Dialogflow caches webhook request session - django

I am using Dialogflow V1 with Django as the webhook target. The trouble I am having is that one of the Dialogflow servers somehow caches the cookie/sessionid and sends to the webhook every time, which is wrong.
In one of the webhook calls, my server creates a new user and logs in the user which in turn writes sessionid to the request cookie. Somehow the session/cookie will be cached by that particular DialogFlow server, and that server always sends the same sessionid/cookie to the webhook. With the sessionid, Django auto-login the request with the same user, which causes problems.
I tried the flowing ways to remove the cached cookie, but all failed
unset cookies
logout user: logout(request)
try to find a config in Dialogflow
Interestingly, only that particular server sends the wrong request, which causes our chat breaks intermittently.


Share cookies received from external source between Client and Server in NextJS

I got a backend, NestJS GraphQL, and I got authentiaction on it's side. On signIn query it returns 3 Set-Cookie headers: is_authenticated, access_token and refresh_token. I use useLazyQuery hook from apollo to make a signIn request. Everything works until I want to use these cookies server-side e.g. getServerSideProps. How to sync client and server cookies in NextJS? Do I have to set them manually?
When I console.log getCookies(ctx), ctx.req.cookies it returns empty object. On client-side getCookies() also returns empty object, but these cookies are set, because I also have a cart-id which sets the cart user can use, and it works properly, after refresh, restart browser and even restart my PC. Where is the problem then?

Instagram API Webhook URL not receiving test updates

I have a Business App in dev mode and would like to test the handling of a test updates to my webhook for Instagam, but none of my test updates seem to go through.
I'm trying to use a Firebase HTTP Cloud Function to handle the verification and notification updates. Upon setting up the HTTP cloud function to respond appropriately if it's invoked with a GET or a POST request, I deployed my function to Firebase Cloud Functions.
I followed the steps in the getting started pages of using Webhooks, including configuring the Webhook Product, enabling page subscriptions, I have access to the Instagram Account and Facebook Page with admin access, but none of my test updates are going through to the webhook url, which I specified as a url to my Firebase Cloud Function.
My firebase cloud function url is
https://us-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx.cloudfunctions.net/webhooks with the "xxxx" covering my project id details. When I first specify my url Webhook URL using "Instagram" and subscribing to "messages" I see that my function get's one GET request, but that's it. No test updates, or subscribing updates go through.
What the function currently does is respond with the hub.challenge if the request to the cloud function is a GET request, and if it's a POST request to the cloud function, I'll send 200 OK HTTPS. I have print messages along the way so I would know in my cloud function logs that something is being triggered. Any ideas?
Any suggestions on what to do to get the test webhooks to show up would be great. Thanks

Authentication and websockets

I'm doing this -
Load single page application - an apollo client is initialised with a websocket and http link. This happens when the user is logged out, let's say.
The user then logs in without a page reload. The graphql response now contains the session cookie.
Problem - whilst subsequent http requests include the session cookie the websocket connection does not.
How do people solve this problem?
I'm guessing either make all communication with the server via websockets, or, create a new apollo client upon successful sign in and use this for subscriptions.
This is for a chat app. I'm using http and websockets at the moment.

Session with Django

In a Home page, i have a form login. in the view.index of the app "Home", after authenticate, i create the ssesion. And after, i call the app "Places" if the authenticate is okey,
request.session['user'] = username
return HttpResponseRedirect('/places/')
in the settings of the project i configure the SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST = True.
How can i send the session to all others pages of the project, and log out the user when the session is expired ?
HTTP is a request response protocol.
This means that the server has no way to to communicate to the client without the client initiating the conversation. So the only way to do something like this is native Django, is to have the client periodically check to see if the session is still ok.
One way to achieve this is with a background ajax call (perhaps using setInterval in javascript) which checks the session, and if it's not any good anymore (either by expiration or the user has been disabled etc) then redirect them back to the login page.
Another approaches could involve sending the expiry time to the client so that it only checks the session when it would have expired (though this wouldn't pick up on users being disabled) or having a websocket server which pushes this information to the client.

How can I debug my SNS subscription?

I have created a basic SNS topic. It's a HTTP (and HTTPS) request a an endpoint on my web server. The web server is not on AWS.
The endpoint the SNS subscription points to sends me an email containing all of the headers of the request. Even if the headers are empty and email will be sent. A request of any kind will result in an email.
The endpoint will process the request regardless of the HTTP verb used (GET, POST, etc).
If I visit the endpoint in my browser, I receive an email. When I try to request a confirmation within the AWS control panel, I get nothing.
I thought this could be down to me using a Let's Encrypt SSL, but I have also tried using a HTTP endpoint, rather than HTTPS, but get the same issue.
How can I debug this? Is there any way of seeing why the request is failing?
When I need to debug http web hooks and such like this, I use this tool:
to setup a public endpoint that points to my local web server, that I am running in my development environment, so I can see the request come in, and depending on the language (usually .net for me), I can step thru the code as the request is received in my debugger. You'll need to temporarily point your sns topic to this endpoint.
This won't help if you are not getting the request at all, but if there is any question that the request is coming in, but its not being processed correctly, this may help.