CMake Library Linking using two different compiler versions - c++

I am facing some issues when trying to compile a shared library using CMake on Ubuntu (16.04) and linking it to an executable compiled with CMake on CentOS (6.8).
The first CMakeLists.txt to create the library looks like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
file(GLOB ${SOURCES} SOURCES "src/*.cpp")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11")
which will create
The second CMakeLists.txt is:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++98")
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} "main.cpp")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../build/
Note that the library was built in build directory, while the final executable MyApp is built in a different folder. On Ubuntu this combination works, while generating the library on Ubuntu and compiling only the second part on CentOS throws undefined reference for every function defined in C++11 and not defined in the C++98 standard. In fact, this was initially the reason why I did this: to build the library (containing C++11) with a more recent version of g++, and link it to the executable on CentOS, where an older version, not supporting the standard, is available (I have no root access on CentOS).
I would like to know if what I am trying to do is even possible, and, if yes, what am I missing.
EDIT After the answer of Matthieu Brucher, I added the flag -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 to the first CMakeLists.txt file, in addition to the -std=c++11 flag. This removed undefined reference errors, but stil keeps the following:
undefined reference to `std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&&)#GLIBCXX_3.4.14'
undefined reference to `std::basic_ios<char, std::char_traits<char>>::operator bool() const#GLIBCXX_3.4.21'
undefined reference to `std::random_device::_M_getval()#GLIBCXX_3.4.18'
undefined reference to `std::random_device::_M_fini()#GLIBCXX_3.4.18'
undefined reference to `std::random_device::_M_init(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)#GLIBCXX_3.4.18'

The main issue with this is that the c++11 version has a different abi. If you want to compile c++11 with the old abi, add the macro _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0.
Then the undefined references should be solved.


Cmake undefined reference to `boost::gregorian::greg_month::as_short_string() const'

I spend whole day trying to link the data_time library to my c++ cmake project.
So I am using cmake 3.4 and boost 1.61.0.
I have the class where is a function which is taking local time:
void TestClass::getTime() {
this->endDate = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time();
Then I want to return the value of endDate by function returning string:
string testCalss::Info() {
return to_simple_string(this->beginningDate);
I need to convert the type of endDate variable to string, because function is string type.
I am getting error messages while program is linking:
In function boost::date_time::month_formatter<boost::gregorian::greg_month, boost::date_time::simple_format<char>, char>::format_month(boost::gregorian::greg_month const&, std::ostream&)':
/usr/include/boost/date_time/date_formatting.hpp:44: undefined reference to `boost::gregorian::greg_month::as_short_string() const'
/usr/include/boost/date_time/date_formatting.hpp:49: undefined reference to `boost::gregorian::greg_month::as_long_string() const'
I have read that data_time is not only header-only library and I should build and add it to my project.
I have tried this command gcc myapp.cpp -omyapp -lboost_date_time, and it's does not work because I am using g++ in cmake project and I haven't find nothing for g++.
I also tried this:
c++ -I path/to/boost_1_61_0 example.cpp -o example \
Its example from official boost docs how to link libraries.
In cmake project I have few cpp files. Should I run this command using file where is my converting command?
Is there any easier way to fix this error?
I found out how to solve the problem. The way I choose is simple. First of all I have used the locate */boost/date_time* command to find where is my boost and date_time libraries installed. I did not know what version of boost library I am using, so I used locate command again to find boost/version.hpp file. After that I added few lines to my CmakeLists.txt:
find_package( Boost 1.60.0 COMPONENTS date_time)
target_link_libraries( Program ${Boost_DATE_TIME_LIBRARY} )
Thats all.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
add_executable(boost_ptime ${SOURCE_FILES})
find_package( Boost 1.73 COMPONENTS date_time)
target_link_libraries( boost_ptime ${Boost_DATE_TIME_LIBRARY} )
Thanks to Warszawski Koks, I was able to compile my program in this way. Above is the full CMakeLists.txt file.

How to link compiled cmph library in my project using CMake

In order to use cmph, a perfect minimal hashing library, in my project organised using CMake, I installed cmph library in a ubuntu machine and tested it using a single c file called main.c.
If I try to compile this file using gcc 5.3.0 using the following command:
gcc main.c
I will get the following output
/tmp/ccSOH5ob.o: In function `main':
testperfect.c:(.text+0x63): undefined reference to `cmph_io_vector_adapter'
testperfect.c:(.text+0x73): undefined reference to `cmph_config_new'
testperfect.c:(.text+0x88): undefined reference to `cmph_config_set_algo'
testperfect.c:(.text+0x9b): undefined reference to `cmph_config_set_mphf_fd'
testperfect.c:(.text+0xa7): undefined reference to `cmph_new'
testperfect.c:(.text+0xb7): undefined reference to `cmph_config_destroy'
testperfect.c:(.text+0xca): undefined reference to `cmph_dump'
testperfect.c:(.text+0xd6): undefined reference to `cmph_destroy'
testperfect.c:(.text+0xe2): undefined reference to `cmph_load'
testperfect.c:(.text+0x118): undefined reference to `cmph_search'
testperfect.c:(.text+0x153): undefined reference to `cmph_destroy'
testperfect.c:(.text+0x15f): undefined reference to `cmph_io_vector_adapter_destroy'
But if I run this command:
gcc main.c $(pkg-config --libs cmph) -o main
It will be compiled and run normally.
Now I need to add a similar piece of code in my project and the CMakeList.txt is written like this:
# Compiling flags.
# Inject project config.
find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_search_module(CMPH REQUIRED cmph)
target_link_libraries(Phsim ${CMPH_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(Phsim PUBLIC ${CMPH_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_compile_options(Phsim PUBLIC ${CMPH_CFLAGS_OTHER})
# Compile executable.
add_executable(${PROJECT_EXECUTABLE} ${SOURCES})
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_EXECUTABLE} PROPERTIES
And then I try to run cmake . and make, but only get the error message:
CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:20 (target_link_libraries):
Cannot specify link libraries for target "Phsim" which is not built by this
But I won't get target executable file unless I compile the project. If I try to compile my project without those commands related to library linking, the compiler will give similar link errors provided in the beginning of my question.
I have checked the following questions:
Undefined reference to cmph functions even after installing cpmh library
And I tried instructions provided by these sites:
Many thanks in advance.
Finally Solved.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
set(CMPH_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/local/lib)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
add_executable(testgamma ${SOURCE_FILES})
pkg_check_modules(CMPH REQUIRED cmph)
target_link_libraries(testgamma cmph ${CMPH_INCLUDE_DIR})
Make sure to include pkgconfig at first and add link operations after calling "add_executable"
#usr1234567 Thank you for your attention.

Linking to a static library that uses boost libraries causes link errors in cmake

I am developing a library (let's say mylibrary) to be used by some third-party applications. My library is build and compiled by cmake (on CentOS 7 and g++ 4.8) and uses some boost libraries, such as thread, log, system, filesystem and date_time (version 1.61.0). To test my lib, I've developed a very simple tester (let's call it tester). The point is that my library can by successfully built and linked, but the tester cannot. Let me show the contents of cmake files below:
In the main cmake file that is dedicated to building mylibrary, I have added boost in this way:
SET(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.51.0" "1.52.0"
"1.53.0" "1.54.0" "1.55.0" "1.56.0" "1.57.0" "1.58.0"
"1.60.0" "1.61.0" "1.61.0" "1.62.0" "1.63.0" "1.64.0")
find_package(Boost REQUIRED)
find_package(Boost 1.61.0 COMPONENTS thread log log_setup filesystem system date_time)
To add the library, I have used these lines of code:
add_library (mylibrary ${MYLIBRARY_SRC})
In the last lines of this cmake files, I have added the tester directory in this way:
message(STATUS "tester is enabled and will be built")
add_subdirectory (tester)
and for the tester, I have a very simple cmake file like this:
add_executable(tester tester.cpp)
message(STATUS , "Boost_libraries are ${Boost_LIBRARIES}")
target_link_libraries(tester mylibrary ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
Now, whenever I build my project, my library is built successfully, but when the tester is going to be linked, I face lots of linker errors like this:
../../lib/mylibrary.a (Logger.cpp.o): In function `void boost::log::v2s_mt_posix::basic_formatting_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::aligned_write<wchar_t>(wchar_t const*, long)':
/home/john/local/include/boost/log/utility/formatting_ostream.hpp:702: undefined reference to `boost::log::v2s_mt_posix::aux::code_convert(wchar_t const*, unsigned long, std::string&, std::locale const&)'
/home/john/local/include/boost/log/utility/formatting_ostream.hpp:696: undefined reference to `boost::log::v2s_mt_posix::aux::code_convert(wchar_t const*, unsigned long, std::string&, std::locale const&)'
The point is that I have printed the Boost_LIBRARIES variable before linking the tester and everything seems fine.
Well, the root cause of this issue was exactly the same asked in this question.
p.s. J.J.Hakala answered this question in the comments. I asked him to write his reply as an answer, so I can accept it. But he has not replied yet and I decided to write the answer myself. If this action is wrong form S.O.'s point of view or if I should ask moderators to make my Q duplicate, please let me know.

How to correct CMAKE error: package 'opencv' not found

OK, I know that opencv linking has been discussed before, but I can't see an error and I don't understand the corrective action. I'm trying to link DBoW2 library, which requires opencv. I'm getting undefined reference errors.
$ mingw32-make
Linking CXX shared library ..\lib\libDBoW2.dll
CMakeFiles\DBoW2.dir/objects.a(FORB.cpp.obj):FORB.cpp:(.text+0x124): undefined reference to `cv::Mat::zeros(int, int, int)'
CMakeFiles\DBoW2.dir/objects.a(FORB.cpp.obj):FORB.cpp:(.text+0x1db): undefined reference to `cv::fastFree(void*)'
CMakeFiles\DBoW2.dir/objects.a(FORB.cpp.obj):FORB.cpp:(.text+0x394): undefined reference to `cv::Mat::deallocate()'
CMakeFiles\DBoW2.dir/objects.a(FORB.cpp.obj):FORB.cpp:(.text+0x46a): undefined reference to `cv::Mat::copyTo(cv::_OutputArray const&) const'
CMakeFiles\DBoW2.dir/objects.a(FORB.cpp.obj):FORB.cpp:(.text+0x503): undefined reference to `cv::Mat::copySize(cv::Mat const&)'
CMakeFiles\DBoW2.dir/objects.a(FORB.cpp.obj):FORB.cpp:(.text+0x93f): undefined reference to `cv::Mat::create(int, int const*, int)'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Here's the CMakeLists.txt file
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -O3 -march=native ")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -O3 -march=native")
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
add_library(DBoW2 SHARED ${SRCS_DBOW2} ${SRCS_DUTILS})
target_link_libraries(DBoW2 ${OpenCV_LIBS})
I'm using the gui interface, and the parameter OpenCV_DIR automatically sets to C:/OpenCV/minwg_64. Under that directory there is a directory lib containing library files like "libopencv_videostab300.dll.a"
The CMakeCache.txt file contains the lines
//Dependencies for the target
From what I've read, the following lines should be sufficient, but I'm getting the linker errors.
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(DBoW2 ${OpenCV_LIBS})
Edit 1:
In response to Chris Maes
added the pkg check
pkg_check_modules (OPENCV REQUIRED opencv)
Now the configure causes an error, which is progress, but I'm still at a loss. I must have an error in the opencv installation / build. I do have a second copy on an external drive, that was built recently (and easily) using something like cmake .. . But setting OpenCV_DIR to the external build produces the same error.
Found PkgConfig: C:/msys64/usr/bin/pkg-config.exe (found version "0.28")
checking for module 'opencv'
package 'opencv' not found
Edit 2:
Here are the settings that CMake automatically generates when I start a new cache and press generate twice (first time it only generates the make, sh).
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX C:/Program Files (x86)/DBoW2
CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/mingw32-make.exe
CMAKE_SH C:/msys64/usr/bin/sh.exe
OpenCV_DIR C:/OpenCV/minwg_64
The directory C:/OpenCV/minwg_64 contains the opencv library built from mingw gcc 64, and cmake files including OpenCVConfig.cmake and directories bin and lib. I wonder if I need directory staticlib?
For windows environment, I have
OPENCV_DIR = C:\OpenCV\minwg_64 (where built bin and lib are located)
PATH includes C:\OpenCV\minwg_64\bin
On linux I use pkg_check_modules plugin for cmake:
find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED )
find_package( PkgConfig REQUIRED )
pkg_check_modules (OPENCV REQUIRED opencv)
target_link_libraries(DBoW2 ${OPENCV_LDFLAGS})
note: I don't remember why I used hardcoded /usr/include/opencv2, but I guess OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIRS wasn't any good when I tried. There might be a more clean way :)

unresolved symbols while linking boost program options

A user of my project reported this error to me. I cannot reproduce it on my computer or my lab's server, so I ask it here.
The project uses CMake to generate build environment. It uses the FindBoost utility (provided with CMake) to find Boost resources.
On the beginning, my user said while linking the final programs, the compiler was provided with "/usr/lib64/lib64/", instead of the correct "/usr/lib64/". I failed to find why CMake generated such weird library location, and asked him to manually set the variable Boost_LIBRARIES, and print them:
Boost libraries are: /usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/;/usr/lib64/
Things seem to be correct. The compilation was successful. But when it goes to linking, the program cries about many undefined symbols:
CMakeFiles/ht-filter.dir/ht-filter.cpp.o: In function `parse_options(int, char**)':
/public/home/yli/Downloads/htqc-0.15.0-Source/ht-filter.cpp:43: undefined reference to `boost::program_options::options_description::options_description(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
/usr/local/include/boost/program_options/errors.hpp:372: undefined reference to `boost::program_options::validation_error::get_template(boost::program_options::validation_error::kind_t)'
This is the two typical of the so-many errors: one locates from my source code, the other locates from boost's header. In the corresponding line of my source code, I just created the options_description object
// I renamed boost::program_options to opt
opt::options_description opt_main("Options:");
The OS of my user is CentOS 6.2, and his Boost version is 1.50.0 which is similiar with the one in my computer. The version of CMake of my user is 2.8.11 which is also same with mine.
While using CMake's find_package for Boost, you can give a few hints to CMake which may help it find the correct library, such as:
set(BOOST_ROOT "/usr")
find_package(Boost 1.50.0)
Also if you are linking with dynamic libs make sure to let Boost headers know about it (I think you shouldn't mess with the order in here):
add_definitions( -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK )