I have two datasets that I have appended together in Stata.
There is one variable, say Age in both data sets. I sorted the data so that the ages are in ascending order. I want to delete the observations in each dataset where the corresponding ages don't match.
Dataset 1:
Obs Age
1 7
2 8
3 10
4 5
Dataset 2:
Obs Age
1 10
2 5
3 9
4 7
Combined and sorted in ascending order:
Obs Age
1 5
2 5
3 7
4 7
5 8
6 9
7 10
8 10
So because the ages when sorted don't match up for observations 5 and 6, I want to delete them. Essentially I want a way to loop through pairs of adjacent numbers and compare their values so that I'm only left with pairs with the same ages.
Looping over observations is inefficient and in the vast majority of cases not necessary.
The following works for me:
input age
generate tag = age != age[_n+1] & age != age[_n-1]
| age tag |
1. | 5 0 |
2. | 5 0 |
3. | 7 0 |
4. | 7 0 |
5. | 8 1 |
6. | 9 1 |
7. | 10 0 |
8. | 10 0 |
After getting rid of the relevant observations you get the desired result:
keep if tag == 0
| age tag |
1. | 5 0 |
2. | 5 0 |
3. | 7 0 |
4. | 7 0 |
5. | 10 0 |
6. | 10 0 |
I have a panel dataset in Stata with several countries and each country containing groups. I would like to rank the groups by country, according to the variable var1.
The structure of my dataset is as follows (the rank column is what I would like to achieve). Note that var1 is indeed constant within groups (it is just the within group average of another variable).
1 | 1 | 1 | 50 | 3
1 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 3
1 | 1 | 3 | 50 | 3
1 | 2 | 1 | 90 | 1
1 | 2 | 2 | 90 | 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 90 | 1
1 | 3 | 1 | 60 | 2
1 | 3 | 2 | 60 | 2
1 | 3 | 3 | 60 | 2
2 | 4 | 1 | 15 | 2
2 | 4 | 2 | 15 | 2
2 | 4 | 3 | 15 | 2
2 | 5 | 1 | 10 | 3
2 | 5 | 2 | 10 | 3
2 | 5 | 3 | 10 | 3
2 | 6 | 1 | 80 | 1
2 | 6 | 2 | 80 | 1
2 | 6 | 3 | 80 | 1
Among the options I have tried is:
sort country groupId
by country (groupId): egen rank = rank(var1)
However, I cannot achieve the desired result.
Thanks for the data example. There are two problems with your code. One is that as you want to rank from highest to lowest, you need to negate the argument to rank(). The second is that given the repetitions, you need to rank on one time only and then copy those ranks to other times.
This works with your data example, here edited to be input code. (See also the Stata tag wiki for that principle.)
input country groupId time var1 rank
1 1 1 50 3
1 1 2 50 3
1 1 3 50 3
1 2 1 90 1
1 2 2 90 1
1 2 3 90 1
1 3 1 60 2
1 3 2 60 2
1 3 3 60 2
2 4 1 15 2
2 4 2 15 2
2 4 3 15 2
2 5 1 10 3
2 5 2 10 3
2 5 3 10 3
2 6 1 80 1
2 6 2 80 1
2 6 3 80 1
bysort country : egen wanted = rank(-var) if time == 1
bysort country groupId (time) : replace wanted = wanted[1]
assert rank == wanted
I have a dataset with only variable values:
input value new_var
1 1
3 3
5 5
30 1
40 3
50 5
11 1
12 3
13 5
How can I generate a new variable new_var containing a repeating sequence of the first three observations in value?
Many ways to do it: here are two:
input value new_var
1 1
3 3
5 5
30 1
40 3
50 5
11 1
12 3
13 5
egen index = seq(), to(3)
generate wanted = value[index]
generate direct = cond(mod(_n, 3) == 1, 1, cond(mod(_n, 3) == 2, 3, 5))
list, sep(3)
| value new_var index wanted direct |
1. | 1 1 1 1 1 |
2. | 3 3 2 3 3 |
3. | 5 5 3 5 5 |
4. | 30 1 1 1 1 |
5. | 40 3 2 3 3 |
6. | 50 5 3 5 5 |
7. | 11 1 1 1 1 |
8. | 12 3 2 3 3 |
9. | 13 5 3 5 5 |
I am using Stata 13 to stack several variables into one variable using
stack stand1-stand10, into(all)
However, I need to do it for each unique id which is pasted parallel to all, something like:
bysort familyid: stack stand1-stand10,into(all) keep familyid
We can use a simpler analogue of your data example.
set obs 3
gen familyid = _n
forval j = 1/3 {
gen stand`j' = _n * `j'
| familyid stand1 stand2 stand3 |
1. | 1 1 2 3 |
2. | 2 2 4 6 |
3. | 3 3 6 9 |
save original
To stack with an identifier, just repeat the identifier variable name. For more than a few variables, it's easiest to prepare a call using a loop.
forval j = 1/3 {
local call `call' familyid stand`j'
di "`call'"
familyid stand1 familyid stand2 familyid stand3
stack `call', into(familyid stand)
sort familyid _stack
list, sepby(familyid)
| _stack familyid stand |
1. | 1 1 1 |
2. | 2 1 2 |
3. | 3 1 3 |
4. | 1 2 2 |
5. | 2 2 4 |
6. | 3 2 6 |
7. | 1 3 3 |
8. | 2 3 6 |
9. | 3 3 9 |
That said, it's easier to use reshape long.
use original, clear
reshape long stand, i(familyid) j(which)
list, sepby(familyid)
| familyid which stand |
1. | 1 1 1 |
2. | 1 2 2 |
3. | 1 3 3 |
4. | 2 1 2 |
5. | 2 2 4 |
6. | 2 3 6 |
7. | 3 1 3 |
8. | 3 2 6 |
9. | 3 3 9 |
I am trying to generate a variable that is filled using a sequence of values starting at time==1.
The sequence changes everytime the variable rest1w changes from 0 to 1 or vice versa.
Firstly, I think I need to generate x, that is where the sequence restarts (see below example dataset). In my example, this is uniform, but in my full dataset the change varies (i.e. it does not change at every 5th observation).
list time restload trainload rest1w x in 1/15
| time restload trainload rest1w x |
1. | 1 .1994715 .4780615 0 1 |
2. | 2 .2077734 .471063 0 2 |
3. | 3 .2157595 .4641159 0 3 |
4. | 4 .2234298 .4572202 0 4 |
5. | 5 .2307843 .4503757 0 5 |
6. | 6 .2378229 .4435827 1 1 |
7. | 7 .2445457 .436841 1 2 |
8. | 8 .2509527 .4301506 1 3 |
9. | 9 .2570438 .4235116 1 4 |
10. | 10 .2628191 .4169239 1 5 |
11. | 11 .2682785 .4103876 0 1 |
12. | 12 .2734221 .4039026 0 2 |
13. | 13 .2782499 .397469 0 3 |
14. | 14 .2827618 .3910867 0 4 |
15. | 15 .2869579 .3847558 0 5 |
Secondly, I need to generate a variable load. Which as per below shows how I would like to restart from time==1 everytime the sequence restarts. That is, at the second sequence where rest1w==0, load!=trainload.
The rule is that for each new sequence of 0's the value for load again goes back to the start of time (where time==1). This is demonstrated by the load values in the second sequence of 0's being exactly the same as the first sequence. In other words, where time==1, trainload==.478 then load==.478; BUT where time==11, then load==.478 (the clock essentially restarts for load so time==1) and in sequence where time==15, load==.450 (the same load as for where time==5). This is why I wanted to generate x, as I think I could just use that as my new time variable.
| time restload trainload rest1w x load
1. | 1 .1994715 .4780615 0 1 .4780615
2. | 2 .2077734 .471063 0 2 .471063
3. | 3 .2157595 .4641159 0 3 .4641159
4. | 4 .2234298 .4572202 0 4 .4572202
5. | 5 .2307843 .4503757 0 5 .4503757
6. | 6 .2378229 .4435827 1 1 .1994715
7. | 7 .2445457 .436841 1 2 .2077734
8. | 8 .2509527 .4301506 1 3 .2157595
9. | 9 .2570438 .4235116 1 4 .2234298
10. | 10 .2628191 .4169239 1 5 .2307843
11. | 11 .2682785 .4103876 0 1 .4780615
12. | 12 .2734221 .4039026 0 2 .471063
13. | 13 .2782499 .397469 0 3 .4641159
14. | 14 .2827618 .3910867 0 4 .4572202
15. | 15 .2869579 .3847558 0 5 .4503757
The below code only gives me an entry for where _n==1:
gen load==.
replace load = restload[_n==1] if rest1w==1
And I like the use of levelsof but haven't been able to get it to work (although it might work once I have generated x, but when using time it doesn't restart the sequence obviously).
gen load=.
levelsof x, local(levels)
foreach l of local levels {
replace load=trainload if rest1w==0
replace load=restload if rest1w==1
Thanks for any help!
I ended up cross-posting this on statalist.org and got two workable answers.
These were:
gen newtime = 1 if rest1w[_n - 1] != rest1w
replace newtime = newtime[_n - 1] + 1 if newtime == .
gen newload = cond(rest1w == 0, trainload[newtime], restload[newtime])
gen newtime = 1
replace newtime = newtime[_n-1] + 1 if rest1w == rest1w[_n-1]
gen newload = .
replace newload = restload[newtime] if rest1w == 1
replace newload = trainload[newtime] if rest1w == 0
I'm new in SAS
and I have this example :
proc iml;
x={1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9};
print data;
1 2 1
2 3 1
3 5 1
4 4 1
5 8 2
6 6 2
7 4 2
8 2 2
9 2 2
How can I creat new data with only Z=1 and only Z=2 ?
Thank you.
You could use the loc function to subset your data matrix. The following is the description of the function, snipped from Indexing matrices in Introduction to SAS/IML.
the LOC function is often very useful for subsetting vectors and matrices. This function is used for locating elements which meet a given condition. The positions of the elements are returned in row-major order. For vectors, this is simply the position of the element. For matrices, some manipulation is often required in order to use the result of the LOC function as an index. The syntax of the function is:
Applied to your example:
proc iml;
x={1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9};
print data;
z1rows=loc(data[,3]= 1);
print z1;
z2rows=loc(data[,3]= 2);
print z2;
The result for print z1;
| z1 |
| 1 | 2 | 1 |
| 2 | 3 | 1 |
| 3 | 5 | 1 |
| 4 | 4 | 1 |
The result for print z2;
| z2 |
| 5 | 8 | 2 |
| 6 | 6 | 2 |
| 7 | 4 | 2 |
| 8 | 2 | 2 |
| 9 | 2 | 2 |