Is there a way to specify an enum-class value without having to type out its scope every time? - c++

I have some functions that can return either success or one of a fixed set of error codes. To identify the error codes, I had (something like) this old-school C-style enum declared:
enum {
typedef int my_status_t;
my_status_t MyFunc(); // returns a RESULT_* value
This worked pretty well; the calling pattern would be something like:
if (MyFunc() != RESULT_SUCCESS) printf("Error!\n");
... however it was uncomfortably permissive about allowing implicit conversions of my_status_t values to int/bool/etc, allowing careless mistakes like this:
// Compiles but does the wrong thing at run-time -- bad!
if (MyFunc() == false) printf("Error!\n");
... so in my new code revision, I converted it to be an enum class instead:
enum class my_status_t {
... this works great from a compile-time checking perspective; now most unintentional type-promotions are caught by the compiler, forcing the programmer to go back and do it the right way.
The only thing that bothers me is that the new syntax is tedious: now I have to write something like:
if (MyFunc() != my_status_t::RESULT_SUCCESS) printf("Error!\n");
... at every call site -- having to type out my_status_t:: each time is tedious and makes the code harder to read, without really adding much value (since RESULT_SUCCESS is sufficiently unique for my purposes on its own, anyway)
My question is, is there some kind of using namespace my_status_t; style directive I could use to tell the compiler to export the enum-values out of their my_status_t namespace, so that I could reference them without having to type the my_status_t:: prefix all the time?

If you going to be typing a lot more of the nuisance scope-prefixes than there
are constants in the enum class, then it may be worth your while to go with this
enum class result {
constexpr result RESULT_FILE_NOT_FOUND = result::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
constexpr result RESULT_ERROR_GENERAL = result::ERROR_GENERAL;
constexpr result RESULT_SUCCESS = result::SUCCESS;
result foo() {
int main()
switch (foo())
// ^ warning: enumeration value ‘...’ not handled in ...
if (foo() == RESULT_SUCCESS) {
return 0;
/* error: no match for ‘operator==’
if (foo() == false) {
return -1;
(g++ -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c++11)

Do this change:
enum class result {
because your enumerated values are in a scope, you no longer have to give them as long a name.
Now your code becomes:
if (MyFunc() != result::SUCCESS) printf("Error!\n");
which is a whole 1 character longer than before.
You could also
using my_status_t = result;
if you are tied to my_status_t as a type name.
As of C++17 there is no way to cleanly avoid the result:: prefix. There is talk about using ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER = result::ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER; or the like in later versions of C++, but I'm unaware if they are going to get into c++20.

Here's a way:
enum class my_status_t { };
inline constexpr my_status_t RESULT_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER = my_status_t(-3);
// add other enum values here
Unfortunately, this way you lose some good properties of enum. Like compiler can warn you if you don't handle a value in a switch (and don't forget to set the underlying type of enum class, if you have big values).
So I actually don't recommend this way (I better like Yakk's solution), but maybe this answer can help you anyway...


Adding a new enum without breaking existing code

I have an enum with one undefined and two user values:
class enum E
I want to add VALUE3 but I'm worried there's a lot of code like:
assert(val != E::UNDEFINED);
if(val == E::VALUE1)
// Without an assert this wrongly assumes E::VALUE2
something = (val == E::VALUE1) ? a : b; // last part assumes E::VALUE2
I like that compilers warn against switch statements not handling all enumerations and wondered if there is anything similar to show all instances of the above?
I'm concerned I won't find and update all instances of the above.
Compiler is Clang
Enums are not restricted to the values you give names to. From cppreference (formatting is mine):
An enumeration is a distinct type whose value is restricted to a range of values (see below for details),
which may include several explicitly named constants ("enumerators"). The values of the constants are values of an integral type known as the underlying type of the enumeration.
The "below details" explain how the enums underlying type is determined. Out of this range we (usually) give names only to some values as in:
enum foo {A,B,C};
int main() {
foo x = static_cast<foo>(42);
This code is completely fine. x has an underlying value of 42. There is no name for the value but this doesn't really matter... unless you assume that it does.
That wrong assumption is made by this code:
assert(val != E::UNDEFINED);
if(val == E::VALUE1)
// Without an assert this wrongly assumes E::VALUE2
This code is what needs to be fixed (independent of whether you add a new named constant to the enum or not).
Now for a more serious trial to answer the question...
There is no way to get a warning when a chain of if-else does not cover all enum values. What you can do is to turn all if-else uses of the enum into errors. Consider what actually happens here:
if (x == E::VALUE1) do_something();
switch(x) {
case E::VALUE1 : return 1;
In the if statement we call operator==(foo,foo); its return value either is a bool or is implicitly converted to one. With the switch none of this is needed. We can make use of this to turn if-else usages of the enum into errors. Bear with me I will explain in two steps. First lets create a compiler error for if( x == E::VALUE1):
class helper {
operator bool(){ return false;}
helper operator==(E,E){
return {};
Now if (x == E::VALUE1) calls helper operator==(E,E), thats fine. Then the result is converted to bool, and that fails because the conversion is private. Using the enum in a switch is still ok and you can rely on compiler errors / warnings. The basic idea is just to have something that only fails to compile when called (in the wrong/right context). (Live Demo).
The drawback is that also all other used of operator== are broken. We can fix them by modifying the helper and the call sites:
#include <type_traits>
enum E {VALUE1};
struct helper {
bool value;
operator bool(){ return false;}
helper operator==(E a,E b){
return {
static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<E>>(a) == static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<E>>(b)
int main() {
E x{VALUE1};
//if ( x== E::VALUE1); // ERROR
bool is_same = (x == E::VALUE1).value;
switch(x) {
case E::VALUE1 : return 1;
Yes it is a major inconvenience to have to write .value, but in this way you can turn all uses of the enum in ifs into errors while everything else will still compile. Also note that you have to make sure to cover all cases you want to catch (eg !=,<, etc).

C++ enum definitions not being accepted

I would like to use some nss3.dll code in my program. To do this I decided to declare all of the compound datatypes that it needs and call the functions inside the dll file with them.
I am using a file in the firefox source code to see how to properly use the functions I need. In one of the functions it declares one of these compound datatypes (secuPWData) and passes it variables. Here is the definition I pasted into my code without any errors:
typedef struct {
enum {
PW_NONE = 0,
} source;
char *data;
} secuPWData;
The declaration of this struct looks like this in the code I'm looking at: secuPWData pwdata = { PW_NONE, NULL };
When I try to use a similar (or even the same) declaration, it complains about the PW_NONE attribute, claiming it is undefined. When I tried to pass in the 0 value in its place, it told me that 'a value of type "int" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "enum secuPWData::"'. To try to debug the issue, I tried pasting the definition right on top of the declaration, without any change.
What is causing this problem to occur?
Thanks for any help.
just as #n.m. mentioned try using secuPWData::PW_NONE
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct {
enum {
PW_NONE = 0,
} source;
char *data;
} secuPWData;
int main() {
secuPWData pwdata = { secuPWData::PW_NONE, NULL };
return 0;
worked for me .. ideone - link

better method for initializing array

Looks a newbie question, but this function is called many times, to be honest thousands of time per-second, so an optimization is CRUCIAL in here. What would be the best method?
DWORD dwColor[3], dwItemId[3];
int nPos[3], nLength[3];
CItemElem* pItem[3];
for( int i=0; i<=3; i++ )
dwColor[i] = dwItemId[i] = 0;
nPos[i] = nLength[i] = 0;
pItem[i] = NULL;
or with memsets?
memset( dwColor, 0, sizeof( dwColor ) );
or another method.
As long as you are interested in zero initialization only, you can simply do
CHOLDELEM() : dwColor(), dwItemId(), nPos(), nLength(), pItem()
(no C++11 necessary).
However, you might want to take a look at the code your compiler generates for it. If it is not optimal somehow, then a better idea might be to keep your struct a POD (no constructor) and initialize it "from outside" when you declare objects of that type
If your compiler can handle C++11 initializers, then you can set the array values in the constructor initializer list:
dwColor{0}, dwItemId{0}, nPos{0}, nLength{0}, pItem{nullptr}
{ }
Then the compiler will generate (pretty optimal) code to handle that.
I would probably use the memset approach, but I would definitely want to make sure that it doesn't break when more complex data members are added to CHOLDELEM:
#include <type_traits>
// ...
"It is no longer safe to use memset!");
memset(this, 0, sizeof *this);
By the way, CHOLDELEM is a terrible name. Why don't you rename it to ElementHolder or something?

Can I make the ternary operator treat my class like a bool?

I've recently been doing a huge refactoring where I was changing a lot of my code to return booleans instead of an explicit return code. To aid this refactoring I decided to lean on the compiler where possible by getting it to tell me the places where my code needed to be changed. I did this by introducing the following class (see here for the lowdown on how this works):
/// Typesafe boolean class
class TypesafeBool
bool m_bValue;
struct Bool_ {
int m_nValue;
typedef int Bool_::* bool_;
inline bool_ True() const { return &Bool_::m_nValue; }
inline bool_ False() const { return 0; }
TypesafeBool( const bool bValue ) : m_bValue( bValue ){}
operator bool_() const { return m_bValue ? True() : False(); }
Now, instead of using a normal bool type as the return type, I used this class which meant that I couldn't compile something like this any more:
TypesafeBool SomeFunction();
long result = SomeFunction(); // error
Great: it has made the refactoring manageable on a huge codebase by letting the compiler do a lot of the hard work for me. So now I've finished my refactoring and I'd quite like to keep this class hanging around and carry on using it since it affords us an extra level of safety that the built-in bool type doesn't.
There is however one "problem" which is preventing me from doing this. At the moment we make heavy use of the ternary operator in our code, and the problem is that it is not compatible with this new class without explicit casts:
TypesafeBool result = ( 1 == 2 ? SomeFunction() : false ); // error: different types used
TypesafeBool result = ( 1 == 2 ? SomeFunction() : (TypesafeBool)false );
If I could "solve" this issue so that I could use my class in a seamless manner I would probably carry on using it throughout the codebase. Does anyone know of a solution to this issue? Or is it just impossible to do what I want?
In the context of the conditional operator, the type of the expression is the common type of the last two operands. The complete rules to determine this common type are a bit complex, but your case happens to be trivial: if one of the two possible return values is a class type, the other value must have the same class and the common type is obviously also that class.
That means that if one of the operands is a TypesafeBool, then the other must be as well.
Now the problem you're really trying to solve has been solved before. The trick is not providing a class; instead use a typedef. See for instance safe bool.
class CCastableToBool
// ...
operator bool() const
return true;
return false;
// ...
but beware, in C++ it is considered really dangerous to have a class that can be casted to bool. You are warned :-)
you can read this there, SafeBool
You should explicitely call TypesafeBool::True() in all your ternary tests.
TypesafeBool result = ( 1 == 2 ? SomeFunction().True() : false );
I don't know about a seamless manner, the ternary operator has some restrictions on its use...
However, why don't you define two constants ?
TypesafeBool const True = TypesafeBool(true);
TypesafeBool const False = TypesafeBool(false);
And then:
TypesafeBool result = ( 1 == 2 ? SomeFunction() : False );
Of course, it's a bit unorthodox since I play on the capitalization to avoid reusing a reserved word :)
Is it a possibility to make the constructor of TypesafeBool explicit? Of course, now the usage has to be
TypesafeBool result( 1 == 2 ? b : false );
Could you use an assignment operator that takes in a bool as the external argument, as well as one that takes a TypesafeBool? It might be something to try out...
Nice try, but if your code base is large, you are probably better off using a static checker such as PC-Lint to look for implicit bool<->int conversions instead.

Using C++ lambda functions during variable initialisation

I think many of you have this kind of code somewhere:
int foo;
switch (bar) {
case SOMETHING: foo = 5; break;
case STHNELSE: foo = 10; break;
But this code has some drawbacks:
You can easily forget a "break"
The foo variable is not const while it should be
It's just not beautiful
So I started wondering if there was a way to "improve" this kind of code, and I got this little idea:
const int foo = [&]() -> int {
switch (bar) {
case SOMETHING: return 5;
case STHNELSE: return 10;
Note: the first pair of parentheses it not mandatory, but MSVC++ doesn't support this yet
You can use the same trick with if-else where the ternary operator would be too complicated, variables that require to be passed by pointers to be initialized (like for DirectX functions), etc.
My questions are:
Is there anything wrong with this code that I didn't see?
Do you find it better than the one above?
g++ seems to inline the function, but do you think that all compilers will do so?
EDIT: this is what I mean by "DirectX functions"
_xAudio2 = [&]() -> std::shared_ptr<IXAudio2> {
IXAudio2* ptr = nullptr;
if (FAILED(XAudio2Create(&ptr, xAudioFlags, XAUDIO2_DEFAULT_PROCESSOR)))
throw std::runtime_error("XAudio2Create failed");
return std::shared_ptr<IXAudio2>(ptr, [](IUnknown* ptr) { ptr->Release(); });
This is a fairly common technique in other languages. Almost every high-level feature of Scheme is defined in terms of lambdas that are immediately called.
In JavaScript it is the basis of the "module pattern", e.g.
var myModule = (function() {
// declare variables and functions (which will be "private")
return {
// populate this object literal with "public" functions
So an anonymous function is declared and immediately called, so that any internal details are hidden and only the return value is exposed externally.
The only downsides is that on a casual reading of the code, the return statements will appear to be returning from the outer function (there was intense controversy about this during the Java lambda wars). But this is just something you have to get used to once your language has lambdas.
There are many language features in an imperative language like C++ which would benefit from being able to return a value (rather than being like a void function). For example, if has an alternative, the tertiary operator expr ? a : b.
In Ruby pretty much all statements can be evaluated, so there is no need for a separate syntax where a return value can be supplied. If C++ worked that way, this would mean things like:
auto result = try
catch (const SomeException &)
I don't see any reason at all to use a switch case in such a case. Any decent compiler will generate just as fast code with if statements as with a switch case.
if(bar == SOMETHING)
foo = 5;
else if(bar == STHNELSE)
foo = 10;