module `testavg` is in file 'testavg.d' which cannot be read d - d

Every-time, I try to run a program it gives me an error similar to this. I haven't done anything other than download it. I tried to reinstall it and got the same results. It is on a windows 10 computer.
Error: module `testavg` is in file 'testavg.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
import path[1] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import

This means that the D compiler can't find the source file testavg.d. Either change directory to where the file is and run the same command, or give a full path to the source file: dmd C:/my/d/source/files/testavg.d (replace the path to the testavg.d with the actual path)


PyInstaller runs fine but exe file errors: No module named, Failed to Execute Script

I am running the following code:
pyinstaller --onefile looks like:
import sys
import os
from import_pythonpkg import *
...... looks like:
from astroML.density_estimation import EmpiricalDistribution
import calendar
import collections
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict, defaultdict
import csv
By running the pyinstaller on, main.exe file is created successfully.
But when I run main.exe it gives error with astroML. If I move astroML to from, there is no error with astroML. Now I get error with csv.
i.e. if I change my to look as:
import sys
from astroML.density_estimation import EmpiricalDistribution
import os
from import_pythonpkg import *
The astroML error is no longer present when I run main.exe.
There is no error with import calendar line in at all.
I am not sure how to handle this random error with packages when running main.exe after pyinstaller run.
import_pythonpkg is located at r'C:\Model\Utilities'
Error with main.exe looks as following even though the original runs fine. Pyinstaller was even able to let me create the main.exe without error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 8, in <module>
File "C:\Model\Utilities\", line 1, in <module>
from astroML.density_estimation import EmpiricalDistribution
ImportError: No module named astroML.density_estimation
[29180] Failed to execute script main
I believe PyInstaller is not seeing import_pythonpkg. In my experience, when adding to the path or dealing with external modules and dlls, PyInstaller will not go searching for that, you have to explicitly tell it to do so. It will compile down to an .exe properly because it just ignores it, but then won't run. Check to see if there are any warnings about missing packages or modules when you run your PyInstaller command.
But how to fix it...If indeed this is the issue (which I am not sure that it is) you can try 3 things:
1) move that package into your working directory and avoid using sys.path.append. Then compile with PyInstaller to so see if this works, then you know the issue is that pyinstaller is failing to find import_pythonpkg. You can stop there if this works.
2) explicitly tell PyInstaller to look there. You can use the hidden-import tag when compiling with PyInstaller to let it know (give it the full pathname).
for more info, check here: How to properly create a pyinstaller hook, or maybe hidden import?
3) If you use the spec file that PyInstaller creates, you can try adding a variable call pathex to tell PyInstaller to search there for things:
block_cipher = None
a = Analysis([''],
pathex=['C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\example_directory'],
hiddenimports=['path_to_import', 'path_to_second_import'],
pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
exe = EXE(pyz,... )
coll = COLLECT(...)
for more information on spec files:
(notice you can also add hiddenimports here)
This answer may also prove helpful: PyInstaller - no module named
It is about to module which loaeded on your computer. If your IDE is different from your environment, you have to load same modules on your device via pip. Check the modules on CMD screen and complete the missing modules.
Sometimes you must load the modules all IDEs on your device. In my case, there were two IDEs (pycharm and anaconda). I used pycharm but pyinstaller used anaconda's modules so i unistalled anaconda and tried again. now it works..

No Module named ESPN_Scraper.items

I am learning python and am trying to run the code on this github project.
When I try to run a command such as the following
python "C:\Python\rcfbscraper-master\ESPN_Scraper\ESPN_Scraper\spiders\"
I get the error No Module named ESPN_Scraper.items.
This is the offending line
from ESPN_Scraper.items import GameItem
From what I can tell is ESPN_Scraper is not in your sys path. one quick work around for this would be to put the ESPN_Scraper directory in the same directory as your file.
Take a look at the docs section 6.1.2

Windows executable file generated by PyGame + PyInstaller gives me "No such file or directory" error

I have first tried to create my original game sample using Pygame.
I have traced the instruction written in the Web site below:
I created "myFile" class something like following and read every file (.txt, .png, .mp3, etc...) using this class
myFile Class
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
class myFile():
def resource_path(self, relative):
if hasattr(sys, "_MEIPASS"):
return os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, relative)
return os.path.join(relative)
### code where I read something ###
myfile = myFIle()
filename = myfile.resource_path(os.path.join("some dir", "somefile"
+ "extension")
I typed command below to create .spec file ( contains main)
pyinstaller --onefile
I modified .spec file so exe object include Trees (I store data files in separate
directories such as data, image, and so on)
myRPG.spec file
# -*- mode: python -*-
block_cipher = None
a = Analysis([''],
pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
exe = EXE(pyz,
Tree('bgm', prefix='bgm'),
Tree('charachip', prefix='charachip'),
Tree('data', prefix='data'),
Tree('image', prefix='image'),
Tree('mapchip', prefix='mapchip'),
Tree('se', prefix='se'),
console=True )
I did rebuild my package using modified .spec file
pyinstaller myRPG.spec
When I execute myRPG.exe file, I got the error below
[Errno 2] No such file or directory:
'C:\\Users\\bggfr\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\_MEI64~1\\' IO Errorが発生しました。
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 606, in <module>
File "", line 37, in __init__
File "", line 11, in __init__
File "", line 33, in load
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fp' referenced before assignment
Failed to execute script myRPG
I believe that I properly specify the directories where data is expanded since I use the function that checks _MEIPASS but it does not work.
I have also tried to use "added_files" instead of Tree did not help for me at all. ”a.datas" may work for small number of files but I do not want to specify all the files I'm going to use, because it will be over hundreds of thousands of files.
This is a very helpful page that I used when converting my pygame program into an executable.
In short:
Here is the place where you can download pyInstaller. Click on the download button under "Installation." Wait for it to download, then run it.
Type this into the popup where it says command: venv -c -i pyi-env-name. The reason for this is stated in the page mentioned at the top.
If you have pyInstaller installed already, type pyinstaller --version to make sure. If you don't, type pip install PyInstaller. If this doesn't work, look at step 7 in the guide up top.
Make sure that you put a copy of your program in the folder that it says on the command line.
If you want a zip with the exe and all necessary files in it type pyinstaller and then the name of your program, complete with the .py extension. However, if you want an exe that doesn't need all of the extra files in the zip that you can just run by itself, type pyinstaller --onefile --windowed and then the name of your program, complete with the extension of .py.
Once you have done this, the exe will appear in a dist folder inside of the one where you placed your program in step 3.
This is how it worked for me, and I apologize if I have misinformed you. Be sure to upvote/mark as answered if this works.

How do I run this python file in the command prompt when I'm getting an error message

I created this file and saved it in the Python27 file which is on my C drive. I'm trying to run this file in the command prompt. On my command prompt by default it is set for PS C:\Users\Ted. Next I changed the path so that it was reflective of where the file is actually located and this is the error message I got "A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument"
As per Anthony Forloney's comment:
... you do not need the PS before the C:\Python27\python argument. Also, you may not even need to provide the path to your python.exe if C:\Python27 is defined appropriately as your PATH environment variable. In any event, try: C:\Python27\python C:\directory\where\
I found by changing the directory path to where the file was stored worked. So the syntax I used was cd C:\Python 27. Once I was in that directory I could then run the file.

Embedding python error Import by filename is not supported

I'm trying to embed python in to my application and have got stuck pretty early on.
I am embedding python into my C++ application and using the code found at this tutorial:
My application matches entirely and compiles successfully no errors. However on running the application pModule = PyImport_Import(pName); line fails returning 0 meaning I get error output from PyErr_Print() of
Failed to load "C:\Users\workspace\dpllib\"
ImportError: Import by filename is not supported.
The application is being called with the commands C:\Users\workspace\ndnlib\ multiply 50 150
I can't be sure, but I'm thinking that since pName is set to argv[1] and you're using the full path to call the script, then argv[1] is the full path. This means the code would try to import "C:\Users\workspace\dpllib\", which python can't (it can only import "pyscript").
Try running the script by just typing "" from within the directory and see if the error changes to 'Failed to load ""'. If it does, then you have to fix it so it doesn't just import argv[1] and modifies the string to get a module name instead of a file name.
It is simplier if you create your file as a module.
For instance,
create this:
Then run your file <project>/
dyn_module_name = (... get module name 'MyModule' from console arguments ...)
my_dynamic_module = __import__(dyn_module_name)
Since it would be a module, it will load while your execution