best way to share data between c codes - c++

I have 3 C code running on a RPI. They all start at boot and do some stuff (e.g. reading some data and driving an LCD)
I have implemented the codes separately but now I need to share a 30 byte buffer to be shared between them.
what is your advice to do this?
program1.c<-----------> program2.c<-----------> program3.c
buff[30] <-----------> buff[30] <-----------> buff[30]

You can use shared memory IPC, which simply allows you to access the same physical memory from multiple cooperating processes. I say cooperating because they need to be careful about synchronization, or reads may observe partially written data etc. Here's one tutorial:

You basically want to implement an IPC between those processes. Personally, I would like to go with FIFO ( a named pipe ) because they implement the queue structure for you. So, you can focus more on interpreting the data and less on sync problems.
this might help you.


Interaction of two c/c++ programs

I'm in complete lack of understanding in this. Maybe this is too broad for stack, but here it goes:
Suppose I have two programs (written in C/C++) running simultaneously, say A and B, with different PIDs.
What are the options to make then interact with each other. For instance, how do I pass information from one to another like having one being able to wait for a signal from the other, and respond accordingly.
I know MPI, but MPI normally works for programs that are compiled using the same source (so, it works more for parallel computing than just interaction from completely different programs built to interact with each other).
You must lookout for "IPC" (inter process communication). There are several types:
shared memory
message queues
files (per suggestion of #JonathanLeffler :-)
RPC (suggested by #sftrabbit)
Which is usually more geared towards Client/Server
You use one of the many interprocess communication mechanisms, like pipes (one applications writes bytes into a pipe, the other reads from it. Imagine stdin/stdout.) or shared memory (a region of memory is mapped into both programs virtual address space and they can communicate through it).
The same source doesn't matter - once your programs are compiled the system doesn't know or care where they came from.
There are different ways to communicate between them depending on how much data, how fast, one way or bidirectional, predicatable rate etc etc....
The simplest is possibly just to use the network - note that if you are on the same machine the network stack will automatically use some higher performance system to actually send the data (ie shared memory)

Sharing data locally (like with sockets) between multiple programs in C++

My goal is to send/share data between multiple programs. These are the options I thought of:
I could use a file, but prefer to use my RAM because it's generally faster.
I could use a socket, but that would require a lot of address information which is unnecessary for local stuff. And ports too.
I could ask others about an efficient way to do this.
I chose the last one.
So, what would be an efficient way to send data from one program to another? It might use a buffer, for example, and write bytes to it and wait for the reciever to mark the first byte as 'read' (basically anything else than the byte written), then write again, but where would I put the buffer and how would I make it accessible for both programs? Or perhaps something else might work too?
I use linux.
What about fifos and pipes? if you are on a linux environment, this is the way to allow 2 programs to share data.
The fastest IPC for processes running on same host is a shared memory.
In short, several processes can access same memory segment.
See this tutorial.
You may want to take a look at Boost.Interprocess
Boost.Interprocess simplifies the use of common interprocess communication and synchronization mechanisms and offers a wide range of them:
Shared memory.
Memory-mapped files.
Semaphores, mutexes, condition variables and upgradable mutex types to place them in shared
memory and memory mapped files.
Named versions of those synchronization objects, similar to UNIX/Windows sem_open/CreateSemaphore API.
File locking.
Relative pointers.
Message queues.
To answer your questions:
Using a file is probably not the best way, and files are usually not used for passing inner-process information. Remember the os has to open, read, write, close them. They are however used for locking (
The highest performance you get using pipestream (, but in Linux it's hard to get right. You have to redirect the stdin, stdout, and stderr. This has to be done for each inner-process. So it will work well for two applications but go beyond that and it gets very hairy.
My favorite solution, use socketpairs ( These are very robust and easy to setup. But if you use multiple applications you have to prepare some sort of pool where to access the applications.
On Linux, when using files, they are very often in cache, so you won't read the disk that often, and you could use a "RAM" filesystem like tmpfs (actually tmpfs use virtual memory, so RAM + swap, and practically the files are kept in RAM most of the time).
The main issue remains synchronization.
Using sockets (which may be, if all processes are on the same machine, AF_UNIX sockets which are faster than TCP/IP ones) has the advantage of making our code easily portable to environments where you prefer to run several processes on several machines.
And you could also use an existing framework for parallel execution, like e.g. MPI, Corba, etc etc.
You should have a gross idea of the bandwidth and latency expected from your application.
(it is not the same if you need to share dozens of megabytes every millisecond, or hundreds of kilobytes every tenths of seconds).
I would suggest learning more about serialization techniques, formats and libraries like XDR, ASN1, JSON, YAML, s11n, jsoncpp etc.
And sending or sharing data is not the same. When you send (and recieve) data, you think in terms of message passing. When you share data you think in terms of a shared memory. Programming style is very different.
Shared memory is the best for sharing the data between the processes. But it needs lots of synchronization and if more than 2 processes are sharing the data then synchronization is like a Cyclops. (Single eye - Single shared memory).
But if you make use of sockets (multicast sockets), then implementation will be little difficult, but scalability and maintainability is very easy. You no need to bother how many apps will be waiting for the data, you can just multicast and they will listen to the data and process. No need to wait for the semaphore (shared memory synchronization technique) to read the data.
So reading the data time can be reduced.
Shared memory - Wait for the semaphore, read the data and process the data.
Sockets - Receive the data, process the data.
Performance, scalability and maintainability will be added advantages with the sockets.

Transfering data between threads in C++ and Fortran

I need to move large amounts (~10^6 floats) between multiple c++ threads and a fortran thread. At the moment we use windows shared memory to move very small piece of data, mainly for communication, and then save the file to a proprietary format to move the data. I've been asked to look at moving the bulk of the data via shared memory, but looking at the shared memory techniques in windows (seemingly a character buffer) this looks like a mess. Another possibility is boost's interprocess communication, but not sure how to use that from fortran, or if it's a good idea. Another idea was to use a database like sqlite.
I'm just wondering if anyone had any experience or would like to comment, as this is a little over my head at the moment.
Thanks very much
Use pipes. If you can inherit handles between processes, you can use anonym pipes, when not, you have to use named pipes. Also, threads share the address space, so you're probably thinking of processes when you say threads.

How to implement a shared buffer?

I've got one program which creates 3 worker programs. The preferable method of communication in my situation would be through a memory buffer which all four programs may access.
Is there a way to pass a pointer, reference or any kind of handler to the child processes?
The three child programs are transforming vertex data while the main program primarily deals with UI, system messages, errors, etc..
I'm hoping there is some way to leverage OpenCL such that the four programs can share a context. If this is not possible, it would be nice to have access to the array of vertices across all programs.
I suppose our target platform is Windows right now but we'd like to keep it as cross-platform as possible. If there is no way to implement this utilizing OpenCL we'll probably fall back to wrapping this piece of code for a handful of different platforms.
Your question is platform dependent, therefore :
for Windows : Named Shared Memory
for linux : mmap or POSIX shared memory access
general case : boost::interprocess
If you explain a bit what kind of data is shared and other constraints/goal of the system it would be easier to answer your question.
I wonder why you think a shared buffer would be good? Is that because you want to pass a pointer in the buffer to the data to be worked on? Then you need shared memory if you want to work across processes.
What about a client-server approach where you send data to clients on request?
More information about your problem helps giving a better answer.
You should use Named Shared Memory and inter-process synchronization.
This is somewhat wider than the original question on shared memory buffers, but depending on your design, volume of data and performance requirements you could look into in-memory databases such as Redis or distributed caches, especially if you find yourself in 'publish-subscribe' situation.

Best way for interprocess communication in C++

I have two processes one will query other for data.There will be huge amount of queries in a limited time (10000 per second) and data (>100 mb) will be transferred per second.Type of data will be an integral type(double,int)
My question is in which way to connect this process?
Shared memory , message queue , lpc(Local Procedure call) or others....
And also i want to ask which library you suggest? by the way please do not suggest MPI.
edit : under windows xp 32 bit
One Word: Boost.InterProcess. If it really needs to be fast, shared memory is the way to go. You nearly have zero overhead as the operation system does the usual mapping between virtual and physical addresses and no copy is required for the data. You just have to lookout for concurrency issues.
For actually sending commands like shutdown and query, I would use message queues. I previously used localhost network programming to do that, and used manual shared memory allocation, before i knew about boost. Damn if i would need to rewrite the app, I would immediately pick boost. Boost.InterProcess makes this more easy for you. Check it out.
I would use shared memory to store the data, and message queues to send the queries.
I'll second Marc's suggestion -- I'd not bother with boost unless you have a portability concern or want to do cool stuff like map standard container types over shared memory (in which case I'd definitely use boost).
Otherwise, message queues and shared memory are pretty simple to deal with.
If your data consists of multiple types and/or you need things like mutex, use Boost.
Else use a shared section of memory using #pragma data_seg or a memory mapped file.
If you do use shared memory you will have to decide whether or not to spin or not. I'd expect that if you use a semaphore for synchronization and storing data in shared memory you will not get much performance benefit compared to using message queues (at significant clarity degradation), but if you spin on an atomic variable for synchronization, then you have to suffer the consequences of that.