AWS S3 Bucket upload all only zip files - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to upload all my zip files in folder to my s3 bucket using this command
aws s3 cp recursive s3://<bucket-name>/%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4% --
recursive --include="*.zip" --exclude="*" --exclude="*/*/*"
the exclude only works in files but not in directory so my all my directory with zip files inside still uploading. Is there a way to upload only the zip files and exclude all kinds of other files and directories without specifying the name of directory/files.
When there are multiple filters, the rule is the filters that appear later in the command take precedence over filters that appear earlier in the command.
Had a similar issue, turns out you need to put exclude="*" first.
aws s3 cp recursive s3://<bucket-name>/%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4% --
recursive --exclude="*" --exclude="*/*/*" --include="*.zip"
Should work


Downloading s3 bucket to local directory but files not copying?

There are many, many examples of how to download a directory of files from an s3 bucket to a local directory.
aws s3 cp s3://<bucket>/<directory> /<path>/<to>/<local>/ --recursive
However, I run this command from my AWS CLI that I've connected to and see confirmation in the terminal like:
download: s3://mybucket/myfolder/data1.json to /my/local/dir/data1.json
download: s3://mybucket/myfolder/data2.json to /my/local/dir/data2.json
download: s3://mybucket/myfolder/data3.json to /my/local/dir/data3.json
But then I check /my/local/dir for the files, and my directory is empty. I've tried using the sync command instead, I've tried copying just a single file - nothing seems to work right now. In the past I did successfully run this command and downloaded the files as expected.
Why are my files not being copied now, despite seeing no errors?
For testing you can go to your /my/local/dir folder and execute following command:
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket/myfolder .

AWS S3 CLI creating multiple directories when using mv command

I am trying to move S3 bucket files from one folder to an archive folder in the same S3 bucket and I am using mv command to do this. While moving I want to exclude the movement of files in the archive folder.
I am using the following command
aws s3 mv s3://mybucket/incoming/ s3://mybucket/incoming/archive/ --recursive --exclude incoming/archive/" --include "*.csv"
but this command is moving the files but also creating multiple hierarchical archive folder when running multiple times
1st run - files moved from /mybucket/incoming/ to
2nd run - new files moved from
/mybucket/incoming/ to /mybucket/incoming/archive/archive/
3rd run -
new files moved from /mybucket/incoming/ to
4th run - new files
moved from /mybucket/incoming/ to
Can someone suggest/advise what exactly I am doing wrong here?
aws s3 mv s3://bucket/incoming/ s3://bucket/incoming/archive/ --recursive --include "*.csv" --exclude "archive/*"
The order of include/exclude is important, and the references are relative to the path given.

Download list of specific files from AWS S3 using CLI

I am trying to download only specific files from AWS. I have the list of file URLs. Using the CLI I can only download all files in a bucket using the --recursive command, but I only want to download the files in my list. Any ideas on how to do that?
This is possibly a duplicate of:
Selective file download in AWS S3 CLI
You can do something along the lines of:
aws s3 cp s3://BUCKET/ folder --exclude "*" --include "2018-02-06*" --recursive
Since you have the s3 urls already in a file (say file.list), like -
You could download all the files to your current working directory with a simple bash script -
while read -r line;do aws s3 cp "$line" .;done < test.list
People, I found out a quicker way to do it:
WARNING: "Please make sure you don't have an empty line at the end of your text file".
It worked here! :-)

AWS S3 cp creates undefined files

While using the aws cli cp command to copy the files recursively, there is a bug which creates some undefined files.
aws s3 cp --recursive $HOME/$MYHOST-$MYTIMESTAMP/$MYHOST-$MYTIMESTAMP-*.xml s3://mybucket/$MYHOST-$MYTIMESTAMP/
The program works fine and uploads to the specified bucket. But it also creates some undefined files outside the bucket in the root folder. This happens all the time and I have to rm (delete) those annoying undefined files.
I presumed it to be a bug and then tried individually uploading the files rather than using wildcards, with the same results as the recursive, it still creates additional undefined files outside the bucket in the root folder again. And this happens only when I run a bunch of the same cp commands in a bash script. In this case the problem is intermittently showing up.
However while doing it only for a single file, it doesn't show up.
My Cli version -
aws-cli/1.14.34 Python/2.7.14+ Linux/4.4.104-39-default
Any help would be highly appreciated on this.
You have configured S3 access logging to write logs into this bucket. Presumably, these are the log files for this bucket.
Why the filenames begin with "undefined" is not clear -- something may have gone wrong when you set up logging for the bucket so that the log file prefix did not get saved -- but the filenames look like the names of the log files that S3 creates.
Best practice is to set up a separate bucket for collecting S3 access logs in each region.

AWS S3: How to delete all contents of a directory in a bucket but not the directory itself?

I have an AWS S3 bucket entitled
This bucket contains a directory called html
I want to use the AWS Command Line Interface to remove all contents of the html directory, but not the directory itself. How can I do it?
This command deletes the directory too:
aws s3 rm s3:// --recursive
I don't see the answer to this question in the manual entry for AWS S3 rm.
Old question, but I didn't see the answer here. If you have a use case to keep the 'folder' prefix, but delete all the files, you can use --exclude with an empty match string. I found the --exclude "." and --exclude ".." options do not prevent the folder from being deleted. Use this:
aws s3 rm s3:// --recursive --exclude ""
I just want to confirm how the folders were created...
If you created the "subA" folder manually and then deleted the suba1 folder, you should find that the the "subA" folder remains. When you create a folder manually, you are actually creating a folder "object" which is similar to any other file/object that you upload to S3.
However, if a file was uploaded directly to a location in S3 (when the "subA" and "suba1" folder don't exist yet) you'll find that the "subA" and "suba1" folders are created automatically. You can do this using something like the AWS CLI tool e.g:
aws s3 cp file1.txt s3://bucket/subA/suba1/file1.txt
If you now delete file1.txt, there will no longer be any objects within the "subA" folder and you'll find that the "subA" and "suba1" folders no longer exist.
If another file (file2.txt) was uploaded to the path "bucket/subA/file2.txt", and you deleted file1.txt (from the previous example) you'll find that the "subA" folder remains and the "suba1" folder disappears.
aws s3 rm s3:// --recursive --exclude ""
this command worked for me to delete all the files but not the folder.