Using stringstream object multiple times - c++

I am finding it difficult to wrap my head around working of stringstream. Why the second while loop in the below code does not work? If stream object is getting emptied at the end of the first while loop is there any workaround to restore it back to initial condition?
// input is string of numbers separated by spaces (eg. "22 1 2 4")
std::string input;
std::getline(std::cin, input);
stringstream stream (input);
// print individual numbers
while (stream >> n)
cout << n << endl;
// print individual numbers again
while (stream >> n)
cout << n << endl;

stringstream is a subclass of istream, so stream >> n (std::istream::operator>>) returns a reference to istream
stream can be converted to bool (std::ios::operator bool): it converts to false when it no longer has any data (reached end-of-file)
You have finished reading stream in your first loop - it no longer has any data.
If stream object is getting emptied at the end of the first while loop is there any workaround to restore it back to initial condition?
You need to store values on your own and then reuse them - copying streams is not allowed (it doesn't make sense for them really) - Why copying stringstream is not allowed?

It's not emptied, but once you reach the end, you're stuck at the end – just like with other streams.
You need to clear the error flags (stream.clear()) and then either rewind (stream.seekg(0)) or reset the input string (stream.str(input)).

You need to create the stringstream first, in order to make multiple passes over what you have read into input. input itself is just a string not stream. #include <sstream> and then after reading input create the stringstream with:
std::stringstream stream (input);
You can then read with your first while loop, but the second while will not work because the stream position is left at the end of the stringsteam after the first while and eofbit is set.
You need call stream.seekg(0) to "rewind" the file and clear eofbit, see: std::basic_istream::seekg before the second while loop.


std::getline is reading line where specified delimiter is not present?

I want to print each object in console from the array of the following string (stored in a file):
{ beforechars [{Object1},{Object2},{Object3}] afterchars }
I'm doing it as follows:
std::ifstream is("content.txt");
std::getline(is, content, '[');
while (std::getline(is,content,'{')) {
std::cout << content << std::endl;
But i am getting this output:
] afterchars }
My understanding is that after Object3 iteration, the ifstream should have "}] afterchars }" and the while's guard shouldn't be true because there isn't any '{' char... Am i right? Where is the mistake?
The while condition doesn't work as you expect: getline() will read successfully until it reaches an '{' or to the end of the file if not.
So what happens here ?
when you've displayed Object3 your position in the stream is after the closing '}'.
The getline() in the while condition will read all the remaining of the file into content as it encounters no '{'. As it could read something successfully, the condition is evaluated to true.
the getline() within the while block then fails to read anything, so content will remain unchanged. The stream is then in fail status. No subsequent operation will succeed until you clear this state. But nothing visible happens for now in your code.
after displaying this last result, the next loop condition will fail.
Simple workaround:
A very easy workaround would be to keep the current position in the stream before looking for '{', and in case it was not found, go back to this position. Attention: this way of parsing files is not so nice from point of view of performance, but it's ok for small files.
std::getline(is, content, '[');
auto pos = is.tellg(); // read current position
while (std::getline(is,content,'{') && !is.eof()) {
pos = is.tellg(); // update position before iterating again
std::cout << content << std::endl;
is.seekg(pos); // and get back to last position
The trick here is that if '{' is not found, after the getline() the stream is not yet in fail state, but eof() is already true. We can then end the loop and go back to the last recorded position.
Online demo
std::getline reads characters until delimiter (consuming it) or until the end of the stream. It sets failbit on stream only if there were no character consumed (called on empty/invalid stream).
So your loop will terminate only when stream is empty.
Streams interface allows only to see next character, there is no way to scan input and do read if there specific character present.
If you need random access to characters, you need to read input in string and then parse it (with regular expressions or something else.)

Using successive cin >> input loops

I have to loops to gather input, the first gathers input into a vector of doubles...
double input;
while (cin >> input)
and the second gathers input into a vector of ints...
int input;
while (cin >> input)
The second loop keeps auto-exiting and so I added the following two lines...
cin.ignore(INT_MAX,'\n'); // I've also tried cin.ignore()
However this has occurred in my output being discarded in the second loop. How can I get both of these to work the way they need to?
The first loop reads until the stream goes bad because there isn't any double to read from. When the stream has gone bad it won't become good again unless you do something, e.g., using std::cin.clear() to clear the state flags.
Of course, just clearing the state flags won't make much of a difference because it would have read all viable numbers: the format of valid doubles is a superset of the format of valid ints (well, OK, unless they are using base 16). That is, you'll need some sort of separator, probably a non-space, non-digit character. Your use of ignore() should skip over a separator and up to the next newline (although the magic value isn't INT_MAX but std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max()).
It is unclear what you are trying to input but if you use something like
1 2 3 exit 4 5 6
the first three values would be read as double and everything else would be ignored. That is, you may want to be ignore characters a bit more careful, e.g., clear the input and keep trying to read an int and clear() and ignore() until this is successful:
// skip separator:
int input;
while (!(std::cin >> input)) {
std::cin.ignore(); // ignore the next character only
do {
} while (std::cin >> input);

C++ Read in file with only numbers (doubles)

I'm trying to read in a file that should contain only numbers in it. I can successfully read in the entire file if it meets that criteria, but if it so happened to have a letter in it, I need to return false with an error statement.
The problem is I'm finding it hard for my program to error when it finds this character. It can find it no problem, but when it does, it decides to just skip over it.
My code to read in the file and attempt to read in only numbers:
bool compute::Read (ifstream& stream)
double value;
string line;
int lineNumber = 1;
if (stream)
while (getline(stream, line))
istringstream strStream(line);
while (strStream >> value)
cout << value << endl;
return true;
The input file which I use for this is
70.5 61.2 A8 10.2
Notice that there is a non-number character in my input file. It should fail and return false at that point.
Currently, all it does is once it hits the "A", it simply returns to the next line, continuing the getline while loop.
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
The stringstream does catch those errors, but you're doing nothing to stop the enclosing loop from continuing when an error is found. You need to tailor your main loop so that it stops when the stringstream finds an error, which you can't do if the stringstream is being reconstructed on each iteration. You should create a for() loop instead and construct the stringstream in the declaration part. And the condition to the loop should be "as long as the stringstream and stream do not catch an error". For example:
for (std::istringstream iss; iss && std::getline(stream, line);)
while (iss >> value)
std::cout << value << '\n';
Futhermore, it doesn't look like you need to use std::getline() or std::istringstream if you just want to print each value. Just do:
while (stream >> value) {
std::cout << value << '\n';
The above will stop when it finds an invalid character for a double.
You need the code to stop streaming but return false if it hasn't yet reached the end of the "input".
One way, possibly not the most efficient but still one way, to do that is parse a word at a time.
If you read first into a std::string and if it works (so the string is not empty) create an istringstream from that string, or reuse an existing one, and try streaming that into a double value.
If that fails, you have an invalid character.
Of course you can read a line at a time from the file, then split that into words, so that you can output a meaningful error message showing what line the bad text was found.
The issue of reading straight into doubles is that the stream will fail when it reaches end of file.
However it is possible to workaround that too because the reason for failing has an error status which you can check, i.e. you can check if it eofbit is set. Although the f in eofbit stands for "file" it applies to any stream not just files.
Although this method may sound better than reading words into a string first, I prefer that method in normal circumstances because you want to be able to report the error so you'll want to print in the error what was read.

C++ istream operator>> bad-data handling

Every time I ask a question here on SO, it turns out to be some very dumb mistake (check my history if you don't believe me), so bear with me if you can here.
It feels like my question should be very popular, but I couldn't find anything about it and I've run out of ideas to try.
Anyway, without further ado:
I'm trying to overload the input operator>>. It's supposed to read one integer at a time from a file, skipping invalid data such as chars, floats, etc.
Naturally, I'm checking if(in >> inNum) to both get() the next token and check for successful get().
If successful, not much to say there.
If it fails, however, I assume that one of two things happened:
It stumbled upon a non-integer
It reached the eof
Here's how I tried to deal with it:
istream& operator>> (istream& in, SortSetArray& setB) {
bool eof = false;
int inNum = -1;
while(!eof) {
if(in >> inNum) {
cout << "DEBUG SUCCESS: inNum = " << inNum << endl;
else {
// check eof, using peek()
// 1. clear all flags since peek() returns eof regardless of what
// flag is raised, even if it's not `eof`
cout << "DEBUG FAIL: inNum = " << inNum << endl;
// 2. then check eof with peek()
eof = (in.peek() == std::char_traits<char>::eof());
return in;
The file contains [1 2 3 4 a 5 6 7], and the program naturally goes into infinite loop.
Okay, easy guess, peek() doesn't consume the char 'a', and maybe in >> inNum also failed to consume it somehow. No biggie, I'll just try something that does.
And that's pretty much where I've been for the last 2 hours. I tried istream::ignore(), istream::get(), ios::rdstate to check eof, double and string instead of char in the file, just in case char is read numerically.
Nothing works and I'm desperate.
Weirdly enough, the approach above worked for a previous program where I had to read a triplet of data entries on a line of the format: string int int
The only difference is I used an ifstream object for that one, and an istream object for this one.
Bonus Question: inNum has the value of 0 when the hiccup occurs. I'm guessing it's something that istream::operator>> does?
Implementation description
try to read an int
if successful;
insert the read value to setB
next iteration
clear error flags
check so that we haven't reached the end of the file
still more data? next iteration.
The above is the logic description of your function, but there's something missing...
In case we try to read a value, but fail, std::istream's handle these cases by setting the approriate error flags, but it will not discard any data.
The problem with your implementation is that upon trying to read invalid data, you will just try to read the same invalid data again.. over, and over, and over, inf.
After clearing the error flags you can use std::istream::ignore to discard any data from the stream.
The function's 1st argument is the max number of potential chars to ignore, and the 2nd is the "if you hit this char, don't ignore any more*.
Let's ignore the maximum amount of characters, or until we hit ' ' (space):
#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits
in.ignore (std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), ' ');

c++: istringstream

I am creating a simple command parser using c++, and I am trying to use istream >> to check whether I am inputting a number or a character.
a = 10
b = a
string inputLine, varLeft, equal, varRight;
double varValue
// please see update below
while(getline(cin, inputLine)){
istringstream stringSplitter(inputLine);
stringSplitter >> varLeft >> equal;
if(!(stringSplitter >> varValue)){
stringSplitter >> varRight;
The goal is, later in the code, if varRight is empty, I assume that the line of input was a double literal, otherwise, it's a string that denotes a variable. I understand there might be logical errors associated with mixed input starting with digits, but I am assuming that all input is correctly formatted for now. Why is the a in the second line of input discarded? What fix do you propose?
The problem is not with the while loop statement, it is with the if statement at the end of the while code block.
In the actual code, the loop is not actually a while loop; I am using a vector object holding string commands, and iterating through them using a for loop which goes through the vector using iterators. But, in order to please the commenters, I have fixed it above.
If an input function fails, the stream will not allow any more extractions until you clear the failure state. You'll need to do that, after you've checked that the input to varValue failed, with std::basic_ios::clear:
if(!(stringSplitter >> varValue)){
stringSplitter >> varRight;
I don't know how you're doing /* not end of input */ at the moment (hopefully you're not checking eof()!), but it's recommended that you do:
while (getline(cin, inputLine)) {
// ...
This checks that the line input was successful before diving into the loop.