#include <type_traits>
template<typename T>
void f(const T&)
static_assert(std::is_array_v<T>); // ok
template<typename T>
void g(T&&)
static_assert(std::is_array_v<T>); // error
int main()
char arr[8];
f(arr); // ok
g(arr); // error
My compiler is clang 7.0 with -std=c++17.
Why doesn't universal reference apply for arrays?
First of all, these are officially called "forwarding references", not "universal references".
Your static_assert fails due to the fact that T is deduced as T& when passing an lvalue to a function taking a "forwarding reference" - this is one of the special rules of "forwarding references" that apply during template argument deduction.
You can fix your assert by stripping any reference out first:
live example on godbolt.org
std::remove_cvref_t is a bleeding edge C++20 feature - you might want to use std::remove_reference_t instead if your compiler doesn't support it.
The relevant rule here when the template argument deduction takes place is:
Deduction from a function call
4. If P is an rvalue reference to a cv-unqualified template parameter (so-called forwarding reference), and the corresponding function call argument is an lvalue, the type lvalue reference to A is used in place of A for deduction.
So in your case, arr is being deduced as reference to arr and thus the static_assert fails.
If I define a function which accepts an rvalue reference parameter:
template <typename T>
void fooT(T &&x) {}
I can call it, using GCC 4.5, with either a, ar, or arr:
int a, &ar = a, &&arr = 7;
fooT(a); fooT(ar); fooT(arr);
However, calling a similar, non-template function,
void fooInt(int &&x) {}
with any of those three arguments will fail. I was preparing to strengthen my knowledge of forward, but this has knocked me off course. Perhaps it's GCC 4.5; I was surprised to find that the first example from A Brief Introduction to Rvalue References also gives a compile error:
A a;
A&& a_ref2 = a; // an rvalue reference
The behavior of deduction in template parameters is unique, and is the reason your template version works. I've explained exactly how this deduction works here, in the context of another question.
Summarized: when the argument is an lvalue, T is deduced to T&, and T& && collapses to T&. And with the parameter at T&, it is perfectly valid to supply an lvalue T to it. Otherwise, T remains T, and the parameter is T&&, which accepts rvalues arguments.
Contrarily, int&& is always int&& (no template deduction rules to coerce it to something else), and can only bind to rvalues.
In addition to GMan's correct answer A Brief Introduction to Rvalue References has an incorrect example because it was written prior to a language change which outlawed:
A a;
A&& a_ref2 = a; // an rvalue reference (DISALLOWED in C++11)
Despite this change in the language, the main uses cases described in the article (move and forward) are still explained correctly in the article.
Update: Oh, and the same article was originally published here with (imho) slightly better formatting.
The standard signature of std::forward is:
template<typename T>
constexpr T&& forward(std::remove_reference_t<T>&) noexcept;
template<typename T>
constexpr T&& forward(std::remove_reference_t<T>&&) noexcept;
Because the parameter type isn't T directly, we should specify the template argument when using std::forward:
template<typename... Args>
void foo(Args&&... args)
However sometimes the template argument is not as simple as Args. auto&& is a case:
auto&& vec = foo();
You can also imagine more complicated template argument types for std::forward. Anyway, intuitively std::forward should know what T is but it actually don't.
So my idea is to omit <Args> and <decltype(vec)> no matter how simple they are. Here is my implementation:
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T>
std::add_rvalue_reference_t<std::enable_if_t<!std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value, T>>
my_forward(T&& obj)
return std::move(obj);
template<typename T>
T& my_forward(T& obj)
return obj;
int main()
my_forward(1); // my_forward(int&&)
int i = 2;
my_forward(i); // my_forward(int&)
const int j = 3;
my_forward(j); // my_forward(const int&)
When obj is rvalue reference, for example int&&, the first overload is selected because T is int, whose is_lvalue_reference is false;
When obj is lvalue reference, for example const int&, the second overload is selected because T is const int& and the first is SFINAE-ed out.
If my implementation is feasible, why is std::forward still requiring <T>? (So mine must be infeasible.)
If not, what's wrong? And still the question, is it possible to omit template parameter in std::forward?
The problematic case is when you pass something of rvalue reference type but which does not belong to an rvalue value category:
int && ir{::std::move(i)};
my_forward(ir); // my_forward(int&)
Passing type to std::forward will ensure that arguments of rvalue reference types will be moved further as rvalues.
The answer by user7860670 gives you an example for the case where this breaks down. Here is the reason why the explicit template parameter is always needed there.
By looking at the value of the forwarding reference you can no longer reliably determine through overload resolution whether it is safe to move from. When passing an lvalue reference parameter as an argument to a nested function call it will be treated as an lvalue. In particular, it will not bind as an rvalue argument, that would require an explicit std::move again. This curious asymmetry is what breaks implicit forwarding.
The only way to decide whether the argument should be moved onwards is by inspecting its original type. But the called function cannot do so implicitly, which is why we must pass the deduced type explicitly as a template parameter. Only by inspecting that type directly can we determine whether we do or do not want to move for that argument.
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class test
test(T&& t)
template <typename T>
void succeed(T&& t)
int main()
int i = 1;
test<int> t(i); // failed to compile
succeed(i); // OK
return 0;
Error from GCC 5.2:
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:20:18: error: cannot bind 'int' lvalue to 'int&&'
test t(i);
main.cpp:7:5: note: initializing argument 1 of 'test::test(T&&) [with T = int]'
test(T&& t)
Could someone explain why the class template cannot compile but function template is OK?
In succeed, T&& t is a forwarding reference, not an rvalue reference. But in test, it is an rvalue reference.
A forwarding reference happens only when the parameter is T&&, and T is a template parameter of that function. In your code T is a template parameter of the enclosing class, so it doesn't count as a forwarding reference.
A forwarding reference may bind to both lvalues and rvalues.
During the drafting of C++11 it was suggested to use different syntax for forwarding references than rvalue references (instead of using T&& t for both); however the committee eventually settled on the current behaviour.
For a more detailed description of template parameter deduction, including a more precise specification of when T&& becomes a forwarding reference, see here -- search for the term "forwarding reference" to find the special rules for forwarding references.
Your confusion is probably rooted in your assumption that in both cases T is int. This is why you presume that these two cases as similar. In reality they are not.
In the class version you are manually specifying what T is. You explicitly tell the compiler that T is int. Constructor parameter type T && in this case becomes int &&, which cannot bind to a regular lvalue. Hence the error.
In the function version you don't tell the compiler what T is, but instead you expect the compiler to deduce it. In situations like yours the language is deliberately designed to deduce T as int & (note: not as int, but rather as int &). Once T is deduced as int &, the so called "reference collapsing" rules lead to function parameter type T && becoming int & - an ordinary lvalue reference. This parameter can successfully bind to lvalue argument i.
That explains the difference you observe.
For the sake of experiment, in the latter case you can suppress template argument deduction and specify the template argument explicitly
That will forcefully specify T as int and lead to the very same error as in the class version for the very same reason.
Similarly, you can "simulate" function's behavior for your class by specifying the template argument as int &
test<int &> t(i);
The same "reference collapsing" rules will make your constructor invocation to compile successfully.
I know that this can be used to perform perfect forwarding:
template <typename A>
void foo(A&&) { /* */ }
This can be used to perform perfect forwarding on a certain type:
template <typename A, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::decay_t<A>, int>::value, int> = 0>
void foo(A&&) { /* */ }
But these are just templates for functions, which means, that these get expanded to some functions, which are then used for every special case in which it might be used. However do these get expanded to:
void foo(A&) and void foo(A&&)
void foo(A&) and void foo(A)
I always thought, it would be the first one, but then I noticed, that in that case, you wouldn't be able to use A const as an argument to the function, which certainly works.
However the second would be ambiguous, if you used a normal non-const lvalue. Does it call foo(A&) or foo(A)?
It's the first one. The second wouldn't make very much sense: there is no A such that A&& is a non-reference type.
If the argument is an lvalue of type cv T, then A is deduced as cv T&. If the argument is an rvalue of type cv T, then A is deduced as cv T and A&& is cv T&&. So when you pass in a const lvalue, the specialization generated is one that can accept a const argument.
They were called originally "Univeral References" by Scott Meyers, and now "Forwarding References".
As you can see, the references part has not changed. You pass in any kind of rvalue, you get a rvalue reference. You pass in any kind of lvalue, and you get a lvalue reference. Life is that simple.
If I define a function which accepts an rvalue reference parameter:
template <typename T>
void fooT(T &&x) {}
I can call it, using GCC 4.5, with either a, ar, or arr:
int a, &ar = a, &&arr = 7;
fooT(a); fooT(ar); fooT(arr);
However, calling a similar, non-template function,
void fooInt(int &&x) {}
with any of those three arguments will fail. I was preparing to strengthen my knowledge of forward, but this has knocked me off course. Perhaps it's GCC 4.5; I was surprised to find that the first example from A Brief Introduction to Rvalue References also gives a compile error:
A a;
A&& a_ref2 = a; // an rvalue reference
The behavior of deduction in template parameters is unique, and is the reason your template version works. I've explained exactly how this deduction works here, in the context of another question.
Summarized: when the argument is an lvalue, T is deduced to T&, and T& && collapses to T&. And with the parameter at T&, it is perfectly valid to supply an lvalue T to it. Otherwise, T remains T, and the parameter is T&&, which accepts rvalues arguments.
Contrarily, int&& is always int&& (no template deduction rules to coerce it to something else), and can only bind to rvalues.
In addition to GMan's correct answer A Brief Introduction to Rvalue References has an incorrect example because it was written prior to a language change which outlawed:
A a;
A&& a_ref2 = a; // an rvalue reference (DISALLOWED in C++11)
Despite this change in the language, the main uses cases described in the article (move and forward) are still explained correctly in the article.
Update: Oh, and the same article was originally published here with (imho) slightly better formatting.