graph api to get list of video uploaded on facebook via share dialogue - facebook-graph-api

I need a list of videos uploaded via share dialogue by the user using my app. I can't see any app-specific data added to the video in graph API, however, uploaded videos on Facebook does have the tag of my app when they get added to the feed. I want to track videos uploaded by the user using my app's share dialogue. Can anyone point me in the right direction to achieve this?

This is not a supported feature by the Facebook API. So there is no way to get this done without help from the Facebook team.


Google Photos API - Can I access existing enrichments?

I'm using the Google Photos Java API to create a small program to access the contents of a pre-existing album. I have been able to get code up and running that can report the album's name, and the media items it contains and so on, but not the text added between photos. I understand that the API considers these texts a form of enrichment and I can see there are functions for adding such enrichments to an album, but is there any way to list the enrichments already in an album? Or otherwise access the text a user has previous added between photos via the platform's desktop browser interface?
Unfortunately the Google Photos Library API does not provide a way to access existing album enrichments when accessing the contents of an album.
This has been filed as a feature request on the issue tracker for the API. You can 'star' it to draw attention to it and be notified of any updates:

Birds eye view of how to place video's into Facebook timelines

We're trying to have users share 'articles' on a simple website into their timelines. Each article is associated with a video and we would like to use that video in the representation of the article in a users timeline. Now, I've read that linking to an mp4 via open graph meta tags isn't possible anymore. So I presume I should be using the graph api.
Could someone confirm that this is true?
And if so can you give a quick run down of the necessary steps achieve this?

Search for Facebook Live Videos via Graph API

Is it possible to search for Facebook Live Videos through the Graph API?
The Facebook Live Video API is all about publishing video, which is not what I want. I have looked through the search API and there does not seem to be any obvious way to search for videos through it.
What I would really like to do is find a list of live videos in a given area.
Unfortunately, no. Not at this time.
You can get videos for individual users if they authorize your app, but that's it.
I have successfully used the Graph API via javascript SDK to view my live_videos using a user token with scope: email, public_profile provided they were created with a privacy setting to PUBLIC (using FMLE). If I create a stream with Wirecast, it starts as ONLY_ME and is not accessible via the API. HTH

Can a posting from a facebook app to a users timeline contain images?

I am using facebook-cordova -> "Simple Facebook" -> Facebook SDK -> Graph API from an android app and an IOS app.
The functions I use in facebook-cordova to do the actual postings are named .feed() and .share(). They seems to be interchangeable on android i.e. result in the same graph api call in the other end.
What I need is to add images to a posting, preferrably by url.
(I have already managed to do postings without images, using app key and access token etc),
When glancing the facebook SDK for android, it seems there is no obvious way to add images to a status message.
On the other hand, it is possible, right?
The usual way to do this is to post a photo:
Of course the same rules apply to the message parameter, no prefilling is allowed, the value must be 100% user generated.
How to do this with Cordova should be explained here: Phonegap/Cordova Upload photo to graph.facebook - requires upload file
Remember that every photo in your profile is in an album:
Afaik you can upload photos to every album except for the profile pictures.

Share large photo from FB album

I'm creating a web app where I'd like to 1) upload a photo to an app-specific album on Facebook and then 2) share that photo as a LARGE item/image (not a thumbnail) on the users' Timeline. I know this is doable via User Generated Photo optional parameter but is there any other way to accomplish this for a web app?
There is nothing stopping web apps from publishing Open Graph actions with User Generated Photos. It's a simple process:
Setup Facebook auth on your site, your simplest option being to use the Javascript SDK with getLoginStatus. Make sure to request publish_actions permission from users.
Create an Open Graph action and your OG object types
When the user takes the appropriate action, make an API call of the following form (signed with the user access token and POST'd):
Step 1 is the hardest part and you'd have to do that anyway if you weren't going down the Open Graph actions route.
As an example, Instagram use took as their action and a photo as their object. Their objects URLs are simply the individual photo pages on the Instagram website. So their API POST call would look like this:
As mentioned in the User Generated Photos documentation this will show up as a large, full-width photo on the users Timeline and feed.
The simplest way to perform all these API calls from a web app is to use the Javascript SDK and the FB.api function. You won't need to use any server-side code at all in that case!
Just fill this code on your photo caption
"took a ##[0:[124024574287414:1:photo]] with #[124024574287414:0]"
(without double quote symbol)
It clickable to instagram website, It's my own custom code, I made it for a week :(