Program won't start because libmpc-3.dll is missing - c++

I'm trying to compile c++ code in Notepad++. The command I'm running is as follows in the Program to Run box.
C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -o "$(NAME_PART)" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
I get the error saying "The program can't start because libmpc-3.dll is missing...". I checked the MinGW file path and the libmpc-3.dll file is there in the bin folder.
Why would it say the file is missing, or is there something wrong with my command?

Please take a look at this solved question:
MinGW gcc -> libmpc-3.dll missing on 64-Bit Windows 7
Maybe it helps you.


CreateProcess error=206, Eclipse CDT with GCC compile ThreadX+GUIX

When I compile ThreadX+GUIX project of eclipse CDT with arm-none-eabi-gcc(Win7 64bit). It come out make (e=206). I found the same problems happened almost in JAVA development,but their solutions are not work for the CDT. Here is the compile error information:
I know the reason is because the GUIX has 1311 source files, and the compile and link operation command comes beyond the 8192 command limit. I have try to update the eclipse ,and move my workspace to the root of disk ,but the error still comes out. Now I don't know how to solve this problem. Anybody help me
If it is failing during linker/librarian stage, I modify the librarian command line to use an object_list.txt file to feed in the object file list, rather than specify them all on the command line. So something like this:
arm-elf-ar -r libguix.a #../object_list.txt
I use a python script to generate object_list.txt from the list of .c files, so it looks like this:
In your eclipse IDE there are settings to run your own custom linker command line rather than the default command line that isn't working.
Let me know if that helps you.

error when trying to compile with MinGW: cannot execute cc1plus

I did a clean install of MinGW on Windows 7 32bit with the GUI Installer, and installed
When trying to compile a simple "Hello World.cpp" from the cmd.exe i get the error:
C:\Users\Lorenzo\Desktop>g++ "Hello World.cpp" -o"Hello World.exe" -m32
g++: fatal error: cannot execute 'cc1plus': CreateProcess: No such file or directory.
compilation terminated.
The weird thing is that by grabbing the file from the desktop and putting it over g++.exe (so that i open the file with the application) in the MinGW directory, i don't get any error.
A temporary fix i found was to have a new environmet variable pointing in the folder where cc1plus is (C:\MinGW\libexec\gcc\mingw32\9.2.0). The program runs but doesn't include the libraries from C:/MinGw/lib and C:/MinGw/Include, i have to include those manually, which shouldn't occur (i guess).
I don't want to do this crude fix since i know i'll encounter some other problems with time.
Ok. I found the solution with some luck.
It is as simple as adding .exe to g++
> g++.exe *input file* -o*output.exe*
Don't Know if it's a bug or not, but this works for me.
I'm not sure which MinGW you used exactly, but it's better to use MinGW-w64.
There is a standalone build you can get from that doesn't require installation. The site also gives some instructions on how to use it.

Compiling DISLIN gfortran

I am having trouble compiling Fortran code with references to DISLIN. I have downloaded DISLIN from the website, unzipped the file and ran the setup. I have added an environment variable called DISLIN (C:\dislin) and added C:\dislin\win to the PATH section of my system variables.
I am trying to compile some example code of the DISLIN website which includes line
I am using a MinGW shell to compile with command gfortran -o progrname -ldislin EX11_1.f90 and am getting the following error:
Fatal Error: Cant open module file 'dislin.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory.
I have tried changing the variable path and even moving the dislin.mod file (which is there) but still get the same message.
Ok I fixed this problem so thought I come back and post what worked for me incase any one else needs it...
Install both DISLIN and MinGW on the c drive
Copy disgf.a from /c/dislin and dislin.f90 from /c/dislin/gf into the directory containing your fortran files
(for me this is /c/MinGW/pnote)
Using the MinGW shell navigate to you files: cd /c/MinGW/pnote
compile dislin.f90 and your fortran program: gfortran -c dislin.f90 progName.f90 (dislin.f90 obviously only needs to be done once)
link libraries etc and compile: gfortran progName.o disgf.a -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 -o exeName
'run' exeName
You probably need to specify the path to the DISLIN module files:
gfortran EX11_1.f90 -o progrname -ldislin -I/path/to/DISLIN/modules
and, if not already configured like described here, also the path to the library itself:
gfortran EX11_1.f90 -o progrname -ldislin -I/path/to/DISLIN/modules \
They provide a batch file (windows) to do the compiling and linking for you.
f90link -c My_Program
This is located in c:\dislin\Win
Also, if you are having trouble with the dislin.mod file which resides in c:\dislin\gf then recompile that with the -c compile option. I found all of this info in c:\dislin\readme.inf
near as I can tell (Jan 2018) dislin (64 bit) fails miserably with gfortran 7.2, period; and probably with many other newer compilers.
When trying to link, gfortran 7 says 'dislin.mod' is an unrecognizable format.
I think this program is highly dependent on exactly correct version synchronization - something that renders such software useless imho after many years in research.
and no, the correctness of various 'paths' seems not to help.
after all, gnuplot works, "at all". Not sure why I spent so much time on brand x.

How do you run a command line program after compiling with GCC on OSX?

Some of Facebooks programmer puzzles look fun, so I'm trying to get set up to code in C++ on my mac. I decided to try compiling some of my old CS homework with GCC to get started.
My code compiles fine, but when I try to run the executable (called "encrypt") I get this:
-bash: encrypt: command not found
I checked the permissions on the file and it seems to have execute permission. What am I missing here?
The current directory isn't in your $PATH, so you have to tell the shell to execute encrypt in the current directory.
You need to execute it as ./encrypt
Try ./encrypt rather than encrypt. Bash won't look for executables with relative paths outside the path.

Displaying info in the eclipse console

I'm trying to compile a C++ project (Hello World) in windows 7 using Eclipse Helios. After creating the project the console shows me the next message:
Internal Builder is used for build **
g++ -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -osrc\hello.o ..\src\hello.cpp
g++ -ohello.exe src\hello.o
warning: auto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import specified on the command line.
If I open the command line and execute: g++ hello.cpp -Wl,-enable-auto-import, I can generate the exe file and I can run it.
In eclipse after adding the argument "-Wl,--enable-auto-import" in the MinGW C++ Linker - Miscellaneous section, I didn't get any warning however, the console is always empty. Again, using the command line, if I move to the directory and execute the exe file generated by eclipse I get the expected result.
I know that Eclipse is compiling the cpp file properly but, why the eclipse console is not displaying the info? Is something missing in the configuration?
Sorry guys my stupid question.
I appreciate your help.
This looks like an environment variable(s) and/or register paths problem.