C++ exit function from another function - c++

I have created a class for the serial link with a read function.
I use boost::asio::read for reading data from the serial link. But the read function waits infinite until a byte has been received.
I want to create a thread that stops the read function if the maximum wait time has passed (because there seems a malfunction in the system).
Is it possible to exit a function in C++ from another function? Or cancel the read function call from the other function?
std::string SerialLink::read(const int maxTime) {
std::string data;
std::vector < uint8_t > buf;
const int readSize = 1;
try {
//boost::asio::read waits until a byte has been received
boost::asio::read(port_, boost::asio::buffer(buf, readSize));
data = buf.front();
catch (const std::exception & e) {
std::cerr << "SerialLink ERROR: " << e.what() << "\n";
return -1;
return data();
void threadTime() {
//This function will keep track of the time and if maxTime has passed, the read function/function call must be cancelled and return -1 if possible

How about you do your reading in a thread (pthread_t thread_read;), then launch the timer in another thread (pthread_t thread_timer;).
After the desired periob, you cancel the reading thread (pthread_cancel(thread_read);)

If port_ is an ordinary file descriptor and you have POSIX available, you might first call select or poll on it (the latter a little easier to use), both provide a timeout facility.
Device and OS specific (you'd have to read documentation), ioctl even might allow you to fetch how much data is available...

Is it possible to exit a function F in C++ from another function G?
No, but you could consider in body of G (called from F) throwing some exception (and catching that exception in F, within the same thread)
Or cancel the read function call
This is operating system specific. On Linux, you might use non-blocking IO (and use poll(2) to detect when input is available, e.g. in your event loop). You could also use asynchronous IO. See aio_read(3) and aio_cancel(3).


Benefits of using std::stop_source and std::stop_token instead of std::atomic<bool> for deferred cancellation?

When I run several std::threads in parallell and need to cancel other threads in a deferred manner if one thread fails I use a std::atomic<bool> flag:
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
void threadFunction(unsigned int id, std::atomic<bool>& terminated) {
while (!terminated) {
int r = rand() % 100;
if (r == 0) {
std::cerr << "Thread " << id << ": an error occured.\n";
terminated = true; // without this line we have to wait for other thread to finish
int main()
std::atomic<bool> terminated = false;
std::thread t1(&threadFunction, 1, std::ref(terminated));
std::thread t2(&threadFunction, 2, std::ref(terminated));
std::cerr << "Both threads finished.\n";
int k;
std::cin >> k;
However now I am reading about std::stop_sourceand std::stop_token.
I find that I can achieve the same as above by passing both a std::stop_sourceby reference and std::stop_token by value to the thread function?
How would that be superior?
I understand that when using std::jthread the std::stop_token is very convenient if I want to stop threads from outside the threads.
I could then call std::jthread::request_stop() from the main program.
However in the case where I want to stop threads from a thread is it still better?
I managed to achieve the same thing as in my code using std::stop_source:
void threadFunction(std::stop_token stoken, unsigned int id, std::stop_source source) {
while (!stoken.stop_requested()) {
int r = rand() % 100;
if (r == 0) {
std::cerr << "Thread " << id << ": an error occured.\n";
source.request_stop(); // without this line we have to wait for other thread to finish
int main()
std::stop_source source;
std::stop_token stoken = source.get_token();
std::thread t1(&threadFunction, stoken, 1, source);
std::thread t2(&threadFunction, stoken, 2, source);
std::cerr << "Both threads finished.\n";
int k;
std::cin >> k;
Using std::jthread would have resulted in more compact code:
std::jthread t1(&threadFunction, 1, source);
std::jthread t2(&threadFunction, 2, source);
But that did not seem to work.
It didn't work because std::jthread has a special feature where, if the first parameter of a thread-function is a std::stop_token, it fills that token in by an internal stop_source object.
What you ought to do is only pass a stop_source (by value, not by reference), and extract the token from it within your thread function.
As for why this is better than a reference to an atomic, there are a myriad of reasons. The first being that stop_source is a lot safer than a bare reference to an object whose lifetime is not under the local control of the thread function. The second being that you don't have to do std::ref gymnastics to pass parameters. This can be a source of bugs since you might accidentally forget to do that in some place.
The standard stop_token mechanism has features beyond just requesting and responding to a stop. Since the response to a stop happens at an arbitrary time after issuing it, it may be necessary to execute some code when the stop is actually requested rather than when it is responded to. The stop_callback mechanism allows you to register a callback with a stop_token. This callback will be called in the thread of the stop_source::request_stop call (unless you register the callback after the stop was requested, in which case it's called right when you register it). This can be useful in limited cases, and it's not simple code to write yourself. Especially when all you have is an atomic<bool>.
And then there's simple readability. Passing a stop_source tells you exactly what is going on without having to even see the name of a parameter. Passing an atomic<bool> tells you very little from just the typename; you have to look at the parameter name or its usage in the function to know that it is for halting the thread.
Apart from being more expressive and communicating intentions better, stop_token and friends achieve something really important for jthread. To understand it you have to consider its destructor which looks something like this:
// Not only user code, but the destructor as well
// will let your callback know it's time to go.
by encapsulating a stop_source, jthread facilitates what is called cooperative cancellation. As you've also noted, you never have to pass the stop_token to a jthread, just provide a callback that accepts the token as its first parameter. What happens next is that the class can detect that your callback accepts a stop token and pass a token to its internal stop source when calling it.
What does this mean for cooperative cancellation? Safer termination of course! Since jthread will always attempt to join on destruction, it now has the means to prevent endless loops and deadlocks where two or more threads wait for each other to finish. By using stop_token your code can make sure that it can safely join when it's time to go.
However in the case where I want to stop threads from a thread is it still better?
Now regarding the feature you are requesting, that's what C# calls "linked cancellation". Yes, there are requests and discussions to add a parameter in the jthread constructor so that it can refer to an external stop source, but that's not yet available (and has many implications). Doing something similar purely with stop tokens would require a stop_callback to tie all cancellations together, but still it could be suboptimal (as shown in the link). The bottom line is that jthread needs stop_token, but in some cases you may not need jthread, especially if the following solution does not appeal to you:
stop_source ssource;
std::stop_callback cb {ssource.get_token(), [&] {
ssource.request_stop(); // This stops boths threads.
The good news is that if you don't fall into the suboptimal pattern described in the link (i.e. you don't need an asynchronous termination), then this functionality is easy to abstract into a utility, something like:
auto linked_cancellations = [](auto&... jthreads) {
stop_source s;
return std::make_pair(s, std::stop_callback{
s.get_token(), [&]{ (jthreads.request_stop(), ...); }});
which you'd use as
auto [stop_source, cb] = linked_cancellations(t1, t2);
// or as many thread objects as you want to link ^^^
stop_source.request_stop(); // Stops all the threads that you linked.
Now if you want to control the linked threads from within the thread, I'd use the initial pattern (std::atomic<bool>), since having a callback with both a stop token and a stop source is somewhat confusing.

Confusion about boost::asio::io_context::run

I am currently working on a project where I use the MQTT protocol for communication.
There is a Session class in a dedicated file which basically just sets up the publish handler, i.e. the callback that is invoked, when this client receives a message (the handler checks if the topic matches "ZEUXX/var", then deserialized the binary content of the frame and subsequently unsubscribes the topic):
class Session
comobj = MQTT_NS::make_sync_client(ioc, "localhost", "1883", MQTT_NS::protocol_version::v5);
using packet_id_t = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*comobj)>::packet_id_t;
// Setup client
/* If someone sends commands to this client */
comobj->set_v5_publish_handler( // use v5 handler
[&](MQTT_NS::optional<packet_id_t> /*packet_id*/,
MQTT_NS::publish_options pubopts,
MQTT_NS::buffer topic_name,
MQTT_NS::buffer contents,
MQTT_NS::v5::properties /*props*/) {
std::cout << "[client] publish received. "
<< " dup: " << pubopts.get_dup()
<< " qos: " << pubopts.get_qos()
<< " retain: " << pubopts.get_retain() << std::endl;
std::string_view topic = std::string_view(topic_name.data(), topic_name.size());
std::cout << " -> topic: " << topic << std::endl;
else if (topic.substr(0, 9) == "ZEUXX/var")
std::cout << "[client] reading variable name: " << topic.substr(10, topic.size() - 9) << std::endl;
auto result = 99; // dummy variable, normally an std::variant of float, int32_t uint8_t
// obtained by deserialzing the binary content of the frame
std::cout << comobj->unsubscribe(std::string{topic});
return true;
void readvar(const std::string &varname)
comobj->publish(serialnumber + "/read", varname, MQTT_NS::qos::at_most_once);
comobj->subscribe(serialnumber + "/var/" + varname, MQTT_NS::qos::at_most_once);
void couple()
void decouple()
std::cout << "[client] disconnected..." << std::endl;
MQTT_NS::sync_client<MQTT_NS::tcp_endpoint<as::ip::tcp::socket, as::io_context::strand>>>>
boost::asio::io_context ioc;
The client is based on a boost::asio::io_context object which happens to be the origin of my confusion. In my main file I have the following code.
#include "session.hpp"
int main()
Session session;
Essentially, this creates an instance of the class Session and the couple member invokes the boost::asio::io_context::run member. This runs the io_context object's event processing loop and blocks the main thread, i.e. the third line in the main function will never be reached.
I would like to initiate a connection (session.couple) and subsequently do my publish and subscribe commands (session.readvar). My question is: How do I do that correctly?
Conceptionally what I aim for is best expressed by the following python-code:
client.connect("localhost", 1883)
# client.loop_forever() that's what happens at the moment, the program
# doesn't continue from here
# The process loop get's started, however it does not block the program and
# one can send publish command subsequently.
while True:
client.publish("ZEUXX/read", "testread")
Running the io_context object in a separate thread seems not to be working the way I tried it, any suggestions on how to tackle this problem? What I tried is the following:
Adaption in session.hpp
// Adapt the couple function to run io_context in a separate thread
void couple()
std::thread t(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_context::run, &ioc));
Adpations in main.cpp
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Session session;
std::cout << "successfully started io context in separate thread" << std::endl;
The std::cout line is now reached, i.e. the program does not get stuck in the couple member of the class by io_context.run(). However directly after this line I get an error: "The network connection was aborted by the local system".
The interesting thing about this is that when I use t.join() instead of t.detach() then there is no error, however I have the same behavior with t.join() as when I call io_context.run() directly, namely blocking the program.
Given your comment to the existing answer:
io_context.run() never return because it never runs out of work (it is being kept alive from the MQTT server). As a result, the thread gets blocked as soon as I enter the run() method and I cannot send any publish and subscribe frames anymore. That was when I thought it would be clever to run the io_context in a separate thread to not block the main thread. However, when I detach this separate thread, the connection runs into an error, if I use join however, it works fine but the main thread gets blocked again.
I'll assume you know how to get this running successfully in a separate thread. The "problem" you're facing is that since io_context doesn't run out of work, calling thread::join will block as well, since it will wait for the thread to stop executing. The simplest solution is to call io_context::stop before the thread::join. From the official docs:
This function does not block, but instead simply signals the io_context to stop. All invocations of its run() or run_one() member functions should return as soon as possible. Subsequent calls to run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() will return immediately until restart() is called.
That is, calling io_context::stop will cause the io_context::run call to return ("as soon as possible") and thus make the related thread joinable.
You will also want to save the reference to the thread somewhere (possibly as an attribute of the Session class) and only call thread::join after you've done the rest of the work (e.g. called the Session::readvar) and not from within the Session::couple.
When io_context runs out of work, it returns from run().
If you don't post any work, run() will always immediately return. Any subsequent run() also immediately returns, even if new work was posted.
To re-use io_context after it completed, use io_context.reset(). In your case, better to
use a work guard (https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_73_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/executor_work_guard.html), see many of the library examples
don't even "run" the ioc in couple() if you already run it on a background thread
If you need synchronous behaviour, don't run it on a background thread.
Also keep in mind that you need to afford graceful shutdown which is strictly harder with a detached thread - after all, now you can't join() it to know when it exited.

Architecture decision: return std::future or provide a callback?

I am designing an API interface for Arinc429 devices. Various suppliers provide different features within devices, so I decided to have a set of common and expected methods that must be implemented for every entity.
In particular, I have a question regarding the output channel. It provides a method for a single output of a byte array, and the output itself is asynchronous after the method is called. One of the devices implements interrupts which can be caught via OS utilities (WaitForSingleObject in Windows).
So in this particular case I have an object which implements IArinc429Device, it:
implements method CaptureInterrupt that invokes a particular channel's callback when interrupt occurs;
holds a thread that runs CaptureInterrupt;
void ArincPCI429_3::CaptureInterrupt()
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(nullptr, TRUE, FALSE, "PCI429_3Interrupt");
// register event handle within device via DeviceIoControl
while (true)
DWORD waitRes = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
// get output channel index which has generated an interrupt
size_t channelIndex = ...;
// private implementation holds pointers to output channels
But another device does not implement interrupts, so I have to "busy-wait" (sleep for the calculated expected time, then loop sleeping for small periods of time to adjust possible inaccuracies).
An object that implements interface IArinc429ChannelOutput:
implements method SingleOutput, that initiates asynchronous output;
implements method WaitOutputFinished, that waits until channel is running, then modifies its state to stopped;
holds a thread that runs WaitOutputFinished;
void ArincECE206_1ChannelOutput::WaitOutputFinished(size_t words)
// calculate expected period of time to sleep, using amount of words to transfer and channel output speed
std::chrono::microseconds timeToSleep = ...;
// 99% is enough
// if channel is still running, wait for 1 more word.
timeToSleep = Arinc429Values::TimeToTransfer(
mode_ = Arinc429OutMode::stopped;
if (callbackOnFinishedOutput_)
Here is part of an API for output channel
struct ARINC429_API IArinc429ChannelOutput
// 0 based index
virtual size_t ChannelIndex() const = 0;
virtual Arinc429OutMode OutputMode() const = 0;
virtual Arinc429Freq Frequency() const = 0;
virtual size_t BufferSize() const = 0;
virtual void SetFinishOutputCallback(std::function<void()>&& fCallBack) = 0;
// elements exceeding BufferSize are ignored
// TODO: return future?
virtual bool SingleOutput(array_view<const uint32_t> wordArray) = 0;
virtual void StopOutput() = 0;
virtual ~IArinc429ChannelOutput() = default;
Given the asynchronous nature of output, I think it would be convenient to return std::future from SingleOutput. And I see no problem in doing so for the second type of an Arinc429 device, since separate channel objects own their own separate waiting threads.
I chose to add a callback on finished output from the beginning since interrupts are implemented for the first device. Also callbacks are convenient to emit Qt signals from.
But std::future is more handy for synchronization and can be used to wait for an output to finish. Though it is also manageable using callbacks and condition variables, I do not find that approach rather convenient.
What option to choose?
a. Define routine that registers and uses callbacks.
b. Define std::future as a return type for SingleOutput.
c. Define both. Is this reasonable or even possible? It implies calling std::promise<R>::set_value and than calling.
Another question is about implementation.
I don't see a clear and simple way to implement returning std::future in case of a device that implements interrupts, since there is a common interrupt event and capturing thread for all the channels.
How to provide futures for multiple output channel objects which all reside in different threads? See ArincPCI429_3::CaptureInterrupt()
I've asked this question before I got familiar with ASIO and Executors. They provide a Universal Asynchronous Model API. That is, a template function can be both synchronous and asynchronous depending on a completion token.
Basically, a function would look like
template <typename CompletionT>
auto do_stuff(CompletionT &&token);
Depending on the type of a token, there result can be returned via a simple callback:
do_stuff([](bool res){ return res;});
If an synchronous behavior is needed, a special tag can be passed instead:
auto boolFuture = do_stuff(use_future);
bool res = boolFuture.get();

Reading from one socket for several consumers asynchronously in one thread

I am implementing a connection multiplexer - class, which wraps a single connection in order to provide an ability to create so-called Stream-s over it. There can be dozens of such streams over one physical connection.
Messages sent over that connection are defined by a protocol and can be service ones (congestion control, etc), which are never seen by the clients, and data ones - they contain some data for the streams, for which one - defined in the header of the corresponding message.
I have encountered a problem when implementing a method read for a Stream. It must be blocking, but asynchronous, so that it returns some value - data read or error happened - but the request itself must be is some kind of async queue.
To implement asynchronous network IO we have used Boost's async_read-s, async_write-s, etc with a completion token, taken from another library. So, a call to MyConnection::underlying_connection::read(size_t) is asynchronous already in the terms I described before.
One solution I have implemented is function MyConnection::processFrame(), which is reading from the connection, processing message and, if it is a data message, puts the data into the corresponding stream's buffer. The function is to be called in a while loop by the stream's read. But, in that case there can be more than one simulteneous calls to async_read, which is UB. Also, this would mean that even service messages are to wait until some stream wants to read the data, which is not appropriate as well.
Another solution I came up is using future-s, but as I checked, their methods wait/get would block the whole thread (even with defered policy or paired promise), which must be avoided too.
Below is a simplified example with only methods, which are needed to understand the question. This is current implementation, which contains bugs.
struct LowLevelConnection {
/// completion token of 3-rd part library - ufibers
yield_t yield;
/// boost::asio socket
TcpSocket socket_;
/// completely async (in one thread) method
std::vector<uint8_t> read(size_t bytes) {
std::vector<uint8_t> res;
boost::asio::async_read(socket_, res, yield);
return res;
struct MyConnection {
/// header is always of that length
constexpr uint32_t kHeaderSize = 12;
/// underlying connection
LowLevelConnection connection_;
/// is running all the time the connection is up
void readLoop() {
while (connection_.isActive()) {
auto msg = connection_.read(kHeaderSize);
if (msg.type == SERVICE) { handleService(msg); return; }
// this is data message; read another part of it
auto data = connection_.read(msg.data_size);
// put the data into the stream's buffer
struct Stream {
Buffer buffer;
// also async blocking method
std::vector<uint8_t> read(uint32_t bytes) {
// in perfect scenario, this should look like this
async_wait([]() { return buffer.size() >= bytes; });
// return the subbuffer of 'bytes' size and remove them
return subbufer...
Thanks for future answers!

How can I make poll() exit immediately in C on Linux?

I'm using the function poll() (I think it might be part of POSIX?) C function in my C++ class in order to get an event when a file changes. This seems to work just fine - but now I also want to be able to cause the function to exit immediately when I need to close the thread.
I researched this and came up with a couple of ideas that I tried - like trying to send a signal, but I couldn't figure out how to get this to work.
In the code below (which isn't 100% complete, but should have enough to illustrate the problem), I have a C++ class that starts a thread from the constructor and wants to clean up that thread in the destructor. The thread calls poll() which returns when the file changes, and then it informs the delegate object. The monitoring thread loops until the FileMonitor object indicates it can quit (using a method that returns a bool).
In the destructor, what I would like to do is flip the bool, then do something that causes poll() to exit immediately, and then call *pthread_join()*. So, any ideas on how I can make poll() exit immediately?
This code is targeted towards Linux (specifically debian), but I'm also working on it on a Mac. Ideally it the poll() API should work basically the same.
void * manage_fm(void *arg)
FileMonitor * theFileMonitor = (FileMonitor*)arg;
FileMonitorDelegate * delegate;
unsigned char c;
int fd = open(theFileMonitor->filepath2monitor(), O_RDWR);
int count;
ioctl(fd, FIONREAD, &count);
for (int i=0;i<count;++i) {
read(fd, &c, 1);
struct pollfd poller;
poller.fd = fd;
poller.events = POLLPRI;
while (theFileMonitor->continue_managing_thread()) {
delegate = theFileMonitor->delegate;
if (poll(&poller, 1, -1) > 0) {
(void) read(fd, &c, 1);
if (delegate) {
FileMonitor::FileMonitor( )
pthread_mutex_init(&mon_mutex, NULL);
manage_thread = true;
pthread_mutex_lock (&mon_mutex);
pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, manage_fm, this);
manage_thread = false;
// I would like to do something here to force the "poll" function to return immediately.
pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);
bool FileMonitor::continue_managing_thread()
return manage_thread;
const char * FileMonitor::filepath2monitor()
return "/some/example/file";
Add a pipe to your file monitor class and switch your poll to take both your original file descriptor and the pipe's read descriptor to poll on. When you want to wake up your file monitor class for it to check for exit, send a byte through the pipe's write descriptor, that will wake up your thread.
If you have a large number of these file monitors, there's the possibility you could hit the maximum number of file descriptors for a process (See Check the open FD limit for a given process in Linux for details, on my system it's 1024 soft, 4096 hard). You could have multiple monitor classes share a single pipe if you don't mind them all waking up at once to check their exit indicator.
You should use a pthread condition variable inside (and just before) the poll-ing loop, and have the other thread calling pthread_cond_signal
You might consider the pipe(7) to self trick (e.g. have one thread write(2) a byte -perhaps just before pthread_cond_signal- to a pipe poll(2)-ed by another thread who would read(2) the same pipe). See also signal-safety(7) and calling Qt functions from Unix signal handlers. Both could inspire you.
With that pipe-to-self trick, assuming you do poll for reading that pipe, the poll will return. Of course some other thread would have done a write on the same pipe before.
See also Philippe Chaintreuil's answer, he suggests a similar idea.