Using TMB to take a weighted mean over posteriors - tmb

First off, I'm brand new to TMB, and fairly new to working with SPDE models as well.
I would like to combine posteriors from several SPDE models using a weighted mean (weights reflecting the variance in each posterior). Is this possible to do in TMB?


Correct approach to improve/retrain an offiline model

I have a recommendation system that was trained using Behavior Cloning (BC) with offline data generated using a supervised learning model converted to batch format using the approach described here. Currently, the model is exploring using an e-greedy strategy. I want to migrate from BC to MARWIL changing the beta.
There is a couple of ways to do that:
Convert the data employed to train the BC algorithm plus the agent’s new data and retrain from scratch using MARWIL.
Convert the new data generated by the agent and put it together with the previous converted data employed to train the BC algorithm, using the input parameter, doing something similar to what is described here, and retrain from scratch using MARWIL .
Convert the new data generated by the agent and put it together with the previous converted data employed to train the BC algorithm, using the input parameter, doing something similar to what is described here, and retrain using the restored BC agent using MARWIL .
Following option 1.:
Given that the new data slice would be very small compared with the previous one, would the model learn something new?
When we stop using original data?
Following option 2.:
Given that the new data slice would be very small compared with the previous one, would the model learn something new?
When we stop using original data?
This approach works for trajectories associated with new episodes ids, but it will extend the trajectories of episodes already present in the original batch?
Following option 3.:
Given that the new data slice would be very small compared with the previous one, would the model learn something new?
When we stop using original data?
This approach works for trajectories associated with new episodes ids, but it will extend the trajectories of episodes already present in the original batch?
The retrain would update the networks’ weights using the new data points, but to do that how many iterations should we use?
How to prevent catastrophic forgetting?

bokeh - plotting shapefile map using datashader

Initially, I created an interactive map of the UK Postcode area where an individual area is color represented based on its value (e.g. population in that post code area) as following.
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.palettes import Viridis256 as palette
from bokeh.models import LinearColorMapper
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
import geopandas as gpd
shp = 'file_path_to_the_downloaded_shapefile'
#read shape file into dataframe using geopandas
df = gpd.read_file(shp)
def expandMultiPolygons(row, geometry):
if row[geometry].type = 'MultiPolygon':
row[geometry] = [p for p in row[geometry]]
return row
#Some rows were in MultiPolygons instead of Polygons.
#Expand MultiPolygons to multi rows of Polygons
df = df.apply(expandMultiPolygons, geometry='geometry', axis=1)
df = df.set_index('Area')['geometry'].apply(pd.Series).stack().reset_index()
#Visualize the polygons. To visualize different colors for different post areas, I added another column called 'value' which has some random integer value.
p = figure()
color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=palette)
source = ColumnDataSource(df)
p.patches('x', 'y', source=source,\
fill_color={'field': 'value', 'transform': color_mapper},\
fill_alpha=1.0, line_color="black", line_width=0.05)
where df is a dataframe of four columns : post code area, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, value (i.e. population).
The above code creates an interactive map on a web browser which is great but I noticed the interactivity is not very smooth in speed. If I zoom in or move the map, it renders slowly. The size of the dataframe is only 1106 rows, so I'm quite confused why it is so slow.
As one of the possible solutions, I came across with datashader ( but I find the example script is quite complicated and most of them are with holoview package on Jupyter notebook but I want to create a dashboard using bokeh.
Does anyone advise me in incorporating datashader into the above bokeh script? Do I need a different function within datashader to create the shape map instead of using bokeh's patches function?
Any suggestion would be highly appreciated!!!
Without the data file involved, I can't answer your question directly, but can offer some observations:
Datashader is unlikely to be of value for this purpose, because datashader does not currently have any support for rendering polygons. As a rule of thumb, Datashader is designed to aggregate your data, and if it's already aggregated, Datashader won't normally be of help. Here your data is aggregated by postcode, which datashader can't process, but if you had the original data per person it would be happy to render it.
If you prefer working with Bokeh directly rather than via the higher-level HoloViews/GeoViews interface, I'd recommend folllwing Matt Rocklin's work on accelerating geopandas; his approach should be very fast for your purpose.
All that said, HoloViews, and GeoViews should be a convenient way to work with Bokeh in general, whether or not you want to create a dashboard. E.g. the 2017 JupyterCon tutorial shows how to make a simple Bokeh dashboard using both libraries. It doesn't cover shape files, but those are covered in other GeoViews examples.
As mentioned in my comment, I believe that the complexity of your polygons might cause your problem. The file you linked to contains several shapefile of different sizes and complexities. You can simplify those, i.e. reduce the number of points for each polygon. This can change how they look. It can range from almost no difference over a bit more "edginess" to an angular appearance. This depends on the level of simplification you chose. Depending on your needs you can chose different levels of simplicity.
I know of three easy options to get this done:
GUI: Try QGis. It is a great opensource tool for geospatial data processing. Load your Shapefile as a new layer. Then use the "Simplify Geometries" tool under the Vector menu.
Command-Line: GDAL is an open-source library. It comes with an useful command-line tool. You can use it like this: ogr2ogr outfile.shp infile.shp -simplify 0.000001
Online: Visit mapshader. Import your file. Select simplify and chose your level. Then, export the result. What I really like here is that your file is rendered instantly. Hence, you can immediately see the result of your simplification.
Other than that, you should also update your bokeh version. It gets updated regularly and there have been some performance improvements since.
Using HoloViews or GeoViews will not positively affect your performance. Thus, it is not related to your issues. I guess #James A. Bednar was just giving some side advice there.
I found a way to speed up the interactive visualization of the UK map as I move the slider.
I created individual image (in 2D) for a different value of slider first and updated the map using the 2D images instead of using bokeh's patches function.
Since the images are in array format, it is much faster to update the image while changing the values in the slider. one downside in this method is that I can no longer use hover function on the UK map.
I referred to the following url to convert polygon information into arrays:

Simple prediction model for multiple features

I am new in prediction models. I am currently using python2.7 and sklearn. I would like to know a simple model to combine many features to predict one target.
To make it more clear. Lets say I have 4 arrays of size 10: A,B,C,Y. I would like to use the values of A,B,C to predict the values of Y.
Thank you

TF-IDF vectorizer doesn't work better than countvectorizer (sci-kit learn

I am working on a multilabel text classification problem with 10 labels.
The dataset is small, +- 7000 items and +-7500 labels in total. I am using python sci-kit learn and something strange came up in the results. As a baseline I started out with using the countvectorizer and was actually planning on using the tfidf vectorizer which I thought would work better. But it doesn't.. with the countvectorizer I get a performance of a 0,1 higher f1score. (0,76 vs 0,65)
I cannot wrap my head around why this could be the case?
There are 10 categories and one is called miscellaneous. Especially this one gets a much lower performance with tfidf.
Does anyone know when tfidf could perform worse than count?
The question is, why not ? Both are different solutions.
What is your dataset, how many words, how are they labelled, how do you extract your features ?
countvectorizer simply count the words, if it does a good job, so be it.
There is no reason why idf would give more information for a classification task. It performs well for search and ranking, but classification needs to gather similarity, not singularities.
IDF is meant to spot the singularity between one sample vs the rest of the corpus, what you are looking for is the singularity between one sample vs the other clusters. IDF smoothens the intra-cluster TF similarity.

Regression Tree Forest in Weka

I'm using Weka and would like to perform regression with random forests. Specifically, I have a dataset:
Rather than learning to predict the most likely class, I want to learn the probability distribution over the classes for a given feature vector. My intuition is that using just the RandomForest model in Weka would not be appropriate, since it would be attempting to minimize its absolute error (maximum likelihood) rather than its squared error (conditional probability distribution). Is that intuition right? Is there a better model to be using if I want to perform regression rather than classification?
Edit: I'm actually thinking now that in fact it may not be a problem. Presumably, classifiers are learning the conditional probability P(Class | Feature1,...,FeatureN) and the resulting classification is just finding the c in Class that maximizes that probability distribution. Therefore, a RandomForest classifier should be able to give me the conditional probability distribution. I just had to think about it some more. If that's wrong, please correct me.
If you want to predict the probabilities for each class explicitly, you need different input data. That is, you would need to replace the value to predict. Instead of one data set with the class label, you would need n data sets (for n different labels) with aggregated data for each unique feature vector. Your data would look something like
and so on. You would need to learn one model for each class and run them separately on any data to be classified. That is, for each label you learn a model to predict a number that is the probability of being in that class, given a feature vector.
If you don't need the probabilities to be predicted explicitly, have a look at the Bayesian classifiers in Weka, which make use of probabilities in the models that they learn.