Target child pages with regex - regex

I need an regex which target all child pages of a certain group of parent pages, but NOT the parent pages them selfes.
To be more specific, I need an expression which targets:
But I do not want to include
All help much appreciated!

Try this one:
I am assuming that the strings after the categories use letters only.

This one
targets everything after the last slash
You could use this in an if() statement to filter out what you need, if I understand the question correctly.

Or this one:
In C#
childpage = Regex.Match(target, "/category[A-Z]/(.*)").Groups[1].Value;
In JavaScript
var myregexp = /\/category[A-Z]\/(.*)/;
var match = myregexp.exec(target);
if (match != null) {
childpage = match[1];
} else {
childpage = "";
if (preg_match('%/category[A-Z]/(.*)%', $target, $groups)) {
$childpage = $groups[1];
} else {
$childpage = "";
In PowerShell
if ($target -match '/category[A-Z]/(.*)') {
$childpage = $matches[1]
} else {
$childpage = ''
In Python
match ="/category[A-Z]/(.*)", target)
if match:
childpage =
childpage = ""


Typescript regex exclude whole string if followed by specific string

I'm been running into weird issues with regex and Typescript in which I'm trying to have my expression replace the value of test minus the first instance if followed by test. In other words, replace the first two lines that have test but for the third line below, replace only the second value of test.
Where it should look like:
I've come up with lots of variations but this is the one that I thought was simple enough to solve it and regex101 can confirm this works:
But when using Typescript (custom task in VSTS build), it actually replaces the values like this:
Update: It looks like a regex like (test)(?!.test) breaks when changing the use cases removing the square brackets, which makes me think this might be somewhere in the code. Could the problem be with the index that the value is replaced at?
Some of the code in Typescript that is calling this:
var filePattern = tl.getInput("filePattern", true);
var tokenRegex = tl.getInput("tokenRegex", true);
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];`Starting regex replacement in [${file}]`);
var contents = fs.readFileSync(file).toString();
var reg = new RegExp(tokenRegex, "g");
// loop through each match
var match: RegExpExecArray;
// keep a separate var for the contents so that the regex index doesn't get messed up
// by replacing items underneath it
var newContents = contents;
while((match = reg.exec(contents)) !== null) {
var vName = match[1];
// find the variable value in the environment
var vValue = tl.getVariable(vName);
if (typeof vValue === 'undefined') {
tl.warning(`Token [${vName}] does not have an environment value`);
} else {
newContents = newContents.replace(match[0], vValue);`Replaced token [${vName }]`);
Full code is for the task I'm using this with:
For me this regex is working like you are expecting:
with a Typescript code like that
myString.replace(/\[(test)\](?!\.\[test\])/g, "[newvalue]");
Instead, the regex you are using should replace also the [db] part.
I've tried with this code:
class Greeter {
myString1: string;
myString2: string;
myString3: string;
greeting: string;
constructor(str1: string, str2: string, str3: string) {
this.myString1 = str1.replace(/\[(test)\](?!\.\[test\])/g, "[newvalue]");
this.myString2 = str2.replace(/\[(test)\](?!\.\[test\])/g, "[newvalue]");
this.myString3 = str3.replace(/\[(test)\](?!\.\[test\])/g, "[newvalue]");
this.greeting = this.myString1 + "\n" + this.myString2 + "\n" + this.myString3;
greet() {
return "Hello, these are your replacements:\n" + this.greeting;
let greeter = new Greeter("[test]", "[test].[db]", "[test].[test]");
let button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = "Say Hello";
button.onclick = function() {
Online playground here.

How to use TokenSequencePattern

I'm just getting started with CoreNLP's TokenSequencePattern and I can't get simple matches to work. All im trying to do is to match a token from the input text. The code below executes without errors but doesn't match anything. However, if u change the match expression to [] then it matches the two sentences.
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, parse");
StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);
Annotation document = new Annotation("This is sent 1. And here is sent 2");
List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class);
Env env = TokenSequencePattern.getNewEnv();
TokenSequencePattern pattern = TokenSequencePattern.compile(env,"[ { word:\"sent\" } ]");
TokenSequenceMatcher matcher = pattern.getMatcher(sentences);
while ( matcher.find() ) {
System.out.println( );
Thank you!
List<CoreLabel> tokens =
TokenSequencePattern pattern= TokenSequencePattern.compile("[ {
word:\"sent\" } ]");
TokenSequenceMatcher matcher = pattern.getMatcher(tokens);
while (matcher.find())
String matchedString =;
List<CoreMap> matchedTokens = matcher.groupNodes();
System.out.println(matchedString + " " + matchedTokens);

How to remove asterisk from this spin syntax code?

here is my code it is a text spinner (synonym)
public function fetchContent($keyword)
$customContent = $this->getOption('custom_content_text');
if (!$customContent)
return false;
if (preg_match_all('/({\*)(.*?)(\*})/', $customContent, $result))
if (is_array($result[0]))
foreach ($result[0] as $index => $group_string)
//replace the first or next pattern match with a replaceable token
$customContent = preg_replace('/(\{\*)(.*?)(\*\})/', '{#'.$index.'#}', $customContent, 1);
$words = explode('|', $result[2][$index]);
//clean and trim all words
$finalPhrase = array();
foreach ($words as $word)
if (preg_match('/\S/', $word))
$word = preg_replace('/{%keyword%}/i', $keyword, $word);
$finalPhrase[] = trim($word);
$finalPhrase = $finalPhrase[rand(0, count($finalPhrase) - 1)];
//now inject it back to where the token was
$customContent = str_ireplace('{#' . $index . '#}', $finalPhrase, $customContent);
return $customContent;
there is regex that request bracket like this
here is the regex from the snippet above
if (preg_match_all('/({\*)(.*?)(\*})/', $customContent, $result))
$customContent = preg_replace('/(\{\*)(.*?)(\*\})/', '{#'.$index.'#}', $customContent, 1);
i would like to remove the * to format allow just {spin1|spin2|spin3} wich is more compatible with most spinner ,
i tried with some regex that i find online
i tried to remove the * from both regex without result
thanks you very much for your help
Remove \* instead of just * – Lucas Trzesniewski

Using RegEx to match URL routes

I'm building a PHP Framework for conclusion of my course, and I've stuck on a solution for match some custom routes and standard routes.
My framework's route are similar at routes of Zend Framework 1.
It's match standard routes for
The part of URI are optional, and the / route leads to application module, index controller and index action without params and values.
I'm stuck in some custom routes, that I define this way:
That routes must match this examples URI requests.
But not had to match the standard routes. The custom routes must precede the standard routes.
Some examples of standard routes. Examples:
/admin/login/logout (that one are the
The way I find to do this ellegantily is using RegEx for the matches, but I've trying to learn RegEx for more than one month and don't got it all.
PS: After match the current route, I must to bind the :variable with the related position in the REQUEST_URI.
Thank you for help.
While admittedly tempting, I wouldn't go with regex in this particular case. Even though I usually go that way. A simple loop and match would do, unless your course is setting some restrictions you have to follow.
I put together an example that should get the job done and runs in the console, just to show what i mean.
function get_route($uri){
$routes = [
'blog#show' => 'blog/:postname',
'admin#logout' => 'admin/logout',
'blog#category' => 'blog/posts/:year/:category',
'home#about' => 'about'
$params = [];
$uri = preg_replace('/#|\?.+/', '', $uri); // remove hash or query strings
$uri = preg_replace('/(^\/)?(\/$)?/', '', $uri); // trim slashes
$uri = explode('/', $uri);
$action = null;
foreach ($routes as $this_action => $this_route) { // loop through possible routes
$fractions = explode('/', $this_route);
if (sizeof($fractions) !== sizeof($uri)) continue; // did not match length of uri
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($uri); $i++) { // compare each part of uri to each part of route
if (substr($fractions[$i], 0, 1) !== ':' && $fractions[$i] !== $uri[$i]) break; // not a match and not a param
if ($i === sizeof($uri)-1) { // made it to the last fraction!
$ii = 0;
foreach ($fractions as $fraction) {
if (substr($fraction, 0, 1) == ':') { // it's a param, map it!
$params[substr($fraction,1)] = $uri[$ii];
return ['action'=>$this_action, 'params'=>$params];
return false;
I could reach my needs with this code, a lot of tests has passed.
public function matchCustomRoute($uri)
if($uri == '')
return null;
$customRoutes = $this->getRoutes();
$explodeUri = explode('/', $uri);
$arrayUri = array();
foreach($explodeUri as $uriPart)
if($uriPart == '')
$arrayUri[] = $uriPart;
$countUri = count($arrayUri);
foreach($customRoutes as $key => $value)
$explodeRoute = explode('/',$value['route']);
$arrayRoute = array();
foreach($explodeRoute as $routePart)
if($routePart == '')
$arrayRoute[] = $routePart;
$countRoute = count($arrayRoute);
if($countRoute > $countUri)
$matches = 0;
for($i = 0 ; $i < $countRoute ; $i++)
$match = preg_match('/'.$arrayUri[$i].'/', '/'.$arrayRoute[$i].'/');
if($match == 0)
if(substr($arrayRoute[$i], 0, 1) == ':')
$value['params'][substr($arrayRoute[$i], 1)] = $arrayUri[$i];
if($matches == $countRoute)
return $value;
return null;
Thank you for help.

c# and regular expression

I want to get 100 and example from this string
I searched in google but cannot find some useful regex patterns form my solution
Please help
try {
Regex RegexObj = new Regex(":(?<Number>\\d+)/.+?:(?<Text>\\w+)/");
Match MatchResults = RegexObj.Match(SubjectString);
while (MatchResults.Success) {
for (int i = 1; i < MatchResults.Groups.Count; i++) {
Group GroupObj = MatchResults.Groups[i];
if (GroupObj.Success) {
MatchResults = MatchResults.NextMatch();
} catch (ArgumentException ex) {
// Syntax error in the regular expression
This is the regex:
You don't need to use a regex for this, use Linq:
var url = "?connect:100/username:example/";
var data = url.Substring(1, url.Length-2).Split('/')
.Select(x => x.Split(':'))
.ToDictionary(x => x[0], x => x[1]);
Console.WriteLine(data["connect"]); // 100
Console.WriteLine(data["username"]); // example
You could remove the SubString(1, url.Length-2) call if you got the string back without the starting ? and trailing /.