Using the CIDER debugger with Integrant - clojure

I'm using integrant in my application, and have code like such:
(defmethod ig/init-key :handler [_ {:keys [magic]}]
(fn [req]
(magic req)))
I've tried various ways to instrument the inner function for debugging with cider, but cannot seem to get it to work. Is there a way to do this?


Wrong number of args when working with multimethods and meta data

I have following code using multimethod and meta-data:
(defrecord Card [id name value])
(defmulti make-card (fn [m] (:source (meta m))))
(defmethod make-card :random [m] (map->Card m))
(def card-info (with-meta {:id 1} {:source :random}))
when I call:
(make-card card-info)
It just throws "ArityException Wrong number of args (1) passed to: core/eval1299/fn--1300 clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity ("
On the other hand, if I call:
((fn [m] (:source (meta m))) (with-meta {:id 1} {:source :random}))
It works.
Someone please tell me where I got it wrong?
Ok, because I need to close this question, hence I need to answer my own question (no other one did). Actually I think this is the problem of cider or something on Windows. I don't know if it's different on Linux or MacOS. I am using Windows and somehow the nRepl which connects to Emacs and Visual Studio code just mess up. If I try to run a separate repl, it works fine.

Why does lein run hang?

I have created a Leiningen project for Exercise 2 from here. My code looks like this:
(ns random-quotes.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(defn word-count [s]
(frequencies (str/split (first (str/split s #"\n")) #"\s")))
(def quote-url "")
(def total-word-count (atom {}))
(defn update-word-count []
(swap! total-word-count
(partial merge-with +)
(word-count (slurp quote-url)))))
(defn quote-word-count [n]
(doseq [quote-future (doall (repeatedly n update-word-count))]
(defn -main [n]
(doseq [entry (sort-by val (quote-word-count (bigdec n)))]
(println entry)))
All pretty straightforward. When I run, e.g., (-main 5) in lein repl, it runs, prints, and returns as expected. However, when I try lein run 5 instead, it runs and prints but never exits, so I am forced to use Ctrl+C to get my terminal back.
Any idea why this happens?
Clojure has a thread pool that it keeps running for use by the agents. Because those threads are still alive, the JVM can't tell that you're program is done. It's just sitting there waiting for the agents to exit. You can make them finish by calling (shutdown-agents) at the end of your program as described here. Futures use agents.
clojure.core/future-call calls an agent like this:
(let [f (binding-conveyor-fn f)
fut (.submit clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor ^Callable f)]
which actually starts your code running. You would not be the only one to voice some criticism of this, and we all hope a more elegant solution is found.

How to check whether Clojure code is being evaluated inside a REPL?

I would like to format my logs differently depending on whether my code is being run from a REPL or if I'm running the compiled jar.
Is there any simple way to do this? I was thinking maybe Leiningen leaves a trace somewhere when running the REPL.
(defn current-stack-trace []
(.getStackTrace (Thread/currentThread)))
(defn is-repl-stack-element [stack-element]
(and (= "clojure.main$repl" (.getClassName stack-element))
(= "doInvoke" (.getMethodName stack-element))))
(defn is-in-repl []
(some is-repl-stack-element (current-stack-trace)))
(defn my-log [msg]
(if (is-in-repl)
(prn (str "RUNNING IN REPL : " msg))
(prn msg)))

How to set a timeout on a Hystrix command in Clojure?

I'm learning about Hystrix and Clojure and don't understand how to (properly) set a timeout on a Hystrix command in Clojure.
I searched StackOverflow and the web more generally. I looked at Hystrix's Clojure wrapper source code ( There is a init-fn function parameter that looked promising, but the comments seem to suggest that this won't be a sustainable solution. But would this be a simple start?
I have a ridiculously simple Hystrix command running in Clojure and would appreciate help in extending this to set, say, a 200ms timeout:
(ns hystrix-timeout.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:require [ :as hystrix])
(defn my-primary [a]
(if (= a true) (throw (Exception. "Primary failed")) (str "primary: " a)))
(defn my-fallback [a]
(str "fallback: " a))
(hystrix/defcommand my-command
{:hystrix/fallback-fn my-fallback}
(my-primary a))
(defn -main
"Executes a simple Hystrix command. Will use a timeout when I know how to do this in Clojure."
[& args]
(println (my-command false))
(println (my-command true))
(System/exit 0) ; Exit explicitly as Hystrix threads are still running.
I've put my lein project up at in case this makes answering easier.
Thanks a lot,
The simplest route is to just use System properties. You can set either a global default:
(System/setProperty "hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds" "200")
or a command specific value:
(System/setProperty "" "200")
You can perform this in your -main method. If you are running a real web-app sans -main, you can add a ring init in project.clj :ring {:handler your-handler :init your-config-method} your-config-method will be invoked on startup.

Aspect-Oriented Programming in Clojure

How to achieve Aspect-Oriented Programming in Clojure? Do we need AOP in Clojure?
Let's say we want plain vanilla Clojure solution (no AspectJ).
Aspect-Oriented Programming is typically used to add cross-cutting functionality to code that would otherwise get hopelessly intertwined with business logic. A great example is logging - you don't really want logging code scattered everywhere in your code base.
You don't really need AOP in Clojure because it's easy to achieve this with other techniques in Clojure.
For example, you can use higher-order functions to "wrap" other functions with cross cutting functionality:
; a simple function - the "business logic"
(defn my-calculation [a b]
(+ a b))
; higher order function that adds logging to any other function
(defn wrap-with-logging [func]
(fn [& args]
(let [result (apply func args)]
(println "Log result: " result)
; create a wrapped version of the original function with logging added
(def my-logged-calculation (wrap-with-logging my-calculation))
(my-logged-calculation 7 9)
=> Log result: 16
=> 16
AOP IMHO is just an artifact of certain kinds of static programming languages. AFAIKS it's usually just a bunch of non-standard compiler extensions. I've not yet seen any application of AOP that can't be solved better & natively in more dynamic languages. Clojure is certainly dynamic enough, and that's without even considering macros.
I may be wrong, but if so, I'd need to see an actual AOP use case that can't be implemented just as well in pure clojure.
Edit: just to be clear: I refuse to see things like elisp's advice as aspect oriented. In dynamic languages, those are just techniques to be used whenever you need them, with no need for language support other than rebinding of function definitions - which all lisps support anyway.
There's no need to treat them as special - you can easily define your own defadvice-like function in clojure. See for example, compojure's wrap! macro, which is actually deprecated since you generally don't even need it.
Aspect oriented programming is a great way to achieve seperation of concernes in Java. Clojure's composable abstractions achieve this very well. See this question also. The topic is covered really well in The Joy Of Clojure.
as for an example of Aspect Oriented Clojure by another name check out the Ring web framework
Well you could be more AOP w/ Clojure easily. Just use metadata in functions to informe when you want logs:
(defn ^:log my-calculation
[a b]
(+ a b))
Then you can redefine all functions, wrapping them w/ logging automatically. Part of this code (together w/ unwrap functions bellow):
(defn logfn
[f topic severity error-severity]
(fn [& args]
(if severity
(let [r (apply f args)]
(log* topic {:args args, :ret r} severity)
(apply f args))
(catch Exception e
(if error-severity
(let [data {:args args, :error (treat-error e), :severity error-severity}]
(log* topic data error-severity)
(throw e))
(throw e))))))
(defn logfn-ns
"Wrap function calls for logging on call or on error.
By default, do nothing. When any :log or :log-error, enables logging. If ^:log,
only log on error (default severity error).
Can customize log severity w/ e.g. ^{:log info} or on error log severity likewise."
[ns alias]
(doseq [s (keys (ns-interns ns))
:let [v (ns-resolve ns s)
f #v
log (-> v meta :log)
log-error (-> v meta :log-error)]
:when (and (ifn? f)
(-> v meta :macro not)
(-> v meta :logged not) ;; make it idempotent
(or log log-error))]
(let [log (if (= log true) nil log)
log-error (or log-error "error")
f-with-log (logfn f
(str alias "/" s)
(alter-meta! (intern ns s f-with-log)
(fn [x]
(-> x
(assoc :logged true)
(assoc :unlogged #v)))))))
(defn unlogfn-ns
"Reverts logfn-ns."
(doseq [s (keys (ns-interns ns))
:let [v (ns-resolve ns s)]
:when (-> v meta :logged)]
(let [f-without-log (-> v meta :unlogged)]
(alter-meta! (intern ns s f-without-log)
(fn [x]
(-> x
(dissoc :logged)
(dissoc :unlogged)))))))
You just call (log/logfn-ns 'my.namespace "some alias") and all is wrapped w/ logging (and some).
PS: My custom logger above have a topic which is "some alias/function name"
PS2: Also wrapped w/ try/catch.
PS3: Didn't like this so much. Reverted to have explicit logging.