How to get GLFW Window Id? - c++

I wish to render gstreamer video stream on glfw window. According to gstreamer overlay design if you give related winId it will render it. Like Qt example:
QWidget window;
window.resize(320, 240);;
WId xwinid = window.winId();
gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle (GST_VIDEO_OVERLAY (sink), xwinid);
But I couldn't find a winId with GLFW.
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(...);
It has a window structure type but that's all. Is there a way to get it's Id or should I follow another way for glfw ?

For GLFW 3, just take a look at the documentation, it should give you the answer, but this is not cross platform and maybe risky as the doc says:
By using the native access functions you assert that you know what you're doing and how to fix problems caused by using them. If you don't, you shouldn't be using them:
For Windows, if you want the Win32 Handle of the window:
2) include glfw3native.h
3) use HWND glfwGetWin32Window (GLFWwindow *window)
You can find equivalents for X11 and Cocoa as well...
For X11, if you want the Window object:
2) include glfw3native.h
3) use Window glfwGetX11Window (GLFWwindow *window)


How can I modify the sdl2 window frame?

I am using sdl2 in c++, and want to modify the window frame in my application. Can this be achieved and implemented?
I had a look here: How to change window style/theme in c++ - but I'm not sure how it can mix in.
#include "SDL.h"
SDL_Window *window;
void main()
I would like to build in a file menu and edit menu to the actual frame on the header and possibly change the color or make tabs in the frame as with google chrome.
One of SDL's main goals is to abstract window creation, so you don't have to deal with each OS's little tweaks. Said that, I don't think there is a portable, clean way to that using SDL.
What I would do is to go down the level of abstraction: Use WinAPI or MFC or one of Microsoft abstractions over the WinAPI to actually customize the window and then use DirectX or OpenGL to do all graphics. You can still use SDL for audio, input, etc. though.

How do you create a window in Linux with C++?

I was expecting a Linux API similar to the Windows API. All I see on Google is references to Qt and GTK. I really don't need anything more than a simple window to draw on with OpenGL, so these libraries appear bloated for my use. What do Qt and GTK use to create windows under Linux? Is there nothing more low-level?
The X window system generally does the drawing - you then use a toolkit such as Qt or GTK on top of raw Xlib to provide event loops, drag and drop, starting apps on mouseclicks and all the other 'desktop' stuff
It's fairly easy to work directly with Xlib and opengl or if you just want to learn opengl the glut provides the framework you need to display a window, handle mouse/keyboard events and so on.
For OpenGL, the easiest way to do it is by using GLUT or SDL. Here's an approximate example using GLUT:
#include <GL/glut.h>
int main (int argc, char **argv)
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutInitWindowSize(800, 600);
glutInitWindowPosition(100, 100);
glutCreateWindow("My new window");
/* ... */
You really want to avoid using Xlib directly as it's extremely tedious to use. Furthermore, GLUT and SDL make it easier to port your OpenGL application to different platforms.
Updated answer for 2019. Unix like systems normally uses the X window system. You can work with it directly using Xlib this is the low level API. But you likely need a more welcoming and cross-platform solution. You can use:
OpenGL Utility Toolkit - GLUT
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - SFML
Simple DirectMedia Layer - SDL
Graphics Library Framework - GLFW (my recommendation)
GLFW is written in C and has native support for Windows, macOS and many Unix-like systems using the X Window System, such as Linux and FreeBSD.
Once installed, create a window with :
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
. //Entry and glfwInit()
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(1000, 1000, "MyWindow", NULL, NULL);
Ax Martin said, X11 (or its fork XOrg these days) is the windowing system, but you can actually write X11 applications (i.e. clients) without using a toolkit, just using the X libraries. See here for documentation.
It is generally not the best idea to do so, as it is rather painful and will involve a lot of code for relatively simple applications to work as you expect them to.
I know this is an old post. But for people that have found this recently like me here is a useful diagram. It is just a matter of how far down do you want/need to go in abstraction; if you arent careful you'll end up trying to code in binary. XLib is a dependency for SFML and XLib has it's dependencies.
Diagram of GUI Layers
Assuming by simple window you mean the drawing should appear on the screen:
The Weston compositor uses EGLOutput/EGLDevice to display the composited Weston desktop or individual Wayland applications on a physical display device.
For drawing with other manufacturer's hardware studying GEM may give hints.

Use SDL inside Irrlicht

I know you can do the same in lrrlicht, but I want to use SDL code/ functions to draw text, images inside Irrlicht (to handle 2d) and use Irrlicht to do the hardcore 3D thing, how can you apply text or images from sdl to this Irrlicht Engine, can you show me simple code, so that I can understand?
In the SDL you can do such:
// I start by declare the SDL video Name
SDL_Surface *screen;
// set the video mode:
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 32, SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_FULLSCREEN); if (screen == NULL) { printf("Unable to set video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; }
// I can now display data, image, text on the screen by using the declared SDL video Name " screen "
SDL_BlitSurface(my_image, &src, screen, &dest);
If you are using / targeting Windows , and are a little familiar with the WinApi, you may be able to use SDL with Irrlicht by running both inside a Win32 Window, using a combination of the SDL Window ID Hack (also see this thread) and running Irrlicht in a Win32 Window. The only problems you may face is that running SDL in a Win32 Window is extremely difficult and unpredictable.
You may be also be able to achieve a similar result using GTK+ (for cross-platform purposes), but I have personally never succeeded in running SDL or Irrlicht in a GTK+ Window.
Also, if you want a light graphics and media library like SDL , may I suggest SFML. It can run in Win32 and X/11 windows without any problems and may easily work with Irrlicht.

When using SDL_SetVideoMode, is there a way to get the internal SDL_Window pointer or ID?

If you create a window by using SDL_SetVideoMode(), you are returned a surface, not a window handle. Is there a way to get the SDL_Window handle? I know there is a SDL_GetWindowFromID function, but I'm also not sure how to get the ID, other than the SDL_GetWindowID function, which would require me to already have the window handle.
Any suggestions? Note that it is very important that I maintain cross platform portability, so I prefer to stick with built in SDL functionality if at all possible.
If it helps any, I'm trying to get and set the window position and window size, and those functions require a window handle.
EDIT: I should mention also that I am changing video modes at the user's request, so I cannot just use the default ID of 1, since this ID changes every time I call SDL_SetVideoMode().
I had the same problem with SDL-1.2.15 for windows ,but the problem solved by GetActiveWindow.
You can get SDL window handle like this :
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, 0, flags);
HWND hnd= GetActiveWindow();
See this :
GetActiveWindow function
I had this exact problem - old SDL 1.2 only uses one window, so it keeps the handle to itself. Here's the method I found from reading the source code:
Include SDL_syswm.h then get the window handle using SDL_GetWMInfo
e.g. my code for getting the handle in Windows:
SDL_SysWMinfo wmInfo;
HWND window = wmInfo.window;
SDL_SetVideoMode returns a surface based on the video frame buffer, not on a window (just like SDL_GetVideoSurface). You seem to assume that all surfaces correspond to windows, but that is not the case.

OpenGL in my HWND

Right now, I'm trying to port a Direct3D renderer from my engine. I'm and OpenGL begginer so i dont have much knowlegde about OpenGL, as now i can create windows and do my render via glut, but i can't use glut for my project, because the HWND is created in my code and then sent to the renderer DLL
// Where pWindow is already a valid HWND target of the renderer
//(Currently Direct3D9 and Direct3D10
pRenderer = pCreateGraphics(800, 600, false, pWindow);
My question is: Is there library similar to GLUT that has a similar behaviour as GLUT, but allowing my to use my own window handle?
Note: I prefer using a lib instead of reinventing the wheel, but i will do if there is not a library that can help me
Well you can have a look at GLFW's source code or NeHe tutorials and grab the OpenGL init code.
SDL lets you get the window handle.
I don't know if the used pixel format can be assumed to be DirectX compatible though.