handling dynamo db read and write units - amazon-web-services

I am using dynamo db as back end database in my project, I am storing items in the table with each of size 80 Kb or more(contains nested JSON), and my partition key is a unique valued column(unique for each item). Now i want to perform pagination on this table i.e., my UI will provide(start-Integer, limit-Integer and type-2 string constants) and my API should retrieve the items from dynamo db based on the provided input query parameters from UI. I am using SCAN method from boto3 (python SDK) but this scan is reading all the items from my table prior to considering my filters and causing provision throughput error, but I cannot afford to either increase my table's throughput or opt table auto-scaling. Is there any way how my problem can be solved? Please give your suggestions

Do you have a limit set on your scan call? If not, DynamoDB will return you 1MB of data by default. You could try using limit and some kind of sleep or delay in your code, so that you process your table at a slower rate and stay within your provisioned read capacity. If you do this, you'll have to use the LastEvaluatedKey returned to you to page through your table.
Keep in mind that just to read a single one of your 80kb items, you'll be using 10 read capacity units, and perhaps more if your items are larger.


Fetching large amount of data from dynamo DB table using primary key

I am quite new to dynamo DB I have a requirement in which I need to fetch around 120 million rows from the dynamo DB table. Criteria to fetch is based on PK(basically I need to fetch all the rows pertaining to CAR_********* Primary key pattern). The only way which I can figure out is to perform get operation but it's consuming a lot of time. I also looked for the option of a bulk get but that too has a limit of 100 rows or 16mb of data.
So, Can someone suggest a better and faster approach to extract this data?
First off, DynamoDB is optimized for storing and retrieving single data objects by primary key. If you need to regularly retrieve or update millions of rows, you should look at an alternative datastore.
With that out of the way, if this is a one-time task I recommend spinning up a Redshift database and using the COPY command to retrieve the data from Dynamo. You can then download that data using a single SQL statement.
If you don't want to do this, or are expecting to retrieve the data more than once, you need to use the Scan API. This will return at most 1 MB per call, so you'll need to call it in a loop.
Regardless, you will almost certainly need to increase your read capacity to handle this task.

DynamoDB fill empty table with tonns of data capped at 1000WCU

I'm writing a script, that should fill the new table with data in the shortest terms (~650Gb table).
The partition(hash) key is different between all records, so I can't imagine the better key.
I've set the provisioned WCU for this table at 4k.
When script works, 16 independent threads put different data into the table at a high rate. During execution, I receive ProvisionedThroghputException. The Cloudwatch graphs show that consumed WCU is capped at 1000WCU.
It could happen if all data is put to one partition.
As I understand, the DynamoDb would create the new partition, when data size would exceed the 10Gb limit. Is it so?
So, during this data fill operation, I have only 1 partition and the limit of 1000WCU is understandable.
I've checked the https://aws.amazon.com/ru/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/dynamodb-table-throttled/
But seems that these suggestions are applied to already filled tables and you try to add a lot of new data there.
So I have 3 questions:
1. How I can speed up the process of inserting data into the new empty table?
2. When DynamoDB decide to create a new partition?
3. Can I set up a minimum number of partitions (for ex. 4), to use all the power of provisioned WCU (4k)?
UPD Cloudwatch graph:
UPD2 the HASH key is long number. Actually it's not strongly unique. But max rows with same HASH key but different RANGE keys is 2.
You can't manually specify the number of partitions used by DDB. It's automatically handled behind the scenes.
However, the way it's handled is laid out in the link provided by F_SO_K.
1 for every 10GB of data
1 for every 3000RCU and/or 1000WCU provisioned.
If you've provisioned 4000WCU, then you should have at least 4 partitions and you should be seeing 4000WCU consumed. Especially given that you said your hash key is unique for every record, you should have data uniformly spread out and not be running into a "hot" partition.
You mentioned cloudwatch showing consumed WCU at 1000, does cloudwatch also show provisioned capacity at 4000WCU?
If so, not sure what's going on, may have to call AWS.

AWS DynamoDB and Lambda: Scan optimizations / performance

To store api-gateway websocket-connections, I use a dynamoDB-table.
When posting to stored connections, I retrieve the connection in a lambda-function via:
const dynamodb = new DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const { Items, Count } = await dynamodb.scan({ TableName: 'Websocket' }).promise();
// post to connections
This is not really fast; the query takes around 400 - 800ms which could be better in my opinion. Can I change something on my implementation or is there maybe another aws-service which is better for storing these tiny infos about the websocket-connection (its really just a small connection-id and a user-id)?
It has nothing to do with dynamodb, if you do a scan on any database which reads from disk, it will take time and money from your pocket.
You can use any of below solution to achieve what you are doing.
Instead of storing all the websocket ids as separate row, consider having single record in which ids are stored, so that you can do a single query (not scan) and proceed.
a. multiple writes to same row will result in race condition. and few reads might get lost, you can use conditional write to update record to solve this problem (have a always increasing version, and update the record only if version in db = version you read from db)
b. There is a limit on size of single document in dynamodb. As of now it is 400kb.
Store websocket id as separate row but group them by different keys, and create secondary index on these keys. Store the keys in a single row. While doing a fetch first get all relevant groups, and then query (not scan) all the items of that group. It will not exactly solve your problem but you can do interesting things like, let's say there are 10 groups, every second, messages for 1 groups are sent. this will make sure that load on your message sending infrastructure is also balanced. And you can keep incrementing number of groups as user increases.
Keep the ids in a cache like aws elastic cache and add/remove ids as new entries are made in dynamodb by using aws lambda and dyanmodb streams. It will make sure that you reads are fast. At the same time if cache goes down you can use dynamodb to populate it again by doing scan on dynamodb.
a. Extra component to maintain.

Aws Dynamo db performance is slow

For my application I am using free tier aws account I have given 5 read capacity and 5Write capacity(i can’t increase the capacity because they will charge if I increase) to the dynamo db here I am using scan operation. The api is loading in between 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
I have used parallel scan too but the api is loading same time. Is there any alternate service in aws.
click here to see the image
It is not a good idea to use a Scan on a NoSQL database.
DynamoDB is optimize for Query requests. The data will come back very quickly, guaranteed (within the allocated Capacity).
However, when using a Scan, the database must read each item from the database and each item consumes a Read Capacity unit. So, if you have a table with 1000 items, a Query on one item would consume one Unit, whereas a Scan would consume 1000 Units.
So, either increase the Capacity Units (and cost) or, best of all, use a Query rather than a Scan. Indexes can also help.
You might need to re-think how you store your data if you always need to do a Scan.

DynamoDB local db limits - use for initial beta-go-live

given Dynamo's pricing, the thought came to mind to use DynamoDB Local DB on an EC2 instance for the go-live of our startup SaaS solution. I've been trying to find like a data sheet for the local db, specifying limits as to # of tables, or records, or general size of the db file. Possibly, we could even run a few local db instances on dedicated EC2 servers as we know at login what user needs to be connected to what db.
Does anybody have any information on the local db limits or on this approach? Also, anybody knows of any legal/licensing issues with using dynamo-local in that way?
Every item in DynamoDB Local will end up as a row in the SQLite database file. So the limits are based on SQLite's limitations.
Maximum Number Of Rows In A Table = 2^64 but the database file limit will likely be reached first (140 terabytes).
Note: because of the above, the number of items you can store in DynamoDB Local will be smaller with the preview version of local with Streams support. This is because to support Streams the update records for items are also stored. E.g. if you are only doing inserts of these items then the item will effectively be stored twice: once in a table containing item data and once in a table containing the INSERT UpdateRecord data for that item (more records will also be generated if the item is being updated over time).
Be aware that DynamoDB Local was not designed for the same performance, availability, and durability as the production service.