OpenCV Video Recording Timing Errors - c++

In an application recording sensor data I record video with OpenCV2 to have a video as a reference to the sensor data. Now dropping frames here and there is not a problem, but the loss seems to get worse the longer the measurement is. After filming a stop watch for 45 minutes the video was only about 33 minutes long(but obviously showed the 45 minutes from the watch on the screen).
What are good ways to use the recorded footage in a syncronized way? I could for example for every frame I add to the video a timestamp into a vector or I could do a timestamp each minute and spread the video out if need be. Are there any known methods to do this or do I have implement this myself? Is there any better way to achieve this?


how to programmatically modify the FPS of a video

I'm using OpenCV's cv::VideoCapture class to read frames from videos.
My guess is I could drop every 2nd frame to go from 30 FPS to 15 FPS, or I could drop every 3rd frame to go from 30 FPS to 20 FPS, etc.
...but I suspect this is not the right way to do it. Isn't there some sort of interpolation or re-interpretation of frames that needs to happen to smoothly modify the FPS?
Assuming there is, what would this be called so I can search for it? I believe projects like VLC can re-encode videos to use a different FPS, but I'm more curious to know about how to programmatically do this work in C++ with OpenCV.

Directshow returns wrong Frame rate FPS

I want to have the frame rate of a media file using DirectShow.
Currently, I use the following methods which seem inaccurate in some cases:
I add a SourceFilter to my graph, enum its pins, then call a pPin->ConnectionMediaType(&compressedMediaFormat) and extract AvgTimePerFrame out from it. As far as I understand it is the average time per frame expressed in 100 nanoseconds. So, I just divide 10,000,000 / AvgTimePerFrame to get the average FPS of the file.
For those media files which have almost the same frame time for all frames, I get a correct FPS. But for those, which have different frame times for different frames this method returns very inaccurate results.
A correct way to get that would be to get the duration and frame count of the file and calculate the average FPS out of it (frameCount / duration). This is a costly operation however as I understand because calculating the exact number of frames requires passing through the whole file.
I wonder if there is a way to get that frame rate information more accurately?
The media files don't have to be of fixed frame rate, in general - there might be variable frame rate. The metadata of the file still has some frame rate related information which, in this case, might be inaccurate. When you start accessing the file, you have the quickly available metadata information about the frame rate. Indeed, to get the full picture you are supposed to read all frames and process their time stamps.
Even though in many it is technically possible to quickly read just time stamps of frames without reading the actual data, DirectShow demultiplexers/parsers have no method defined to obtain the information, so you would have to read and count the frames to get the accurate information.
You don't need to decompress video for that though, and you can also remove clock from the filter graph when doing this, so that counting frames does not require streaming data in real time (frames would be streamed at maximal rate in that case).

openh264 Repeating frame

I'm using the openh264 lib, in a c++ program, to convert a set of images into a h264 encoded mp4 file. These images represent updates to the screen during a session recording.
Lets say a set contains 2 images, one initial screen grab of the desktop and another one, 30 seconds later, when the clock changes.
Is there a way for the stream to represent a 30 seconds long video using only theses 2 images?
Right now, I'm brute forcing this by encoding multiple times the first frame to fill the gap. It there a more efficient and/or faster way of doing this.
Of course. Set a frame rate of 1/30 fps and you end up with 1 frame every 30 seconds. It doesn't even have to be in the H.264 stream - it can be done also when it gets muxed into an mp4 file afterwards for example.

Capturing an AVI video with DirectShow

I'm trying to capture an AVI video, using DirectShow AVIMux and FileWriter Filters.
When I connect SampleGrabber filter instead of the AVIMux, I can clearly see that the stream is 30 fps, however upon capturing the video, each frame is duplicated 4 time and I get a 120 frames instead of 30. The movie is 4 times slower than it should be and only the first frame in the set of 4 is a Key Frame.
I tried the same experiment with 8 fps and for each image I received, I had 15 frames in the video. And in case of 15 fps, I got each frame 8 times.
I tried both writing the code in C++ and testing it with Graph Edit Plus.
Is there any way I can control it? Maybe some restrictions on the AVIMux filter?
You don't specify your capture format which could have some bearing on the problem, but generally it sounds like the graph when writing to file has some bottleneck which prevents the stream from continuing to flow at 30fps. The camera is attempting to produce frames at 30fps, and it will do so as long as buffers are recycled for it to fill.
But here the buffers aren't available because the file writer is busy getting them onto the disk. The capture filter is starved and in this situation it increments the "dropped frame" counter which travels with each captured frame. AVIMux uses this count to insert an indicator into the AVI file which says in effect "a frame should have been available here to write to file, but isn't; at playback time repeat the last frame". So the file should have placeholders for 30 frames per second - some filled with actual frames, and some "dropped frames".
Also, you don't mention whether you're muxing in audio, which would be acting as a reference clock for the graph to maintain audio-video sync. When capture completes if also using an audio stream, AVIMux alters the framerate of the video stream to make the duration of the two streams equal. You can check whether AVIMux has altered the framerate of the video stream by dumping the AVI file header (or maybe right click on the file in explorer and look at the properties).
If I had to hazard a guess as to the root of the problem, I'd wager the capture driver has a bug in calculating the dropped frame count which is in turn messing up AVIMux. Does this happen with a different camera?

Playing video at frame rates that are not multiples of the refresh rate.

I'm working on an application to stream video to OpenGL textures. My first thought was to lock the rendering loop to 60hz, so to play a video at 30fps or 60fps I would update the texture on every other frame or every frame respectively. How do computers play videos at other frame rates when monitors are at 60hz, or for that matter if a monitor is at 75 hz how do they play 30fps video?
For most consumer devices, you get something like 3:2 pulldown, which basically copies the source video frames unevenly. Specifically, in a 24 Hz video being shown on a 60 Hz display, the frames are alternately doubled and tripled. For your use case (video in OpenGL textures), this is likely the best way to do it, as it avoids tearing.
If you have enough compute ability to run actual resampling algorithms, you can convert any frame rate to any other frame rate. Your choice of algorithm defines how smooth the conversion looks, and different algorithms will work best in different scenarios.
Too much smoothness may cause things like the 120 Hz "soap opera" effect
We have been trained by growing up watching movies at 24 FPS to expect movies to have a certain look and feel to them that is an artifact of that particular frame rate.
When these movies are [processed], the extra sharpness and clearness can make the movies look wrong to viewers, even though the video quality is actually closer to real.
This is commonly called the Soap Opera Effect, because some feel it makes these expensive movies look like cheap shot-on-video soap operas (because the videotape format historically used on soap operas worked at 30 FPS).
Essentially you're dealing with a resampling problem. Your original data was sampled at 30Hz or 60Hz, and you've to resample it to another sample rate. The very same algorithms apply. Most of the time you'll find articles about audio signal resampling. Just think each pixel's color channel to be a individual waveform you want to resample.