd suggest doing something along these lines for reading and parsing the input:
void ParseOneFile (std::istream & inp)
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> data;
int some_int_1 = 0, some_int_2 = 0;
std::string temp;
data.push_back ({});
while (0 == 0)
int c = inp.get();
if ('$' == c)
data.back().emplace_back (std::move(temp));
else if ('|' == c)
data.back().emplace_back (std::move(temp));
data.push_back ({});
else if ('_' == c)
data.back().emplace_back (std::move(temp));
temp += char(c);
char sharp;
inp >> some_int_1 >> sharp >> some_int_2;
assert ('#' == sharp);
// Here, you have your data and your two integers...
The above function does not return the information it extracts, so you will want to change that. But it does read one of your files into a vector of vector of strings called data and two integers (some_int_1 and some_int_2.) It uses C++11 and does this reading and parsing quite efficiently, both in terms of processing and memory.
And, the above code does not check for any errors and inconsistent formatting in the input file.
Now, for your data structure problem. Since I have no idea about the nature of your data, I can't say for sure. All I can say is that a two-dimensional array and two integers on the side feels like a natural fit for this data. Since you have several files, you can store them all in another dimension of vector (or perhaps in a map, mapping a file name to a data structure like the following:
struct OneFile
vector<vector<string>> data;
int i1, i2;
vector<OneFile> all_files;
// or...
// map<string, OneFile> all_files;
The above function would fill one instance of the OneFile struct above.
As an example, all_files[0].data[0][0] will be a string referring to data item A0 in the first file, and all_files[7].data[25][3] will be another string referring to data item Z3 in the 8th file.

Is there anyway to reset the filein to the initial state?

I am trying to input data from a text file in C++.
The text file is in that format:
4 15
3 516
25 52 etc.
Each line contains two integers. I don't know the number of lines in the file so I can bind enough memory and this is what I have come into as a way to solve that:
ifstream filein;"text.txt",ios::in);
int count=0;
while (!filein.eof())
count=count/2; // This is the number of lines in the text file.
My problem is that I can't figure out a way to reset
into the initial state (to the beggining of the file so I can actually input the data) other than closing the input stream and opening it again. Is there any other way to do that?
Rather than answer the question you asked, I'm going to answer the question you didn't ask, namely:
Q: How can I read in all the lines of the file if I don't know how many lines there are?
A: Use a std::vector<>.
If you want to read in all of the numbers, regardless of pairing:
// all code fragments untested. typos are possible
int i;
std::vector<int> all_of_the_values;
while(filein >> i)
If you want to read in all of the numbers, putting alternating numbers into different data structures:
int i, j;
std::vector<int> first_values;
std::vector<int> second_values;
while(filein >> i >> j) {
If you want to read in all of the numbers, storing them in some sort of data structure:
int i, j;
struct S {int i; int j;};
std::vector<S> values;
while(filein >> i >> j) {
S s = {i, j};
Finally, if you want to read the file a line at a time, keeping the first two numbers from each line, discarding the remainder of each line, and storing them a user-defined data structure:
std::vector<MyClass> v;
std::string sline;
while(std::getline(filein, sline)) {
std::istringstream isline(sline);
int i, j;
if(isline >> i >> j) {
values.push_back(MyClass(i, j));
Aside: never use eof() or good() in a loop conditional. Doing so almost always produces buggy code, as it would have in your case. Instead prefer invoking the input function in the condition, as I have done above.
I think #Robᵩ has pretty much the right idea -- instead of reading through all the data just to count the number of lines, then reading through the whole file again to actually read the data, using something like std::vector (or std::deque) that will expand as needed as you read the data.
In a typical case, however, the two numbers on a line are going to be related to each other, and you typically want to store them in a way that shows that association directly. For example, they might be the X and Y coordinates of points, in which case you want to read points:
class point {
int x, y;
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, point &p) {
return is >> p.x >> p.y;
std::ifstream in("myfile.txt");
// create the vector from the data in the file:
std::vector<point> points((std::istream_iterator<point>(in)),
On a slightly different note: even if you decide you want to use an explicit loop, please don't use while (!whatever.eof()) to do it -- that's pretty much guaranteed to fail. You want to check that reading data succeeded, so (for example) using the point class above, you could use something like:
point p;
while (infile >> p)
The function is: filein.seekg (0, ios::beg);
Here is a Reference
You should also use filein.clear() to reset the eof bit in the file if you do it this way.
And, of course, if you want the best method for what you are ultimately trying to do, Robᵩ's answer is much better, albeit more involved.

read in values and store in list in c++

i have a text file with data like the following:
now i want write the data of all persons into a output file till the maximum weight of 10000 kg is reached.
currently i have this:
void loadData(){
ifstream readFile( "inFile.txt" );
if( !readFile.is_open() )
cout << "Cannot open file" << endl;
cout << "Open file" << endl;
char row[30]; // max length of a value
while(readFile.getline (row, 50))
cout << row << endl;
// how can i store the data into a list and also calculating the total weight?
i work with visual studio 2010 professional!
because i am a c++ beginner there could be is a better way! i am open for any idea's and suggestions
thanks in advance!
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
struct entry
: weight()
{ }
std::string name;
int weight; // kg
std::string group_code;
// content of data.txt
// (without leading space)
// John
// 80
// Wrestler
// Joe
// 75
// Cowboy
int main()
std::ifstream stream("data.txt");
if (stream)
std::vector<entry> entries;
const int limit_total_weight = 10000; // kg
int total_weight = 0; // kg
entry current;
while (std::getline(stream, &&
stream >> current.weight &&
stream.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n') && // skip the rest of the line containing the weight
std::getline(stream, current.group_code))
total_weight += current.weight;
if (total_weight > limit_total_weight)
// ignore empty line
stream.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
std::cerr << "could not open the file" << std::endl;
Edit: Since you wannt to write the entries to a file, just stream out the entries instead of storing them in the vector. And of course you could overload the operator >> and operator << for the entry type.
Well here's a clue. Do you see the mismatch between your code and your problem description? In your problem description you have the data in groups of four lines, name, weight, groupcode, and a blank line. But in your code you only read one line each time round your loop, you should read four lines each time round your loop. So something like this
char name[30];
char weight[30];
char groupcode[30];
char blank[30];
while (readFile.getline (name, 30) &&
readFile.getline (weight, 30) &&
readFile.getline (groupcode, 30) &&
readFile.getline (blank, 30))
// now do something with name, weight and groupcode
Not perfect by a long way, but hopefully will get you started on the right track. Remember the structure of your code should match the structure of your problem description.
Have two file pointers, try reading input file and keep writing to o/p file. Meanwhile have a counter and keep incrementing with weight. When weight >= 10k, break the loop. By then you will have required data in o/p file.
Use this link for list of I/O APIs:
If you want to struggle through things to build a working program on your own, read this. If you'd rather learn by example and study a strong example of C++ input/output, I'd definitely suggest poring over Simon's code.
First things first: You created a row buffer with 30 characters when you wrote, "char row[30];"
In the next line, you should change the readFile.getline(row, 50) call to readFile.getline(row, 30). Otherwise, it will try to read in 50 characters, and if someone has a name longer than 30, the memory past the buffer will become corrupted. So, that's a no-no. ;)
If you want to learn C++, I would strongly suggest that you use the standard library for I/O rather than the Microsoft-specific libraries that rplusg suggested. You're on the right track with ifstream and getline. If you want to learn pure C++, Simon has the right idea in his comment about switching out the character array for an std::string.
Anyway, john gave good advice about structuring your program around the problem description. As he said, you will want to read four lines with every iteration of the loop. When you read the weight line, you will want to find a way to get numerical output from it (if you're sticking with the character array, try, or try for non-whole numbers). Then you can add that to a running weight total. Each iteration, output data to a file as required, and once your weight total >= 10000, that's when you know to break out of the loop.
However, you might not want to use getline inside of your while condition at all: Since you have to use getline four times each loop iteration, you would either have to use something similar to Simon's code or store your results in four separate buffers if you did it that way (otherwise, you won't have time to read the weight and print out the line before the next line is read in!).
Instead, you can also structure the loop to be while(total <= 10000) or something similar. In that case, you can use four sets of if(readFile.getline(row, 30)) inside of the loop, and you'll be able to read in the weight and print things out in between each set. The loop will end automatically after the iteration that pushes the total weight over 10000...but you should also break out of it if you reach the end of the file, or you'll be stuck in a loop for all eternity. :p
Good luck!