What is the |> operator in this example - ocaml

What does the |> operator mean in the following example?
open Framework
open Template
let () =
create_server ()
|> get "/" (fun req -> h1 ["This is the index page."] |> respond)
|> get "/:name" (fun req ->
Printf.sprintf "Hello, %s!" (param req "name") |> respond)
|> listen 1337
The example is taken from this github repo https://github.com/jdan/ocaml-web-framework

The operator |> is the "reverse function application" operator.
In other words, x |> f has the same meaning as f x.
The operator form is useful for writing a "pipeline" of function applications without requiring parentheses.
let f_parenthesized x = int_of_float (abs_float (sin x))
let f_pipelined x = x |> sin |> abs_float |> int_of_float
(This function is not very useful, it's just an example.)


Is this use of Obj.magic necessary?

I am reading a repository and I encountered this function in the body of some Yojson json parsing code:
let load_problems channel =
let open Yojson.Basic.Util in
let j = Yojson.Basic.from_channel channel in
let rec unpack x =
try magical (x |> to_int) with _ ->
try magical (x |> to_float) with _ ->
try magical (x |> to_bool) with _ ->
let v = x |> to_string in
if String.length v = 1 then magical v.[0] else magical v
with _ ->
x |> to_list |> List.map ~f:unpack |> magical
with _ -> raise (Failure "could not unpack")
where magical = Obj.magic. I understand what Obj.magic is (it's the equivalent to Unsafe.Coerce in Haskell), but I don't see why a type coercion is necessary here. The Yojson.Basic.Util functions the author uses should already either succeed or fail to do this conversion. Any intuition?
I feel I was depriving #glennsl of context, so here is the immediately following passage in which unpack is used:
let tf = j |> member "tasks" |> to_list |> List.map ~f:(fun j ->
let e = j |> member "examples" |> to_list in
let task_type = j |> member "request" |> deserialize_type in
let examples = e |> List.map ~f:(fun ex -> (ex |> member "inputs" |> to_list |> List.map ~f:unpack,
ex |> member "output" |> unpack)) in
let maximum_frontier = j |> member "maximumFrontier" |> to_int in
let name = j |> member "name" |> to_string in
let task =
let special = j |> member "specialTask" |> to_string in
match special |> Hashtbl.find task_handler with
| Some(handler) -> handler (j |> member "extras")
| None -> (Printf.eprintf " (ocaml) FATAL: Could not find handler for %s\n" special;
exit 1)
with _ -> supervised_task) ~timeout:timeout name task_type examples
(task, maximum_frontier))
There are a number of different task_handlers, but the one I happen to be concerned with is defined as follows:
(fun extras ?timeout:(timeout = 0.001) name ty examples ->
let open Yojson.Basic.Util in
let cost_matters =
extras |> member "costMatters" |> to_bool
with _ -> assert false
let by = match examples with
| [([0],y)] ->
Bigarray.(Array1.of_array int8_unsigned c_layout (Array.of_list y))
| [([1],y)] ->
Bigarray.(Array1.of_array int8_unsigned c_layout (Array.of_list y))
| _ -> failwith "not a turtle task" in
{ name = name ;
task_type = ty ;
log_likelihood =
(fun p ->
match run_recent_logo ~timeout p with
| Some(bx,cost) when (LogoLib.LogoInterpreter.fp_equal bx by 0) ->
(if cost_matters then (0.-.cost)*.10. else 0.)
| _ -> log 0.
with (* We have to be a bit careful with exceptions if the
* synthesized program generated an exception, then we just
* terminate w/ false but if the enumeration timeout was
* triggered during program evaluation, we need to pass the
* exception on
| UnknownPrimitive(n) -> raise (Failure ("Unknown primitive: "^n))
| EnumerationTimeout -> raise EnumerationTimeout
| _ -> log 0.0)
The author also uses ;; in a lot of files..another quirk.

When to use piping |> versus arguments

In Reason (and OCaml), there is a non-traditional way of passing arguments using the |> operator. What is the convention for when it should be used? I am currently using it all over the place just because of how novel I find it.
Using |> (forward pipe) is helpful for showing the order of executions.
For example, if you want to execute function f, then g like this:
It's easier to see the order of executions (e.g., f and then g) this way:
x |> f |> g
Programming languages like OCaml or F# are used a lot to transform data from one form to another, so |> can be used that way to show how data got transformed.
let sqr = x => x * x;
|> List.map (x => x + 1)
|> List.map (sqr);
The reverse application operator (|>) can simply be defined as
let (|>) x f = f x
This infix operator takes a value x and a function f and apply the latter to the first (f x). This may not seem apparently useful at first, but the operator is powerful when used correctly because functions in Ocaml are curried.
For example, let's say we had a function wackymath: int -> int -> int -> int
let wackymath a b c = a + b - c
The type of wackymath is int -> int -> int -> int. This is because in a functional realm (specifically, lambda calculus), any function only applies to one argument at a time. Therefore, with the help of parentheses, the order of application of wackymath looks like this:
(((wackymath a) b) c)
Argument substitution could make this clearer.
let f1 = wackymath 10;; (* 10 + b - c *)
let f2 = f1 19;; (* 10 + 19 - c *)
f2 4;; (* 10 + 19 - 4 = 25 *)
This could be expressed with the |> operator as such:
4 |> (19 |> (10 |> wackymath));;
Now it's clear why it's called reverse application operator. The parentheses are there because |> is left-associative. Saying |> helps avoid parentheses are not exactly precise in all cases.
Usually the operator is useful in situations when you want to compose a series of sequential function applications
[1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
|> List.map (fun x -> x * 2)
|> List.filter (fun x -> x < 3)
|> fun l -> match l with
| [] -> 0
| l' -> l' |> List.fold_left ~init:0 ~f:(fun a b -> a + b)

F# Regex matching chain

As I am not completely happy with F#'s regex implementation for my usage, I wanted to implement a so-called regex chain. It basically works as follows:
The given string s will be checked, whether it matches the first pattern. If it does, it should execute a function associated with the first pattern. If it does not, it should continue with the next one.
I tried to implement it as follows:
let RegexMatch ((s : string, c : bool), p : string, f : GroupCollection -> unit) =
if c then
let m = Regex.Match(s, p)
if m.Success then
f m.Groups
(s, false)
else (s, c)
else (s, c)
("my input text", true)
|> RegexMatch("pattern1", fun g -> ...)
|> RegexMatch("pattern2", fun g -> ...)
|> RegexMatch("pattern3", fun g -> ...)
|> .... // more patterns
|> ignore
The problem is, that this code is invalid, as the forward-pipe operator does not seem to pipe tuples or does not like my implementation 'design'.
My question is: Can I fix this code above easily or should I rather implement some other kind of regex chain?
Your function RegexMatch won't support piping, because it has tupled parameters.
First, look at the definition of the pipe:
let (|>) x f = f x
From this, one can clearly see that this expression:
("text", true)
|> RegexMatch("pattern", fun x -> ...)
would be equivalent to this:
RegexMatch("pattern", fun x -> ...) ("text", true)
Does this match your function signature? Obviously not. In your signature, the text/bool pair comes first, and is part of the triple of parameters, together with pattern and function.
To make it work, you need to take the "piped" parameter in curried form and last:
let RegexMatch p f (s, c) = ...
Then you can do the piping:
("input", true)
|> RegexMatch "pattern1" (fun x -> ...)
|> RegexMatch "pattern2" (fun x -> ...)
|> RegexMatch "pattern3" (fun x -> ...)
As an aside, I must note that your approach is not very, ahem, functional. You're basing your whole logic on side effects, which will make your program not composable and hard to test, and probably prone to bugs. You're not reaping the benefits of F#, effectively using it as "C# with nicer syntax".
Also, there are actually well researched ways to achieve what you want. For one, check out Railway-oriented programming (also known as monadic computations).
To me this sounds like what you are trying to implement is Active Patterns.
Using Active Patterns you can use regular pattern matching syntax to match against RegEx patterns:
let (|RegEx|_|) p i =
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match (i, p)
if m.Success then
Some m.Groups
let main argv =
let text = "123"
match text with
| RegEx #"\d+" g -> printfn "Digit: %A" g
| RegEx #"\w+" g -> printfn "Word : %A" g
| _ -> printfn "Not recognized"
Another approach is to use what Fyodor refers to as Railway Oriented Programming:
type RegexResult<'T> =
| Found of 'T
| Searching of string
let lift p f = function
| Found v -> Found v
| Searching i ->
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match (i, p)
if m.Success then
m.Groups |> f |> Found
Searching i
let main argv =
Searching "123"
|> lift #"\d+" (fun g -> printfn "Digit: %A" g)
|> lift #"\w+" (fun g -> printfn "Word : %A" g)
|> ignore

How can I cast a back to a type a value was before?

Very often when writing generic code in F# I come by a situation similar to this (I know this is quite inefficient, just for demonstration purposes):
let isPrime n =
let sq = n |> float |> sqrt |> int
{2..sq} |> Seq.forall (fun d -> n % d <> 0)
For many problems I can use statically resolved types and get even a performance boost due to inlining.
let inline isPrime (n:^a) =
let two = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne + LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
let sq = n |> float |> sqrt |> int
{two..sq} |> Seq.forall (fun d -> n % d <> LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero)
The code above won't compile because of the upper sequence limit being a float. Nongenerically, I could just cast back to int for example.
But the compiler won't let me use any of these:
let sq = n |> float |> sqrt :> ^a
let sq = n |> float |> sqrt :?> ^a
and these two lead to a InvalidCastException:
let sq = n |> float |> sqrt |> box |> :?> ^a
let sq = n |> float |> sqrt |> box |> unbox
Also, upcast and downcast are forbidden.
let sq = System.Convert.ChangeType(n |> float |> sqrt, n.GetType()) :?> ^a works, but seems very cumbersome to me.
Is there a way that I overlooked or do I really have to use the last version? Because the last one will also break for bigint, which I need quite often.
With the trick from FsControl, we can define generic function fromFloat:
open FsControl.Core
type FromFloat = FromFloat with
static member instance (FromFloat, _:int32 ) = fun (x:float) -> int x
static member instance (FromFloat, _:int64 ) = fun (x:float) -> int64 x
static member instance (FromFloat, _:bigint ) = fun (x:float) -> bigint x
let inline fromFloat (x:float):^a = Inline.instance FromFloat x
let inline isPrime (n:^a) =
let two = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne + LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
let sq = n |> float |> sqrt |> fromFloat
{two..sq} |> Seq.forall (fun d -> n % d <> LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero)
printfn "%A" <| isPrime 71
printfn "%A" <| isPrime 6L
printfn "%A" <| isPrime 23I
Inline.instance was defined here.

Compose total and partial functions

I can't wrap my head around where should I put parenthesis to get it working:
let read_lines filename =
let channel = open_in filename in
Std.input_list channel;;
let print_lines filename =
List.map print_string ((^) "\n") (read_lines filename);;
^ This is the closes I've got so far. If my terminology is vague: ((^) "\n") is what I call partial function (well, because it doesn't handle all of its arguments). print_string I call total function because... well, it handles all of its arguments.
Obviously, what I would like to happen is that:
List.map applies first ((^) "\n") to the element of the list.
List.map applies print_string to the result of #1.
How? :)
Maybe you want something like that?
# let ($) f g = fun x -> f(g x);;
val ( $ ) : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b = <fun>
# let f = print_string $ (fun s -> s^"\n");;
val f : string -> unit = <fun>
# List.iter f ["a";"b";"c";"d"];;
- : unit = ()
# let g = string_of_int $ ((+)1) $ int_of_string;;
val g : string -> string = <fun>
# g "1";;
- : string = "2"
Your code didn't work because missing parenthesis:
List.map print_string ((^) "\n") xs
is parsed as
(List.map print_string ((^) "\n")) xs
when you expected
List.map (print_string ((^) "\n")) xs
A few things: List.map is probably not what you want, since it will produce a list (of unit values) rather than just iterating. ((^) "\n") is probably also not what you want, as it prepends a newline, the "\n" being the first argument. (This is not a section as in Haskell, but a straightforward partial application.)
Here's a reasonable solution that is close to what (I think) you want:
let print_lines filename =
List.iter (fun str -> print_string (str ^ "\n")) (read_lines filename)
But I would rather write
let print_lines filename =
List.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") (read_lines filename)
Which is both clearer and more efficient.