CloudKit acceptShare error - "Couldn't get a Sharing identity set" - icloud

I am programatically creating a CKShare and sharing the URL with recipients over email; when they do this, they click on the link and the UIApplication 'userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWithMetadata' method is correctly called. I then use the CKAcceptSharesOperation to mark the share as 'accepted'.
In most cases, it's working fine, even with the app in production environment. Every now and then, a user messages that they get an error with the CKAcceptSharesOperation .. the error says something like "Couldn't get a Sharing identity set". The error in full:
CKInternalErrorDomain: 5000" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x281f8f0f0
{Error Domain=CKInternalErrorDomain Code=5000 "Couldn't get a Sharing
identity set" UserInfo={CKErrorDescription=Couldn't get a Sharing
identity set, NSLocalizedDescription=Couldn't get a Sharing identity
set, NSUnderlyingError=0x281f8d8c0 {Error Domain=CKInternalErrorDomain
Code=5000 "Couldn't create a PCS identity"
UserInfo={CKErrorDescription=Couldn't create a PCS identity,
NSLocalizedDescription=Couldn't create a PCS identity,
NSUnderlyingError=0x281f8f570 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain
Code=-25300 "Failed finding service Sharing" UserInfo=0x2811c1400 (not
displayed)}}}}}, CKErrorDescription=Couldn't get a Sharing identity
set, warningTitleKey=Accept Share Failed,
NSDebugDescription=CKInternalErrorDomain: 5000,
NSLocalizedDescription=There was a problem with accepting this share -
Couldn't get a Sharing identity set}
I had the user check his/her iCloud account, and it seems fine. The iCloud account is new, so that might have something to do with it? If not, what else could be causing this? What can I try to isolate the issue?

It turns out the error was because the user hadn't accepted terms and conditions. The user should log into ... the website might prompt for setting up security questions and/or accepting Terms & Conditions. The user also might have to log out of the iCloud account on device and log back in. That should fix the issue.


CoRegisterClassObject returns error (session 0?)

A customer is running one of our programs, usually run as a service, as an application. The customer is getting the following error on CoRegisterClassObject():
The class is configured to run as a security id different from the caller.
It looks like some type of session 0 error, but why should CoRegisterClassObject() care about session 0? COM should allow both services (session 0) and apps (session > 0) and not care what registers what, shouldn't it?
Also, I don't like the fact that it's not in the list of errors returnable by CoRegisterClassObject(), as per the Microsoft doc webpage.
The error code in question is CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY (0x80004015).
Per this page:
COM security frequently asked questions
Q6 Why does CoRegisterClassObject return CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY? When launching my ATL 1.1 server service as an .exe file, I receive CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY from CoRegisterClassObject. (The class is configured to run as a security ID different from the caller.) This seems to occur whether I skip the CoInitializeSecurity or not. It fails running as a service or as an .exe file.
A. Many services are debugged by running them as console applications in the interactive user identity. Because the service is already registered to run in a different identity (configurable by the Services control panel applet), OLE fails the CoRegisterClassObject and RunningObjectTable::Register(ROTFLAGS_ALLOWANYCLIENT) calls by returning CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY to enforce security and to prevent malicious servers from spoofing the server. To debug by running in the interactive user's identity, make the following changes in the server's registry entries to prevent these failures:
• To prevent CoRegisterClassObject failure, remove the following named value:
• To prevent a IRunningObjectTable::Register(ROTFLAGS_ALLOWANYCLIENT) failure, follow these steps:
Remove the following named value:
Then add the following named value:
"RunAs"="Interactive User"
You muist restore the modified registry entries after debugging.
I am assuming you would have to replace {0bf52b15-8cab-11cf-8572-00aa00c006cf} with your COM object's actual CLSID instead.

How can an admin process open an application in the logged in user?

The Process
exe/dll compiled in C++ to be run
Log in (win 7) to a standard user account (no admin)
run The Process as admin
The Process opens some app (exe) using ShellExecute
The app is opened in the scope of the admin user
The app is opened in the scope of the standard user
1. CreateProcessAsUser
Use CreateProcessAsUser (Assuming I managed to get hToken right that should have solved the issue).
However, I get the call failed with error code 1314 - ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD. Going back to the documentation tells me:
If this function fails with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD (1314), use the
CreateProcessWithLogonW function instead
So I digged in and found this CreateProcessAsUser Error 1314 which wasn't very helpful.
2. ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
using ImpersonateLoggedOnUser generated the same error code: 1314 - ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD.
3. CreateProcessWithLogonW
CreateProcessWithLogonW requires lpPassword which naturally I don't have
The Question
How can an admin process open an application in the logged in user?
Have you tried using CreateProcessWithTokenW which is mentioned in the CreateProcessWithLogonW documentation? It seems to require a much weaker privilege than CreateProcessAsUser, one you should posses (SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME rather than SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME).
You said you already have a token for the interactive user so I won't go into it.
(Note: Strange bugs have been reported with all of this, including CreateProcessWithTokenW. Don't give up on the first attempt. A bug and a fix for example: why is CreateProcessWithTokenW failing with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED )
hToken is not a "right". It's a token. What the error says is that you lack a privilege.
Holding a privilege is not a fundamental right! Some privileges are given to certain users by default. Others need to be given through the Local Security Policy (in the "User Right Assignment" node in the MMC snap-in or with LsaAddAccountRights - all of which is documented in the page Assigning Privileges to an Account).
Besides that you sometimes have to enable privileges using AdjustTokenPrivileges. This is documented in the sibling page Changing Privileges in a Token.
Some APIs enable them if you hold them. Others don't and require you to do so yourself. The obvious way to go is to enable a privilege before calling and API that's documented to require it.
The MS Forum link may not have been but the error message is quite clear. MSDN says about the function:
Typically, the process that calls the CreateProcessAsUser
function must have the SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privilege
and may require the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME privilege
if the token is not assignable.
and the error is (from the page you linked to!):
  1314 (0x522)
  A required privilege is not held by the client.
This is actually a very tricky Task you want to accomplish. There are very strict security policies which make it very difficult.
As far as I know you can do it with psexec. It has a commandline Switch which enables user interaction but running the process as admin. I think your command should look like the following:
psexec \\target-computer -i -s [your command]
Another way to do it is using WMI. But for this you Need to Change the security Settings of the target machine (probably using GPO's). You Need to connect to the target machine using impersonation Level deletgate see here. Additionally as said before, you Need to Change the security Settings. See here

error 5 when starting a service

i created a windows service in c++ and when i try start the service i get the message error 5: access denied.
my user account is set to admin and i even tried using the default admin account on the computer and it still doesn't work.
i can install/uninstall the service through the cmd without problems but i can't start the service
the code isn't the problem here its the user account. any suggestions on how to fix this?
"Running a service" is not simply "starting a program on my desktop". It does not necessarily run as "you".
The service is detached from any desktops and it actually ignores your user account. The service will have its own account/password configuration stored in the OS and when you run it, you only order it to start up. It will startup on its own user account. If you have put your .exe/.dll files in some protected folder, and if you have not configured neither the accessrights to that files nor user-pass for the service, then there's great odds that the service tries to run at default service user account like 'LocalService' or 'NetworkService' and that it simply cannot touch the files.
If you installed the service properly, go to ControlPanel - AdministrativeTools - Services, find your service and check the (if I remember well) second tab and verify that the username presented here has access to the files that are tried to be loaded and run. If the username is wrong, correct it. If you don't care about the username, then just peek that name and set accessrights on the folder and/or files such that at least both "read directry contents" and "read" and "execute" are available for that-username-the-service-tries-to-run-as.

Verify Active Directory domain trust relationship of the local machine

I have to find out if the local machine is still joined to a domain, or if another computer has used the computer account or, if the computer account has been reset.
In other words, i need to verify the trust relationship between the local machine and the domain
NLTest /SC_VERIFY:{Domain} does the job pretty well.
Are there any API functions that i can use to detect whether the local machine has lost the trust relationship to a domain? I don't like to call external executables from my program.
What i tried so far:
NetGetJoinInformation(): It doesn't realize it.
DsBind*(): It doesn't realize it. Also tried to call it under the local system account.
Any ideas?
Okay. After a lot of digging, i finally found a solution: I_NetLogonControl2
LPBYTE domainName = (LPBYTE) L"eng";
int ret = I_NetLogonControl2(NULL, NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY, 2, (LPBYTE) &domainName, (LPBYTE*)&buffer);
wprintf( L"I_NetLogonControl2() returned %i\n", ret);
if (ret==0)
wprintf( L"PdcConenctionStatus: %i\n", buffer->netlog2_pdc_connection_status);
if (buffer->netlog2_pdc_connection_status==0)
wprintf(L"Trust relationship verified.\n");
wprintf(L"Trust relationship FAILED.\n");
wprintf( L"TcConenctionStatus: %i\n", buffer->netlog2_tc_connection_status);
wprintf( L"Flags: %i\n", buffer->netlog2_flags);
return 0;
So the magic thing is hidden in NETLOGON_INFO_2::netlog2_pdc_connection_status.If this value is 86 (ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD) or 5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) the computer account has been changed (or reset).
If the computer account has been deleted, the value is 1787 (ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT)
Hope this helps others!
Unfortunately, the MSDN documentation is not precise. When you are specifying "NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY", the data argument (LPBYTE) must point to (LPWSTR*)!
you can try LogonUser function to perform network login (LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK).
If workstation has broken trust with domain, it will not be able to verify your credentials.
You will need some domain credentials which can perform network logon of course, not local.
Your other option is to use local account which has granted network service logon and try to access other domain workstation resource.You can receive access denied error or trust relation failed depends on which resource on which server.
Finally, you can still search system event log for event ID signaling trust failure.
but we don't have any well known accounts that we can use for this
You can not check for workstation account status on domain site (in AD) until you authenticate somehow, just local status.
NetLogon_Control2 is for BDC to PDC communications; does not work for my tests in Win 7
Microsoft page --
This function can be used to request that a BDC ensure that its copy of the SAM database is brought up-to-date. It can also be used to determine if a BDC currently has a secure channel open to the PDC.

Exchange Web Services, try to use ExchangeImpersonationType

I am trying to use EWS, first time trying to use the ExchangeServiceBinding. The code I am using is below:
_service = new ExchangeServiceBinding();
//_service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, userPassword, this.Domain);
_service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
_service.Url = this.ServiceURL;
ExchangeImpersonationType ei = new ExchangeImpersonationType();
ConnectingSIDType sid = new ConnectingSIDType();
sid.PrimarySmtpAddress = this.ExchangeAccount;
ei.ConnectingSID = sid;
_service.ExchangeImpersonation = ei;
The application is an aspnet 3.5 trying to create a task using EWS. I have tried to use impersonation because I will not know the logon user's domain password, so I thought impersonation would be the best fit. Any thoughts on how I can utilize impersonation? Am I setting this correctly, I get an error while trying to run my application. I also tried without impersonation just to try to see if I can create a task, no luck either. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Without broader context of your code snip, I can't tell for sure what's wrong, but here are a few things you might find useful...
You mention you had trouble connecting without impersonation.
I'm assuming you are using Exchange Server 2007 SP1, yes?
Do you have a mailbox for which you do know the username and password? If so, consider trying to connect to that mailbox, just to see if you can send an email or query for inbox count. That will help verify your connection at least.
As to exchange impersonation,
have the permissions been set on the Client Access Server (CAS) to enable impersonation?
Have the permissions been set on either the mailbox or mailbox database (containing the mailbox you are attempting to access)?
are you in a cross-forest scenario that requires additional trust relationships?
If not, that might explain why you cannot connect.
Some links you might find useful
Configuring (
Using Exchange impersonation (
Access multiple resource mailboxes (