How to mock model when testing setupController or private Route methods - unit-testing

When I try to mock model by writing let mockModel = this.owner.lookup('model:realModel'); in my route (unit) test, I receive the error
Error: You should not call 'create' on a model. Instead, call 'store.createRecord' with the attributes you would like to set.
What's the proper way to mock model to test processing within setupController and other private route methods?
Code to illustrate testing setupController/private route methods:
export default Route.extend({
return processedModelData;
setupController(controller, model){
let processedModelData = _postModelProcessing(model);
module('Unit | Route | application', function(hooks) {
test('private _postModelProcessing correctly processes model data', function(assert) {
let route = this.owner.lookup('route:application');
// This line throws the Error mentioned above
let mockModel = this.owner.lookup('model:realModel');
// what I hoped to do, if the above line didn't throw an error:
let mockModelData = [
category: 'Leopard',
childCategories: [],
parentCategory: null
category: 'Snow Leopard',
childCategories: [],
parentCategory: 'Leopard'
category: 'Persian Leopard',
childCategories: [],
parentCategory: 'Leopard'
let processedData = route._postModelProcessing(mockModelData);
let leopardFirstChild = processedData[0].get('childCategories')[0];
assert.equal(leopardFirstChild.get('category'), 'Snow Leopard');

Just what the error message says, use store.createRecord:
module('Unit | Route | application', function(hooks) {
test('private _postModelProcessing correctly processes model data', function(assert) {
let route = this.owner.lookup('route:application');
let store = this.owner.lookup('service:store');
// what I hoped to do, if the above line didn't throw an error:
let mockModelData = [
store.createRecord('real-model', {
category: 'Leopard',
childCategories: [],
parentCategory: null
store.createRecord('real-model', {
category: 'Snow Leopard',
childCategories: [],
parentCategory: 'Leopard'
store.createRecord('real-model', {
category: 'Persian Leopard',
childCategories: [],
parentCategory: 'Leopard'
let processedData = route._postModelProcessing(mockModelData);
let leopardFirstChild = processedData[0].get('childCategories')[0];
assert.equal(leopardFirstChild.get('category'), 'Snow Leopard');


Mirage server GETs data but POST fails

I have the mirage models:
// mirage/models/country.js
import { Model, belongsTo, hasMany } from 'miragejs';
export default Model.extend({
name: '',
iso3166_1_alpha3: '',
capitol_city: belongsTo('city', {inverse: null}),
cities: hasMany('city', {inverse: 'country'})
// mirage/models/city.js
import { Model, belongsTo } from 'miragejs';
export default Model.extend({
name: '',
country: belongsTo('country', {inverse: 'cities'})
and the serializer:
// mirage/serializers/application.js
import { camelize, capitalize, underscore } from '#ember/string';
import { JSONAPISerializer } from 'miragejs';
export default class ApplicationSerializer extends JSONAPISerializer
alwaysIncludeLinkageData = true;
keyForAttribute(attr) {
return underscore(attr);
keyForRelationship(modelName) {
return underscore(modelName);
typeKeyForModel(model) {
return capitalize(camelize(model.modelName));
When I run the tests:
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';
module('Unit | Mirage | mirage models', function (hooks) {
test('it retrieves the country', async function (assert) {
const server = this.server;
let city = server.create('city', { id: '1', name: 'Paris' });
id: 'FR',
name: 'France',
iso3166_1_alpha3: 'FRA',
capitol_city: city
let response = await fetch('/api/countries')
assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200, "Should have created the model");
let json = await response.json();
data: [
type: 'Country',
id: 'FR',
attributes: {
name: 'France',
iso3166_1_alpha3: 'FRA',
relationships: {
capitol_city: {data: {type: 'City', id: '1'}},
cities: {data: []},
test('it creates the country', async function (assert) {
const server = this.server;
server.create('city', { id: '1', name: 'Paris' });
let response = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Countent-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify(
data: {
id: 'FR',
type: 'Country',
attributes: {
iso3166_1_alpha3: 'FRA',
name: 'France',
relationships: {
capitol_city: { data: { type: 'City', id: '1'} },
cities: { data: [{ type: 'City', id: '1'}] }
console.log((await response.json()).message);
assert.strictEqual(response.status, 201, "Should have created the model");
The first one passes and the second one fails with the message:
Mirage: You're passing the relationship 'capitol_city' to the 'country' model via a POST to '/api/countries', but you did not define the 'capitol_city' association on the 'country' model.
How can I get Mirage to recognise the capitol_city attribute on the model?
Mirage is opinionated with regards to the format of attributes and expects the attributes to be in camelCase (and not snake_case).
Unfortunately the Ember CLI Mirage model relationships documentation does not mention this expectation and all the examples use single-word attributes. Even more unfortunately, Mirage will work with snake_case attributes for simple GET requests and when directly creating models through the API; it is only when you make a request to POST/PUT/PATCH a model into the server that it fails and the message will (confusingly) refer to the snake case attribute which has been defined. (See the Mirage source code for where it fails.)
To solve it, convert the attributes to camel case:
// mirage/models/country.js
import { Model, belongsTo, hasMany } from 'miragejs';
export default Model.extend({
name: '',
iso31661Alpha3: 0,
capitolCity: belongsTo('city', {inverse: null}),
cities: hasMany('city', {inverse: 'country'})
and change it in the tests as well:
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support';
module('Unit | Mirage | mirage models', function (hooks) {
test('it retrieves the country', async function (assert) {
const server = (this as any).server;
let city = server.create('city', { id: '1', name: 'Paris' });
id: 'FR',
name: 'France',
iso31661Alpha3: 'FRA',
capitolCity: city
let response = await fetch('/api/countries')
assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200, "Should have created the model");
let json = await response.json();
data: [
type: 'Country',
id: 'FR',
attributes: {
name: 'France',
iso3166_1_alpha3: 'FRA',
relationships: {
capitol_city: {data: {type: 'City', id: '1'}},
cities: {data: []},
test('it creates the country', async function (assert) {
const server = (this as any).server;
let city = server.create('city', { id: '1', name: 'Paris' });
let response = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Countent-Type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify(
data: {
id: 'FR',
type: 'Country',
attributes: {
iso3166_1_alpha3: 'FRA',
name: 'France',
relationships: {
capitol_city: { data: { type: 'City', id: '1'} },
cities: { data: [{ type: 'City', id: '1'}] }
console.log((await response.json()).message);
assert.strictEqual(response.status, 201, "Should have created the model");
However, once you convert it to camel case then the attribute iso31661Alpha3 does not get formatted correctly in the output so you have to manually change the serializer for the country model:
// mirage/serializers/country.js
import ApplicationSerializer from './application';
export default class CountrySerializer extends ApplicationSerializer
keyForAttribute(attr: string) {
case 'iso31661Alpha3': return 'iso3166_1_alpha3';
default: return super.keyForAttribute(attr);
Once the attributes are in the correct case then it will work.

Why is my Apollo Client optimistic reply failing?

I'm recording this to document the answer to a problem that took me several hours to solve. Scenario:
I'm using two mutation queries on a single component in React Apollo-Client. This is a component wrapped into a larger component to form a page. Something like this (this is not the actual code, but it should give the idea):
import { compose } from 'react-apollo';
// submitNewUser contains
// postedBy
// createdAt
// content
// submitRepository contains
// otherProp
const thisProps1 = {
name: 'mutation1',
props: ({ ownProps, mutation1 }) => ({
submit: ({ repoFullName, commentContent }) => mutation1({
variables: { repoFullName, commentContent },
optimisticResponse: {
__typename: 'Mutation',
submitNewUser: {
__typename: 'Comment',
postedBy: ownProps.currentUser,
content: commentContent,
const thisProps2 = {
name: 'mutation2',
props: ({ ownProps, mutation2 }) => ({
submit: ({ repoFullName, commentContent }) => mutation2({
variables: { repoFullName, commentContent },
optimisticResponse: {
__typename: 'Mutation',
submitRepository: {
__typename: 'Comment',
otherProp: 'foobar',
const ComponentWithMutations = compose(
graphql(submitNewUser, thisProps1),
graphql(submitRepository, thisProps2)
Whenever the optimistic response fires, only the second result is fed back to into the query-response in the outer component. In other words, the first query gives an 'undefined' response (but no error), while the second returns an object as expect.
The property "createdAt" is not included in the optimistic reply.
__typename: 'Comment',
postedBy: ownProps.currentUser,
content: commentContent,
Should be:
__typename: 'Comment',
postedBy: ownProps.currentUser,
createdAt: Date(),
content: commentContent,
A missing field in an optimistic reply will silently fail to return anything to any queries that call that data.

Accessing model properties in Controller - Ember

So, I'm trying to access my model properties in controller.
dashobards: [
{ id: 12, name: 'test' },
{ id: 17, name: 'test2' },
In route I have model named dashboards
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
}).then((hash) => {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
dashboards: hash.dashboards
}, self);
I wanna have result in controller like this:
dashboards: [
{ id: 12, name: 'test' },
{ id: 17, name: 'test2' },
{ id: 17, name: 'test1' },
{ id: 20, name: 'test20' },
In controller I am trying to access this model like this:
this.dashborads = this.get(model.dashobards)
And it's not working, is there any other way of doing that?
Another update How to access complex object which we get it from server in ember data model attibute,
Created twiddle to demonstrate
define attribute with DS.attr(),
export default Model.extend({
route file,
Your server response should be like,
data: [{
type: 'dashboard',
id: 1,
attributes: {
permissions: {'name':'role1','desc':'description'}
hbs file,
{{#each model as |row| }}
Name: {{}} <br/>
Desc: {{row.permissions.desc}} <br />
Still I am not sure about the requirement, Your twiddle should be minimalized working twiddle for better understanding..anyway I will provide my observation,
model(params) {
this.set('id', params.userID);
const self = this;
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
user:'user', params.userID)
}).then((hash) => {
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
user: hash.user,
dashboards: hash.dashboards
}, self);
The above code can be simply written like
model(params) {
this.set('id', params.userID);
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
user:'user', params.userID)
Its good to always initialize array properties inside init method. refer
For removing entry from array,
this.dashboard.pushObject({ 'identifier': '', 'role': '' }); try this this.get('dashboard').pushObject({ 'identifier': '', 'role': '' });.
if possible instead of plain object you can use Ember.Object like
this.get('dashboard').pushObject(Ember.Object.create({ 'identifier': '', 'role': '' }));
For removing entry.
removeDashboard(i) {
let dashboard = Ember.get(this, 'dashboard');
Ember.set(this, 'dashboard', dashboard.removeObject(dashboard[i]));
The above code can be written like, since i is an index
removeDashboard(i) {
Just do return'dashboard'); in route model hook, and dont override setupController hook, then in hbs you should be able to access model that will represent RecordArray. you can have a look at this answer for how to work with this.

Acceptance tests aren't resetting

I have some acceptance tests that test a component. If I run each test separately, they pass just fine. However, when I run the tests together, they fail because they're retaining the values from the previous tests.
Here is my code:
module('Integration - Filter', {
beforeEach: function() {
App = startApp();
server = setupPretender();
afterEach: function() {, 'destroy');
test('filters can be saved and selected via the dropdown', function(assert) {
fillIn('.filter-status', 'Not Completed');
fillIn('.filter-id', '444');
andThen(function() {
assert.ok(find('.status-title').text().includes('2 of 7'), 'the new filter filters the results');
test('only saved filters can be edited', function(assert) {
fillIn('.filter-id', 'not an id');
andThen(function() {
assert.equal(find('.alert').text(), 'Not a Saved Filter×');
test('filter values can be cleared', function(assert) {
fillIn('.filter-id', '444');
fillIn('.filter-status', 'Completed');
andThen(function() {
// this fails because `.filter-id` is set to 'not an id':
assert.equal(find('.filter-id').val(), '', 'filter for was reset to its initial value');
// this also fails because `.filter-status` is set to 'Not Completed':
assert.equal(find('.filter-status').val(), 'Everything', 'status dropdown was reset to its initial value');
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['panel', 'panel-default', 'filter-panel'],
currentFilter: null,
initialValues: null,
didInsertElement: function() {
this.set('initialValues', Ember.copy(this.get('filterValues')));
actions: {
saveFilter: function(name) {
var filters = this._getFilterList();
var filterValues = this.get('filterValues');
if (!Ember.isEmpty(name)) {
filters[name] = filterValues;
this.sendAction('updateFilter', filters);
this.set('currentFilter', name);
updateFilter: function() {
var filterValues = this.get('filterValues');
var currentFilter = this.get('currentFilter')
var filters = this.get('userFilters');
filters[currentFilter] = filterValues;
this.sendAction('updateFilter', filters);
clearFilters: function() {
this.set('currentFilter', null);
this.set('filterValues', Ember.copy(this.get('initialValues')));
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({
filterValues: {
filterStatus: 'Everything',
filterId: 'id',
userFilters: Ember.computed.alias('currentUser.content.preferences.filters')
<div class="row">
From what I gathered, it seems that it sets the initialValues to the filterValues left over from the previous test. However, I thought that the afterEach was supposed to reset it to its original state. Is there a reason why it doesn't reset it to the values in the controller?
Note that the component works normally when I run it in development.
Ember versions listed in the Ember Inspector:
Ember : 1.11.3
Ember Data : 1.0.0-beta.18
I'm running Ember CLI 0.2.7.
I don't think this is the issue at all, but here is my pretender setup:
export default function setupPretender(attrs) {
var users = [
id: 1,
name: 'ttest',
preferences: null
var activities = [
id: 36874,
activity_identifier: '18291',
status: 'Complete'
}, {
id: 36873,
activity_identifier: '82012',
status: 'In Progress'
}, {
id: 35847,
activity_identifier: '189190',
status: 'In Progress'
}, {
id: 35858,
activity_identifier: '189076',
status: 'Not Started'
}, {
id: 382901,
activity_identifier: '182730',
status: 'Not Started'
}, {
id: 400293,
activity_identifier: '88392',
status: 'Complete'
}, {
id: 400402,
activity_identifier: '88547',
status: 'Complete'
return new Pretender(function() {
this.get('api/v1/users/:id', function(request) {
var user = users.find(function(user) {
if ( === parseInt(, 10)) {
return user;
return [200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, JSON.stringify({user: user})];
this.get('api/v1/activities', function(request) {
return [200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, JSON.stringify({
activities: activities
this.put('api/v1/users/:id', function(request) {
var response = Ember.$.parseJSON(request.requestBody); = parseInt(, 10);
var oldUser = users.find(function(user) {
if ( === parseInt(, 10)) {
return user;
var oldUserIndex = users.indexOf(oldUser);
if (oldUserIndex > -1) {
users.splice(oldUserIndex, 1);
return [200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, JSON.stringify(response)];
When I run the tests, it fails because it reset the value to the one in the previous test. For example, when I run 'filter values can be cleared', the .filter-id input has the same .filter-id value from 'only saved filter can be edited. If I change the value in 'only saved filters can be edited'back to '', the 'filter values can be cleared' test passes.
Basically, the component sets the initialValues property when it first inserts the element. It's set to a copy of the filterValues property, so it should be set to the controller's filterValues property, and shouldn't change. However, it seems that the modified filterValues property is carried over to the next test, which means that initialValues is set to that modified property when it rerenders. So, the test rerenders the templates, but retains the modified values in the controller and component.
I can make the tests pass by creating an initialValues property in the controller and passing that into the component, but that'd mean having duplicate properties in the controller (since filterValues and initialValues would have the same values).
I could modify the user record in the component, but I thought we're supposed to only modify records in the controller or router. Besides, isn't the afterEach hook supposed to reset the app?

Ember-data keeps saying "no mdel was found for"

I am trying to write a EMberjs application, using Ember-Data. also, require.js and coffeescript. despite following each and every guide and discussion I could find, i am still getting 'no model was found for' error.
here are my classes: (entry point for require.js):
jQuery: "../javascript/jquery-2.1.1.min"
handlebars: "../javascript/handlebars-v1.3.0"
ember: "../javascript/"
ember_data: "../javascript/",
deps: ["jQuery", "handlebars"]
exports: "Ember"
deps:[ 'ember'],
require ["app", "router"], (app, Router) ->
define "app", ["ember", "ember_data"], (Ember) -> = Ember.Application.create()
app.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend()
define "router", ["app", "ember-data", "ember", "models/person"], (app) ->
-> ->
#route 'home', path: "/"
#resource('person', { path: 'person'}, ->
#route('details', { path: ':slug' })
app.HomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
app.PersonRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: () ->
return #store.find("Person")
class app.Person extends DS.model
first: DS.attr("string")
app.Person.FIXTURES = { person: [
id: 1,
first: "first_1"
id: 2,
first: "first_2"
but when i go to http://localhost:9000/#/person, i get this:
Error while processing route: person.index" "No model was found for 'Person'" "EmberError#http://localhost:9000/assets/javascript/
any idea anyone?
it seems like if I move the file from /models to the same level as main and App, and change the 'define' line in the router accordingly, it works as expected. Still a mystery to me :(
I'm not 100% sure, but the problem might be in wrong formatted fixtures for App.Person.
Could you rewrite fixtures like this?
app.Person.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
first: "first_1"
id: 2,
first: "first_2"
You should be defining your fixtures using reopenClass, so along these lines:
{ id: 1, firstName: 'Trek', lastName: 'Glowacki' },
{ id: 2, firstName: 'Tom' , lastName: 'Dale' }
as seen in the example here
The approach you're using is out of date.