AWS Glue: Access denied for accessing table with S3 source data - amazon-web-services

I have manually created a Glue table with S3 bucker as the source.
The S3 bucket has a bucket policy defined to allow access only from
my user_id
or a role defined for Glue
Now when a different user who has AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess tries to access the table from Glue console he gets access denied although Glue has service access to the S3 bucket.
Request help in understanding this behavior.

Can you please look into the policy details of role "AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess"? Most probably its expecting the S3 bucket will have certain prefix e.g. "aws-glue-*". In that case either update your policy or rename your bucket to have aws-glue- prefix.
"Resource": [


is it possible to copy s3 bucket content from one bucket to another account s3 bucket without using bucket policy?

I want to copy the S3 bucket object to a different account, but the requirement can't use the Bucket policy,
then is it possible to copy content from one bucket to another without using the bucket policy?
You cannot use native S3 object replication between different accounts without using a bucket policy. As stated in the permissions documentation:
When the source and destination buckets aren't owned by the same accounts, the owner of the destination bucket must also add a bucket policy to grant the owner of the source bucket permissions to perform replication actions
You could write a custom application that uses IAM roles to replicate objects, but this will likely be quite involved as you'll need to track the state of the bucket and all of the objects written to it.
install AWS CLI,
run AWS configure set source bucket credentials as default and,

Unable to configure SageMaker execution Role with access to S3 bucket in another AWS account

Requirement: Create SakeMaker GroundTruth labeling job with input/output location pointing to S3 bucket in another AWS account
High Level Steps Followed: Lets say, Account_A: SageMaker GroundTruth labeling job and Account_B: S3 bucket
Create role AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole in Account_A with 3 policies attached:
Account_B_S3_AccessPolicy: Policy with necessary S3 permissions to access S3 bucket in Account_B
AssumeRolePolicy: Assume role policy for arn:aws:iam::Account_B:role/Cross-Account-S3-Access-Role
Create role Cross-Account-S3-Access-Role in Account_B with 1 policy and 1 trust relationship attached:
S3_AccessPolicy: Policy with necessary S3 permissions to access S3 bucket in the this Account_B
TrustRelationship: For principal arn:aws:iam::Account_A:role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole
Error: While trying to create SakeMaker GroundTruth labeling job with IAM role as AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole, it throws error AccessDenied: Access Denied - The S3 bucket 'Account_B_S3_bucket_name' you entered in Input dataset location cannot be reached. Either the bucket does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it. If the bucket does not exist, update Input dataset location with a new S3 URI. If the bucket exists, give the IAM entity you are using to create this labeling job permission to read and write to this S3 bucket, and try your request again.
In your high level step 2, the approach should change to using a Resource Policy on your S3 bucket that allows account A to write to it. Rather than expecting Account A to assume a role in Account B, which I don't believe Sagemeker will do. Therefore the general approach is to do the following:
Account A Sagemaker service is given has a iam policy with a that allows access to Account B bucket. (Basically what you've done).
Account B bucket is given a resource policy that allows Account A to access it.
The following article gives additional help on this topic: How can I provide cross-account access to objects that are in Amazon S3 buckets?
Reverted back to original approach where access to the SageMaker execution role was provided through direct S3 bucket policy.
While creating the GT job from console:
(i) Expects the user creating the job also to have access to the data in cross account S3 bucket; Updated bucket policy to have access for both SageMaker execution role as well as user
(ii) Expects the manifest in own account's S3 bucket; Fails with 403 if manifest is in cross account S3 bucket even though SageMaker execution role had access to the cross account S3 bucket
While creating the GT job from CLI: Above restrictions doesn't apply and was able to create the GT job.

Accessing S3 Inventory from another AWS account

I've setup S3 inventory report for a bucket, the data being analyzed is in bucket/data while the inventory report is generated and stored into bucket/meta/inventory/.
Now I want to access it from another AWS account, I have created the IAM role policy for cross-account access and I can copy/get files via the SDK or the AWS CLI only from the bucket/data/ prefix. If I try to get files created for the S3 inventory report, like the manifest.json file or any csv file from the inventory report with path bucket/meta/inventory/.../data/report.csv, I get:
403 Access Denied
or via CLI
An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the GetObject operation: Access Denied.
It is strange as I have policy that allows s3:ListBucket and s3:GetObject for the whole bucket for that IAM role but it seems that the files created by the service, in this case all files from the inventory report are not accessible for that IAM Role.
Does someone has encountered this? Anyone can suggest a fix?
I have found the issue, it seems that you must provide "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control" StringEquals Condition in the bucket policy statement for the S3 inventory as stated here:
Otherwise the ACL on the files from the Inventory Report will block any access outside the account that owns the bucket where the inventory is saved.

Amazon Athena Cross Account Access

Can I create a database and table in Athena service within my account to access S3 data in another account?
I went over the below link and I assume as per this documentation both Amazon Athena and S3 bucket have to be in the same account and access is provided to the user in another account.
From Access Control Policies - Amazon Athena:
To run queries in Athena, you must have the appropriate permissions for:
The Athena actions.
The Amazon S3 locations where the underlying data is stored that you are going to query in Athena.
So, it seems that the IAM User who is executing the Athena query requires access to the Amazon S3 location.
This could be done by adding a Bucket Policy to the S3 bucket in the other account that permits the IAM User access to the bucket.
To explain better:
Account-A with IAM-User-A and AWS Athena
Account-B with Bucket-B that has a Bucket Policy granting access to IAM-User-A
This answer deals with the additional information that:
A Lambda function in Account-A must be able to create a table in Amazon Athena in Account-B
I haven't tested it, but I think you will require:
Role-A in Account-A for the Lambda function that:
Permits AssumeRole on Role-B
Role-B in Account-B that:
Permits access to Amazon Athena and the source bucket in Amazon S3
Trusts Role-A
The Lambda function will run with Role-A. It will then use credentials from Role-A to call AssumeRole on Role-B. This will return a new set of credentials that can be used to call Amazon Athena in Account-B.

Access denied when accessing Athena in SQLalchemy

Using pyathena and SQLalchemy, I connect to AWS Athena.
If I use keys of AWS admin, all is working fine, can query data.
If I use keys of an aws user that have AmazonAthenaFullAccess and AWSQuicksightAthenaAccess permissions, I get access deny.
I have permission to the output S3, and Athena access a public data set S3 bucket.
What permissions am I missing?
AmazonAthenaFullAccess policy provides access to S3 buckets such as: "arn:aws:s3:::aws-athena-query-results-" and "arn:aws:s3:::athena-examples".
You have 2 options:
Create a new policy and add content from AmazonAthenaFullAccess policy, but with different S3 resources.
Add AmazonS3FullAccess policy to your user, which grants permissions for all your S3 buckets