Django rest_auth - how to add custom password validation rules - django

Can someone explain how to alter the default password validation rules for Django's rest_auth library?
I imagine this can be done by copying the existing serializers and adding custom validation there. (Link to rest_auth serializer documentation) I could dive into this myself, but I think this will cost me a lot of time, and it would be nice if someone can give me at least an explanation on a beginner level.
Some people may think that I am lazy to even ask such a question, but please let's leave personal opinions out of this. I am quite a beginner programmer, diving into a lot of different technologies. A bit of help here and there can safe quite some time.
Besides that I am quite sure there will be others who will be looking for this information.
On my (React) frontend I am using the following validation rules, and I would like the backend to have the same:
Password must contain at least:
- one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- one lowercase letter (a-z)
- one of the following characters: !##$&*
- one number (0-9)
Password must be at least 10 characters long
Password can not contain other characters than the ones above

In the meanwhile I found out that I can use Django's build in functionality for password validation:
Password validators can be used / created, and pointed to in the Django settings. These validators will be used by rest_auth as well. The above link to the Django documentation explains this very well.


Validation with cleaned_data()

I'd like to ask you if you can briefly and in plain English explain to me
how cleaned_data() function validates data ?
Reason for asking is that I'm designing a web app powered by Django
and initially I thought cleaned_data() is smart enough to block user's input that contains potentially harmful characters. Such as ' ; < > and alike. Characters that can be used for SQL injection attacks.
To my surprise, when I deliberately slipped few of those characters into form field, the input made it to database. I was quite shocked.
So then ... what the cleaned_data() function is good for ?
I read about this function in docs, however I couldn't find necessarily answer to this.
cleaned_data is for validated form data. If you have a required CharField, for example, it will validate whether it is present, and whether it has enough characters. If you have an EmailField, then it will validate that it includes an email address.
Take a look at some of the build in form fields for a better idea of what you can do.
It is not intended to prevent XSS or SQL injection. It simply confirms that your form follows basic rules that you have set for it.
You missunderstood cleaned_data. The simplest definition of cleaned_data is something like:
A dict that contains data entered by the user after various validation
(built-in or custom)
Now, that being said, to understand every steps to form validation refer to this link (re-inventing the wheel would be silly since it is greatly explained.)
As for the SQL injection, this is another problem. But again, Django as a built-in way of handling it, this is from the documentation:
By using Django’s querysets, the resulting SQL will be properly
escaped by the underlying database driver. However, Django also gives
developers power to write raw queries or execute custom sql. These
capabilities should be used sparingly and you should always be careful
to properly escape any parameters that the user can control. In
addition, you should exercise caution when using extra() and RawSQL..
I can totally see your confusion, but remember that they are two different things.

Integrate django_agent_trust with django_two_factor_auth

I have installed django_two_factor_auth successfully: token logins, backup tokens and SMS via Twilio all seem to work fine. My users will not tolerate having to enter their token for every login, though.
My needs are similar to those discussed in the following:
I wish to offer the user an option to defer OTP verification for 30 days after a successful verification.
To this end, I installed django_agent_trust. I patched AuthenticationTokenForm to add a BooleanField if django_agent_trust is installed:
(two_factor/, in AuthenticationTokenForm)
from django_agent_trust import trust_agent
trust_this_agent = forms.BooleanField(label=_("Trust this browser for 30 days"),
and I have been able to unconditionally set and reset the is_trusted flag by using django_agent_trust's django_agent_trust.trust_agent API.
The problem is figuring out where to capture the user's selected value of the BooleanField. I'm lost somewhere in the form wizard.
I would accept an answer questioning the wisdom of my overall approach if I think your argument makes sense. Is there something I'm missing here?
in the beginning
django_agent_trust seemed like a good shortcut for this use case. It already had secure cookie support, a feature of Django I'd never used before, plus all the convenience methods I thought I'd need.
I was able to get it working with a little extra work.
The problem I ran into was that django_agent_trust validates the signed cookie only after the user is authenticated -- with an authenticated user from the request object. Since I was trying to minimize changes to django_two_factor_auth, I needed to decide whether or not to show the OTP form before authentication occurs.
All the tools I needed were in django_agent_trust. I pulled the methods I needed out of its middleware and into a new, adding a 'user' argument to load_agent(). Then I was able to check the cookie against the validated-but-not-yet-logged-in user object from django_two_factor_auth's LoginView class.
Now django_two_factor_auth's LoginView can test for agent trust in has_token_step and has_backup_step, and everything works more or less as the author predicted 11 months ago...sigh.
I think adding this trust element might make sense as an enhancement to django_two_factor_auth. Juggling hacks to all these components seems like the wrong way to do it.
I took a cue from the django_otp project and added agent_trust as a "plugin" to two_factor. It seems usable and maybe a little easier to digest in this form. This worked for me, but I suspect there's a much better way to do it. Patches welcome.

Ember.js routing with parameters

I just played with ember routing example. It looks quite interesting. Especially if you are going to build all your application on Ember framework.
But parameters in url follows after '#'. That means you can't copy and send a link to someone if client has to login with postback (if only to set a cookie with login parameters). Is there a better option - maybe use '?' instead of '#'?
You may also have a look at Ember.Router.
There are two good start points # and
A lot of fixes have been made the last couple of days.
A brand new guide is now available #
Here is a full example courtesy of

Lengthening Django Username

I'm using this snippet, that allows users to only need to enter an email address to register for my app:
Things are almost working perfectly. The problem is when a user has an email address that's above 30 characters. I get a "Ensure this value has at most 30 characters (it has 40)." error.
This is because the username is only supposed to be 30 characters. Is there a simple way to just tell Django that the username can be longer? It seems like there should be a fairly straightforward override for this.
This actually isn't simple at all. This requires subclassing the User model and using that everywhere. I've never had to do it, for this case, but it would likely cause significant issues with the Admin interface. You could also edit django's source to pull it off (ick).
Or even use this solution:
Can django's auth_user.username be varchar(75)? How could that be done?
It's quite ugly though.
You're probably better off writing an authentication backend to use the email field for authentication rather than using the username field. To populate the username (which is required) then you'd just generate some sort of random unique username maybe by hashing or using a UUID.
Hopefully this solution should help you :

Django: assign accesskey to label instead of select

i'm developing a site that must be as accessible as possible. While assigning the accesskeys to my form fields with
i found out that the w3c validator won't validate an xhtml strict page with an accesskey in a select tag. Anyway i couldn't find a way to assign an accesskey to the label related to the select field (the right way to make the select accessible). Is there a way to do so?
Interesting question. HTML 4.01 also prohibits accesskey in a select.
I believe the Short Answer is: Not in standard Django.
Much longer answer: I looked at the code in django/forms/ and .../ and the label is handled strictly as a string (forced to smart_unicode()). Four possible solutions come to mind, the first three are not pretty:
Ignore the validation failure. I hate doing this, but sometimes it's a necessary kludge. Most browsers are much looser than the DTDs in what they allow. If you can get the accesskey to work even when it's technically in the wrong place, that might be the simplest way to go.
Catch the output of the template and do some sort of ugly search-and-replace. (Blech!)
Add new functionality to the widgets/forms code by MonkeyPatching it. MonkeyPatch django.forms.fields.Field to catch and save a new arg (label_attrs?). MonkeyPatch the label_tag() method of forms.forms.BoundField to deal with the new widget.label_attrs value.
I'm deliberately not going to give more details on this. If you understand the code well enough to MonkeyPatch it, then you are smart enough to know the dangers inherent in doing this.
Make the same functional changes as #3, but do it as a submitted patch to the Django code base. This is the best long-term answer for everyone, but it's also the most work for you.
Update: Yoni Samlan's link to a custom filter ( works if you are generating the <label> tag yourself. My answers are directed toward still using the full power of Forms but trying to tweak the resultant <label>.