I am seeing these 2 cookies on most all websites in my chrome browser.
Not in Safari and not in FireFox
Searching the web did not give me any information. Lots of websites list the cookies in their privacy Policy with different reasons for creating them.
I can not find the origin of the cookie creation or reason for it
wonder if it is some kind of hack or ?
Its js generated cookies from a Chrome addon ImTranslator.
Suppose I am using WinInet/WinHTTP for crawling a website. In the past I could simply ask a user to login to a website using either embedded IE control or the IE browser and WinInet would use the same cookies as the IE browser. Now that will not anymore as the Internet Explorer is getting old and removed very soon.
For whatever reason Edge browser does not wrap/use the Windows Internet settings / cookies storage... Does anyone have experience login through an embedded webview2 ... fetch cookes and transfer to WinInet? For purpose being here that you can use WinInet/WinHTTP to crawl the website in login'ed state.
Is it a feasible solution login through embedded WebView2 control and transfer all cookies to WinInet before issuing WinInet HTTP requests?
(I have added a Delphi specific tag (TEdgeBrowser) but I am intersted in hearing if the above described concept in general can be brought to work.)
We added a CoreWebView2.CookieManager to WebView2 so you should be able to enumerate all cookies in WebView2 and set them on to wininet or vice versa. WebView2 and Edge is based on chromium and has its own HTTP stack and state location so is not connected to wininet.
I am developing a static website and I will deploy it using a hosting service.
I am wondering whether the website will store cookies once deployed (perhaps set by the hosting service), and if and how I should ask users for permission since I have no backend but only frond-end html/css pages.
If there is only HTML and CSS then it stores no cookies. But if you have some javascript code in your website then you can use javascript to store cookies for remembering things. But for a simple HTML and CSS website cookies have no benefit to you and you can't access them.
I'd like to understand if there's any cookie downloaded in the Desktop/Mobile browser, while browsing the MobileFirst Platform's Mobile Site.
Is there any information written inside it ?
Thanks in advance.
Typically, yes, there will be a cookie called WL_PERSISTENT_COOKIE used for working with authentication realms - you can find out more here.
In general, it's not too hard in most browsers to see if a cookie is set by any particular site, including the MFP mobile web environment - for example, here are some instructions on how to do that in Chrome.
I'm facing an issue with CRM 2011 IFD and ADFS:
The problem is that every user is forced to login in CRM again after closing web browser.
Is there any way to make the session cookie persistent even if web browser is closed ?
As far as I'm aware there is not a way of doing this, I looked into it about a year ago, you can set the TokenLifeTime in the Web.config, however this is will only work during the browser session.
If you users are logging in via the domain connected computers they should sign in automatically, you should only be presented with this issue on computers that are external or not joined to the domain.
Sorry this doesn't answer your question, but may save you hours of looking for a solution that doesn't appear to exist.
Can anybody explain exactly how a web beacon works? I know they're generally used by advertising platforms but i can't really find a good explanation on how they're working.
I know that cookies aren't accessible cross-domain. A web beacon is an image that sends a request to the server, and the server adds a cookie to the response, right? So how can it be accessed on different domains?
When an HTML page is downloaded the browser parses the page and looks for additional resources needed to display the page, such as images. For each image it finds the browser makes another request to a server in the background. When servers receive requests, they usually log the request to monitor load on the server, and record information about who sent the request and where it came from. A web beacon is a tiny invisible graphic that generates a request to the tracking firm's server. They record the request in their logs and then analyze their logs to see who went where and did what and when.
When returning the image from their servers to the browser, they can also send down information to be added to a cookie. There are third-party cookies that can be tracked across domains. If you come back to the site, and the beacon request is made again, that cookie will also be sent up in the request to the server and the tracking firm will have more information about you.
Think about this. Even though you are visiting myfavoritesite.com the web beacon image is being requested from trackers.com. The cookie they create is assigned/locked to their domain, trackers.com. But if you then surf over to myotherfavoritesite.com, and they too are sending web beacons to trackers.com, the cookie will essentially be shared between the two sites. There are more considerations here, but that is the basic premise.
Bug bug (also known as Web beacon) is very important tools commonly used by online advertiser as marketing or advertisement analysis tool for tracking and monitoring the activity of users on a website or marketing content i.e: blog or email. An expert advertiser inserts web bug in his content (usually on website and email) in order track how many people opened a particular content, on which application and country his content is being viewed. So, whenever advertisement display by third-party just know that you are being tracked for marketing analysis purpose.
Bug bug tools are provided freely or premium mostly by CRM service providers like Hubspot CRM, Freshsales CRM, Salesforce CRM, etc. However, a Web bug PHP code can also be used for this if tracking service by CRM provider is not available. Continue reading
And instead of going off and creating one using Php and Apache redirects, my vote is that you go to http://webbeak.com and create one, use it, and track it. No cost either.