IntelliJ CE cannot load ~/.aws/credentials file using Smart Tomcat - amazon-web-services

I am trying to simply run Tomcat in IntelliJ. Since I am using IntelliJ CE, I am trying the Smart Tomcat plugin. It runs, but it cannot find my aws credentials which I have both in my maven file and in the ~/.aws/credentials file. Do I need any VM args? How else can I help this program find the files? Maven is able to load from the maven files fine.


How to deploy KinesisAutoscaling.war on Java Application Server or Tomcat?

I want to manage kinesis shards automatically so I want to deploy KinesisAutoscaling.war on Tomcat. I found steps( to deploy at Elastic Beanstalk.
Similar way I want step by step solution to deploy on Tomcat.
I was able to slow this problem using below steps.
Downlaod the code from here.
Open the project as Maven project in eclipse
Change the stream configuration in the configuration.json and provide the path of configuration in like below
String configPath = "C:\
Build the project and place .jar file to the webapps folder of tomcat and start tomcat.

How do I make a django project compatible with AWS Beanstalk?

I want to make a Django project compatible with AWS Beanstalk.
I dont want this to be like in AWS tutorial, since they use git and need to setup the whole project as they tell.
I just want to know if there is a way of converting an already created Python-Django project to be AWS Beanstalk compatible. I mean, isn't there a standard project layout to download or a plugin or command-line tool that creates the .ebsettings folder for me? I want to convert my project and upload it throw the AWS web gui, dont need all the git stuff.
You can do this without using git route. You just need to zip your source bundle and upload to the Beanstalk Web Console. The code structure can be kept the way you want.
Key configurations are:
1. WSGIPath : This should point to the .py file which you need to start the app (WSGI app)
2. static: This should point to the path containing the static files
You can add the configurations in the .ebextensions folder, which should at the root of your app zip. You can read more details here: Customizing and Configuring a Python Container - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Deployment package did not contain an iisApp

I'm trying to upload a zip of files of a published .net project to Amazon elastic beanstalk but it keeps throwing an error in the logs saying iisApp is not there. How to fix?
Elastic Beanstalk expects a WebDeploy package, not just a zipped web application. You'll probably want to run:
msbuild <web.csproj> /t:Package /p:Configuration=Release /p:PackageLocation=<outputdirectory>
to create a WebDeploy package.

How to deploy the Web service in to tomcat 7 from out side of eclipse juno?

i am very new to web services and i have one problem please suggest me .. i.e i have a WSDL(SOAP) file and with that i created the Web Service-server and web service-Client using Top-Down approach with JAX-WS in eclipse Juno Java EE. i integrated the Tomcat 7 with that Eclipse and from eclipse its working fine.
But my problem is i need to run the Tomcat from out side of the eclipse and i need to deploy the web service in to the tomcat. i don't want to run the Tomcat using eclipse? i just need to run the client from eclipse but i dont want to run the tomcat from eclipse. Please Help me.
File -> Export -> Web -> War (configure where to create it)
Deploying a tomcat application consist of building a war file then deploying it. We call this servlet.
Building the WAR
As you already have your server code, you should now complet the WEB-INF/web.xml file. This file describe the path of your servlet(your server code), on the tomcat server. Depending of your framework you can have some configuration to add in your META-INF/context.xml file.
In an eclipse project, thoses file are generaly under a directory name 'webapp' in your project. (src/main/webapp for a maven project).
First you must use the javaee & javaweb tools of eclipse to build a war file that contains all yours libs, files, class and web.xml
Alternativly you can use a maven build process to get a war, if you use maven.
Deploying the war
After installing tomcat, the deployement is as simple as drop the .war file is deploy directory of the home-directory of tomcat. Then your application is usable on default port 8080.
If you have install also the manager webapp of tomcat, you can see all yours currently deployed application in the manager http://myurl:8080/manager/html.
When you install tomcat, let be sure that your eclipse pseudo server is shutdown, or your tomcat server will have problem to get it's port and startup.

deploying scalatra onto Jetty

How does one deploy scala or scalatra onto Jetty servlet container? Does anyone have experience or can point me to some resources online?
If you're using sbt, run the package command from within the sbt shell. This will create you a war file in the target dir. You can drop that into jetty's webapps directory and configure a context xml file in its contexts directory.
If you're using maven, I believe the command you want is mvn package.
Are you using Simple Build Tool (SBT) for your project? If you do, it's as easy as running "sbt jetty"
Check it out: